Sunday, February 17, 2013


Bombino:- Today is the lovers’ day. Let us celebrate. On every 1st day of spring season, we celebrate the lovers’ day. After losing my wife, I am yet to get a new mermaid to fall in love again.

Dobla:- Oh! There are lots of beautiful mermaids in our Oprestonia kingdom. If you want a beautiful mermaid, then I can help you out in that matter. Every year on lovers’ day, we conduct a ballad of lovers. Each mermale wears a lovely yellow colored gown and each mermaid wears a blue colored gown. A mermale has to gift a Sea-Pinkrose (A pink colored flower which looks quite similar to a rose flower) to his beloved mermaid and a mermaid has to give a lovely kiss as an acceptance of that flower.

Bombino:- Wow! What a romantic ritual! I am becoming nostalgic about my wife, late Shakira. Where the ballad is going to happen?

Dobla:- The ballad takes place in front of the Fort Kelonx of our Oprestonia kingdom after the sunset of lovers’ day.


Arindam:- I have always loved you and will keep on loving you. To make our love more precious, please accept this Sea-Pinkrose from your beloved hubby.

Mirinda:- Oh! Thank you, sweetheart. As per their rituals, the acceptance of this sweet flower is not complete without a deep kiss. Come closer to me. Let me remind you of my romantic kissing attitude.

Arindam:- Whoa! What a deep kiss! I am falling deeply in love with you. 

King Criston (King of Oprestonia Kingdom):- All the lovers are now requested to start the ballad. I will also participate in the ballad with my Queen Zinia.

Mermales and mermaids of Oprestonia Kingdom:- Hurrah! Happy Lovers’ Day!

King Criston:- Oh! Happy Lovers’ Day to you all! Start the music.

Musicians of Oprestonia Kingdom:- ‘Love! Love! Love! Oh! What a sweet word! What a sweet feeling! Oh! My sweetheart, please keep on loving, keep on hugging, keep on kissing, keep on dancing to make my heart melt all the time. Love! Love! Love! Another romantic word! Oh! God! I pray to thee; whenever I die, I must die for my beloved; when I live, I must live for my beloved. Love! Love! Love! Sometimes it brings tears. Sometimes it cheers. The amount of pain the broken heart bears. Love! Love! Love! No matter what happens! Never stop loving to make this a beautiful romantic world. On this lovers’ day, we take an oath in front of Sea-God that we will always keep on loving. Love! Love! Love! What a lively, lovely and laborious word! ‘

King Criston:- Wow! Thank you to all our musicians for a great performance. Everyone, please give a big round of applause for our musicians. Their new song on Love has won our hearts.

Audiences outside Fort Kelonx (with a big round of applause):- Hurrah!

King Criston:- We are ending our ballad session here. Now, it is time for some lovely dinner and cocktail party. I have one earnest request to all of you. Don’t consume too much Sea-alcohol. Tonight, all the mermales and mermaids of our Oprestonia Kingdom have been invited in our Lovers’ Day Party. Enjoy the party.


Bombino:- Who was that leading singer?

Dobla:- Why? She is a very beautiful mermale. Her name is Julie. She has lost her hubby two months back. Her hubby died due to a viral sea-fever. Should I get you introduced with her? No, no, don’t feel shy. Tonight is the night of Lovers’ Day night. If your heart is beating, then just tell me. 

Bombino:- No! Nothing like that! But, she is really pretty.

Dobla:- Oh! You are such a shy mermale. Follow me.


Mirinda:- Tonight we have really enjoyed the party.

Arindam:- Yeah! The mermales and mermaids of Oprestonia Kingdom really enjoy the Lovers’ Day fully. At least, in our Tabernia Kingdom, we never used to enjoy Lovers’ Day in this fashion. But, still, our kingdom is our kingdom. I am missing our Tomasi village.

Mirinda:- After 2 days, you all are going to attack the Fort Gomrank of Tabernia kingdom. Is this information correct?

Arindam:- Yeah! It is. 

Mirinda:- I need to tell you something. It is very happy news for you.

Arindam:- What happy news you have?

Mirinda:- I am pregnant.

Arindam:- What! Really! Wow! Wait, let me kiss you first. Oh! That’s really good news. 

Mirinda:- But, it is not good for you to go for a battle now. We are not facing any problem in this Oprestonia kingdom. Everyone is happy. We are living peacefully here. Then, why go for battles again? Let us settle down here. 

Arindam:- We are a refugee in this kingdom. Try to understand. These mermales and mermaids of Oprestonia Kingdom are treating us as guests in front of us but at our back, they are passing the comments that we are just refugees of this kingdom. Tabernia kingdom is our motherland. Vikrant has taken control of our kingdom illegally. We have to fight back to get back freedom of our Tabernia kingdom. 

Mirinda:- It is a wastage of time to make you understand. Do whatever you feel like. But, don’t take unnecessary risks while fighting. Remember, if you die in the battle, I will kill myself. 

Arindam:- I will give you a tight slap if you utter that sentence again. No matter what happens to me, you cannot kill yourself because you are going to become a mother. As per our sea-world mythology, whenever a pregnant mermaid kills herself, it is regarded as a sin.

Mirinda:- Is it not regarded as a sin to engage in battles by leaving your pregnant wife in anxiety?

Arindam:- Please Mirinda! Don’t get too hyper. Nothing will happen to me. Please cool down and relax. Please! Go to sleep, dear. Our future guest need some rest also. 


Scientist Suleiman:- I went to visit the source of that bloody Tsunami. It was artificially created. I got a broken device and a nuclear element. 

Zwala:- Again, it is a master plan of Emperor Kakrasa. My brother Zumlu died in that Tsunami. Around 100 whales died. 

