Monday, June 24, 2013


King Arindam:- Dronankur is giving us the signal that our fighters have captured Greenland Fort from all sides. Now, it is time for us to proceed towards Greenland Fort. Maradon, please go to North Sea with some of our fighters to have some treatment of your wounds. Doctor Sthatolona is curing our wounded fighters in North Sea only.

Maradon:- Ok! Your Highness!


King Arindam:- Tendula and Dronankur, both of you swim towards Hudson Bay with all these fighters to tackle the other warriors of Kakrasa.

Tendula:- No, I will stay outside this Greenland Fort with our fighters. Dronankur may swim towards Hudson Bay with all his fighters. 

King Arindam:- Ok! Not an issue. Now, let me enter inside the Greenland Fort.


Emperor Kakrasa (after seeing Arindam and Mirinda inside the Greenland Fort):- Aah! Finally, you have come here to kill me. Ha ha ha…I have heard that you have got a magical sword to kill me. Is it true?
King Arindam:- Indeed it is. Here it is.

Queen Mirinda:- Offer an open challenge to Emperor Kakrasa to fight against you.

Emperor Kakrasa:- No, no, Mirinda, don’t force him like that. Rather, I am offering an open challenge for the sword fight with me.


Roland:- Oh! No! All the fighters of Jatikano community were hiding in the Hudson Bay. Warriors! Kill all these fighters.

Dronankur:- Fighters! It is now or never. Cut down all these warriors into several pieces.


Turtle Tilak:- Suddenly, why the sea waters are having too high tidal waves?

Turtle Taraknath:- The two great mermales have started the sword fight. The sea waters will calm down if and only if one of those two mermales dies in the fight.


Tendula (while guarding outside Greenland Fort):- The sword fight between King Arindam and Emperor Kakrasa started around one hour back but it is still on. 

Another fighter guarding outside the Greenland Fort:- If King Arindam loses against Emperor Kakrasa, then what will we do? Should we surrender?

Tendula:- The question does not arise at all, because our King Arindam has the magical sword.


Emperor Kakrasa (while feeling too tired):- Oh! You are basically a coward. You are totally in a defensive mood. Come on, attack me like a fighter. Show me your bravery.

Queen Mirinda (while watching the sword fight):- No, Arindam, don’t get influenced by his words. He is trying to tempt you to go for the attack. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- Oh! I see! You are a servant of your wife. Whatever your wife says, you will do that. Ha ha ha…You poor mermale. I really feel pity on you. A servant of his own wife! Ha ha ha…

King Arindam (got angry and started attacking Emperor Kakrasa with the sword):- Ok! If you want to see my bravery, then let it be. Protect yourself from my sword, if you really can.


Roland:- These fighters are very well trained. They are not giving us any advantage while fighting. What’s that sound?

An warrior of Kakrasa:- That’s the voice of Emperor Kakrasa. He is laughing out loudly and saying something.


Emperor Kakrasa (with full excitement and joy):- Ha ha ha…Ha ha ha…Oh! You poor mermale of Jatikano community, your magical sword is broken now. Already, I got the information from Turtle Taraknath that the shining scratch mark on the magical sword is the weakest point of that sword. Now, nobody can kill me. I am still the Emperor.

King Arindam (with a cheeky smile):- Hold on, Emperor! The war is not over yet. Turtle Taraknath also told me to fight with an ordinary sword which looks identical to the original magical sword. Mirinda, give the original magical sword to me. Now, Kakrasa, are you too tired to break this original magical sword. Yes, you are tired! That was my strategy. I went on a defensive mode to let you lose your stamina. But, I am still having good stamina in me. Come on; let us have a real sword fight now. 

Emperor Kakrasa (with a surprise look):- This is cheating. This is not a fair play.

