Sunday, June 2, 2013


Anaconda Augusta (Husband of Anaconda Angelina):- Our 5 children have not returned from South Atlantic Ocean. They don’t take such a long time to come back. Your sister Annie got killed yesterday. My brother Avalon is missing. Something is surely going wrong for us in the South Atlantic Ocean. You should not have given permission to our 5 children today to go and venture out in the South Atlantic Ocean.

Anaconda Angelina:- Everyday, our children hunt for other aquatic creatures in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is just a normal thing. Don’t be too tensed about it. Anyway, we will wait for another half an hour. If they don’t return by that time, both of us will start swimming towards the South Atlantic Ocean waters.

Arindam:- Oh! Well Done! All the relatives of Anaconda Angelina are dead. Our strategy worked well. Thanks to you and your team also, Pinto.

Pinto (Leader of the Mayan fishes):- Oh! Don’t be so complacent. The real battle is yet to begun. Unlike all these dead anacondas lying here, the Anaconda Angelina’s movement is very fast. She can swim in a lighting speed to confuse you totally.  Wait, we can smell the anacondas nearby. It is the peculiar body odour of Anaconda Angelina. Maybe, she is hiding behind those coral bushes. 

Mirinda (out of excitement):- There it is. It is the Anaconda Angelina there. It is coming towards me. Let me tackle it.

Pinto:- That’s not Angelina, he is Augusta. The real danger is behind you all. Just turn back. Anaconda Angelina has already given a deadly bite on the left hand of Tendula. 

Arindam:- Dronankur and Maradon, please act as a back-up of Mirinda to kill Anaconda Augusta. I will go and help Tendula.

Pinto (instructing to other Mayan fishes):- All the Mayan fishes are hereby requested to create small shoals or groups and start swimming in front of Anaconda Angelina to confuse her during the fight against Arindam and Tendula.

Tendula:- Arindam, I have already pierced my sword once on the body of Anaconda Angelina. The bleeding has started. She will become tired after a few minutes. 

Arindam:- There is no time to talk, boss. A wounded anaconda is more ferocious. Target the eyes. 

Mirinda:- Thanks Dronankur. You pierced the sword at the mouth of Anaconda Augusta at the right time to kill it. 

Dronankur:- Oh! No need to mention about it. Look at Anaconda Angelina. She is fighting hard with so many injuries in her body. Both Arindam and Tendula are injured now. Maradon and Mirinda, come on, let us attack that bloody anaconda from behind to kill it.


Maradon:- Finally, the deadly anaconda has been killed. Really! What a fighter she is!

Mirinda:- My dear hubby, you are not coming with us now. You have severely injured your tail-fin. The same is the case with Tendula’s left hand. Both of you go back to the Argentina Coastal Waters to get cured.

Dronankur:- Yeah! Mirinda is right. I, Maradon and Mirinda will swim towards the Brasilia Cave to take that diamond.


Minister Monduka:- Your Highness! There is a bad news. Someone has kidnapped Viswajeet from the training center at Akalan.

Emperor Kakrasa:- What are you saying? Who has dared to kidnap my grandson? 

King Vikrant:- Dad, an unknown mermale has left a papyrus leaf in front of the main door of our Greenland Fort.  Something is written on this leaf.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Yes! What is written on that papyrus leaf? Just read it out loudly.

King Vikrant:- ‘Release Avinash within the next 24 hours at Megunaz, otherwise, we will send you the dead body of Viswajeet.’

Emperor Kakrasa:- Order all our warriors to start searching in every nook and corner of our Sea World to find out Viswajeet at any cost. Search my grandson within the next 24 hours.


Mirinda:- Brasilia Cave is one of the darkest cave I have seen till now. Anyway, we have got the diamond. Now, let us go back to Turtle Taraknath.

Dronankur:- Yeah! Sure! Your Highness!


Priest Jubilion:- I have got a secret news. Vikrant’s son has been kidnapped.

Turtle Taraknath:- Yeah! I got that secret information before you. I know that kidnapper of Viswajeet.

Priest Jubilion (shouted with excitement):- What are you saying?

Turtle Taraknath:- Hussh! I will tell you everything later. Secrets should remain as secrets. Stop the discussion now as Arindam is coming towards us.

Arindam:- I am feeling much better now. Thanks to Doctor Sthatolona. Where is Doctor Sthatolona?

Doctor Sthatolona:- Here I am. Hey, look there. Mirinda, Maradon and Dronankur have arrived safely to our base ground with that lovely diamond. 

Tendula:- Oh! I was thinking about you all only. Good to see that all of you have returned safely. 

Mirinda:- Ok! Ok! Just relax! Be well, soon.

