Thursday, June 27, 2013


 Read about "MERMAID MIRINDA" at the link:-

Read about "MERMAID MIRINDA" at the link:-


Written by:- Arindam Sain

Episode: -01
Mr. Julius John (Executive Director of Metallikon Group of Industries):- This year, your team has really performed well. Our company is proud of you and your team members. 
Mr. Mrityunjay Majhi (Marketing Head of Eastern Zone):- Thank you, Sir! Thanks a lot for the compliments.
Mr. John:- Our company has won 3 awards this year from AIMR (All India Marketing Research) Group; 1) Fastest growing company in Eastern India, 2) No.1 in brand value of its products and 3) No.1 company in terms of social advertizing. Other consolation awards are also there but they are not of so much importance.
Mr. Majhi:- Yeah! Consolation awards are not of so much importance to us. So, when is the award ceremony of AIMR?
Mr. John:- The award ceremony is on 10.06.2012. Actually, the conference of AIMR will be starting on 09.06.2012 and will end on 11.06.2012. It is a 3-day conference, out of which, the award ceremony day is on 10.06.2012 only. You and your team members have to attend that conference to accept those awards. Try to book the flight tickets of you and your team members as early as possible. 
Mr. Majhi:- Flight tickets? The AIMR conference was conducted in Kolkata for two successive years in Peerless Inn and Sonar Bangla Hotel respectively. This time, where? 
Mr. John:- In Goa. Don’t worry; our MD, I and all the Board Directors will also attend that conference. But, as you know; we, the top management all are only allowed in the company sponsored private plane. 
Mr. Majhi:- Oh! Not a problem, Sir! No hard feelings. We are getting an opportunity to go to Goa to receive the awards. That’s more than enough for us. 
Mr. John:- Our company will bear 80% of the accommodation and transport expenses of you and your team members, provided all the expenses remain within the ceilings as per the prescribed guidelines of our company. Just book the tickets and enjoy Goa for few days.
Mr. Majhi:- Thank you, Sir! I will book the flight tickets by tomorrow evening, Sir.
Kingshuk:- Hard work really pays! Look at our team. We are all the young guns of our company. I joined this company 2 years back without any prior experience. But, as an MBA guy, I am feeling too excited today as a part of this Metallikon Group of Companies.
Subhrojyoti:- Hmm…ok. That’s great. But, where are these guys?
Kingshuk:- You are talking about Roopchand, Bishnudhar and Arindam, naah! There they are!
Subhrojyoti:- No, Arindam is yet to reach here.
Mr. Majhi:- Oh! Why you guys are so late?
Roopchand:- There was a huge traffic jam near Teghoria, Sir.
Bishnudhar:- Yes, Sir. Roopchand is telling the truth.
Mr. Majhi:- Arindam is late again. How much time it really takes to reach Dumdum airport from South West Kolkata region?
Roopchand:- He is coming, Sir. There he is.
Arindam:- Generally, Indigo planes do not have hi-fi air hostesses. But, in this particular flight, I am seeing too many hot air hostesses. This is a Kolkata to Goa flight, that’s why!
Bishnudhar:- Who knows; maybe, these air hostesses have been imported from Kingfisher airlines. Kingfisher Company is in a great dilemma. That’s why; many air hostesses have resigned from Kingfisher and joined other flight companies.
Kingshuk:- Sir, both Arindam and Bishnudhar have fallen in love with the air hostesses of this plane.
Mr. Majhi:- Just tell them to control themselves because it is just a tip of an iceberg. In Goa, they will not find any girl who is not hot and beautiful.
Captain Rosy D’Souza (announcing while sitting inside the cockpit):- Dear passengers, our flight is going to take off. Please fasten your respective seat belts. Switch off your mobile phones and laptops for the time being. Have a nice journey. Thank you.
Swetlana (Air hostess of Indigo flight):- Please don’t keep your mobile phone in silent mode, Sir. Please switch if off completely. It is a safety measure, Sir.
Arindam:- Really…Subhro…you are an idiot. For getting a call from your girlfriend at your mobile handset, you were going to put our life at stake!
Swetlana:- It is not a good habit to pass comments on anyone’s personal life, Sir.
Arindam:- Ok! Ok! I will not pass any comments now, but later on.
Swetlana:- Thank you, Sir.
Kingshuk, Bishnudhar, Roopchand and Mr. Majhi:- Ha ha ha…our poor Arindam!
Pilot Ramen D’Costa (announcing while sitting at the cockpit):- Dear passengers, we are about to land at Goa airport within a while. Everyone is requested to be seated in your respective seats. Fasten your seat belts, if you have loosened it. We are expecting to have a safe landing. Thank you.
Raju (A cab driver of Goa):- Sir! You all want a cab, Sir. Cab! Cab!
Mr. Majhi:- How far is Vasco da Gama Hotel from this Goa airport?
Raju:- Not much, Sir! Just half an hour!
Mr. Majhi:-  We are 6 guys altogether with some luggage. Will we fit in one cab?
Raju:- No, Sir! You need to hire two cabs. Hey, Sivan, come here.
Sivan (another cab driver of Goa):- Sir, my cab is also ready.
Remulus (Manager of Vasco da Gama Hotel):- Oh! Sir! Those cab drivers have fooled you all. Actually, our hotel is just at a 10 minutes walking distance from the airport. The cab drivers took the other routes and kept on roaming here and there to get some extra bucks from you all. Anyway, everyone gets fooled for the first time in Goa. That’s the specialty of Goa.
Mr. Majhi:- Both the cabs took 100 bucks each from us. The Goan cabs are two times dearer than the Kolkatan cabs.
Remulus:- Yeah! I agree to that. Anyway, Sir; Room No. 23, 24 and 25 have been allotted for you all. All the rooms are double bedded rooms.
Roopchand:- Are these the sea facing rooms?
Remulus:- Oh! Yeah! Of course, it is. These three rooms are in the 3rd floor. From the balcony of your rooms, you can enjoy the beauty of Pearl Beach. Pearl Beach is more beautiful and calm than the Calangute Beach, which is at a 5 Kilometers distance from here.
Kingshuk:- Oh! Today, the conference was so boring. Thank God! At least, we have impressed everyone by our business presentation. Majhi Sir is also very happy about it.
Bishnudhar:- Hey guys! What’s the time, now?
Roopchand:- It is now 4.05 PM of 09.06.2012. Why?
Bishnudhar:- I have a plan. We are feeling too hot in this summer season, right!
Subhrojyoti:- Yeah, right. So, are you planning to have a nice bath at the Pearl Beach before the sun sets in the west?