King Arindam:- Everything is fair in a deadly war. Can you please tell me about an instance where you have won a battle or war with complete fair play policies. When you cheated on others in a battle, that’s fair, but, when someone cheats you in the battle, that’s unfair. We have talked so much, come on, kill me if you can. Prove yourself that you are really an Emperor.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Oh! You are now counter-attacking me very aggressively. Ok! As per my rules, offense is the best defense. I will also attack you.

King Arindam (surprised Kakrasa with a speedy movement and pierced the magical sword at Kakrasa’s chest):- Yeah! I have done it. 

Emperor Kakrasa (felt about his upcoming death as the magical sword was pierced in his chest):- Lord Pasupati’s curse was right. Due to my cruelty, I am getting a punishment. I am going to die. God save the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community.

King Arindam (was fully excited when Kakrasa fell on the seabed and died):- Hurrah! The cruel Emperor Kakrasa is no more. All the saffron star fishes are requested to spread the message to the Sea World that Emperor Kakrasa is dead.


All the warriors of Kakrasa:- Our Emperor is dead. We have to surrender now, as per the code rules of the warriors of the sea world.
Roland:- No, no one will surrender. I have got the information that Queen Diana and Prince Viswajeet are alive and hiding in Mara Sea. We will meet them there. We will again reunite. Come on, let us leave this place. 


Octopus Olivia:- Oh! Finally, an era of cruelty and terrorism has ended in this Sea World.


Sea Horse Rozario:- When Arindam was a little mermale, I offered him some roseberries. Today, that mermale has done a great job.


Turtle Taraknath:- Ah! It is a sense of great satisfaction to me to know that Emperor Kakrasa is no more.


Whales of the Sea World:- The mermale, Arindam has taken the sweet revenge. The souls of all our dead whales may rest in peace now. Long live King Arindam.


Doctor Sthatolone:- I failed to save the life of Maradon. He was too severely injured to get cured by me.

Priest Jubilion:- Dronankur fought till the last drop of his blood, but, Roland killed Dronankur brutally. Now, the time has come for you to become the Emperor of this Sea World.


Emperor Arindam (Delivering a speech after becoming the new Emperor of the Sea World):- I would have never become an Emperor of this Sea World without the sacrifice of so many mermales, mermaids and other aquatic creatures. Actually, I am not an Emperor. I am a servant of yours. I had no intention to become an Emperor, but, my job was to kill that cruel Kakrasa. I am happy and satisfied that the Sea World is free of cruelty now. Let peace and prosperity prevail in this Sea World. Be happy and keep others happy. Live and let others live. The capital of this Sea World will be shifted from Greenland to Tabernia. From now on, Fort Gomrank will be the Fort of Emperor. Come on; let us all create a peaceful Sea World which will be filled with love, peace, prosperity, respect and friendship. Let us all take an oath to treat all other aquatic creatures of this Sea World in equal respects. Thank you.

All the aquatic creatures present outside the Greenland Fort (started singing together):- ‘Oh! Our New Emperor, with due respect; love, peace and prosperity are what we expect; we hope that you perform all your duties well like an Emperor the Great.’

Emperor Arindam:- Oh! I feel really honored after hearing that song from you all. Thank you once again.

All the aquatic creatures outside the Greenland Fort:- Long Live Emperor Arindam. Our Sea World is proud of you.


Queen Diana:- If we stay here, then the fighters of Emperor Arindam may kill us. We need to go far away from this region to form a small empire of mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tasman Sea.

Roland:- Ok! As you wish! Your Highness!


Minister Tendula:- Your Highness! Day after tomorrow, you will complete your 25 years tenure as an Emperor of this Sea World.  All the mermales and mermaids of the Sea World are requesting you to go for a victory rally from Greenland Fort to Gomrank Fort like you did 25 years before after killing the cruel Emperor Kakrasa.

Emperor Arindam:- Ok! Surely! We will go for a victory rally to mark the 25th year of our rule in this Sea World. But, this time, I have some important announcements to make also. 

Empress Mirinda:- What announcements! 

