Sunday, April 28, 2013


Mirinda:- As per the pointer in the marble plate, we are just a few meters away from the meeting point of Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean in Kanyakumari. 

Arindam:- This meeting point of three seas is really a divine place. Look at the color of the water. Oh! My goodness! It is as if the Mother Nature is constantly mixing up the three different shades of blue color at this point to create ultimate beauty out of it. 

Mirinda:- There is an instruction in the magical wooden plate. ‘Swim towards the Vivekananda Sila (Vivekananda Rock). At the southern end of that Vivekananda Rock, there is a small tunnel. Swim through that tunnel to reach a place which is under the sea-bed of the meeting point of Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea in Kanyakumari. Don’t forget to collect the special spectacles from the walls of that tunnel.  The pearl lies inside the Rock Temple of Zero Gravity Zone.’

Maradon:- That means; we are now at the top of that rock temple. The rock temple is just under the sea-bed of this point. Let us start digging the sea-bed here.

Mirinda:- Don’t talk like a fool. It is not so easy to dig down a sea-bed deeply. Just follow the instruction. Come on; let us swim towards the Vivekananda Rock.


Arindam:- Everyone light up your respective hydro-electric torch. It is totally dark inside this tunnel.

Maradon:- Oh! Something has bitten me. Some creatures from that direction attacked me. Flash the torch lights towards that direction.

Mirinda:- Oh! No! It is a gang of Sea-Scorpions. We can’t fight with them. We just have to swim faster. If they all bite us together, we will surely have a very painful death inside this tunnel. 

Arindam:- Hey! Look! I have spotted the spectacles. Let me take all of them. Now, it is time to swim for our life till we get out of here.


Mirinda:- We are out of the tunnel now, but, where are we? We can see a roof here. We are feeling like floating in this water. We are unable to swim downwards here. We are unable to see the sky.

Arindam:- We are under the sea-bed of the meeting point of three seas. That’s why; we are unable to see the blue sky. This is a Zero Gravity Zone. That’s why; we are unable to swim downwards. But, where is the Rock Temple? We are not seeing any temple here.

Maradon:- What’s the use of these spectacles. Let us all wear the spectacles.

Arindam:- Ok! Let us wear the spectacles. Oh! Yeah! We can see the Rock Temple just a few meters downwards from here. Now, I understand the essence of these spectacles. 

Mirinda:- But, how to swim downwards? We are trying hard, but, we are still floating and our heads are getting banged on the sandy roof. 

Honda (Leader of the Helicopter fishes):- Generally, we have never seen any mermale or mermaid coming to visit this Rock Temple from a wrong direction. This is not only a Zero Gravity Zone but an Invisible Zone also for ordinary mermales and mermaids. An ordinary mermale or mermaid cannot see that Rock Temple without wearing those special spectacles. 

Maradon:- So, you mean, there is another shortcut route to reach this Rock Temple.

Honda:- Yeah! Of course! Actually, you are seeing the back-end of the Rock Temple from this side. Few kilometers away from this region, there is a dense forest, popularly known as Mandarin forest. 100 years back, there was a mermale who was a hermit. His name was Ramkrishna. He used to meditate in that Mandarin forest. One day, he dreamt that Goddess Kali told him to construct a rock temple by cutting down a hollow elevated plateau of Sea-bed at the meeting point of three seas. Ramkrishna told about his dream to all the other devotees of Goddess Kali. All of them started cutting down that elevated rocky plateau to construct a Rock Temple. When they cut the rocks further to create the back-end door of that Rock Temple, they discovered this Zero Gravity Zone followed by a tunnel full of Sea-Scorpions. Later on, it was discovered that the mermales who learned all the mantras and divine powers by performing meditation towards Goddess Kali were only able to swim in this Zero Gravity Zone and can see the Rock Temple with naked eyes. So, if you are a real tantric mermale, you can easily swim in this Zero Gravity Zone. But, as you are floating, so you are not a true devotee of Goddess Kali. Anyway, we, the helicopter fishes are also great devotees of Goddess Kali. That’s why; we also come here to spend our spiritual time. 

Arindam:- You can swim downwards in this Zero Gravity Zone. So, are you also having some divine powers?

Honda:- No, it is our body structure that helps us to swim in this zone. We have a special oar-fin at our forehead and a special elevated long tail-fin with two lateral oar-fins attached to it. Many human divers often used to call us as Helicopter Fishes. So, from then onwards, we also started calling ourselves as Helicopter Fishes. This is my brother, Hyundai and this is my sister, Hwuei. Just ride on us. We will take three of you to the Rock Temple.


Arindam:- Wow! What a temple it is indeed! There are rocky statues of 100 types of avatars of Goddess Kali inside this temple. Hats off to Ramkrishna and other devotees of Goddess Kali for constructing a temple like this. 

