Sunday, June 9, 2013


Arindam:- Yes, the entry door of the Bermuda Triangle is opening now. Yeah! The door is open now. Oh! No! Something is attracting us towards that direction. What’s that sound! Someone is laughing at us.

JishuRamAllah (The God of Death of Sea World):-  Heeeoaaaahhaa Haa haaaa Heeooaaahaaaa !!!

Bombino:- I have never heard such a dangerous laugh in my life.

Mirinda:- Oh! Thank God! Finally, we have reached a spot where we are feeling no attraction. But, what part of the Sea World is this? We are seeing not a single creature. There is not a single sea-weed or coral reef in this region. The sea-bed is full of sands. Even we can see valleys of sands in this region.

JishuRamAllah:- Welcome to the Desert Of Death (DOD) of Bermuda Triangle! In earlier days, there was no entry door in Bermuda Triangle. Many creatures were attracted towards this DOD due to that magnetic valley of sands. Can you see that valley of sands with a red colored peak? Actually, it is a natural magnetic hillock which has got covered with sands all around. But, the cover of sands has not weakened the magnetic powers of that magnetic hillock. That magnetic hillock has also attracted some aeroplanes from the sky. That hillock is at the Center of the Earth. Below that hillock, lies the Central Core of the Earth. Earlier, so many creatures in this Sea World used to die because they were attracted to this Desert of Death by this magnetic hillock. So, to reduce the number of deaths, I ordered my team members to create a strong entry door. For security purposes, I also ordered them to keep the Platinum biscuit, the Pearl and the Diamond in three different locations of the Sea World.

Arindam:- Oh! You talk too much. Who the hell are you? Where is that special magical sword?

JishuRamAllah (while laughing out loudly):- You want to know my identity. Heeoaaaahaaa Haaa haaa haaaa Heeoaahaaaa!!! I am the God of Death of this Sea World. After the formation of this planet, Lord Brahma classified this planet in three forms; AIR, LAND and WATER. Lord Dhoomketu is the God of Death of AIR. Lord Yamraaj is the God of Death of LAND and JishuRamAllah is the God of Death of WATER. 

Bombino:- Oh! My God! Are we dead or alive?

JishuRamAllah:- Three of you are still alive, but, you will surely die if you live here for 1 or 2 days, because you will get nothing to eat in this Desert Of Death and moreover, no one has ever succeeded in going out of this desert region even after swimming for miles after miles, except one mermale. Though, I could have told that mermale about the secret tunnel.

Mirinda:- Are you a mermale or some other creature? Your head has no muscles in it. Your head is a skull, though it has eyeballs. Your middle portion of the body is the body of a mermale with a typical snake’s skin. In your lower portion, you have the tail-fin of a whale. You are standing on the Sea-bed in the style of a Sea-Horse. You are totally a hybrid creature.

JishuRamAllah:- God has created us like that. We are popularly known as Skeletals. The origin of our species is in Central Atlantic Ocean itself. Our ancestors used to suck bloods of other creatures but we also eat raw flesh of all other creatures. Slowly and steadily, God of the Sea World became angry on our species and started killing us by infusing some deadly viruses on our body through divine mantras. All the skeletals understood their mistakes and started praying the Sea of God, Samudrarajan Vishnu. Later on, Min Devi, the Goddess of Sea World suggested the Sea of God to remove the species of Skeletals from the Sea Waters and put them inside the Bermuda Triangle and the strongest Skeletal of all Skeletals will become the God of Death of the Sea World. Only the Skeletal who becomes the God of Death will never die, otherwise, all the other Skeletals will die and take rebirth like other aquatic creatures. So, ultimately, the Sea of God implemented that rule.

Arindam:- So, are you going to kill us right now?

JishuRamAllah:- No, not at all. After all, I am the God of Death, not a predator. I will give you a chance to remain alive. I know that you are on a mission to kill that cruel Emperor, Kakrasa. Till date, except Emperor Kakrasa, no other aquatic creature has ever been able to go out of this Bermuda Triangle. 10 years back, Emperor Kakrasa with 5 warriors entered Bermuda Triangle. That time, there was no entry door in Bermuda Triangle. Emperor Kakrasa’s target was to plunder the treasures in the Cave Of Qoober (COQ). Qoober was the No.1 pirate of the Sea World. Qoober plundered all the ships of Europe and America and was on his way towards Arabian Sea with a large fleet of ships. But, unfortunately, all his ships fell into magnetic zone of Bermuda Triangle. Qoober and his men died in this DOD and we took all the treasures and kept it inside a secret cave, which we named as Cave Of Qoober (COQ). 

