Sunday, April 14, 2013


Mirinda:- Ah! After a long time, you are talking. You are out of paralysis now. Give me a nice hug, dear. 

Arindam:- Yeah! That’s right! But, where are you all going?

Mirinda:- We are on a mission. 

Arindam:- I will also go in this mission.

Turtle Taraknath:- No, you cannot. You are just out of paralysis. You are not totally fit. You need to take rest for another 7 days to get completely fit.

Mirinda:- Don’t worry, dear. Winston, Tendula and Bombino are accompanying me to look over my safety.


Emperor Kakrasa:- How dare that bloody fellow send a bold message like that to me? Send some warriors to kill Panduram.

Minister Monduka:- Sure! Your Highness!


Bombino:- We hope that this journey will be an easier one than that Golden Bowl adventure.

Winston:- We have already entered into the region of Bay of Bengal. But, why is there so much calmness here? Something is going to happen after a few moments. Queen Mirinda, can you please check that wooden plate to see whether any information is flashing there or not.

Mirinda:- Wait, let me check it out. Oh! Yeah! There is a message on the wooden plate, ‘Beware! Sea Storms ahead due to a huge depression.’

Tendula:- So, should we proceed further to die?

Bombino:- No, wait! I know a secret and safe place in the Nicobar Sea. That region is blocked by big rocky cliffs in three sides and one side is open. If we go eastwards from here, we will reach that area after half an hour or so.

Winston:- Don’t talk like a fool. There is a small village in Andaman Sea which is known as Jaroanalka. The villagers of Jaroanalka are supporters of King Vikrant. Even Vikrant had his honeymoon in a resort of that village only. If anyone sees us in and around Nicobar Sea, then we will be in great trouble. Andaman Sea is just at a distance of 4 kilometers north of Nicobar Sea.

Bombino:- Have you all not noticed that a black colored leather bag is hanging in my left shoulder? No one asked about this black leather bag. Wait, let me show you. Inside this bag, I have four masks. We will use this masks whenever we need to hide ourselves from our enemies or spies. 

Mirinda:- Wow! That’s great! Come on; let us head towards Nicobar Sea. The sea storm may start anytime shortly.


King Panduram:- Install automated arrows throwing machines at all the towers outside our Fort Gomrank. Use hydroelectricity and the remote buttons to tackle the enemies.

General Dobla:- Give us one day time to complete the installations.


Tendula:- Ah! In the sea storm, many fishermen have drowned. So many fishing boats are on the sea-bed. 

Bombino:- Hey! Be careful! Some crocodiles are moving here and there and feeding on the dead bodies of fishermen.

Mirinda:- A message is flashing on the wooden plate. ‘Kidnap Chanakya to blackmail Chintamani. Chanakya is swimming nearby.’

Winston:- What! What kind of a game is it? Ok! Let us call the name, ‘Chanakya’ together.

Tendula, Bombino, Mirinda, Winston (shouting loudly):- Chanakya.

Crocodile Chanakya (searching for foods and heard their voices):- Wow! I am hungry and you all are calling me to feed on you or what. That’s really amazing. Now, let me eat you all.

Tendula (whispering at his friends):- I have an idea. Let him chase us. I know a secret place in the Vietnamese Coastal Waters. There is a trap zone. The moment this crocodile enters that zone, we will injure this crocodile and tie him up with strong wires made of sylotui grasses. 

Bombino:- Don’t worry; I have those wires in my bag. Come on, just swim faster. Let him chase us.


Minister Monduka:- Hardly, 10 to 15 warriors have returned alive. King Panduram has installed automated arrows system.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Hmm…Ok! Train all our warriors to swim faster than before in a zig-zag fashion. Once our warriors cross that zone of automated arrows system, they have to fight with mermales and mermaids only, not with any electronic gadgets. Our warriors are far superior to those mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community in Tabernia kingdom. Try to unite all the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community to fight against the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community. Tell them that it is not the war of kingdoms. It is the war of communities.


Mirinda:- Are you looking for your son, Chanakya?

Crocodile Chintamani:-  Yeah! But how did you know that?

Mirinda:- Chanakya has got trapped somewhere. We know where he is.

Crocodile Chintamani:- Oh! That’s great! Just take me to that place.

Mirinda:- Only on one condition. The wooden plate flashes the message, ‘Get the key which is hidden near the roots of a special Sundari tree.’ We need the key to kill Emperor Kakrasa.

Crocodile Chintamani:- What! I am a supporter of Emperor Kakrasa. Sorry, I can’t help you.

Winston:- Then, we will kill your son. Moreover, if you tell anything about us to Kakrasa’s warriors, then you will never get back your son. That’s a guarantee from our side.

Crocodile Chintamani:- But, how can I search that special Sundari tree?