Arindam:- It is summer season. The Sun generally sets in the west at around 6.35 PM or so. It is not so a bad idea to have a bath at the Pearl Beach now. After having a nice time for around 30 minutes or so, we can also enjoy the dusky environment and the beauty of the sunset.
Bishnudhar:- Hey Guys! Look, what have I bought from a local shop near the Pearl Beach. Each nip bottles cost only 50 bucks. These are the bottles of Kaaju Feni.
Roopchand:- Wow! I have heard that the Kaaju Feni of Goa is very famous. These alcoholic drinks are prepared by fermenting the Kajoo Badams. Just make the pegs, man. Pour the drink in those plastic glasses.
Kingshuk:- Wait, wait, don’t drink it raw. Bishnudhar has also bought two bottles of Sprite cold drinks. Listen! Don’t drink it too fast. We will have two small pegs each and then have a bath at the beach water.
Arindam:- Oh! What a beautiful place this is? We are in paradise. Oh! What a sunset!
Subhrojyoti:- Arindam is out of control now. He drank three pegs and that too very fast.
Kingshuk:- Arindam, it is high tide now. Don’t go further. We will now go back to our hotel rooms. Come on!
Arindam:- Oh! Come on! What fun is there in life, if there is no adventure? Let me enjoy the sea waves of Arabian Sea.
Bishnudhar:- Arindam! Arindam! He is drowning, man. Come on, guys! Let us save him.
Roopchand:- Try to understand the situation. If we try to save him, we will also get drowned.
Kingshuk:- I will go and save him. I know better swimming than you guys.
Roopchand:- Oh! You all are out of control now. I badly need some life guards here. There must be some life guards in this Pearl Beach.
Sushil (Anchor of AIMR Conference in Goa):- Ladies and gentleman, we have lost one of our delegates of this conference yesterday. May his soul rest in peace! I request all of you to maintain a pin drop silence in the remembrance of his soul.
Ritika (Anchor of AIMR Conference in Goa):- Now, may I request Mr. Ratul Totan to present the award of Best Branded Products of 2012 to the Marketing team of Metallikon Group of Companies.  Mr. Mrityunjay Majhi and his team members are hereby requested to come on the stage to receive this award.
Mr. Majhi:- Thanks to AIMR for giving us this award. But, this is really a disappointing moment for us as we have lost one of our efficient team members of our marketing team. May his soul rest in peace! It is a lesson to be learned from this incident. Never ever go and bath in the sea waters if you are drunk. Even if you are not drunk, don’t take unnecessary risks in the sea waters. Even a good swimmer fails to swim well in the sea waters. Anyway, I am not in a mood to talk too much about this award. Thank you.
Kingshuk:- I feel myself lucky to be still alive. Thanks to those two life guards of the Pearl Beach.
Roopchand:- Had I called those two life guards a few minutes earlier, we wouldn’t have lost one of our team members.
Subhrojyoti:- What about the dead body?
Bishnudhar:- It has been already sent to Kolkata. Tomorrow, we will catch the flight to Kolkata.
Doctor Sthatolona (A reputed doctor of sea world):- Congratulations! Mr. Ptalone Protozona, your wife, Mrs. Siusa Protozona has given birth to a sweet baby mermale.
Ptalone:- Wow! That’s a great news, Doctor Sthatolona. Can I see my child and wife now?
Doctor Sthatolona:- Yeah! Of course, why not? But, wait a minute! Your baby mermale is somewhat different. A name is printed on his right hand and that too in Hululu language, not in our Sanguin language.
Ptalone:- It hardly matters to me, doctor.
Doctor Sthatolona:- You can take it lightly, not I. Few months back, Jubilion, the royal priest of Oceania Temple predicted that a mermale will take birth in the water kingdom of Tabernia who will rule the entire sea world one day by killing the Cruel Emperor, Kakrasa. Jubilion also predicted it that the mermale will have some special marks in his body.
Ptalone:- Oh! Now, do you think that my little son is that special mermale! Oh! Come on! I don’t believe in it.
Doctor Sthatolona:- But, still, I need to confirm it. After 1 month, I will take him to the Oceania Temple. Keep it a secret. Don’t let anyone know about those Hululu words printed on his right hand. Always keep his right hand covered with some clothes.
Ptalone:- Ok! Doctor, as you wish. Now, can I go inside?
Doctor Sthatolona:- Of course!
Siusa:- Look Ptalone! We have a new guest in our small family after a long wait. Sea Gods have listened to our prayers.

Episode: 02
Priest Jubilion:- Good morning, Doctor Sthatolona. I am seeing you after a long time. I hope that everything is fine.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Yeah! Everything is fine. I have come to meet you to know about something.
Priest Jubilion:- Ok! Not an issue! But, you are carrying a little mermale on your lap. Who is he? What’s his name?
Doctor Sthatolona:- He is the son of a poor sea sweeper of Tabernia kingdom, Ptalone Protozona. His name is written on his right hand in Hululu language.
Priest Jubilion (Surprised and excited):- What! Is it that special mermale? Let me read what’s written on his right hand. His name is Arindam. This mermale will surely kill the Emperor Kakrasa one day.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Maybe or maybe not! But, you should not say anyone about the fact that the special mermale has taken birth in the Kingdom of Tabernia. By the way, I don’t have too much faith on astrology. To kill an emperor like Kakrasa, you need a courageous warrior.
Priest Jubilion:- You leave it to me. When this mermale will become a mermale of 5 years, he will be sent to Akalan, the reputed training center of Mukran kingdom.
Doctor Sthatolona:- No, it is not a feasible idea to send him to a training center. If any of the spies of Kakrasa came to know about him, they may try to kill him at Akalan itself. I suggest you to request one of the best trainers to train him privately in Tabernia kingdom itself.
Priest Jubilion:- Ok! As you wish!
Dolphin Darwin (One of the best trainers of the Sea World):- Hi, I am Darwin. What’s your name?
Arindam:- I am Arindam.
Dolphin Darwin:- Your parents told me that you became a mermale of 5 years old on the day before yesterday. From now on, I am your trainer. Actually, we, the Dolphins species are engaged in the profession of teaching and training only. My elder brother, Docomo runs the Akalan training center in the Mukran kingdom which is famous worldwide.
Arindam:- Oh! I am finding you very boring, Mr. Darwin. I must request my parents and Priest Jubilion to change the trainer.
Dolphin Darwin:- I have the teaching experience of more than 5 years or so. I have taught the little kids of almost all species in this sea world. Generally, all the kids become too restless at their initial period of learning. After some days or months, they start finding some interest in their training.  Anyway, enough of lectures; now, just follow me. I hope that you can swim faster at all levels of water.
Arindam:- Yeah! I am not so bad in swimming.
Dolphin Darwin:- That will not help you, dear. You have to become the fastest swimmer of this sea world. You don’t know your goals, but we know it. Anyway, just chase me down. Catch me if you can.