Bombino:- You such Skeletal’s job is to eat flesh of other creatures. Every, now and then, this magnetic valley attracts other creatures towards this desert. So, you don’t have to try hard to hunt also. What will you do with all these treasures? It has no value at all to the Skeletals.

JishuRamAllah:- Who is not fond of precious metals? As per special permission of the Sea of God, we are allowed to go out of Bermuda Triangle twice a year for a social cause. There is a condition that if any skeletal kills any other creatures outside Bermuda Triangle, then that skeletal will automatically die on that spot. 

Arindam:- Social cause! What social cause! 

JishuRamAllah:- You would have asked your dad. Many a times, your dad has got some special jewels or metals from the sea-bed of your poor village. Generally, we throw some of the jewels or precious metals in those regions where poor mermales or mermaids live. Ultimately, Qoober’s plan was to distribute all these wealth to the poor people of Saudi Arabia, but, alas, he died. 

Arindam:- Ok! I am feeling fed up after hearing all these stories. We are feeling hungry and too tired also. We don’t want to waste time by hearing your stories. Come to the point. Where is that special magical sword?

JishuRamAllah:- It is inside the Cave Of Qoober (COQ). But, to enter inside that cave, you have to fight with Zedon, the guard of COQ. Zedon is a very dangerous skeletal. It is not so an easy task to defeat him. 10 years back, Kakrasa killed Zordan, the father of Zedon to enter COQ. Now, it is your turn to enter COQ by killing Zedon. If Zedon kills you, then it is all over here. Start the fight. Best of luck to you!


Bombino:- No! It is not working at all. Arindam is totally in a defensive mood. Why is he not attacking Zedon?

Mirinda:- Maybe! Arindam is trying to decrease Zedon’s stamina. Are you not observing one thing? The skeletal, Zedon is very fast in sword fighting. Oh! No! Zedon has injured the left little finger of Arindam.

Bombino (shouted out of frustration):- Come on! Arindam! Focus on his eyes. He is not so fast, but, his eyes are sharper than you. Act after seeing the movement of his eyes and you fool him with your eyes also.


Arindam (shouted with joy after killing Zedon):- Yes! Finally! I have won the battle.

Bombino and Mirinda (overjoyed):- Well done!

JishuRamAllah:- Congrats! You are a good fighter like Kakrasa, but, still you want that magical sword. Ok! Now, you can go inside the Cave Of Qoober (COQ), but, to find the magical sword, you have to solve a riddle. The riddle is; ‘SEVEN STEPS RIGHT TO THE STONY DOOR TO LEAD OF SWORDS TO LEFT FOR SIX STEPS DOWNWARDS TO CENTER THE TRUNK.’


Mirinda:- My goodness! What a cave! There are so many treasures inside it. I am feeling tempted to wear some of those golden necklaces.

Bombino:- Mirinda! Don’t get carried away. We are on a mission. Arindam, we have to go towards right direction of this cave for seven steps. Come on, let us start.

Arindam:- Ok! We have come seven steps to the right direction. But, where is the stony door? There is no door here. Everywhere, it is the wall of the cave. Where is the door?

Mirinda:- No, I think that we are missing something in the riddle. Look at the wall of the cave carefully. There are so many words written on it in Hululu language. Keep on reading those words. 

Arindam:- Uuh! Now, we have to read also as if we are reading the headlines of newsleaves. Ok! Let me start reading all the words on the walls of the cave. ‘Ronpa’, ‘Chegol’, ‘Plenty’, ‘Treseura’, ‘Lead’, ‘Flutina’, ‘Nekjog’…

Bombino:- Hey! Arindam! Did you pronounce the word, ‘Lead’?

Arindam:- Yeah! It is written here.

Bombino:- Great! Let us touch our respective swords on that word, ‘Lead’. See! That’s great! This portion of the wall of the cave is opening up. This is the stony door. Now, let us go inside this stony door. See! There are downward staircases in three directions. 

Mirinda:- Take the left staircase and go 6 steps downwards only. What is it? A big natural rectangular tub full of hot water and trunk is floating on it. There is a big lock on that trunk. We have to break that lock with our sword. Start breaking it.

Bombino:- Strange! We are breaking the lock, but, again a different lock is locking the trunk. It is a magical trunk. Let us try to take the trunk out from the tub full of hot water. 

Arindam:- We will fail to do that. Even if we bring the trunk out of that tub of hot water, there is no guarantee that we can break that lock. In the riddle, we were instructed to center the trunk. Let us try to move the trunk at the central point of the tub of hot water with our respective swords and see what happens.

Mirinda:- Oh! Yeah! That was the trick! The moment we moved the trunk at the center of the tub of hot water, the trunk opened and the magical sword came out automatically from it to fall on the staircase. 