Winston:- Many of them got killed by Kakrasa’s warriors.

Zwala:- I will take the revenge of my father’s death and brother’s death. Nobody can stop me.

Scientist Suleiman:- You want to take revenge of your father’s death. I am feeling like killing my own father.

Winston:- Don’t be crazy! All of you; please calm down! We have to play the game with our cool heads. Already, Emperor Kakrasa has filed a case against those unknown culprits who broke the Biggendo prison. COJA has no evidences that we have done that. 

Arindam:- So, what’s our next plan? 

General Damus:- The plan remains the same. We will conquer the Fort Gomrank of Tabernia kingdom. King Vikrant is yet to return from his honeymoon period. At least 500 warriors of Emperor Kakrasa are guarding that Fort Gomrank with some Generals. 

Arindam:- How many soldiers we have?

General Damus:- Around 200.

Arindam:- 200 against 500. How to win the battle?

General Damus:- Some battles are won by strategies, not by the number of soldiers. I hope you know Dronankur. He has a plan.

Arindam:- Dronankur is a mad mermale. What plan he has?

Dronankur:- Ha ha ha…Please let me show my madness. Just at a distance of 2 Kms south of the Gomrank Fort, there is a small jungle of Bribony bushes. During winter times, at the roots of Bribony bushes, some Sea-termites hibernate. I have a special type of pesticide which is too strong enough to wake up any termite hibernating under the soil near the roots of any Bribony bush. During spring time, some of these termites have wings. Most of termites have a life-cycle of 1 year. For example, if a termite takes birth in this summer season, then it has to die before the next summer season. Moreover, some termites have wings just 1 week before dying. There are special types of red colored termites known as Flagonellius Corpollenae. They are popularly known as Flagocorp. Most of these termites die during spring season. After coming out of hibernation, when they do their movement in the sea waters in a group, they secrete out a special type of liquid known as Rotenomus. Even 10 ml of Rotenomus is powerful enough to make a mermale senseless for around 15 minutes. After applying pesticide on the Bribony bushes, the termites are bound to come out of their hibernation due to the strong poisonous effect of Flagocorp. Termites will start running out from the jungle of Bribony bushes towards the Gomrank Fort after 20 minutes of applying the pesticide. When the termites will pass along the Fort Gomrank, I can assure you that at least half of the Kakrasa’s warriors who are standing outside the Fort Gomrank will become senseless for around 15 minutes. At that point of time, you have to target all the senseless warriors with your arrows to kill them. 

General Damus:- We will have 10 flanks. The first 5 flanks will cover the entire Fort Gomrank. Once the senseless warriors of Kakrasa get killed, another 5 flanks will act as a backup to attack the Fort Gomrank. 

Arindam:- Nice strategy! But, if the termites don’t come out of the bushes even after application of pesticide, then what will we do?

Maradon:- Don’t worry; I, Panduram and Tendula will be with Dronankur in that jungle of Bribony bushes. We will make sure by hook or crook that not a single termite remain inside that jungle of Bribony bushes. We will start cutting the bushes. If there will be no roots of Bribony bushes, they have no place to hibernate. 

Arindam:- Ok! Then! We will start our battle tomorrow midnight. 


Dronankur:- Everyone, wear your masks and take out your respective sword.  Now, let me apply the Flagocorp pesticide. 

Tendula:- Give us the packets of pesticides. We will start applying it on the roots of Bribony bushes. The job will get done faster.

Dronankur:- Ok, take these packets.

Maradon:- Panduram, you start applying from that direction.


Winston:- Already 30 minutes gone. What the hell is Dronankur doing? Neither he is signaling with a red cloth, nor are the termites starting to swim in a group.

Bombino:- Ha ha ha..Actually, these termites use their wings as fins only, because there is water everywhere.

Dobla:- Oh! Bombino! We are feeling tensed out here and you are joking.

Scientist Suleiman:- Hussh! Guys! Dronankur has given the signal with a red cloth. Now, take your positions. The Flagocorp termites are about to pass along Fort Gomrank. 


One warrior of Kakrasa in front of Fort Gomrank:- I am seeing lots of red colored termites swimming in a group tonight. Strange! I have hardly seen these types of termites. I am feeling very drowsy now. 

Another warrior of Kakrasa in front of Fort Gomrank:- Yeah! I am feeling the same. I am feeling as my head is spinning. Oh! It is not a bad idea to go to sleep.


Arindam (signaling while whispering):- Attack! 

Dobla:- Oh! Bombino! Your aim is so poor. You missed the target. Look at my archery. Whoa! One down! Don’t stare at me. Keep on targeting the warriors, Bombino. If you die, what answer I will give to Julie. 

Bombino:- Oh! Yeah! This arrow goes in dedication to my Juile. See the fun! I have killed one warrior now. Fantastic!

Dobla:- Oh! Next time, I should not include a funny character like you in a battle squad. 

General Damus:- Listen to me very carefully. All the warriors of Kakrasa standing outside the Fort Gomrank have been killed. Give the signal with the green cloth to Dronankur and his team to come out of those bushes. All the 5 backup flanks are requested to take your positions. This will be a very tough battle. We are around 200 in number. At least 250 odd warriors are inside the Fort Gomrank. Best of luck to all of you! Let us fight like true soldiers. Attack!

Zwala:- Hey! General Damus, can I join your battle squad? If you don’t mind!

General Damus:- We did not invite you here. Anyway, you can join us.

Zwala:- Now, watch the battle of destruction. Attack everybody.


King Okuta:- General Hiuen, make sure that Vikrant comes to Kylowga kingdom after completing his honeymoon.

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