Saturday, June 22, 2013


Vladimir (New Leader of Jatikano community):- Your Highness! We have got secret information. On the night, when King Vikrant was attacked; Queen Diana and Prince Vikrant started their journey towards Greenland. But, due to depressions in North Atlantic Ocean for 1 week or so, Queen Diana and Prince Vikrant are hiding themselves inside a cave in Bay of Biscay.

Queen Mirinda:- That’s a good news, Vladimir. Dronankur, you must go to Bay of Biscay with some of our fighters to kill both Queen Diana and Prince Vikrant. 

Dronankur:- Your Highness! Already, the Kakrasa’s warriors are marching towards our Tabernia kingdom. Our first priority should be to defend the Tabernia kingdom from their attacks.

King Arindam:- Yes! Dronankur is right. 

Queen Mirinda:- Emperor Kakrasa has already ordered around 1500 warriors to march towards our Tabernia kingdom. In our Tabernia kingdom, there are around 400 fighters only. Sometimes, you need to lose small battles to win the big war. Order everyone to move out of Tabernia kingdom as early as possible. Already, our fighters have conquered Oprestonia and Kylowga kingdoms. We will form a combined force against Kakrasa’s warriors. 

Maradon:- I think that our queen is right. 

King Arindam:- Ok! I will order everyone to move out of Tabernia kingdom. By the way, Vladimir, you can proceed towards Bay of Biscay.

Vladimir:- I was eager to hear that order. Thank you.


Roland (New Army General of Emperor Kakrasa):- Your Highness! We marched through Tabernia kingdom and even marched inside Fort Gomrank. There was not a single mermale or mermaid. It was looking like an abandoned place. We have conquered Tabernia kingdom without any opposition at all. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! I am making you the King of Tabernia kingdom. Also, your assistant, Sasanka, will be the Army General of Tabernia kingdom.

Minister Monduka:- But, why did they surrendered so easily? They must be having some bigger plans. 

Painter Paintal:- Your Highness! May I come inside the Royal Court?

Emperor Kakrasa:- Of course! How can I say no to a talented painter like you!

Painter Paintal:- I have some secret information. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! What are those?

Painter Paintal:- Actually, the mermales and the mermaids of Jatikano community spread the rumors that Queen Diana has committed suicide after killing her son as she was attacked by her enemies. But, actually, your grandson and daughter-in-law are both alive. They are stuck inside a cave in Bay of Biscay due to sea storms at a stretch for 3 days.

Emperor Kakrasa:- I need to send someone to rescue Diana and Vikrant.

Sasanka (Roland’s assistant):- Give me the permission to go to Bay of Biscay with our warriors.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! You are permitted to go. 

Minister Monduka:- Painter Paintal, do you have any other secret information?

Painter Paintal:- King Arindam has got the magical sword to kill our Emperor Kakrasa. Emperor Kakrasa can only be killed with that magical sword. Turtle Taraknath has helped King Arindam to get that magical sword.


Prince Viswajeet:- Mom, I am too hungry. There is no sea storm outside this cave. Can I go out of this cave to pluck some roseberries? I am too hungry.

Queen Diana:- I am hungry too! Ok! The sea has become more peaceful than before. Come on; let us go outside the cave and start swimming towards Greenland.


One of the Kakrasa’s warriors:- Look out here! This is the Blue Leather Hat. 

Sasanka:- Last year only, our Emperor Kakrasa gifted this Blue Leather Hat to Prince Viswajeet on his birthday. Maybe, our Prince has lost this Hat in the Sea Storm. Search for both of them. They may be in this region only.

Another warrior of Emperor Kakrasa:- Look there! The fighters of Jatikano community are chasing someone. Their leader is shouting out something.

Vladimir:- Fighters! We have spotted Queen Diana and Prince Viswajeet. Kill both of them. Chase them.

Sasanka:- Oh! These bloody mermales of Jatikano community! Warriors! Let us teach them a lesson. I want to gift the dead body of that leader of Jatikano community to Emperor Kakrasa.


Emperor Kakrasa:- No! No! No! Turtle Taraknath! I am not interested in knowing about the positive things of that magical sword. I want to know the negative things of that magical sword. Every object in this world has a strong point and a weak point. I want to know the weak point of that magical sword. Otherwise, you know me very well. I am still the Emperor.

