Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Nakala:- 20 fishing nets are ready. That’s great. We will go for fishing in this afternoon. You just need to put several fishes inside those nets and tie the nets with wires made of sea grasses, so that the fishes can never come out of those nets. Now, let me tell you the strategies. There are two types of Afrosundew plants. A green colored Afrosundew plant has a tongue at its stem but a red colored Afrosundew plant has tentacles at its roots. A green Afrosundew plant gulps any food but a red Afrosundew plant sucks blood from any animal after tying it completely with the help of several tentacles at its roots. Therefore, three of you have to swim near the sea-bed when you are nearer to the green Afrosundew plants. Swim at a much above height from the sea-bed when you are nearer to the red Afrosundew plants. Once you throw any fishing net full of fishes in front of any green Afrosundew plant, it will gulp it. We will get around 10 minutes to uproot that green Afrosundew plant. There is a big yellow flower at the stem of each red colored Afrosundew plant. You need to cut down that flower from the stem of that red Afrosundew plant with a sword. So, practice swimming up and down while moving forward with a decent speed. We will see you all after having a great fishing.


Nakala:- We will start swimming faster from this point. We are about to enter the Borabino jungle. It is a ‘do or die’ swimming. You are not supposed to stop anywhere in this jungle. Keep on swimming, no matter what happens. Arindam, you lead us. There are 3 green Afrosundew plants in a row. Just throw 3 fishing nets in front of those trees. Once they gulp the nets, all our penguins will start uprooting those trees with their beaks.

Arindam:- Ok! Done!

Arindam:- Mirinda! Swim at an upper level. The red Afrosundew plant is already swinging its tentacles near the Sea-bed. 

Mirinda:- Oh! Sorry! I forgot the strategy.

Dronankur:- Better don’t dare to forget it. It is a ‘do or die’ swimming. There are around 10 red Afrosundew plants in a row. Start cutting those yellow flowers with the swords.


Nakala:- No major casualties yet. Only some of our penguins have injured themselves slightly due to those thorns in the body of both types of Afrosundew plants. Our plan has clicked. Now, we have reached the Kilimanda hillock. Start searching for Platinum biscuit on that hillock.

Arindam:- You and Mirinda, stay at this point. I and Dronankur will search for that Platinum biscuit at the Kilimanda hillock.
Nakala and Mirinda:- Ok! 


Dronankur:- This hillock is not at all a small one. This Kilimanda hillock covers a lot of areas. We are not able to spot out anything on this hillock. Have you ever seen a Platinum biscuit? What is the color of Platinum?

Arindam:- Hussh! Dronankur, I have spotted that rectangular Platinum biscuit. There it is. But, something is moving below that Platinum biscuit. I can’t see clearly in this darkness. Come to this side. Yeah! See! This is the Platinum Biscuit. Yes! We have got it.

Dronankur:- Your Highness! That moving object is a giant crocodile. It is about to gulp you up. Swim for your life. Come on!

Arindam:- Oh! No! What a bloody creature! Nakala never told me about the presence of this giant crocodile here. Keep on swimming faster.


Nakala:- Look there! Both Arindam and Dronankur are coming towards us.

Arindam:- I have kept the Platinum biscuit inside this leather bag. I am throwing it to you, Mirinda. Catch the bag.

Mirinda:- Ok! Yeah! I have taken a nice catch. Oh! No! Dronankur has injured his right hand. Save Dronankur. That crocodile will kill him.

Arindam:- Don’t worry, Mirinda! I am expert in dealing with this type of creatures.


Nakala:- Thank God! You have killed that croczilla.

Arindam:- Yeah! Thanks for the compliments! Croczilla! Was that not a crocodile?

Nakala:- No, it was Croczilla, an another species of Sea-Dragon origin. These Croczillas are around 1.5 times larger than a crocodile. Their size is almost similar to a whale. There were several Croczillas in the Congo River. As the humans started killing these Croczillas to eat their meats, many Croczillas came out of Congo River to settle down at Atlantic Ocean. Maybe, he was one of them. But, I swear, I was not aware of the fact that a Croczilla is hiding on this Kilimanda hillock of Borabino jungle. 

Arindam:- Ok! Ok! Anyway, that Croczilla is dead. There is no point in thinking about it. By the way, we are having only 2 fishing nets left with us. Now, will we succeed in reaching South African coast from here? We have to pass across those Afrosundew plants again.

