Sunday, April 7, 2013


Minister Monduka:- Already around 70 mermales and 40 mermaids have died in Kylowga kingdom due to the poisonous bites of golden stripped cobras. Our warriors have killed around 35 cobras so far, but, still, those cobras are not scared of us. They are biting the mermales and mermaids.

Emperor Kakrasa:- But, why? Generally, these Cobras are very peaceful creatures. They don’t attack anyone unless you attack them. Something must have gone wrong somewhere. Send the message of Cobra Corbett that I want to have a meeting with him.


Priest Jubilion:- Read the headlines of today’s newsleaves. Cobras are killing the mermales and mermaids. That’s why; Emperor Kakrasa is going to have a meeting with Cobra Corbett today.

Turtle Tilak:- This had to happen. You will steal the Golden Bowl and those Cobras will leave you unharmed. They are snakes. They are expert in fighting back. 

Turtle Taraknath:- This is not at all a good news. Emperor Kakrasa will come to know that someone has stolen the Golden Bowl. Kakrasa’s warriors will start spying. If, by chance, Kakrasa’s warriors came to know the reason behind the stealing of that Golden Bowl, those bloody spies may find out our secret place also. Hence, Arindam and we will be killed brutally. Did you guys told anything about the reason of stealing this Golden Bowl to anyone?

Dronankur:- We told about it to Euaaue, the spider-fish. He helped us.

Turtle Taraknath:- Kill that spider-fish, otherwise, he may tell the secret to Kakrasa’s warriors.

Bombino:- No, I don’t agree with you. How can you kill Euaaue? Due to his secret information, we succeeded to go through that artificial undercurrent and stole that Golden Bowl.

Turtle Taraknath:- We are grateful to him for that, but, the situation is such, that we have no other option than to kill him. I have already given the Jeevandhara medicine to Arindam. It will take around 7 days time for Arindam to get cured from paralysis. Winston and Tendula will go to the Swarnabhumi Cave to return the Golden Bowl.

Winston and Tendula (shouted out of surprise):- What! 

Tendula:- You want us to die or what.

Turtle Taraknath:- By now, you know the secret of stopping that artificial undercurrent. You have to kill Euaaue at any cost. Start the journey tonight.


Cobra Corbett:- Some of your warriors have stolen our Golden Bowl. We will kill all the mermales and mermaids. Return our Golden Bowl.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Corbett, just relax. Last time, Scientist Shahjahan tried to steal the Golden Bowl with some of our warriors but did not succeed in it. I also know how you all have utilized that scientist to create an artificial undercurrent. After that incident, I have ordered all my warriors that if we find any of our warriors trying to steal that Golden Bowl, then we will kill those warriors mercilessly. Don’t worry; within 2 days, our warriors will surely find out the Golden Bowl and those thieves. But, for these two days, you will not kill any mermale and mermaid. If our warriors fail to recover that Golden Bowl, then only you can start killing mermales and mermaids again.

Cobra Corbett:- Ok! I agree with these terms and conditions. But, remember, you have only two days time. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- Don’t think that I am scared of you and all other Cobras. If I wish; then all our warriors can easily kill all the Cobras. But, as I am an Emperor, it is my duty to take care of all types of creatures of this Sea World. You must appreciate it that I have come forward to help the Cobras.

Cobra Corbett:- Oh! Your Highness! If I have hurt you, I seek an apology for that. But, we are very angry. Being the leader of the Cobras, I am unable to control all those cobras. I hope that you can understand the situation.

Emperor Kakrasa:- We will have a talk after two days. You can go now.


Euaaue:- Where are you guys going?

Tendula:- We are going towards the Swarnabhumi Cave. Who are you?

Euaaue:- I am Euaaue. Few days back, two mermales and one mermaid also came here. I helped them with a secret information. Oh! Both of you must be their friends as you guys are having the Golden Bowl with you. Don’t even think that the Cobras will let you go alive from here after getting their Golden Bowl from both of you. They will give you a punishment. Do one thing. Keep the Golden Bowl near the sea-weeds forest. I will instruct the red crabs to crawl that ridge to give the information that their Golden Bowl is lying near the sea-weeds forest. 

Winston:- Ok! Instruct the red crabs first. 

Euaaue:- Hey! Rudy, come over here.

Rudy (Leader of Red Crabs):- Yes! Euaaue, is there any request you want to make? 

Euaaue:- You and all other red crabs have to crawl that ridge to give the information to the Cobras that you all have found the Golden Bowl in this Sea-weeds forest. 

Rudy:- Ok! You are my good friend since our childhood. How can I reject your request? So, here we go. All the red crabs, please listen to me. We have a task out here.

Tendula:- That’s great! All the red crabs have started their task. We are keeping this Golden Bowl here. We have another task to complete.