Turtle Taraknath:-  No! No! Please don’t kill my son, Tilak. Please! I am telling you the weak point of that magical sword. There is a shining scratch mark at the middle of that magical sword. If you target that scratch mark with your sword, then that magical sword will break into two pieces and King Arindam may never be able to kill you.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Oh! I am feeling quite happy now. But, remember, if you are telling a lie, then our warriors will surely kill your son, Turtle Tilak.


Tendula:- Our new leader, Vladimir has died in the encounter against Sasanka. Though, Vladimir killed Sasanka before dying out of severe bleeding. But, no one knows whether Queen Diana and Prince Viswajeet are still alive or not as both of them have not reached Greenland yet.

King Arindam:- It hardly matters to us. Our focus is to kill Emperor Kakrasa only.

Doctor Sthatolona:- Turtle Taraknath has sent a secret papyrus leaf to me. It is clearly written in that papyrus leaf that Emperor Kakrasa kidnapped Turtle Tilak to know about the weak points of that magical sword from Turtle Taraknath. That’s why; Turtle Taraknath has requested to create another identical sword which should look like the magical sword. After 2 days, Turtle Taraknath may meet us secretly.

Queen Mirinda:- Magical sword also has a weak point! Anyway, Tendula, it is your job now to create a sword which is exactly identical to the magical sword.

Tendula:- Oh! Don’t worry about that. But, what about our plans to attack Greenland!

King Arindam:- Already, many mermales from other kingdoms have joined our forces. At present, we are having around 1300 fighters which are more or less enough to fight against Kakrasa’s warriors. Kakrasa has around 2000 warriors.  Even in the times of emergency, at least, 500 warriors guard the Greenland kingdom. As the other 1500 warriors have been scattered here and there to kill our fighters, so, probably, it is the right time to attack Greenland with such a huge force that we have.

Queen Mirinda:- No, this strategy will not work. I have a plan. We will enter with full force from the back region of Greenland. We will march through Beaufort Sea. Then, we will deploy around 900 fighters in Hudson Bay. Another 600 fighters will hide at Baffin Bay to attack Greenland Fort at midnight.

King Arindam:- What’s the point in deploying 900 fighters in Hudson Bay.

Queen Mirinda:- When our fighters will attack Greenland Fort, automatically, a message will be sent to all the scattered warriors of Kakrasa to swim towards Greenland to fight a deadly war. When these 1500 warriors will try to enter Greenland, our 900 fighters in Hudson Bay will attack them. As a net result, we will get some time to fully corner Emperor Kakrasa inside the Greenland Fort itself.

Maradon and Tendula:- What a plan! Really, the mermaids are always smarter than we such mermales. You have proved it, Queen Mirinda.


King Arindam:- Tendula has already created an ordinary sword which looks exactly identical to that magical sword.

Turtle Taraknath:- Great! During a sword fight, intentionally go in a defensive mode with that ordinary sword. The moment, Emperor Kakrasa loses his stamina, start the sword fight with the magical sword. Remember, one thing; Emperor Kakrasa is still No.1 in sword fight. The best way to win against him is to defense, defense and defense first and then fully counter-attack at the end. Best of Luck!


King Arindam:- We have reached Baffin Bay now. We can see the Greenland Fort from here. Dronankur, you are in charge of these 300 fighters. 100 fighters will stay with me and Mirinda here. Tendula will lead 100 fighters from the right flank and Maradon will also lead 100 fighters but from the left flank. Maradon, in your army of fighters, the number of archers are more. So, guide them properly. It is easier to kill someone from a long distance. Ok! Now, attack. Best of luck!

Dronankur, Tendula, Maradon and other fighters:- Your Highness! We fight for pride and die with pride.


One of the warriors of Kakrasa:- Your Highness! The fighters of Jatikano community have attacked Greenland Fort. 

Emperor Kakrasa (shouted out of anger and surprise):- What the hell are you saying! Kill them! Where is Minister Monduka? Tell him to come to the Royal Court immediately.

Painter Paintal (swimming inside the Royal Court and breathing loudly):- Minister Monduka is no more. Two poisonous arrows pierced his chest. Though, our warriors have managed to badly injure Maradon. Maradon ordered his archers to attack Minister Monduka. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- Send a secret message to Roland. Tell him to come to Greenland with all our warriors immediately.

Another warrior of Kakrasa:- Already, we have transmitted the message with the help of Saffron colored Star fishes that Greenland fort has been attacked by the fighters of Jatikano community.

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