Arindam:- Ok! Here I go. Oops! You are very smart. You are swimming laterally and changing your levels too fast. You are swimming at the surface of the water and suddenly you are coming down towards the sea bed and swimming across the sea-weeds. Oh! It is very tough for me to chase you down. I am panting for breathe now.
Dolphin Darwin:- Stamina problem! Ha ha ha…Can you see those red colored mushrooms on the sea bed?
Arindam:- Yeah! I can.
Dolphin Darwin:- Uproot those mushrooms and eat it.
Arindam:- Oh! No! It is so bitter in taste.
Dolphin Darwin:- But, those mushrooms are like steroids. If you consume 5 grams of red mushrooms daily, then you can swim around 15 kilometers with your maximum swimming speed daily. Ok! Enough! You had a gala eating session! Now, you have to swim towards the surface of the sea water from this sea bed without using your hands. Wait; let me tie your hands with this thin stem of a sea plant.
Arindam:- My goodness! You can do almost everything with your mouth.
Dolphin Darwin:- That’s practice and nothing else. Now, start swimming upwards.
Arindam:- I am falling down every time on the sands of sea bed. It is impossible for me. How can you expect me to swim without using my hands?
Dolphin Darwin:- Oh! Come on! You are a mermale. Even the female gender of a mermale, i.e. a mermaid can swim like that. A fish is not having two hands like you but still it can swim well by using its tail fin.
Arindam:- Wrong! A fish also has other fins.
Dolphin Darwin:- Imagine that a fish has lost all his fins except the tail fin. Will that fish not be able to swim in water?
Arindam:- Yeah! It can swim but with too much labor.
Dolphin Darwin:- Exactly! I also want you to give some extra effort. Hard work always pays, dear.
Arindam:- Ok! Let me try again.
Dolphin Darwin:- Keep your head straight and keep yourself relaxed. Yeah! You are going great. Keep on paddling your tail fin in that same frequency level. Once you reach nearer to the surface of water, increase the frequency of paddling of your tail fin. That’s great! Yes! Now, you have made it. So, was it impossible?
Arindam:- Oh! I am feeling too hungry now. It was really a hard exercise for me today.
Dolphin Darwin:- Ha ha ha…Ok! Ok! Now, let me untie your hands. You can go now. See you on next week again. Keep on practicing the two types of swimming that I taught you today.
Siusa:- So, how was your training session, dear?
Arindam:- Too laborious, mom. My master kept me engaged in swimming. What food do we have in lunch?
Siusa:- Appelin Sea-weeds with sandy water termites and fresh pomula fishes. Your dad has also come after completing his first half duty.
Ptalone:- Hey, Arin, you are back from training. Siusa, serve the food. I am feeling very hungry now.
Arindam:- Dad, What duty do you do every day?
Ptalone:- I am a sea sweeper. My job is to keep the sea water clean and hygienic. Every day, I collect all the dirt of the sea water in a big net and then I dump all those dirt in the nearby sea beaches which always remains full of garbage. The humans collect those dumps every week to their garbage collection center to burn all those dirt. Not only have that; every week, I spray the Plouraquin medicine to keep the sea waters of Tabernia Kingdom free from various deadly germs and viruses.
Arindam:- Wow! Dad! You are really doing a great social job for the animals of the sea water.
Siusa:- Yeah! Indeed he is. Now, start eating the foods.
Arindam:- Master Darwin, today, I want to know something about this sea world. Enough of swimming practices.
Dolphin Darwin:- Ok! I appreciate the fact that knowledge is also a kind of a powerful tool though an intangible tool. So, what do you know about the kingdom where you live?
Arindam:- I live in Tabernia Kingdom. I just have that much idea only. My friends were saying that this sea world is a very big world as our planet Earth is having 3 parts of water and 1 part of land only.
Dolphin Darwin:- Ha ha ha…your friends are absolutely right. This sea world is really a big world comprising of 5 big kingdoms. The 5 kingdoms are Tabernia, Mukran, Oprestonia, Kylowga and Lingolia. There are three communities of your mermale society. They are Jatikano, Pitrala and Rajakya. Rajakya are the mermales of royal communities. All the mermaids of Rajakya community are either Queens or aristocrat mermaids. As per the traditional rules, a mermale of Rajakya community is always preferred for the post of a King. Pitrala are the warrior community. Their job is to die for their own kingdom in the battle.  All the other professions of the sea world are done by the Jatikano community.
Arindam:- So, that means, if a mermale is neither a King nor a warrior, then he belongs to Jatikano community.
Dolphin Darwin:- Exactly! I have heard from my ancestors that long time back, the Jatikano community protested against the Rajakya community to include them in the administrative posts or offices of the sea world, but, that protest went in vain. Many Jatikano mermales and mermaids got killed in that protest. Sea waters became red in color. Kakrasa, the Emperor of this sea world is ruling for around 175 years or so. All the other species of this sea world are not happy with Kakrasa. Even, we the Dolphins hate that cruel Emperor. But, we are helpless. Hey, don’t go near that bubble prison.
Arindam:- Bubble Prison! Oh! My God! What is this? The bubbles are rising up from the sea bed. It is looking like a big prison of the sea water with lots of bubbles at its iron walls.
Dolphin Darwin:- Kakrasa, though a mermale, is also a great pirate of the sea world. He stole many weapons and other valuable things from the ships that sunk under the sea water. These iron walls are made of rust free iron.
Arindam:- But, who all are there inside this prison?
Dolphin Darwin:- All the great enemies of Kakrasa are kept captivated inside this prison. The name of this prison is Xolariv. Every kingdom has its own prison like this. This Xolariv is under Tabernia kingdom only. So, the water animals who have protested against Kakrasa from this Tabernia kingdom are inside this prison! I have heard that the No.1 dangerous enemy of Emperor Kakrasa is in the Biggendo prison of Kylowga kingdom. His name is Zumlu, the largest whale of the sea world.
Arindam:- How Kakrasa has managed to keep all these animals in a prison?
Dolphin Darwin:- All the inner cells of the prisons are electrified. If any prisoner tries to escape, then it suffers an electric shock. Moreover, each prison has four poisonous snakes as guards and there are electric fishes roaming all around the cells. Not only have that; all the mermales of Pitrala community who are in the administration of those prisons are magicians and have hypnotizing powers. Don’t touch the outer wall of that Xolariv prison. It has vibrating sensors attached to it. The moment you touch it, some electric fishes will come out of that prison to give you electrical shocks.
Arindam:- Oh! Master! You could have told it before. I have already touched the outer wall of the prison.
Dolphin Darwin:- Oops! You have done a blunder. Now, run for your life. Sit on my back. The electric fishes are running towards us.