Bombino:- So, this is the magical sword. It looks so simple!

Arindam:- Deadly things always look simple. That’s why; these types of deadly things are so dangerous. 

Mirinda:- Come on! Let’s go out of here. But, can I take some good necklaces? Please!

Arindam:- Ok! Take some necklaces. Mermaids are always fond of golden necklaces. I don’t know why!


JishuRamAllah:- Congratulations! Finally, you have got the magical sword. Now, it is time for sacrifice.

Arindam:- Sorry! I can’t get it.

JishuRamAllah:- The Survival Law of Bermuda Triangle states that; ‘Sacrifice is the key to success inside the Bermuda Triangle. You can never go out alone from this Bermuda Triangle if you enter inside the Bermuda Triangle alone.’ Had you been killed by Zedon, all the skeletals of this Bermuda Triangle would have also killed Mirinda and Bombino. But, as you have won against Zedon, so, we cannot kill you as per the other laws of Bermuda Triangle. But, either Mirinda or Bombino has to stay back in Bermuda Triangle so that our skeletals can feed on it. That is; at least, one has to sacrifice his or her life. When Kakrasa succeeded in plundering some precious metals and jewels from COQ after killing Zordan, he was also told to sacrifice a warrior. Had Kakrasa died in the battle against Zordan, then we would have eaten all the warriors of Kakrasa. Kakrasa selected one warrior to stay back here. Now, it is your turn to decide. Tell me; who will stay back. Is it Mirinda or Bombino?

Arindam:- I am totally stunned now. I was not prepared for this type of a situation.

Bombino:- But I was. Yes! Turtle Taraknath told me everything about Bermuda Triangle. 

JishuRamAllah:- Oh! That intelligent Turtle is still alive. These turtles live for 200 years or so. What a blessing of the Sea of God they have! Yes! Yes! Bombino, carry on. You were saying something.

Bombino:- Both Mirinda and Arindam have to remain alive, otherwise, Kakrasa cannot be killed.

JishuRamAllah:- Yeah! You are absolutely correct, Bombino. See, Arindam and Mirinda, this Bombino is the perfect obedient disciple of Turtle Taraknath. He knows everything. As per the agreement made by Mirinda in front of that Caramel, if Mirinda dies now, the magical sword will have no magical powers in it to kill Kakrasa. If Arindam dies, then, there is no other avatar in this Sea World to kill Kakrasa. So, at this point, Bombino has to stay back at Bermuda Triangle to get killed by Skeletals. Actually, it is the best feasible sacrifice at this moment. 

Arindam (In a disheartened tone):- Bombino, you knew everything beforehand. All the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community will never forget your sacrifice. 

Mirinda (with tears in her eyes):- Aah! I have nothing to say but to weep. The mermaid society is proud of you such mermale.

JishuRamAllah:- Ok! Enough of emotions! Everyone has to die one day! In a battleground, fighters have to die to take a re-birth again. Arindam and Mirinda, remember one thing. You have to keep back the Platinum Biscuit, the Pearl and the Diamond at those places from where you took it, otherwise, the magical sword will remain powerless. It will be of no use then.

Arindam:- Ok! We will surely keep back all the three valuable items at their respective places, but, where are those items?

JishuRamAllah:- Here they are. Keep these three things inside your leather bag.  There is a secret tunnel beside the entrance of Cave Of Qoober (COQ). The tunnel goes downwards and then upwards after certain miles. The tunnel leads to the Strait of Gibraltar. I didn’t tell about this secret tunnel to Kakrasa, but, this time, I am doing a special favor to both of you. So, bye, bye to both of you! Hoping that you will never dare to enter inside the Bermuda Triangle! Best of luck for your mission! 

Bombino:- Goodbye Arindam and Mirinda. Don’t worry; I will take a re-birth again as a mermale.

Arindam and Mirinda (with tears in their eyes):- Goodbye Bombino! May your soul rest in peace!


Arindam:- Now, we are out of Bermuda Triangle. This is the Strait of Gibraltar. Mirinda, now, you swim towards Cuba Coastal Waters to reach our base ground. I will come back after a week or so, after keeping all these three valuable things in their respective places. 

Mirinda:- No, I will also go with you. 

Arindam:- Ok! As you wish.

Mirinda:- Bombino is neither your friend nor was of mine, but, still, he sacrificed his life to save both of us.

Arindam:- Bombino was the leader of our village. Now, I understand why our villagers elected him as a leader. Bombino was not at all a selfish mermale and always helped the villagers in the times of danger. He is the pride of our village and I am feeling proud of him.


Priest Jubilion:- Hurrah! Both Arindam and Mirinda are back. They have the magical sword. Hurrah! God save Kakrasa now!

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