Mirinda:- Wait! There is a message on the wooden plate. ‘Take the help of a Royal Bengal Tiger. That special Sundari Tree is at the Sudhanyakhali island of Sunderbans. There is a Phanimanasa tree in front of that Sundari tree.’

Crocodile Chintamani:- Ok! Tomorrow morning, I need to have a talk with Samrat.


Arindam:- Somehow, we need to kill Panduram and Dobla.

Dronankur:- No, not now. Panduram and Dobla are governing the Tabernia kingdom very well. Two days back, Kakrasa’s warriors failed to enter inside the Fort Gomrank. Kakrasa’s warriors went back from the gates of Fort Gomrank. That’s not a little thing. Panduram has succeeded in uniting all the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community also. At present, there is not a single mermale and mermaid of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom. 

Arindam:- But, both Panduram and Dobla have to die as they are traitors. They are too hungry for powers. 

Maradon:- Who is a more hateful mermale to you? Is it Kakrasa or Panduram? A friend who has become blind mentally due to hunger of power can be still forgiven, but, can you forgive Emperor Kakrasa? If Panduram and Dobla are giving too much trouble to Kakrasa, then it is really advantageous for us. Think of killing Emperor Kakrasa first. After that, you can decide about the fate of Panduram and Dobla.


Tiger Samrat (The most ferocious Royal Bengal Tiger of the Sundarbans):- Chintamani, you saved my life once when the poachers tried to kill me with their rifles. That’s why; I will always be grateful to you. As you helped me once, so, it is my duty now to help you in times of danger. Oh! No! What are humans doing with you?  I can see their heads on the water surface.

Crocodile Chintamani:- No, they are not humans. Actually, mermales and mermaids have their body structure like of half-human and half-fish. 

Tiger Samrat:- Wow! I am feeling hungry now. Had they not been your guests, I would have eaten them right now.

Crocodile Chintamani:- Unlike human’s blood, their blood are not salty in taste and moreover their meats are too allergic for any carnivorous animals like us.

Tiger Samrat:- Ok! Is there any other message for me? 

Winston:- The wooden plate states, ‘On a new moon night, the Goddess Bon-Bibi of Sudhanyakhali island will give you some signal.’

Tiger Samrat:- Sudhanyakhali island is at the middle of Geyonkhali island and Dhamakhali island. I have to swim the Matla River via Gosaba Island to reach that island. It is a very hectic task. Many humans go to that island to collect honey from beehives and poachers are almost everywhere. I don’t fear humans but I am always scared of those big rifles they carry with them. But, still, for the sake of saving my friend’s son, I will do it. I will surely try to get that key. But I have a condition. I will hand over the key to you only after seeing Chanakya in front of me. I am smarter than Chintamani. You can’t fool me.

Tendula:- Ok! We accept the condition.


Crocodile Chanakya (woke up after remaining senseless for 2 days):- Where am I?

Bombino:- You are inside a trap in the Vietnamese Coastal waters. You chased us. You tried to kill us, but, you yourself got trapped here and became senseless.

Crocodile Chanakya:- Oh! I don’t remember anything. 

Mirinda:- You don’t need to remember anything. Just relax. Your father, Crocodile Chintamani is our friend. He has requested us to take you back home safely. We have tied you with those wires to make sure that you don’t run away from us till you reach your father’s place. Now, come on, try to come out of that trap. We are helping you. Don’t worry at all.


Tiger Samrat (thinking while staring at the idol of Goddess Bon-Bibi):- I don’t have faith in any God or Goddess, but, I am standing inside a Mandir. Come on, it is already midnight of this new moon night. Show me some signal. A snake! What is this snake doing here in this temple?

Kaalkeute Kalka (A poisonous snake of Sundarbans):- Hey, you, Tiger, what the hell are you doing here in this temple? Are you afraid of humans? Are you praying to Goddess to protect your life from poachers? Already, the tiger population in Sundarbans is on the verge of extinction due to those poachers.

Tiger Samrat:- Can you please keep your mouth shut? I am waiting to get some kind of signal from the Goddess Bon-Bibi to know the direction of a special Sundari tree. There is a Phanimanasa tree in front of that Sundari tree.

Kalkeute Kalka:- Oh! You are talking about the PremSundari Tree. That Sundari tree is of a special type and is bigger than other Sundari trees. In front of that Phanimanasa tree, we love to do dating. That’s a famous dating site for us such poisonous snakes. Ok! Enough talks. Just follow me. See, I am the signal for you. Say thanks to Bon-Bibi goddess for that.

Tiger Samrat:- I don’t have faith in that Bon-Bibi goddess. I also used to worship her, but, when the poachers killed my lovely wife, I stopped worshipping her. What’s the point in worshipping that goddess if she cannot protect our species?

