Sunday, October 14, 2012


King Fola:- Damus, we can’t take any risk. Kakrasa’s warriors may try to do some harm. You must also accompany Mirinda to have a visit at Tomasi village. You can take as many warriors you can.

General Damus:- Ok! Your Highness!


Panduram:- So, finally, we are going back to our village alive and that too as a part of a great marriage procession.

Tendula:- Yeah! Both Arindam and Mirinda are sitting inside the sea chariot which is driven by two lion-seals.

Maradon:- General Damus is leading this procession with some of his warriors at the front of the chariot and some at the back of the chariot. Around 300 warriors are more than enough to protect all of us from Kakrasa’s warriors.

Panduram:- I am smelling something. It is the peculiar body odor of an alligator.

Maradon:- Oho! Really! Is it so? I do not smell anything.

General Damus:- Everybody take your positions! Some alligators led by Alligator Abbas have attacked us. Already 9 of our warriors are dead.

Arindam (While sitting inside the chariot):- Oh! The bloody alligators!

Mirinda (While sitting inside the chariot):- Time for some actions now. Instruct the lion-seals to drive the chariot faster.

Tendula:- Maradon, an alligator is just behind you. Kill it.

Maradon:- Wow! I have completely beheaded an alligator with the sword. What a timing! You all must appreciate it.

General Damus:- Arindam is driving the chariot faster in other direction. Follow the chariot and act as a back-up. I and my warriors will tackle these alligators.

Panduram:- Look there, General Damus! Two lion-seals have been killed and the chariot broken into pieces. That big alligator is now trying to kill Arindam.

General Damus:- It is Alligator Abbas. Now, I understand the entire game plan behind it. Warriors! Attack that big alligator.

Alligator Abbas:- General Damus, I warn you. Don’t come in my way. Arindam is my prey. He killed my son, Ali and daughter, Alisha.

Arindam:- It was just a part of a Swayambar Contest. To win the contest, I had no other choice than to kill your daughter, Alisha. Markov killed your son, Ali. Markov got killed by Kakrasa’s warriors.

Alligator Abbas:- Whatever it is! You are still alive even after killing my daughter. I am here to take the sweet revenge. If you are so brave, then prove it by fighting against me alone. Tell all the other mermales to stop attacking me; otherwise, I may have to kill this sweet mermaid.

General Damus:- Abbas is trying to tempt you to fight alone. Don’t fall in that trap.

Arindam:- Come on! Abbas! Let us have a great fight!

Alligator Abbas:- Oh! Yeah! I was waiting for this moment only.

Maradon:- Arindam is badly injured now. General Damus, kill that bloody Abbas.

General Damus:- All the other alligators are not allowing any one of us to go and act as a back-up for Arindam. Where is Mirinda? I can’t see her now.

Tendula:- Yeah! Mirinda is missing now. Where is she?

Panduram:- She was hiding behind that coral reefs to wait for the golden chance to pierce the sword at Alligator Abbas’s body from the back. It is not an act of bravery to attack someone from the back, but, everything is fair in battles.

Alligator Abraham (Younger brother of Alligator Abbas):- Our leader Abbas is dead. All the alligators those are still alive; just run for your life. Get out of here as quickly as possible.

General Damus:- You have done a great job, Mirinda by killing Alligator Abbas. Are you ok?

Mirinda:- I am fine, Uncle Damus. But, Arindam is badly injured. His tail fin is bleeding badly. We badly need a doctor.

Panduram:- We are just a half kilometer away from the Ruksar village. In Ruksar village, there is a mad mermale who is neither a doctor nor a physician, but, his magical spells sometimes cure any types of wounds. His name is Dronankur. Let’s go there.


Dronankur:- Hmm…this guy is senseless now. Bleeding is not stopping at all. Wait a minute! Let me take out the magical Alchemy Leaf from my bag and then do the magic on the wounds with that leaf.


