Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Turtle Taraknath:- My duty ends here only as you have got the magical sword. Now, I will go back to our house with my son.

Arindam:- Well, we are not telling you to fight in the warzone, but, you can surely stay with us.

Turtle Taraknath:- No, no, I also have other works to do. By the way, Mirinda, give me that marble plate and magical wooden plate.

Mirinda:- What will you do with it?

Turtle Tilak:- Actually, dad has created a small museum where he has kept all the strange things of the Sea World. Maybe, the mermales and mermaids of our next generation will admire that museum. 

Arindam:- Oh! I See! We are yet to visit that small museum.

Turtle Taraknath:- That museum is open for you all anytime. 

Mirinda:- Ok! Take this marble plate and the magical wooden plate.

Turtle Taraknath:- Thanks! Mirinda! Thank you to you all.  Best of Luck! Goodbye.

Arindam, Mirinda, Maradon, Dronankur, Tendula, Priest Jubilion and Doctor Sthatolona:- Good bye Turtle Taraknath and Turtle Tilak.

Turtle Tilak:- Bye Bye! Win the greatest war of the Sea World.


Arindam:- Dronankur, just inform all our trained fighters of Jatikano community to reunite. The night after tomorrow night, we will attack the Fort Gomrank of our Tabernia kingdom.

Dronankur:- Is it feasible to attack at night?

Arindam:- It will be a surprise attack. Rather, it is an unexpected attack. King Vikrant will be totally stunned.

Dronankur:- Ok! Done!


Tendula (whispering):- Our fighters are really doing well. They are targeting the guards outside the Fort Gomrank and that too very silently and after certain time gaps.

Maradon (whispering):- Hussh! Dronankur is giving the signal that all the security guards outside the four doors of Fort Gomrank have been killed. Now, we have to go inside the Fort Gomrank from the door adjacent to the Sea forest of Tabernia kingdom.


One of the warriors under King Vikrant:- Your Highness! Some unknown fighters have attacked Fort Gomrank. Already, more than half of our warriors have been killed. These fighters are very fast in swimming and they are attacking in small flanks. Each flank is having 7 fighters. 5 fighters are swimming in with swords and in the middle of those 5 fighters; there are 2 archers who are throwing multiple arrows in each shot. 

King Vikrant:- Who are these unknown fighters? How come they are so well trained and so powerful than our warriors! Ok! Do one thing! You and some other warriors just accompany Queen Diana and Prince Viswajeet to Greenland. Make sure, that both of them should reach Greenland at any cost. 

Another warrior of King Vikrant:- Surely! Your Highness! Queen Diana and Prince Viswajeet will surely reach Greenland safely.

Queen Diana (started shouting):- What the hell is happening out here?

King Vikrant:- There is no time to talk now. Just follow my orders. Go to Greenland with our son. Some of our warriors will accompany both of you. Viswajeet, take this sword. Don’t be shy to kill anyone in the way, if you have to.

Prince Viswajeet:- Ok! Dad! But, why are you sending me and my mom to Greenland?

King Vikrant:- Just stop asking questions. Go now.


Vikrant:- Kill those bloody fighters. Warriors! Show no mercy to them.

Arindam:- Aha! I think that there is not a single warrior alive in this Fort Gomrank to follow your orders. 

Vikrant (totally stunned and stared at Arindam for a few seconds):- Oh! My God! Am I seeing a ghost or are you still alive? No, no, how can it be? You got killed by your own friend, Panduram.

Maradon (while laughing):- Oh! It was just a minor injury. We made Arindam to recover from that injury.

Mirinda:- I am also alive.

Vikrant:- You are alive, that I know. To get you only, I kidnapped your son, Avinash.

Arindam and Mirinda:- What! Where is Avinash?

Dronankur:- Relax! Arindam and Mirinda! Bombino also kidnapped Viswajeet. Ultimately, Kakrasa’s warriors released Avinash and Bombino released Viswajeet. That incident was kept secret as per Turtle Taraknath’s orders. Priest Jubilion told us everything in details. I will tell you later about it in details. Avinash is safe now. We have kept him hidden in our Tomasi village itself.

Arindam:- Thank God! Our son is safe. So, Vikrant, now, I am the King of this Tabernia kingdom as you have been dethroned by me.

Vikrant (while laughing out loudly):- Ha ha ha…You attacked our warriors at the midnight like cowards and now you are saying that I have been dethroned.

Arindam:- Everything is fair in love and war. Don’t forget that you also played a game on me to kill me in the Swayamvar competition. 

Vikrant:- Yeah! I also believe or rather appreciate the fact that everything is fair in love and war. But, still, a King should win against another King in a Kingly fight. Beat me in the sword fight. It will be a one-to-one fight. 

Mirinda (whispering):- He is inviting you for a sword fight, because he is very good in sword fighting. Don’t fall in that trap.

Arindam (whispering):- Let it be a trap. Maybe, he is very good in sword fighting, but, I also know that I am not a coward. 

Maradon (whispering):- Arindam, why don’t you use the magical sword against him?

Arindam (whispering):- No, it will be a cheating. I don’t want to have any advantage in this sword fighting. I will use that magical sword only against Emperor Kakrasa.

Vikrant:- Ha ha ha…I think that you  are feeling little disturbed in my open challenge for a Kingly sword fight.

Arindam:- No! Not at all! But, I have a condition. In this sword fight, no one can kill anyone. Whosoever loses this sword fight will have to surrender automatically.

Vikrant:- It is a do or die battle. So, I completely ignore your conditions. If you are alive, you are the King of Tabernia kingdom. If I am alive, then I will remain as the King of Tabernia kingdom. So, now, let us start the fight instead of talking.