Turtle Tilak:- Father, I think that it will be safe for us to move towards Cuba Coastal Waters as we have already spent around 15 days at this same location.

Turtle Taraknath:- Yeah! You are right. Ok! Tonight, we will start swimming towards Cuba Coastal Waters.


A warrior of Kakrasa:- When we went to Megunaz, we hardly saw any mermale or mermaid there. Only the octopuses were there. When we released Avinash there, some octopuses came forward to see that little mermale. 

King Vikrant:- Strange! An invisible force is fooling us or what. When you all returned to Greenland Fort, we saw Viswajeet swimming towards our Fort. When I asked to him about his kidnapper, he said that his eyes were tied with a piece of cloth. So, he has not seen the face of his kidnapper.


Viswajeet:- Mom! I am back again. Were you weeping when I was with the kidnapper?

Queen Diana:- No, not at all. Had you not been kidnapped, your father would have married another mermaid.

Viswajeet:- What are you saying, mom? I am not able to get the inner meaning of your sentence.

Queen Diana:- You don’t need to understand everything at this stage of your life.


Arindam:- What’s the next instruction on the magical wooden plate?

Mirinda:- ‘Meet Pirate Jack at a lonely Jamaican island to know about the special under-water boat. Only that special under-water boat can help you to reach at the entrance of Bermuda Triangle.’

Turtle Taraknath:- Well; it seems to be a very easy task. Just meet someone and have a ride on a special under-water boat. Arindam, take all these valuables and keep it in your leather bag. Now, you have Platinum biscuit, Pearl and Diamond. Tendula is too injured to go with you. Maradon and Dronankur will accompany you both. Come back safely to this Cuba Coastal Waters as early as possible. Best of Luck!


Emperor Kakrasa:- Have you got any clue about that kidnapper?

Minister Monduka:- No, Your Highness! But, yesterday, a group of mermales of Jatikano community killed some mermales of Rajakya community in Oprestonia Kingdom. Even, we have information that some mermales of Jatikano community are creating their base grounds in Tabernia kingdom. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- Just find those mermales of Jatikano community and start killing them. Don’t show any mercy at all.


Priest Jubilion:- Yes, now, tell me, who kidnapped Vikrant’s son?

Turtle Taraknath:- Bombino.

Priest Jubilion:- Oh! My God! What a brave mermale he is!


Mirinda:- The marble plate is showing that we have to go towards this direction to reach the sea beach of that Jamaican island where Pirate Jack is living at present. 

Arindam:- Have you gone crazy? It is almost impossible to swim through this region of Caribbean Sea. This is the region of the Caribbean Sea where all the deadly jelly fishes of the Sea World live.

Maradon (whispering at Dronankur):- Tendula was right. That’s why; he gave us body armors.

Dronankur (whispering at Maradon):- Yeah! That’s true.

Arindam:- What are you both whispering about? Both of you are having big leather bags tied at your back. What’s there in those leather bags?

Maradon and Dronankur:- Body armors, specially created by Tendula with Shark’s skins. 

Mirinda:- Only wearing body armors will not do. We have to swim very fast and in a very acrobatic style.


Dronankur:- Thank God! We are still alive after passing through the region of jelly fishes. But, that small four-eyed jelly fish has successfully inserted some venom in my body. 

Maradon:- Oh! In my case, it was the beautiful pink colored jelly fish. That jelly fish attacked me. Some venom is also there in my body. Hey, Mirinda, a squid is swimming towards you.

Mirinda (killed the squid with the sword):- Oh! You bloody squid. Go to hell. Ok, now, everyone listen to me very carefully. As per the marble plate, we are very near to Pirate Jack. We have to swim towards the water surface and then look out for Pirate Jack at the beach of this Jamaican island. Come on!


Maradon (After popping his head above the surface of Caribbean Sea Water):- Yeah! I can see a human being, lying on the sea beach while holding a bottle at his right hand.

Mirinda (After popping her head above the surface of Caribbean Sea Water):- Yes, he is the Pirate Jack. He is sleeping now.

Arindam (After popping his head above the surface of Caribbean Sea Water):- Oh! He is a drunkard. That bottle is a bottle of alcohol.

Dronankur (After popping his head above the surface of Caribbean Sea Water):- Let us call him together and loudly.

Maradon, Mirinda, Arindam and Dronankur (shouted loudly together):- Pirate Jack. Please wake up.

Pirate Jack (woke up in a surprising act):- Oh! Who is calling me?

Maradon:- We are calling you. Look here. I am a mermale. There are two other mermales with us and she is Mermaid Mirinda.

Pirate Jack:- (talking to himself):- Now, this is called ‘Rum Effect’. I am too much drunk to see mermaids and mermales now.