Arindam:- Whoa! What a ride on your back! You are a champion in escaping from any danger. The way you swam through the deep sea weeds; just incredible. The electric fishes lost track of us. Nice swimming, master.
Dolphin Darwin:- It’s ok! It was just a part of your training, dear. Anyway, I hope that you have learned a lot today and you will never dare to go towards the Xolariv prison area. Actually, it was my fault. While talking with you, I didn’t get the clue that we entered into a deadly zone. See you next week, Bye! Bye! Don’t tell your parents about this incident, otherwise, my job of teaching will be at stake.
Arindam:- Ha ha ha…don’t worry, master. I have started to gain some interest in your training courses. See you later.
Arindam:- Dad! Is Kakrasa invincible?
Ptalone:- I don’t know but Kakrasa’s warriors killed my father in a protest rally against Kakrasa. Everyone is unhappy with Kakrasa but we are helpless.
Arindam:- Today, Mr. Darwin told me about the 5 kingdoms. Oho! I forgot to ask about the Kings.
Ptalone:-  King Fola is the King of Tabernia Kingdom. Duriz, Criston, Okuta, Ragamoah is the King of Mukran, Oprestonia, Kylowga, Lingolia Kingdom respectively! The King of all the Kings is known as an Emperor. Kakrasa is the Emperor. Tabernia and Mukran Kingdoms are in strategic alliance with each other. There are two major languages in this sea world. One is Hululu (language of royal class) and Sanguin (language of labor class).
Arindam:- Oh! Dad! Why there are so many classifications in our mermale society?
Ptalone:- Blame it on our human like brains. Look at our physical structure. We are half human, half fish. Because of our shrewd brain, we have brought classifications and racism in our mermale society.
Siusa:- Both of you can talk about those things for whole night, but, I am feeling hungry now. Dinner has been served. Come on, let us have our dinner.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Your son has now become a 10 years old mermale. As per the marriage rules of our mermale society, a mermale of 10 years old and a mermaid of 7 years old are eligible for marriage.
Ptalone:- But my son is yet to select a profession to make his living. He is not able to do sea-weed farming also.
Priest Jubilion:- Aha! Why a future king of Tabernia Kingdom will learn sea-weed farming? Look at the Sea Newsleaves (In the sea world, news are printed on big papyrus sea leaves) today. There is a news at the 3rd leaf of the Newsleaves that King Fola has arranged a Swayambar competition (Groom Selection contest) for his daughter. Whosoever wins that contest will get married to the Princess of Tabernia Kingdom.
Ptalone:- But, my son hails from a Jatikano community. Is he eligible for the Swayambar competition?
Doctor Sthatolona:- Nowhere it is written in the Newsleaves that a mermale of Jatikano community cannot participate.
Ptalone:- Ok! I will try to convince my son to participate in that contest.
Priest Jubilion:- You don’t have to try. You must send him to participate in that contest. As per my astrological knowledge, your son has an outright chance to beat all his competitors. But, still, astrology may fail sometimes. Best of luck to your son!

Episode: 03
Arindam:- No, no, dad! I am not in a mood to get married right now. Give me some time to settle down. I am planning to take the job of a guide for the tourists of our Tabernia kingdom.
Ptalone:- I am not saying no to it. Choose whatever profession you like to chose, but, it is my wish that you participate in the Swayambar Contest at the Royal Palace of Tabernia.
Arindam:- But, dad !
Ptalone:- My words are final in this regard. Either you participate or you don’t stay at our house.
Arindam:- Ok! Fine! But, don’t blame me, if I fail to win the contest. I know that I will not succeed in it.
Ptalone:- I have faith on the astrological predictions of Priest Jubilion. I am quite optimistic that you will win it. Maradon, Tendula and Panduram will accompany you in your journey towards the Royal Palace of Tabernia kingdom which is around 15 kilometers away from our house.
Arindam:- Ok! Not an issue! Tonight, we will start our journey.
Siusa:- Son, be careful while swimming at midnight.
Maradon (A childhood friend of Arindam):- We have already swum around 9 kilometers at a stretch. Come on! Let us pluck some sweet roseberries from these roseberry plants.
Tendula (A childhood friend of Arindam):- Oh! Yeah! Yeah!
Rozario (Sea Horse):- Wait! Just hang on! This is the territory of sea horses. No one can pluck any fruits, flowers or berries from any plants or sea weeds of our territory without taking prior permission from us. My name is Rozario. I am the Head Gardener of Sea-Plants of this Kingdom. If you pluck anything, I may arrest you all to give some punishment at the Royal Palace of Tabernia. I am a very loyal follower of our majesty, King Fola.
Panduram (A childhood friend of Arindam):- We are on our way to the Royal Palace of Tabernia only. Our friend Arindam is going to participate in the Swayambar Contest of the princess of Tabernia.
Rozario:- Ha ha ha…it is better to commit suicide rather than participating in it, because a loser of that Swayambar Contest never comes back alive.
Arindam:- What! What do you mean by that?
Rozario:- You will get to know about it once you enter inside the Royal Palace of Tabernia.
Tendula:- If we sense something like that, then we will not allow Arindam to participate in it. It is as simple as that.
Maradon:- Ha ha ha…Yeah! We will just watch the contest and come back to our own village.
Panduram:- Rozario, we are feeling very hungry now. We need to eat something to get some energy to swim another 6 kilometers or so.
Rozario:- Don’t worry; I am a strict gardener but not so a cruel sea horse. Just wait here; I will give you a basket of roseberries of high quality. By eating those, you all will get energized.
Arindam:- Oh! That’s really a nice gesture from your side. Thank you.
General Damus (Army General of Tabernia Kingdom):- It is a great honor for us that for the third and the last time, we are going to conduct this Swayambar Contest for our Princess Mirinda. As you all know that 3 years ago, Vikrant, the one and only son of our Great Emperor, Kakrasa gave the marriage proposal to Princess Mirinda, but she declined that proposal. Emperor Kakrasa with a good gesture gave Princess Mirinda a chance to select her groom by organizing a Swayambar Contest each year. The maximum limit is of three Swayambar Contests. If Princess Mirinda gets no winner from the three Swayambar contests, then Princess Mirinda has to marry Vikrant. As per the agreement, if Princess Mirinda gets any mermale from the Swayambar Contest, then King Fola will remain as a lifetime prisoner of Emperor Kakrasa. Emperor Kakrasa and Prince Vikrant are our chief guests. All the spectators present here; please give a big round of applause to them.
Tendula:- Emperor Kakrasa is really a very cruel Emperor.
Panduram:- Kakrasa is very shrewd. It is his calculated strategy. He ensured it from all ends that no mermale can ever win the Swayambar Contest.