Emperor Arindam:- Two years back, we gave a special statutory power to the Court Of Judicial Authority  (COJA) to amend new laws which will be above any government of any kingdom. Last year, COJA amended a new law that the Emperor of the Sea World should be elected by the aquatic creatures of the Sea World through a voting system. As per COJA, every aquatic animal of this Sea World deserves to execute its democratic rights after every 10 years. In these 25 years, many kingdoms have risen and many have fallen. At present, there are three big kingdoms in this Sea World. Our Tabernia is the most powerful and biggest kingdom. Bango is another kingdom which is becoming more powerful than before. King Jaladhar is really a good king. Surprisingly, the Austrazeal kingdom which is near the Australian coastal waters has managed to capture many small kingdoms. King Viswajeet is the King of Austrazeal kingdom. COJA has requested me personally to give the names of Kings or Princes who are capable of fighting the election for the post of Emperor. So, after 1 month or so, I have to resign from this post of Emperor to fight the election. 

Minister Tendula:- Oh! If you contest in the election, everyone will vote you only. So, you will remain as the Emperor only.

Emperor Arindam:- Try to understand. I am getting old now. I will not contest in the election for the post of Emperor. Rather, my son, King Avinash will contest the election. King Avinash was crowned as King of Tabernia kingdom last year only. I am really impressed by the way he has administered this Tabernia kingdom. In every nook and corner of the Tabernia kingdom, he brought socio-economic development. Day after tomorrow, in the victory rally, my son will also accompany me. Declare publicly that King Avinash is going to contest the election for the post of Emperor and I am going to resign from the post of Emperor by next week only.

Empress Mirinda:- That’s a great strategy to hand over your power to your son, though, very tactfully. But, is our son capable of handling such a big responsibility?

Emperor Arindam:- Bad times and brutal reality will teach our son everything. I didn’t take birth as an Emperor, but, I learned all the skills to administer well as an Emperor from practical experiences only. Don’t worry; Avinash will not let us down.


Ex-Queen Diana:- Look at the newsleaves today. Have you read the headlines?

Ex-Minister Roland:- Yeah! But, King Avinash is also a good administrator. Moreover, all the aquatic animals of this Sea World will have a tendency to cast their votes to Avinash because he is the son of Arindam. King Jaladhar has no chance to become an Emperor because he has a very calm and introvert character and is too much focused with his Banga kingdom only. 

Ex-Queen Diana:- Exactly! Remove Avinash. Automatically, your step-son, King Viswajeet will be the Emperor.


Priest Jubilion:- Doctor Sthatolona, come quickly here. It’s an emergency! Someone has thrown a knife at Arindam’s neck while he was marching in the victory rally through Barents Sea.


Doctor Sthatolona:- Control yourself, Mirinda. It is really shocking to see a good-hearted Emperor like Arindam to get killed by someone. May God give a strict punishment to the killer of Arindam! Already, riots have started in different parts of the Sea World as the news of the death of Emperor got spread everywhere. COJA is trying hard to calm down everyone.  We have to bury the dead body of Arindam at Tomasi village.

Mermaid Mirinda (while weeping):- I also want to die now, but, I will not die till I take the sweet revenge. Tell all our fighters to search for that bloody killer. 


Ex-Minister Roland:- I missed the target. Both Avinash and Arindam were at the same chariot sitting beside each other. I threw the knife at the right time, when King Avinash was standing at the chariot, but, somehow, Emperor Arindam stood up from his seat at his chariot at that juncture and the knife got struck at his neck. He started bleeding and I swam away speedily from that crowded area.

Ex-Queen Diana:- Somehow, you have to kill Avinash. Arindam was anyway about to resign from the post of Emperor. Kill Avinash at any cost.


Painter Prerana (Daughter of Painter Paintal):- As per the statements from some mermales of Barents Sea, I have made a sketch of the killer on a papyrus leaf. Here it is.

Mermaid Mirinda:- Who is he? I can’t recognize him. 