Maradon:- Oh! No! Arindam! You have injured your right hand. The battle is not over yet. Come on!

Tendula:- Don’t shout like that. Let Arindam concentrate on the sword fight.


Arindam (while fighting with the sword):- Now, this is cheating. You are unnecessarily targeting on my tail fin so that I cannot swim so fast and then you take the advantage. As per our sword-fighting tradition or rules, no one should attack anyone’s tail-fin with the sword.

Vikrant (while fighting with the sword):- Oh! You keep those rules with you. I just want to kill you at any cost.


Mirinda (out of excitement):- Yes! Vikrant’s sword went off from his hand. Now, Arindam, kill this bloody Vikrant.

Maradon, Dronankur and Tendula (shouting loudly):- Kill that bloody Vikrant. Kill him.

Vikrant (cried out of despair):- Yes, Arindam, kill me. I don’t deserve to remain as a King after losing the kingly sword battle against you.

Arindam (with a cheeky smile):- He he he…Yeah, you will surely die, Vikrant, but, in a slightly different way. Fighters, tie him up with the ropes made of Sea grasses.

Fighters of Jatikano community:- Yes! Your Highness!

Mirinda:- What are you going to do? Why are you keeping him alive? Kill this bloody Vikrant.

Arindam:- We will dedicate Vikrant to Goddess Mahamaya Mahakali. Just inform Priest Jubilion to start the proceedings. After the sunrise, we will start the program.


Priest Jubilion (in a very happy tone):- Villagers of Tomasi village. Today, we have good news. Firstly, Arindam, the mermale of this Tomasi village is going to be crowned as the King of Tabernia kingdom at Fort Gomrank today only. Secondly, the son of Emperor Kakrasa is going to die today. This Vikrant is the son of that bloody Emperor Kakrasa who has killed so many mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community. Today, we will take a sweet revenge in this Mahamaya Mahakali Mandir of our Tomasi village. Arindam will chop off Vikrant’s head in front of Goddess Mahamaya Mahakali. Music please! Beat the drums, beat the trumpets and blow the pipes and flutes. Today is a day of glory and joy for us.

Villagers of Tomasi Village:- Hurrah! Our revenge cannot be so sweeter than this.


Doctor Sthatolona:- Now, I would like to request our respected Priest Jubilion to announce the good news.

Priest Jubilion:- I hereby announce Arindam as the King of Tabernia Kingdom by keeping all the mermales and mermaids of Tabernia Kingdom as witnesses. I would now request King Arindam to sit on the throne and share his valuable words to the mermales and mermaids of Tabernia kingdom.

All the mermales and mermaids of Tabernia kingdom (with a big applause):- Long live King Arindam. Long live Tabernia kingdom.

One angry mermale of Rajakya community (shouted with anger):- King Arindam, you are a communal king. Now, you will start killing all the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom as a sweet revenge.

Other mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community (started beating that mermale of Rajakya community while shouting):- Kill this bloody mermale. He is a supporter of Emperor Kakrasa. He is pointing fingers at our king. How dare he? Kill him now.

King Arindam (stood up from his throne and shouted):- Stop the fighting! Please stop fighting among yourselves. Please maintain silence. I have so many things to say to you. Today, you all have made me a King. That’s great! But, a King should be like a King also; otherwise, this throne has no value at all. Just now, one of the mermale of Rajakya community shouted out that I am a communal King. But, actually, I am not. Emperor Kakrasa and his warriors have killed so many mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community, but, that does not mean, that, I will also have to start killing the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community as a sweet revenge. If I do so, then, what’s the difference between me and Emperor Kakrasa? I have become a King to end cruelty, not to show cruelty. From now on, in this Tabernia kingdom, not a single mermale or mermaid will be classified on the basis of their community. I completely ban the Rajakya, Pitrala and Jatikano community in this kingdom. The identity of a mermale is that he is a mermale and he belongs to no community. The identity of a mermaid is that she is a mermaid and she belongs to no community. Always remain united as a mermale or mermaid of Tabernia kingdom. There will be no communal riots in this kingdom from now on.

All the mermales and mermaids of Tabernia kingdom (overjoyed):- Hurrah! Long live King Arindam. Long live Tabernia kingdom.

King Arindam:- But, be prepared for a deadly war. Don’t forget, that the deadly war is not over yet. Everyone will be given military training and everyone is permitted to participate in the war, though willingly, not forcefully. If I die in this bloody war, then, Mirinda will become the Queen of Tabernia Kingdom. She is already the Queen of this kingdom, but, in my absence, she will be the administrator of this kingdom.  I know that being in a male dominated society, it is very hard for some of you to accept any mermaid as an administrator, but, that is my wish. After my death, she will govern this kingdom.

All the mermaids of Tabernia kingdom (shouting with joy):- Hurrah! We will always be with you, Queen Mirinda.

King Arindam:- After 3 days, Emperor Kakrasa may send some warriors to give the message that he wants to start a war. We have already sent the head and the rest portion of Vikrant’s body to Greenland. Our Royal Meeting ends here for today.


Minister Monduka:- Control yourself! Your Highness! I know that there are no words to console you at this moment. But, I also understand the pain of a father who has lost his son.

Emperor Kakrasa (with tears in his eyes):- Those mermales of Jatikano community are not mermales but predators. What kind of a message is this in the Papyrus leaf? It is written here, ‘Dear Emperor Kakrasa, I am sending you a special gift as a representative of the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community. Please accept this precious gift.  Yours great enemy; King Arindam! ‘ 

Minister Monduka:- Your Highness! We never got any clue that Arindam is still alive.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Send a reply message to King Arindam that we want to start a war against his kingdom. Now, the water of the Sea World will become red. Within the next 2 days, I want to hear that the Tabernia Kingdom does not exist at all.

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