Maradon:- For two times, there has been no winner. I think that the history will repeat again here.
Arindam:- Hussh! Let us first listen to the announcements. Then we can talk hours after hours.
King Fola (King of Tabernia Kingdom):- I would like to address to all the contestants of the 3rd Swayambar Contest of my daughter Mirinda. Welcome to the Royal Palace of Tabernia. I wish all the contestants a very good luck from the core of my heart, because I want a real warrior to become the life partner of my only daughter. Now, my better half, Queen Lucy will tell you about the rules of the contest.
Kakrasa (in a whispering tone):- How many contestants are there today?
Vikrant:- Only 11.
Kakrasa:- Oh! None of them will make it. You will get married to Mirinda.
Vikrant:- Yeah! I hope so.
Queen Lucy (Queen of Tabernia Kingdom):- In the 1st round, it is a not so a romantic race. You all need to swim through a zone of 1 kilometer where some warriors of Emperor Kakrasa will be hiding themselves and shooting poisonous arrows randomly at the contestants. If you survive after swimming for 1 kilometer, then you qualify for the 2nd round. In the 2nd round, you have to kill Alligator Ali to win the Swayambar Contest. In the 1st Swayambar Contest, not a single contestant survived in the 1st round. In the 2nd Swayambar Contest, one contestant got qualified for the 2nd round, but got killed by the Alligator Ali. The 1st round will start after a few moments. All the contestants are requested to take their position on the Starting Point.
Arindam:- My dad is a real fool. He didn’t know about all these things, otherwise, he would have never told me to participate in this deadly competition. I will not participate in it. Come on, let’s go back home.
Panduram:- Sea Horse was saying the right thing.
Maradon:- Look there! General Damus is announcing about something again.
General Damus:- Contestants, before going for the 1st round, don’t you like to have a glimpse of Princess Mermaid? Please give a big round of applause for Princess Mirinda. Princess Mirinda, please be seated on that seat, especially made for you.
Princess Mermaid:- Oh! Thanks! General Uncle!
Arindam:- Wow! What a beautiful mermaid she is! Look at her white dress! Look at her lovely shining tail fin. Long black hairs with beautiful eyes! Aah! Am I dreaming? I have never seen such a beautiful mermaid in my entire life.
Tendula:- That’s why; she is a princess, buddy. So many mermaids take care of her as beauticians and style designers. Poor mermaids of our village are not so lucky enough to have such privilege to become too fashionable.
Arindam:- My dad has done the right thing to send me here. Thanks to dad! I will participate in this Swayambar Contest. I want to marry that beautiful mermaid. She is mine.
Maradon:- What! Have you gone crazy? Your dad is a crazy mermale and you are crazier than him also. We will tell your dad that you have lost the contest. Now, come on, let’s go back home. As your friends, we cannot allow you to die like that.
Arindam:- I don’t know about the 2nd round, but, I am very much confident that I will clear the 1st round because I am expert in swimming. Thanks to my master, Dolphin Darwin. Better, I suggest you all to make a nice sword for me or steal it from somewhere.
Panduram:- Ok! Guys! Let Arindam participate in the Contest. I have an idea. Just a few meters from this Royal Palace, there is a place where I have seen some Guin Corals while on our way here.
Maradon:- So! What?
Panduram:- If you kill any fish and keep it on any Guin Coral, then those Corals give the smell of human blood. My dad is a Shark Hunter. Many a times, I have seen my dad applying this strategy to attract the sharks and then killing the sharks with automated electrical harpoons.
Arindam:- Yeah! It is a good idea to distract the warriors of Kakrasa. Anyway, I am going to the Starting Point. Do whatever you feel like doing.
Maradon, Panduram and Tendula:- Best of luck to you, Arindam.
Arindam:- Thanks.
Panduram:- How many small fishes have you killed, Tendula?
Tendula:- Well, 14 small fishes. I have tasted one of them. Oh! Such a bitter taste! All sea fishes are not so delicious.
Maradon:- I have plucked almost all the Guin Corals from the seabed. Give me those dead fishes one by one.
Panduram:- Take these Holka Thorns. Pierce the body of those dead fishes to take out the blood and then stick the fishes on those corals with those thorns only.
Maradon:- Ok! You all start swimming to the spot and locate a feasible location, where we can install these Guin Corals.
Queen Lucy:- 7 out of 11 contestants have qualified for the 2nd round. That’s a record!  We will have our 2nd round tomorrow where you have to fight either with Alligator Ali or Alligator Alisha. As the contestants are more, so we have made two panels. In Panel -1, it is Alligator Ali and in Panel-2, it is Ali’s younger sister, Alligator Alisha. We request all the 7 contestants to stay at the dormitories of our Royal Palace with your respective guardians or friends. See you all tomorrow again.
Vikrant:- How is it possible? Dad, your warriors cannot even kill 11 contestants. Shame on your warriors!
Kakrasa:- I have talked with General Monduka (Warrior Head cum Army General under Emperor Kakrasa) regarding this matter. It was unfortunate that some sharks attacked our warriors. All the sharks have been killed. Our 5 warriors died in the encounter against the sharks. By the time, our warriors killed all the sharks; the 1st round of the Swayambar Contest was almost over. Still, our warriors managed to kill 4 contestants in that circumstance. Don’t worry; not a single contestant will be able to win against Alligator Ali and Alligator Alisha.
Vikrant:- Don’t underestimate the mermales. Alligators may fail also. If any mermale win against any alligator, then let him be killed by our warriors at a secret place. When the spectators will ask about the winner of the contest, then we will say that due to severe injuries in his body, he succumbed to death.
Kakrasa:- That’s a nice idea. We will surely execute it. Relax and start dreaming about your honeymoon with Princess Mirinda.
Arindam:- Really, I am grateful to God that I have got you such friends in my life. Thanks for saving my life.
Maradon:- Ok! Ok! Don’t get so carried away. We are not so good mermales.
Panduram:- Ha ha ha…Look at me. I have stolen one of the best swords. A warrior of Kakrasa died of the shark attack. I picked up his sword. Do you know how my dad always sharpens the harpoons? Look at those blue colored flowers! These are known as Briton flowers. Inside the petals of these flowers, there are Briton juices. Rub the petals of Briton on the sword from top to bottom to sharpen the sword.
Arindam:- Ok! Ok! Keep this sword hidden under the sea-bed here. We will come here before the 2nd round to take the sword from here. Now, come on, let us go back to our dormitories at the Royal Palace of Tabernia, otherwise, the warriors of Kakrasa may doubt us. By the way, what the hell is Tendula doing inside the dormitory?
Maradon:- He collected the skin of a dead shark. He is sewing body armor for you with that shark’s skin. After all; his father is a tailor. So, Tendula knows how to sew up everything.