Kalkeute Kalka:- Oho! You are becoming too emotional now. Anyway, we have reached the spot. See, she is my female snake with whom I date on every full moon and new moon night at this spot. By the way, you didn’t tell me why you wanted to reach this spot. I am not seeing any tigress here also.

Tiger Samrat:- Hey! Kalka! Thanks for helping me. Enjoy your dating. No further questions please.

Kalkeute Kalka:- Ok! Bye! Bye! 


Crocodile Chintamani:- Oh! Thanks for saving the life of our son, Chanakya. Meet my wife, Chinki. She was unable to sleep. She was constantly thinking about Chanakya.

Crocodile Chinki:- Yeah! You mermales are so good. My son is saying that without your help, he couldn’t have got out from that trap in the Vietnamese Coastal waters.

Winston:- No, no, don’t give us too much respect. We are not so good. Your son is suffering from short term memory loss. Once his memory comes back, you will understand that we are not so good. We have to go now. Chintamani, please don’t give any information about us to Kakrasa’s warriors. If you give the information, then your son may again fall in a trap.

Crocodile Chintamani:- Ha ha ha…nice joke. Anyway, we are hoping to see you all again. Have a nice journey towards your home.


Turtle Taraknath:- You people have succeeded in getting the key. But, what is the essence of this key? Always keep an eye on the wooden plate to see if any message flashes there or not.

Tendula:- Ok!


Arindam:- I was very tensed. Thank God! You are back from there. From now on, you just take care of your son and mother-in-law.

Mirinda:- No, not possible, dear. I have to take part in each and every mission to find that magical sword. As you are fit and healthy now, you should join me in all the missions.

Arindam:- Yeah! Surely, I will. I think that it is now time to send our son, Avinash to get trained at Akalan training center under Dolphin Docomo. 

Mirinda:- Have you gone crazy? Already, Viswajeet, the son of Vikrant is getting trained at Akalan. No, no, we will send our son to Dolphin Denson, the son of Dolphin Docomo. Even, your teacher, Dolphin Darwin sometimes visits the training center of Dolphin Denson on a part-time basis.

Priest Jubilion:- Arindam and Mirinda, come quickly. Siusa is in serious condition.


Doctor Sthatolona:- I have tried my level best, but, Siusa’s body did not recover well. She never recovered mentally after losing her hubby in that oil spill incident. She has expired. May her soul rest in peace!

Mirinda (with a broken heart):- She was like a real mother to me. She loved me more than my own mother. She is going to meet her hubby in heaven.


Turtle Taraknath:- 10 days passed and you are still in the grief of Siusa’s death. Everyone has to die one day. The wooden plate has flashed the message, ‘Open the door of the tunnel at Celebes Sea with that key.’

Arindam:- Ok! We will start tomorrow. I and Mirinda will go there.

Turtle Taraknath:- No, you also need some others as a backup. Maradon and Dronankur will accompany both of you.


General Mrityunjay:- Your Highness! I am totally fit now. Just order me to start a war.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Tomorrow after the sunset, march towards the Fort Gomrank with your warriors to kill King Panduram and General Dobla. Conquer the Tabernia kingdom at any cost. Don’t worry; we have trained many mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community. They will also join your force. I don’t want to see any mermale and mermaid of Jatikano community alive in this Sea World.

General Mrityunjay:- Give me some time to make your dreams come true. Wish me luck for this war.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Best of luck to you, General Mrityunjay.


Maradon:- We never ever dreamt of a tunnel door in this Sea World.

Arindam:- 3 parts of our planet Earth is full of water. So, as an aquatic creature, if you say that you have discovered everything about this Sea World, then you are a damn liar. 

Dronankur:- Queen Mirinda, please open the tunnel door with that key.

Mirinda:- There is a message on the wooden plate. ‘After entering inside the tunnel, a magnetic force will attract you. Keep your body still and calm. Don’t swim along the walls of the tunnel as there is electricity at certain points of the walls.’

Maradon:- Wait, don’t enter inside that tunnel now. It is not an easy task as it seems. We may die inside the tunnel after experiencing some electrical shocks. Let us get back to our basement. We will come back here again after having body armors on our body.


Tendula:- At least, 10 sharks or 2 whales should be killed, because I will make double-coated body armors with a gap of 2 inches between two layers of skins. The airy layer will act as an anti-electric shield.

Winston:- It is better to kill 2 whales. By tomorrow, Tendula will get the skins of two dead whales. Forcefully, we have to eat the meats of whales in this week. Though we generally don’t eat whales’ meat, but, they are very tasty.


General Dobla:- Your Highness! Kakrasa’s warriors have entered inside the Fort Gomrank. Let us swim away from here.

All the other mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community:- Yeah! We should swim away from here to save our life.

King Panduram:- No, we are not cowards. Even if we die, we will die like real fighters. Fight against the Kakrasa’s warriors. Show them the power of our Jatikano community.