Mirinda:- What are you murmuring to yourself, Pirate Jack? We want your help.

Pirate Jack:- Wow! You are really beautiful and I always love beautiful ladies. Oh! Sorry! You are a mermaid. I like mermaids also, though; I am seeing a mermaid in reality for the first time. So, Mermaid Mirinda, how can this pirate help you?

Mirinda:- We want to have a ride on the special under-water boat to reach to the entry door of Bermuda Triangle.

Pirate Jack (stared at the Rum bottle for a few seconds and then looked at Mirinda and started talking to himself again):- Oh! Now it is a confirmation that it is not real. I am still in my dream world. Otherwise, who could have ever dared to ask about that special under-water boat! If you want to die, then only start a journey towards Bermuda Triangle.

Arindam:- Oho! Again you are murmuring to yourself. Tell us, where is that special under-water boat?

Pirate Jack:- Why should I tell you? I mean; why you want that boat?

Dronankur:- We want to get rid of a cruel Emperor of our Sea World. That cruel Emperor can only be killed with a special sword which is kept inside Bermuda Triangle only.

Pirate Jack:- Oh! Cruelty is such a bloody word, you see. Even, I am always against cruelty. I am also against cruel kings and captains. Ok! Swim eastwards along the coastline of this Jamaican Island for half an hour or so. After half an hour, you will reach Barbados Port. Just half a kilometer north of Barbados Port, there is a region which is known as Ecuador Coral Reefs. The boat is anchored there. Best of luck to all of you!

Dronankur:- Arindam and Mirinda, both of us have a request. I and Maradon are feeling very weak. Venoms of jelly-fishes are weakening our body.

Pirate Jack:- Oh! Venoms of jelly-fishes! Both of you are lucky that you are still alive. In 90% cases, we, the humans die even if 10% of venoms of jelly fishes enter our body. Don’t worry; I know about some herbs in this island. After eating those herbs, you will be alright after a few days. See, I am a lonely person in this island. Both of you can rest here for some days. At least, I will not feel bored. By the way, sometimes it is better to take long routes instead of short routes to reach here. 

Maradon:- Yeah! We know that we have taken the shortest route from Cuba coastal waters to reach here. 

Pirate Jack:- Don’t worry; I will tell you about the longest and safest route to reach back Cuba coastal waters again.

Arindam :- Ok! Then! Both Dronankur and Maradon will rest here for some days and go back to their base ground.
Mirinda:- Yeah! We need to go now. Bye to all.

Maradon, Dronankur and Pirate Jack:- Wishing you good luck, Arindam and Mirinda.


Arindam:- Aah! Here is that special under-water boat. Mirinda, pull out that anchor of this boat from the sea-bed.

Mirinda:- Ok! Yeah! I have pulled out the anchor. Oh! No! The boat has started moving automatically.

Arindam:- This is a magical under-water boat. You don’t need any oars to drive it. Just let us board on the boat.

Bombino:- Wait a minute! Just press the boat on its two sides; it will decrease its speed. I also need to board on that boat.

Arindam and Mirinda (in a surprise look):- Bombino !!!

Bombino (after boarding the boat):- Oh! Sorry! Please don’t mind. I reached the Jamaican island through the longest route from Cuba Coastal Waters. Turtle Taraknath told me that both of you will be available here. I was spying on you all while you were talking with Pirate Jack. 

Mirinda:- But, I and Arindam are sufficient for this mission. We just need to enter inside the Bermuda Triangle and then we will come out with that special sword. It is as simple as that. Bombino, you must have stayed with Maradon and Dronankur to look after their health instead of coming with us.

Bombino (after a pause):- Turtle Taraknath knows more about Bermuda Triangle. He told me everything about Bermuda Triangle. See, I have no one. I have lost all my relatives. I am alone now. So, I have nothing to lose at all. 

Arindam:- What are you trying to say? You are creating too much suspense for us. 

Bombino:- Mirinda, can you please read the instruction on that magical wooden plate?

Mirinda:- ‘Sacrifice is the key to success inside the Bermuda Triangle. You can never go out alone from this Bermuda Triangle if you enter inside the Bermuda Triangle alone.’

Bombino:- So, have you understood the meaning of it?

Arindam and Mirinda:- No! 

Bombino:- Anyway, we have reached the entry door of the Bermuda Triangle. Let us anchor the under-water boat here. Arindam, can you see the three small bowls attached at the three vertices of the equilateral triangular door of Bermuda Triangle.  Just put Platinum biscuit on the 1st bowl, Pearl on the 2nd bowl and Diamond on the 3rd bowl to open the door.

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