Arindam:- Oh! What a fool! Tendula is a fool. An Alligator’s teeth can even bite through the Shark’s skin.
Panduram:- We are not scared of Alligators but Kakrasa’s warriors.
Arindam:- Ok! Got it! Tendula is a very smart mermale. That’s great!
Queen Lucy:- Out of 4 contestants in Panel-1, the 4th contestant was able to win against Alligator Ali. Markov, the mermale killed Alligator Ali. Markov is badly injured now. Markov is going through some medical treatments. Now, in the Panel-2, out of 3 contestants, the 3rd contestant, Arindam was able to kill the Alligator Alisha. Arindam, the mermale is also badly injured and the warriors of Kakrasa are taking him for some medical treatment. In the meanwhile, we have got the news that Markov has died due to severe injuries on his body. We have to wait and see whether Arindam will survive in the medical treatment or not.

Episode: 04
Tendula:- Oh! My God! For the first time in my life, I killed a mermale.
Maradon:- It is just an act of self-defense. Don’t feel guilty about it.
Panduram:- Arindam, we have killed all those warriors of Kakrasa who tried to kill you in the name of medical treatment. Now, enter inside the Royal Palace of Tabernia like a true champion.
Arindam:- The body armor made of Shark’s skin is really a good body armor. Special thanks to Tendula and to you two also.
Monduka:- Your Highness! There is a bad news. One mermale has survived in the Swayambar Contest.
Kakrasa:- Oh! No! How is it possible? I want detailed information about that mermale and his family backgrounds.
General Damus:- Wow! God is gracious! Finally, we have got a groom for our beautiful Princess Mirinda. I request all the spectators out here to give a big round of applause for our champion mermale, Arindam. Arindam has won the Swayambar Contest. Congratulations, Princess Mirinda, at last, you have won the battle against Emperor Kakrasa.
Princess Mirinda:- Thanks a lot, General Uncle. This mermale is smart and handsome. I am feeling myself very lucky now.
King Fola (whispering at his wife):- See! I told you earlier that my sixth sense was always telling me that someone is surely going to win this Swayambar Contest. My daughter, my little sweetheart will be very happy with that mermale.
Queen Lucy (in an angry mood):- Oh! You are such a nut! That mermale is not a prince of any kingdom. Look at Vikrant! Vikrant is the son of Emperor Kakrasa. Had you accepted the marriage proposal made by Vikrant for marrying your daughter two years back, then by now itself, we would have got some important posts in the cabinet ministry of Emperor Kakrasa.
King Fola:- Had Mirinda married Vikrant two years back, then by now, my daughter would have either killed Vikrant or committed suicide. You are always hungry about power and jewels. That’s a material life. It has no value at all. You married me to enjoy power and social status. You never loved me like a true lover. But, at least, I am proud of our daughter because she is not a selfish mermaid like you.
Queen Lucy:- I am a selfish mermaid. Uuh! Just go to hell. Don’t forget that if that winner marries your daughter, then you will have to spend your remaining life as a prisoner of Kakrasa.
King Fola:- I don’t care about it. When my daughter is happy, I am happy; no matter, where I am. I am not only a King of the Tabernia Kingdom, but a kind-hearted and caring father also. By the way; if I go to the Xolariv prison of Emperor Kakrasa, then you will become the Queen of Tabernia Kingdom. You must feel happy about it. Anyway, let me not waste any time. Let me start the proceedings of my daughter’s marriage. Hey, Damus, make the announcement of my daughter’s marriage.
General Damus:- As you wish, Your Highness! All the mermales and mermaids present here, please pay attention. Today, just after the sunset, we will have the marriage ceremony of our Princess Mirinda and Mermale Arindam. All the decorators, musicians and Hydro electricians are hereby requested to decorate the Royal Palace of Tabernia like a true Paradise of Love.
Kakrasa:- Wait! Our spies have got the information that the mermale Arindam belongs to Jatikano community. As per the traditional marriage rules of our species, a mermaid of Rajakya community cannot get married to a mermale of Jatikano community.
King Fola:- Arindam, is it true that you belong to Jatikano community.
Arindam:- Yes, Your Highness! I belong to the Jatikano community.
King Fola (whispering at General Damus):- Damus, I am confused now. As a very conservative mermale, I don’t want a mermale of Jatikano community to become my son-in-law but on the other hand, I don’t want to make my daughter’s married life a nightmare by making Vikrant as my son-in-law.
General Damus (whispering at King Fola):- Your Highness! Change is Constant! You have to accept this brutal truth. In this scenario, had I been in your place, I would have accepted the champion mermale as the future husband of Princess Mirinda. I just gave you my viewpoint. Ultimately, the decision is yours only.
King Fola:- All the mermales and mermaids here; please be silent. I have an important announcement to make. Despite knowing about the fact that Arindam belongs to the Jatikano community, I have decided that Princess Mirinda will get married to Arindam only. I am ready to accept any punishment from Emperor Kakrasa regarding this matter.
Kakrasa:- Well; it is easier said than done, King Fola. As Arindam is a mermale of Jatikano community, he has to pass another test. If he passes that test, then he can surely marry Princess Mirinda.
King Fola:- Arindam, are you prepared to take another test or will you withdraw?
Arindam:- No, I will take the test.
Kakrasa:- Good! Just around 80 Kilometers from here to the north-western region, there is a place called Megunaz. You have to bring one Evol flower for Princess Mirinda if you really want to marry her.
Princess Mirinda:- What! I have strong objections to it.
Kakrasa:- Sorry! Little Princess! The rule is rule. It is just another extra round of your Swayambar Contest. Had Markov been alive, there would have been a tie-breaker round with Arindam. Just regard it like that type of a round only.
Princess Mirinda:- Ok! Emperor! Then, I also have one condition. If Arindam succeeds in bringing the Evol flower to me, then you cannot take my father as a prisoner of your Xolariv prison even if I get married to Arindam.
Kakrasa:- You are a very smart mermaid. Ok! I agree to these terms and conditions.
Vikrant:- Arindam, you have to start your journey now only.
King Fola:- Arindam is already tired. I suggest that you order him to start his journey towards Megunaz tomorrow morning. Till then, Arindam will remain as a guest in our Royal Guest House.
Vikrant:- Ok! Not an issue! Arindam, remember another thing. We have arrested all your three friends. We will release them if and only if you return to Tabernia Kingdom with an Evol flower.
Arindam:- Vikrant, one day, you and your father may have to pay heavily for your cruelty.
Kakrasa:- You don’t need to think about us, poor mermale. Let us make this round tougher. You are starting your journey tomorrow. You have to come back here with that Evol flower before the sunset of day after tomorrow. So, in total, you can hardly afford to have a rest of around 2 to 3 hours only. Keep on swimming, poor mermale. Best of luck!