Mirinda:- Thanks a lot, Dronankur. You have healed all the wounds of my hubby’s body. Anytime, you want any help, I will be there to help you.

Dronankur:- I don’t help anyone to get something in return. I help all the animals of this sea world because I have a bad habit of helping others. Do you think that helping others is a good habit? If you say yes to the question, then everyone will call you a mad mermale and if you say no, then everyone will regard you as a very smart mermale. Our sea world is transforming into a world of selfishness. Live and let others live. Are you listening to me? Don’t run after conquering territories after territories and treasures after treasures. Ultimately, will you find any peace? No! No! No! Cruelty always preaches the theory of ‘Leave and let others leave’.

Panduram (whispering at Mirinda):- I told you earlier that he is a mad mermale.

Mirinda:- This mermale must have some bad experiences in his life. That’s why; he has become like this.

General Damus:- I know this mermale very well. I will tell you about his sad story later on. Is Arindam able to swim now?

Mirinda:- Yes, General Uncle, he can.

General Damus:- Ok! Then let us move towards Tomasi village. Panduram, how far is Tomasi village from here?

Panduram:- Just around 5 Kilometers from here.  If we start our journey now, we will reach Tomasi village before sunset.

Maradon:- Yeah! Yeah! Let us start! Dronankur! Thanks again! Bye! Bye!

Dronankur:- There is no need to say bye to me, because you never know when you will need me again.

Tendula:- Oh! He is somewhat an eccentric mermale, I say!


Arindam (While on their journey):- After that fight, I became so weak that I fell on the sea-bed. You came at the right time to kill Alligator Abbas. Then I became senseless due to too much bleeding. Thanks, Mirinda.

Mirinda:- There is nothing to be so thankful of. You are my sweet hubby. It is my duty to save you in times of danger and it is your duty to save me in times of danger.

Arindam:- Oh! Yeah! I appreciate your viewpoint.

Mirinda:- Now, tell me something about Dronankur? Ruksar village is nearer to Tomasi village. So, it is obvious that you all know about this mermale, Dronankur.

Tendula:- We know nothing about Dronankur in details. But, probably, Maradon knows many things about Dronankur.

Maradon:- Dronankur is basically a botanist of sea world. He used to give tips and techniques to those mermales who were involved in occupation of farming. There was one time, when Ruksar village used to have all types of farming. All types of berries, sea-weeds and hygienic corals used to grow here. As the food productivity increased too much in Ruksar village, the villagers of Ruksar started selling the foods to other villages and used to earn gold coins in return. Dronankur felt very happy and satisfied. All the topics of science of our sea world were practiced by the mermales of Rajakya community only. But, later on, when some mermales of Jatikano community and Pitrala community started practicing those topics of science, it really angered the mermales of Rajakya community. Dronankur also opened a school of botany in Ruksar village and educated many top budding botanists of Jatikano community in and around Tabernia Kingdom. Within a span of two years after the inauguration of the botany school, the Tabernia Kingdom earned 80 million Rubbali (Common currency of the sea world) by exporting foods to all the other kingdoms of the sea world. It raised an alarm to Emperor Kakrasa.

Mirinda:- What alarm? Emperor Kakrasa would have been very happy that the food productivity of sea world was increasing.

General Damus:- It is the war of economies, Mirinda. In our sea world, there are three big stock exchanges; Greenland Stock Exchange (GSE), Oceania Stock Exchange (OSE) and Kingsize Stock Exchange (KSE). All the trades of these three stock exchanges are monitored and governed by Sea World Bank (SEWBA). KSE is controlled by some royal traders and kings of the sea world. GSE is controlled by Emperor Kakrasa and the top class business mermales of the sea world. OSE is controlled by the poor farmers, traders of all class around the sea world. OSE is popular among the mermales as anybody can invest in it. The index of OSE was rising by leaps and bounds. Many traders of GSE broke the contracts of GSE and started investing in OSE. As you all know, Greenland is a small state of this sea world where all the rich mermales stay under the leadership of Emperor Kakrasa. Greenland state does not fall under any Kingdom, rather it is the Capital Zone of the sea world. Many mermales are also of the opinion that Emperor Kakrasa has hidden so many treasures in and around a desolate Greenland island of that state. But, as that desolate island is in the middle of the Greenland State, no one has hardly got chance to get nearer to it also. Kakrasa’s warriors guard that island with some scientific gadgets.