Maradon:- But, we are totally misguided by this wooden plate. To reach this temple, there is a simple route through Mandarin forest, but, we were told to enter this temple from its backside, maybe, to get those spectacles from that tunnel.

Mirinda:- Don’t criticize this wooden plate. It is still guiding us well. Hey! Now, there is another instruction. ‘The pearl is inside the head of that statue of Goddess Kali who is holding her cut-off head on her right hand.’

Arindam:- What! The wooden plate is surely fooling us. I have seen all the avatars of Goddess Kali here. None of these statues are having a cut-off head. 

Mirinda:- I have already counted all the statues. There are 99 statues. One statue is missing. Maybe, it is an invisible statue. 

Maradon:- Oho! Why have we all have taken off our spectacles. Wear the spectacles again. Yeah! There it is. There is the statue of Goddess Kali who is holding her cut-off head at her right hand. 

Arindam:- Yeah! Inside the cut-off head, there is the pearl. So, we have got the pearl. Now, let us swim towards Mandarin forest. Then, from there, we will have to swim a long way to reach Argentina Coastal Sea Waters.


Turtle Taraknath:- Great to see three of you alive. Give me the pearl. I will keep it at a safe place. Now, where is the Diamond? 

Mirinda:- There is the instruction on wooden plate. ‘Kill the Anaconda Angelina at Amazon River and collect the Diamond from Brasilia cave.’

Arindam:- Oh! It will be a dangerous encounter. Till date, I have never fought against any Anaconda.

Turtle Tilak:- Oops! Anaconda Angelina! Oh! No! She is the most dangerous Anaconda of this Sea World. Even she has a record of killing so many Brazilian inhabitants brutally including humans also. You all will die. It is better to surrender in front of Emperor Kakrasa instead of dying in the encounter against Anaconda Angelina.

Maradon:- If we surrender in front of Emperor Kakrasa, he will also kill us. So, it is better to fight like fighters.

Arindam:- Yeah! Maradon! You have just uttered the words of my heart. Tomorrow, we will head towards Amazon River. In this mission, I want Maradon, Tendula and Dronankur to accompany me and Mirinda.

Turtle Taraknath:- Of course, you take them with you. But, remember one thing. Anacondas cannot swim faster after swallowing too much food. Anacondas always attack from the wrong and unexpected directions.

Mirinda:- We need to kill some monster-fishes of Atlantic Ocean which are tasty. This time, we need to use some hydroelectric harpoons.


Minister Monduka:- Your Highness! We have got a secret information that Mirinda’s son is getting trained under Dolphin Denson.We also came to know about that secret training zone.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Mirinda’s son, Avinash is not at all a threat for us.

King Vikrant:- Try to understand, dad. If we kidnap Avinash, then it will be easier for us to arrest Mirinda.


Dronankur:- This is the point where Amazon River meets the South Atlantic Ocean. I have asked other aquatic creatures of this region about Anaconda Angelina. The skin color of Anaconda Angelina is light brown with dark rounded black spots on its body. Angelina is the fastest swimmer among all other anacondas in this region. It is impossible to kill Angelina after entering into the waters of Amazon River. There is a special species of red-colored fishes in this Amazon River, known as Mayan fishes. These Mayan fishes can always sense the presence of any Anaconda within a few meters before any other creatures. Mayan fishes have strong smelling powers than other aquatic species in this region. So, we can take the help of these Mayan fishes to track out other small anacondas and start killing them. Unless, you start killing the relatives of Anaconda Angelina, she will never start searching for us at the South Atlantic Ocean. The moment she comes out of Amazon River to take the sweet revenge in South Atlantic Ocean, we will attack her from all ends. The Brasilia Cave is at least 5 kilometers interior from this point. Brasilia Cave is the den of Angelina Anaconda. So, we can start swimming towards that Brasilia Cave only after killing Anaconda Angelina in South Atlantic Ocean.

Arindam:- Wow! Your brain is so sharp. I will surely make you my Army General if I ever become the Emperor of this Sea World.

Mirinda:- Stop being a day-dreamer. It is still a long way. Concentrate on every mission step-by-step.


Dolphin Denson (panting for breathe and severely injured):- Doctor Sthatolona, there is a bad news.

Doctor Sthatolona:- What happened? You are severely injured. What’s the matter?

Dolphin Denson:- Kakrasa’s warriors have kidnapped Avinash. I am lucky enough to escape from there.

Priest Jubilion:- Oh! No! They will kill Avinash.

Turtle Taraknath:- Maybe, it is a ploy to arrest Mirinda. If their motive was to kill Avinash, then they would have killed both Avinash and Dolphin Denson at that spot only. But, instead of doing that, they kidnapped Avinash and let Dolphin Denson to escape to spread the news of kidnapping. But, we will not let the news to spread further. Dolphin Denson, don’t tell anyone that Avinash has been kidnapped by Kakrasa’s warriors. I want Arindam and Mirinda to focus on their mission at any cost.

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