Finnie (One of the childhood friends of Princess Mirinda):- Hi, I am Finnie. How are you feeling in this Royal Guest House of Tabernia.
Arindam:- Oh! Yeah! Absolutely fine! This is a nice guest house to live in. But, I have seen three of you in the front row of spectators’ seats during the Swayambar Contest. You are Finnie, but what’s the name of other two mermaids?
Susan (One of the childhood friends of Princess Mirinda):- I am Susan and she is Nancy.
Nancy (One of the childhood friends of Princess Mirinda):- Our Princess Mirinda wants to meet you in her private room. So, we have come to take you there, but, secretly. There are many spies of Emperor Kakrasa here and there. Come on! Don’t utter a single word now.
Princess Mirinda:- Hi, I am Mirinda.
Arindam:- Yeah! I know that. But, why have you called me in your private room now. It is midnight now.
Princess Mirinda:- Take this locket and wear it on your neck.
Arindam:- What! What kind of a locket is this? The word, ‘Megunaz’ is written on the locket.
Princess Mirinda:- Exactly! There is also a special tiny ruby attached with the locket. It is a very special locket. Megunaz is a lovely place. It has a lovely scenic beauty. But, it is also a restricted place. You cannot go beyond a certain region in Megunaz. I went there once with my friends as a tourist. You are smart and brave. Best of luck to you! That’s all. You can go now.
Arindam:- I am still confused. Anyway, if I fail to pluck that Evol flower, there is no point in coming back here. I will straightaway go back home from there itself.
Princess Mirinda:- Provided if you fail. Go now. Good night.
Arindam:- Good night, Princess.
Dobla (Winston’s Assistant):- Sir, have you read the headlines of today’s newsleaves?
Winston (Union Leader of all the Unions of Jatikano Community):- Kakrasa’s warriors have kept three innocent mermales of Jatikano Community in the Xolariv prison. Plucking an Evol flower is not an easy task. Moreover, to go to Megunaz from Tabernia Kingdom by the shortest route, one has to cross through our Oprestonia Kingdom. I want to have a glimpse of this brave mermale.
Dobla:- Our King Criston belongs to a hybrid community. His mother was of Jatikano community and his father belonged to Pitrala community. Moreover, King Criston always demanded to keep our Oprestonia Kingdom outside the control of Emperor Kakrasa, though he failed against Emperor Kakrasa after so many protests.
Winston:- Sometimes, I wonder, why I have kept you as my assistant. Don’t beat around the bushes. Just say directly what you want to say.
Dobla:- Only our Oprestonia Kingdom has a battalion of Blade-Fishes and Piranhas. This battalion is totally controlled by the Magician Mombaura, the magical mermale. We can easily break the Xolariv prison.
Winston:- Forget about breaking the Xolariv prison for the time being. Send someone to give the information to Zwala that if he protects that special mermale from any danger, then we may try to break the Biggendo prison of Kylowga Kingdom.
Vikrant:- Hardly, anyone goes to that restricted area of Megunaz. Till date, I have heard of only 3 mermales who have been able to come back alive after plucking those Evol flowers, but, none of them have been able to swim with that Evol flower for more than half an hour or so. But, we cannot take a chance in case of Arindam. That smart mermale is very tricky in nature. Deploy some of our warriors at the outer gateway of Lingolia Kingdom. After crossing Oprestonia Kingdom, it is Lingolia Kingdom and at the outskirts of Lingolia Kingdom, it is the Megunaz. Just beyond the Megunaz, it is the Kylowga Kingdom. Arindam is not a fool to come back through the Kylowga kingdom. He will come back through Lingolia Kingdom only as it is the shortest route. If possible, take the help of King Ragamoah’s warriors in Lingolia to kill Arindam, if he succeeds in returning back from Megunaz with that Evol flower. After killing him, throw his dead body at Megunaz itself. All the mermales should think that Arindam has died while plucking that Evol flower.
General Monduka:- Don’t worry! Prince Vikrant. Arindam will not survive at any cost.
Octopus Olympus (A Guard of the restricted area of Megunaz):- How dare you! Go back from here; else, we will kill you.
Arindam:- My goodness! I thought that you are just a colorful coral. You are expert in changing your colors. I must appreciate that.
Octopus Olympus:- Thanks for the compliments, but, we will not allow you to go beyond this point. Why have you come here?
Arindam:- I have come here to pluck an Evol flower.
Octopus Olivia (Wife of Octopus Olympus):- They are poisonous flowers. If you don’t know the art of plucking that flower, you will die. All these Evol plants control the temperature of the Sea World. If you pluck a single Evol flower, then there will be either an increase or decrease of 0.5 degree Celsius automatically. That’s why; our ancestors have been guarding this Evol flowers and we are also into this profession. The stems of Evol flowers secrete a special type of juice. If you collect those juices and keep it inside a fully covered conch-shell, then that conch shells look like a golden locket after a week.
Arindam:- I am not interested in those fairy tales. Move back, else, I will kill you. Beware of my sword.
Octopus Olympus:- Ok! Mermale! Let us have a fight.
Arindam:- Then, here I go!
Octopus Olympus:- Oh! You failed to strike at my body. Now, it is my turn.
Octopus Olivia:- Stop it! I said stop fighting. Both of you stop fighting please.
Octopus Olympus:- Have you gone crazy, Olivia. It is our duty to protect the restricted area of Megunaz from any destroyers. We can even die for that. Look there, all the Octopuses are eagerly waiting to kill this mermale. If I order them, they will all attack this mermale.
Octopus Olivia:- Look at this locket at the neck of this mermale. We gave this special locket to someone. Do you remember? Few years back, our son Octavian went out of this restricted area while playing with a shoal of fishes. A sword fish attacked our son as he was of a very small size at that time. A mermaid who was on a tour in Megunaz with some of her friends killed that Sword fish with her sword to save Octavian. For her bravery, we gifted her a special locket. Do you remember?
Octopus Olympus:- Yes, how can I forget that? But, how come that special locket is at your neck, mermale?
Arindam:- Princess Mirinda gave me this locket. As per the new rules of the Swayambar Contest, if I can gift an Evol flower to the Princess Mirinda, then I will become eligible to marry her.
Octopus Olivia:- Don’t worry; you will surely get an Evol flower. Let there be a little fluctuation in the temperature of Sea World. Wait! You don’t need to pluck an Evol flower. There is a technique to pluck it. If you pluck an Evol flower in a wrong technique, then its petals emit out a poisonous juice to kill you. Only the Octopus species is immune to that poisonous juice, though too much poisonous juice makes us senseless sometimes for 1 or 2 days. I will pluck it for you and then I will wrap it up with the special Boozol leaves. The poisonous juice remains active in the petals of an Evol flower for around 2 hours from the time of plucking it. The Boozol leaves secretes out a special juice after its plucking and it makes a neutralized chemical reaction with the poisonous juice of Evol flower to make the yellow colored Evol flower a very sweet and harmless flower. Just wait here for a while.