Mirinda:- Forget about Kakrasa and Greenland now. What did Kakrasa do to tame the rising index of OSE?

Maradon:- Nothing as such! Kakrasa’s warriors destroyed the botany school of Dronankur. Even some botany students got killed. Botany students who signed the contract to work for Kakrasa are still alive. They are giving tips and techniques to the farmers who work under Kakrasa. Kakrasa’s warriors kept Dronankur in the Xolariv prison for 3 years. Later on, COJA ordered Kakrasa to set Dronankur free. By that time, Dronankur was so shocked and humiliated that he became a mad mermale, though, he never stopped helping others.

Arindam:- That’s great! Dronankur can be a very useful mermale for us, if we ever start a war against Emperor Kakrasa.

Mirinda:- No! No! We want peace. No fighting! No more battles! You were on the verge of dying due to so many battles. I am still feeling lucky by seeing you alive.


Bombino:- Arindam and Mirinda have arrived. Bingo! Bingo! Start the party now! Music on! Please! Let us dance!

Arindam:- My goodness! Our villagers have decorated the entire village so well.

Mirinda:- Your villagers are very warm-hearted. I must appreciate that, dear.

Ptalone:- Here comes my son. I am proud of you, my son.

Siusa:- Whoa! What a pretty mermaid I have got as my daughter-in-law!

Doctor Sthatolone:- How is your health, Arindam? You are not completely cured. Don’t worry; I will do regular check-ups of yours.

Priest Jubilion:- I had faith on my astrological predictions, but, it would never have been a successful prediction without you such mermales.

Maradon, Tendula and Panduram:- Ha ha ha…

Tendula:- Frankly speaking, Jubilion uncle, we still don’t have any faith on astrology, though, we always suggest you to predict something good for our friend, Arindam.

Panduram:- Yes, Jubilion uncle, be a well-wisher for our Tomasi village rather than an astrologer.

Priest Jubilion:- See! I am the devotee of Lord Pasupati of this Sea World. Don’t worry; I always pray to my God to do something good for our Tabernia Kingdom.

Shakira (Bombino’s wife):- The food has been served. All the villagers are requested to enjoy the foods.


Mirinda:- You are leaving today, General Uncle!

General Damus:- Yeah! Your father gave me the job to reach you safely to your father-in-law’s house. My job is complete now. Now, I have to look after the security of Tabernia Kingdom also. I am very lucky to get a privilege to visit such a beautiful village. I hardly get times to visit villages, because there are so many security problems in and around the Royal Palace of Tabernia. Always be happy, Mirinda.

Mirinda:- Yeah! I will try to be.

General Damus:- By the way; where are you going for honeymoon?

Bombino:- Blue Moon Waters! Yes, General Damus, I have organized a lovely honeymoon package tour for Arindam and Mirinda at Blue Moon Waters which is just 3 Kilometers away from the Hawaii islands. They will surely enjoy there.

General Damus:- Ok! That sounds fine! Well; Mirinda, see you again, Bye Bye!

Mirinda:- Bye! Bye! Uncle Damus!


General Monduka:- There is a bad news for you! Mirinda killed Alligator Abbas and Arindam is still alive after suffering a severe injury on his tail-fin. We have got information that both Arindam and Mirinda are in Tomasi village now. Even we are getting information that Arindam and his villagers have a plan to form a strong armed force against Emperor Kakrasa’s warriors.

Vikrant:- It is easier said than done. I have a plan. I need to have a secret meeting with Scientist Shahjahan.

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