Mirinda:- All those Afrosundew plants are already dead. So, there are no risks anymore.

Nakala:- Those Afrosundew plants are dead but temporarily. These green colored Afrosundew plants abide by the stem cutting growth. If you cut their stems today, then they will again start growing at the same spot after 3 months. The red colored Afrosundew plants have deep roots. You never know, when and how these deep roots under the Sea-bed will again reproduce some new Afrosundew plants. 

Dronankur:- Hmm…this Borabino jungle will always remain as a dangerous jungle of the Sea World. Maybe, that’s why; that Croczilla selected that Kilimanda hillock as his safest place to hide. My right hand is still bleeding. I need some help.

Nakala:- Don’t worry; some of our penguins are expert in stitching injuries with their beaks. Even we have some idea about good medicinal herbs in this region. Just relax! Within half an hour, your bleeding will stop and after applying those medicinal herbs on your wounds, you will get cured within 24 hours.


Arindam:-  It is time for us to leave the waters of Cape of Good Hope. We have really enjoyed this adventure. Without your help, we couldn’t have got this Platinum biscuit. Thanks to you and all the penguins of South Africa. We are going back to Antarctica again. From there on, again we will start our journey to collect the Pearl.

Nakala:- Ok! Hey! Wait! Give this special rock to Pingu. Tell her that a gift is a gift; it can never be taken back again. 

Arindam (whispering):- Is there any romantic relationship between you and Pingu? Just a guess!

Nakala (somewhat felt shy and whispered):- Ha ha ha…Had I met Pingu before my marriage, I would have surely made her my wife.

Arindam:- Oh! Yeah! I read your mind correctly. Give that special rock to me. I will surely deliver it to Pingu.

Mirinda:- Hey! What’s the matter! What discussion is going on between you and Nakala?

Arindam:- Nothing as such. Anyway, Bye Bye Nakala. Bye Bye to South African Penguins.

All South African Penguins:- Never say Goodbye! We hate the word, ‘Goodbye’. Better say, ‘See you all again very soon’.

Arindam, Mirinda and Dronankur:- See you all again very soon.


Crocodile Chintamani:- Yes! Your Highness! I am telling the truth. Some mermales and mermaids are planning to kill you. I don’t know who they are. But, they blackmailed me or rather fooled me to take a special key from Sunderbans delta.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Do one thing. Tell the description of all those mermales and mermaids in front of Painter Paintal. Paintal will make the sketches of those mermales and mermaids.

Crocodile Chintamani:- Ok!


Turtle Taraknath:- We are now shifting our basement to Argentina Coastal Sea Waters as a security measure. Good to hear that you have got the Platinum biscuit. This time, to get the Pearl, Maradon will accompany Arindam and Mirinda. Arindam, give me the Platinum biscuit. I will keep it in a very safe place.

Arindam:- Here it is, the Platinum Biscuit. Keep it at a very safe place. You are our custodian now. 

Turtle Taraknath:- So, where are you heading now to get that pearl? Is there any instruction on that magical wooden plate?

Arindam:- Mirinda, is there any instruction? Please check.

Mirinda:- Yeah! There is an instruction. ‘Go to Kanyakumari. In Kanyakumari, there is a region where the waters of Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea meet each other. At that meeting point, you will get the pearl.’

Turtle Taraknath:- Ok! Start the journey towards Kanyakumari. Come back at Argentina Coastal Sea Waters after the mission. We will surely meet you there. Best of luck!

Arindam, Mirinda and Maradon:- Thank you.


Painter Paintal:- Your Highness! I have made all the sketches as per the description provided by Crocodile Chintamani. These are the sketches.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Mirinda is surely planning to do something. She may be forming a secret force to take the revenge against me. Tell Mirinda that I have not killed her hubby. Panduram killed her hubby. Rather, our warriors have killed Panduram. So, what is Mirinda trying to do?

King Vikrant:- Dad! Don’t order your warriors to kill her. Mirinda is a mermaid of Jatikano community, but, still I love her. I am still willing to marry that widow mermaid. Order your warriors to arrest that mermaid alive. I will marry her. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- What about my daughter-in-law, Diana? Will you give a divorce to her?

King Vikrant:- Dad, if you can marry for 10 times, then why can’t I marry for 2 times?

Emperor Kakrasa:- I married another mermaid only when my current wife has died. I have never had two wives simultaneously. Diana will never allow you to marry for 2nd time. She may file a divorce. Anyway, we will arrest Mirinda.

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