Dronankur:- There is a sad news. Kakrasa’s warriors have conquered the Tabernia kingdom. Both Panduram and Dobla fought till the last drop of their blood. Both of them were beheaded by General Mrityunjay. Many mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community swam here and there to save their life. They are hiding here and there. Kakrasa’s warriors are searching for those mermales and mermaids to kill them brutally.

Arindam:- Do one thing. You stay back here. You and Winston should search for all the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community who are hiding here and there. Unite them and form a strong battalion. The war is not over yet, it is just the beginning. Though both Panduram and Dobla are traitors for us, but still, we are proud of them as they fought like real fighters. Maradon and Tendula will accompany me and Mirinda.


Maradon:- Wow! We are swimming at such a fast pace inside this tunnel. 

Tendula:- That’s the beauty of this magnetic force. But, I must appreciate the body armors that you have made. For 6 times till now, my body touched the walls of this tunnel, but, I didn’t feel any electrical shock. Well done, Tendula.

Arindam:- Be prepared for any surprises. We are nearing the end of this tunnel.

Mirinda:- Some message is there on the wooden plate, but, I am unable to read it as I am swimming at such a pace. Everyone, look there, we are heading towards an ice-berg. Take out your swords and pierce it on that ice-berg to avoid collision.

Arindam:- Finally, we are out of the tunnel. Just outside the exit door of this tunnel, there is an ice-berg. Wait! Wait! This ice-berg is somewhat magnetic in nature. See, we are unable to take out our sword from it. Apply full pressure to take out the sword.

Tendula:- Yeah! Our swords are out of this ice-berg now. So, what is the next message in the wooden plate?

Mirinda:- ‘You are in the zone of Elephant Seals. One of the Elephant Seals may attack you. Kill that Elephant Seal and gift that dead body to a Polar Bear.’

Arindam:- Just throw away that wooden plate. It is just fooling us. We are not going to get any magical sword at all.

Tendula:- No, Arindam. Look back. Just move. Yeah! I have targeted it well.

Arindam:- My goodness! You pierced the sword on that Elephant Seal’s body at a lightning speed. Thanks a lot for saving my life.

Tendula:- You, idiot! Don’t you understand that if you die, then our mission will end here? That wooden plate is guiding us to the correct path. Just follow the instructions.

Maradon:- I can hear the roar of a hungry polar bear in that direction. Come on, start swimming.

Mirinda:- Yes, there he is. We need to go above the surface of the water to invite him.

Polando (A hungry Polar Bear):- Hey! What are humans doing in this region? 

Arindam:- No, we are mermales and mermaids. Can you please come under the water and have a nice meal of Elephant Seal.

Polando:- Oh! I am very hungry. Is it true that you are going to give me a treat of an Elephant Seal’s meat? If it is not true, then I will kill all of you.

Maradon:- Yeah! Of course! Now, just come down here.

Tendula (whispering at Arindam):- See this bloody Polar Bear. The way it is eating the Elephant Seal’s meat! Oh! I am feeling hungry now.

Arindam (whispering at Tendula):- Just keep your mouth shut. 

Maradon (whispering at Mirinda):- Is there any further instructions in that wooden plate?

Mirinda (whispering at Maradon):- Yes, there is a message. ‘Ask the Polar Bear about the roadmap of Bermuda Triangle.’ Show this wooden plate to everyone.

Arindam (whispering at everybody while nodding his head after the reading the message in the wooden plate):- Oops! What an adventurous journey it will be!

Tendula (whispering at Arindam):- The Polar Bear is about to end his meal on that icy surface. Will you please ask the question now? We are not enjoying the way we are going in and out of the water. Outside the water, we are really panting for breathe. Ask the question now.

Polando:- Whoa! What a nice meal! Thanks to all of you for such a treat. If you need any help from me, just tell me.

Arindam:- Yeah! We need your help. We want to know the roadmap to Bermuda Triangle.

Polando (totally surprised):- What! Are you all going to die? Anyway, I don’t have the roadmap with me. The roadmap diagram was drawn by a painter long time back on a rectangular white marble plate. But, Sonali, the biggest snail of this Sea World possesses that marble plate for years after years. So, if you want the roadmap of Bermuda Triangle, then you have to impress Sonali. Best of luck to you all! I have never seen such fools like you before. Bye Bye. Thanks again for the treat.

Maradon:- Ok! Bye! Bye!


Emperor Kakrasa (Addressing a massive gathering at Greenland Zone):- My dear mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community, today is the DAY OF GLORY as we have succeeded in killing all the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community. Let us celebrate this moment. Today, drinking and dining is free for all. Even, we have a program of ball dance. 

All the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community:- Three cheers for Emperor. Long live Emperor Kakrasa.

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