Winston (while piercing the sword through Euaaue’s body):- Euaaue, please forgive us. You have come to know too many secrets. That’s your only fault. There is no guarantee that you will not tell our secrets to Kakrasa’s warriors. Emperor Kakrasa is still unaware of the fact that Arindam is still alive. We are just doing our duty and we have to for the victory of our Jatikano community. May God forgive us!

Euaaue (while dying):- Had I known earlier that you mermales are traitors, then I would have never helped you. My friend, Rudy will not spare you. God will also give you a severe punishment.


Emperor Kakrasa:- Strange! You got the Golden Bowl near a sea-weeds forest! No, no, something is fishy out here. He is Painter Paintal. You just need to tell the total description of two mermales and one mermaid who came to steal that Golden Bowl. Based on your description, Painter Paintal will keep on doing the sketches on the papyrus leaves.

Cobra Corbett:- Ok! Not an issue at all.


Turtle Taraknath:- Both of you are lying. You have not killed Euaaue.

Winston:- What are you saying? I have literally cried after killing such a helpful spider-fish. I have killed that good creature with my own hands. Oh! What a sin, I have committed! 

Turtle Taraknath:- Then, what is this? Look at the first leaf of today’s newsleaves. Emperor Kakrasa sent the rough sketches of Bombino, Dronankur and Mirinda to the editor of this Daily Newsleaf Company and he published it. If Euaaue has died, then how come these sketches got published?


Emperor Kakrasa:- Dronankur is planning to do something. Where is Mirinda hiding? Why they tried to steal the Golden Bowl?

Minister Monduka:- Maybe, they are trying to form a strong secret force of Jatikano community. To create a force, they wanted to become strong economically.

Emperor Kakrasa:- No, no, there is something beyond that. Is Arindam alive or dead?

King Vikrant (while entering inside the palace):- Dad, there is a sad news. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- What?

King Vikrant:- General Mrityunjay is seriously injured. He has stopped bleeding, but, his condition is still worse.

Minister Monduka:- Oh! No! What happened to my son? Please, take me to the Health Center immediately.


General Dobla:- Yeah! I targeted two arrows at Mrityunjay’s chest. But, those Kakrasa’s warriors are smart enough. Those Kakrasa’s warriors stopped the bleeding somehow and took Mrityunjay to the nearby Health Center.

King Panduram:- Oh! Dobla! In this bloody war, we need to reduce the margin of errors. You could have targeted another arrow at his chest.

General Dobla:- I was targeting him secretly. No one saw me. Had I tried to target another arrow, then they could have seen me. It is not feasible for me to die like a coward being a General. 

King Panduram:- Tonight, start killing all the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community of Tabernia kingdom secretly. Not a single dead body should be seen. All should be buried efficiently under the sea-bed.

General Dobla:- Yeah! As you wish, Your Highness!


Emperor Kakrasa:- How did this happen? 

King Vikrant:- Mrityunjay was leading the campaign of killing the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community in Oprestonia kingdom. Suddenly, two arrows struck at his chest. Dad, we need to have another war to kill all the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community.


Turtle Taraknath:- Now, it is time for us to start the campaign for creating the Magical Sword which will be used to kill Kakrasa. Mirinda and Maradon; both of you have to go to Laptev Sea. In the Laptev Sea, there is a region which is popularly known as Raymond’s Rays. The moment you enter that region, the sea water color will turn violet as there will be violet lights everywhere. At the center of that region, there is a small chamber, popularly known as Caramels’ Chamber. Caramels are the special species which looks like huge birds, though their body structure is like an ordinary shark with two big fins. They are often called as the extinct Sea Birds. While swimming in the sea water, they use their two big fins like the wings of a bird. This species are not an extinct species yet. They are still present as a very small family in Laptev Sea. The moment you stand in front of that Caramels’ Chamber, you will hear strange sounds from all directions and the Raymond’s Rays will also start vibrating due to those sounds. Raymond was a renowned scientist of this Sea World, but that poor mermale committed suicide in that Laptev Sea as he failed in his love life. To give some tribute to Raymond’s graveyard, Caramels created a region of violet rays and named it as Raymond’s Rays. Point to be noted that the eyes of Caramels emit violet colored rays and if they stare at a particular region for 2 hours at a stretch, then that region becomes a region of violet rays for the next 24 hours. So, that’s how, those Caramels have maintained that zone of Raymond’s Rays years after years.

Mirinda:- By hearing these things, we are getting scared already. Are those Caramels harmful?

Turtle Tarakanath:- They were never harmful and they will never be. But, as their body meats are tastiest ones in this sea world, all the whales have always hunted those Caramels. Due to humans, the whales are on the verge of their extinction but hardly anyone knows that due to these whales, the Caramels almost got extinct from this sea world except a little population in Laptev Sea. Anyway, both of you start the journey tomorrow. Whatever condition is given to you, just accept it. Whatever questions are asked to you, just give the correct answer. Though, the word, ‘correct’ is quite relative here. What is correct for you; may not be correct for the others. 