Minister Tendula:- But, I can. This is the bloody Roland, the ex-minister of Late Kakrasa. This bloody mermale killed Dronankur and now he killed Arindam.  At present, Roland stays in Austrazeal kingdom. 

Mermaid Mirinda:- Attack Austrazeal kingdom. 

King Avinash:- Mother, I have also got the information that after the death of Vikrant, his wife, Diana got married to Roland.

Mermaid Mirinda:- Let her be a widow for the 2nd time.

Priest Jubilion:- Our fighters have totally devastated the Austrazeal kingdom. We have also captivated both Diana and Roland. King Viswajeet has escaped somewhere.

Mermaid Mirinda:- Cut their bodies into several pieces and tie those pieces with ropes made of sea weeds. Then, hang those pieces at the Vordumloz Valley of our Sea World. All the sharks will enjoy those pieces of meats.

Minister Tendula:- Thanks for your humble order, your highness! Nothing can be so sweeter than such a bold act of revenge. 


Judge Jackson (Son of Judge Jishu):- After a fair election process conducted by COJA for the first time ever in the history of this Sea World, we hereby declare King Avinash as the next new Emperor of the Sea World for a tenure of 10 years till the next election is being held after 10 years. As King Viswajeet is absconding, so, his nomination got cancelled automatically. King Jaladhar was the only contender of King Avinash in this election. King Avinash defeated King Jaladhar by three lakhs fifty five thousand and ninety three votes. Please give a big round of applause for the new Emperor Avinash.

All the aquatic creatures present outside the COJA Fort:- Hip Hip Hurrah! Long Live King Avinash! Administer this Sea world like your father did for 25 years. 


Prince Abhroneel (son of Emperor Avinash):- Grandma! Today, everyone is going to attend the victory rally. Dad has completed 25 years of his administration. Will you not attend the victory rally, grandma? 

Mermaid Mirinda:- No, my grandson! I am very sick today. I am having a high fever. I am getting too old also. You go and enjoy the victory rally. I will rest here inside the Fort Gomrank.

Prince Abhroneel:- Ok! Grandma! 


Turtle Tilak:- I need to go to Tabernia kingdom today.

Turtle Tilottama (wife of Turtle Tilak):- Why? What happened?

Turtle Tilak:- Read the headlines of newsleaves today. 

Turtle Tilottama:- What’s there in it?

Turtle Titan (son of Turtle Tilak):- Maa, it is written here on the newsleaves that Mermaid Mirinda has expired yesterday.

Turtle Tilottama:- Oh! That’s a sad news.

Turtle Tilak:- I have seen that fighting mermaid in my young days. I am still an admirer of that brave mermaid. I need to go to Tabernia kingdom to pay the last tribute. 

Turtle Tilottam:- Take these white colored Jalrajani flowers with you. May her soul rest in peace!

Doctor Stalin (Youngest son of Doctor Sthatolona):- I was doing her treatment. I used modern medications to cure her, but, her old age was not supporting her. Everyone has to die one day. Maybe, it was her day to bid goodbye to our Sea World.

Priest Jabarani (Daughter of Priest Jubilion):- Emperor Avinash is totally inconsolable. He is crying and saying that he lost his father when Emperor Arindam’s 25th year of administration was celebrated through a victory rally and now he lost his mother when he celebrated his 25th year of administration in the same fashion.

Turtle Tilak:- Tell Emperor Avinash to control himself. Death is the ultimate truth.

Mermaid Manikanchan (wife of Emperor Avinash):- Who are you?

Turtle Tilak:- I am the son of Turtle Taraknath. Probably, you don’t know me, but, Avinash knows me very well. 5 years back, before dying, my father, Turtle Taraknath told me one thing that Mirinda will die but her soul will not die until and unless Arindam sees her soul in his next birth. We don’t know, Arindam has taken a re-birth as a mermale or some other creature, but, he has to see the soul of Mirinda to let her soul die for becoming eligible for the re-birth.

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