King Vikrant:- So many mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom are missing. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- Maybe, those mermales and mermaids have migrated to other kingdoms.

King Vikrant:- We are yet to get such confirmations. Maybe, those mermales and mermaids have been killed and their dead bodies got buried somewhere. You never know; that can also be a possibility. 

Minister Monduka:- Ah! Both of you are here only. There is something to cheer for me at least. My son is out of danger now. He is still alive, but, he may not go to any battlefield for three months. Doctor has prescribed him to take complete rest for 3 months. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- Yeah! That’s fine! Let your son get cured completely. Let him take rest for 6 months also, I have no objection in that. But, sometimes, you can win war without even having a battle at the battlefield. Panduram has excellent diplomatic skills. He ordered Dobla to kill the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom only after injuring Mrityunjay very badly. Now, it is time to give some special treatment to King Panduram.


Mirinda:- Oh! It is so cold out here. There it is. We are nearing the region of Raymond’s Rays.

Maradon:- Queen Mirinda, the sea waters of this Raymond’s Rays are hotter. There is a small chamber at the center of this violet region. Let us stand in front of that chamber.

Mirinda:- Oh! Shut your ears. What a loud sound! These Caramels are screaming loudly. The color of this brown wooden chamber has also become violet.

Voice of Caramel Charulata:- Welcome Mirinda and Maradon to our Raymond’s Rays. Turtle Taraknath has sent both of you to know the steps to get that special Magical Sword to kill Emperor Kakrasa. Am I right?

Mirinda and Maradon:- Yeah! You are right.

Voice of Caramel Charulata:- You cannot see me, but I can see you. We are not invisible, but, we are hiding. We are scared of this ruthless sea world as we are on the verge of extinction. Maradon, I have a question for you. Please answer it correctly. Will you kill Panduram if he comes and stand in front of you?

Maradon:- Yes, I will kill him because he is a traitor.

Voice of Caramel Charulata:- You are a liar. We, the Caramels can read the minds of other creatures. If you ever get the chance to meet Panduram, you may join hands with him to act as a traitor for Arindam. Mirinda, don’t believe Maradon blindly. 

Mirinda (whispering at Maradon):- Remember, what Turtle Taraknath said. What is correct for you; may not be correct for others. These Caramels may have the tendency to suspect every other creature to be bad and harmful as they had been the victims for many years in this sea world.

Maradon (whispering at Mirinda):- To me, both Arindam and Panduram are my friends. Neither can I kill Panduram nor can I act as a traitor to Arindam.

Voice of Caramel Charulata:- Whispering is not allowed in front of the Caramel’s Chamber. Please stop whispering among yourselves. Mirinda, you have to accept one condition before going forward to the next step. If you accept the condition, I will give you a rectangular shaped wooden plate; otherwise, you have to go back empty handed. If you go back empty handed from here, your hubby can never kill Emperor Kakrasa, despite being an avatar.

Mirinda:- What is the condition?

Voice of Caramel Charulata:- The condition is, ‘You will die but your soul will not die until and unless your hubby see your soul in his next birth.’

Mirinda:- What! I can’t understand this condition completely. But, I accept this condition. Had you told me to die now also, I would have died.

Voice of Caramel Charulata:- Oh! You, poor mermaid, you have accepted the condition without knowing its brutal meaning. You love your hubby too much and love is always blind. Can you see that wooden plate on the sea-bed in front of the Caramels’ Chamber?

Mirinda:- Yes, I can.

Voice of Caramel Charulata:- Just pick it up. This is a magical wooden plate. After 24 hours, it will start giving you instructions. Just follow those instructions step by step. Remember, if you skip any step or if you back out from any step, then you will not get that Magical Sword. If you die in any step, then the game is over. So, it is up to you, Mermaid Mirinda, to decide the fate whether Arindam will be able to kill Emperor Kakrasa or not. Goodbye and wish you best of luck.


General Dobla:- Your Highness! Emperor Kakrasa has sent a message leaf where it is stated that he is ordering you to stop killing the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom.

King Panduram:- Ha! How funny! The cruel Emperor is ordering a King to stop cruelty. Send a message leaf to Kakrasa by stating that we will stop killing if they stop killing. It is as simple as that. We are not scared of any war.


Turtle Taraknath:- The magical wooden plate is instructing Queen Mirinda to go to Sundarbans delta region to meet Crocodile Chintamani. In this mission, Winston, Bombino and Tendula will accompany Queen Mirinda. Ah! Look there! Arindam has opened his eyes. Yes, he is coming out of paralysis now. He is moving his body now. We are recovering steadily.

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