Octopus Olivia:- Here is your Evol flower wrapped under Boozol leaves. I have tied the Boozol leaves with the special Srenity sea grasses. So, it is very hard to open it now. I suggest you not to open the wrap even out of extreme curiosity while swimming. If you do that, you may die. Open the wrap only after reaching your destination. By that time, Evol flower will become a romantic flower for you and your Princess Mirinda.
Octopus Olympus:- This is our sweet son, Octavian. Octavian, say hello to your mermale uncle.
Octopus Octavian:- Hello! Mermale Uncle!
Arindam:- I have a name dear. My name is Arindam.  Anyway, thanks to you all for giving a great co-operation to me. I would have liked to spend some more time with you all, but, I have to reach my destination before tomorrow’s sunset.
Octopus Olympus:- Oh! Yeah! We understand that. No hard feelings, Arindam. Best of luck to you!
Octopus Olivia:- Arindam, if possible, please give a sweet kiss to Princess Mirinda on my behalf and tell her that Octavian will always be grateful to his sweet mermaid aunty, Mirinda.
Arindam:- Sure! Sure! Surely, I will pass on these messages. Good bye! Guards of Megunaz!
Olympus and Olivia:- Good bye, dear.
General Monduka:- It is an order from our Emperor Kakrasa that your warrior should help our warriors to kill that mermale.
General Greg (Army General of King Ragamoah):- Your Highness! You order us what to do. Generally, we are not in favor of killing innocent mermales.
King Ragamoah (King of Lingolia Kingdom):- Orders are Orders! I am not an Emperor, just a King. Follow the orders of Emperor Kakrasa for the time being.
General Greg:- As you wish, Your Highness!
Arindam (talking to himself):- Oh! No! Kakrasa’s warriors are after me now. Oh! Mirinda! You gave me the locket but you failed to give me the information that Kakrasa’s warriors will try to kill me on my return journey. I am missing my childhood friends in this scenario. Oh! Come on! Arindam! There is no running away from it. Fight against those warriors. Kill them, though they are too many in numbers. Come on, you cruel warriors. Try to kill me and get killed in that process. Oh! They are expert in fighting too. I have already killed 7 of them. More to go; I hope. Come on!
Zwala (The younger brother of Whale Zumlu):- Are you having a very tough time, young mermale? I am Zwala.
Arindam:- Oh! Yeah! Oh! My God! Now, I have no chance to survive.
Zwala:- Don’t worry, dear. I am not here to kill you but to protect you from these bloody warriors of the cruel Emperor Kakrasa. Will you give me the permit to kill all these warriors?
Arindam:- Of course! Zwala. They are all yours. Instead of fighting, it will be better, if you take me out of here to a safe zone.

Episode: 05
Arindam:- Leave me here. The Royal Palace of Tabernia is just another 8 Kilometers from here.
Zwala:- Ok! Young mermale, as you wish.
Arindam:- By the way; why have you saved me from Kakrasa’s warriors? We are not friends.
Zwala:- Then, let us be friends because both of us have a common enemy, Kakrasa.
Arindam:- Kakrasa is not my enemy, but, yes, I am somewhat angry on him because his warriors tried to kill me. After marrying Mirinda, I will live happily ever after without even worrying about Emperor Kakrasa’s cruelty.
Zwala:- You are somewhat selfish in nature. If Kakrasa does any harm to your family members, then will you not take actions about it?
Arindam:- Well; that depends upon the extremity of that bad situation, if it ever arises down the line in the near future. Why Emperor Kakrasa is your enemy?
Zwala:- There was one time, when Kakrasa was too fond of hunting ferocious animals of the sea world. He hunted too many sharks and piranhas. He did not like their meats. Then he started hunting the big whales with the help of his warriors. He started liking the meat of whales. Moreover, the skins of the whales were used to create strong body armors, arm covers, etc. Our father, Zudas was the strongest whale of the sea world. Zudas protested against those massive killings of whales by Kakrasa and his warriors. Zudas united all other whales and attacked the Furnola Fort of Emperor Kakrasa. The Furnola Fort was damaged but Kakrasa managed to escape. Around 56 whales and 319 mermales died in that deadly war between whales and mermales. After that war, Kakrasa stopped attacking the whales and he requested Zudas to agree to a peace treaty.
Arindam:- Fine! That’s really good that Kakrasa has signed a peace treaty with the whales.
Zwala:- That peace treaty was just a trap. Kakrasa’s plan was to break the unity of the whales. After the peace treaty, all the whales went back to their own territory and became busy in their own affairs. Zudas also thought that there are no threats anymore in the sea world. Kakrasa started investing more time on science of sea world. Kakrasa gifted so many gold coins, diamonds and pearls to Scientist Shahjahan to develop an electrical harpoon to kill Zudas. Scientist Shahjahan is the first scientist who has been able to capture the electricity produced by sea currents and tidal waves in a transformer. Then some research and development went on to make a harpoon with a scientific model of the skeleton of an electric fish. After throwing that harpoon, if you press the remote control device with your finger, then that harpoon becomes an electric harpoon. Kakrasa killed our father, Zudas with that electric harpoon. After a few years, when my elder brother, Zumlu went to take the revenge on Kakrasa, he got convicted. Zumlu is now in the Biggendo prison of Kylowga Kingdom.
Arindam:- If Kakrasa can kill Zudas, then he can also kill Zumlu at anytime. Why is Zumlu still alive?
Zwala:- After the death of Zudas, all the other animals of the sea world including some mermales condemned the incident. All the animals of the sea world decided to have a centralized judiciary body to look after all the legal aspects. New Laws got amended. Many mermales took up the profession of lawyer. All the lawyers of the sea world constructed a centralized court. It is popularly known as the Court Of Judicial Authority (COJA). So, as per the rules of COJA, if Kakrasa kills any animal without any criminal charge, then he will lose the post of Emperor.
Arindam:- Ok! Now I understand. Oh! Our Sea World is so complex. Anyway, thanks for saving my life. I hope that you will surely succeed in releasing your elder brother from Kakrasa’s prison one day.
Zwala:- But, I still don’t understand why Winston informed me to protect you from Kakrasa’s warriors. Well; I will surely find the secret behind it. Go ahead, Arindam. You have to enter the Royal Palace of Tabernia before the sunset. If you ever need to give any information to me in future, then just utter your message in front of any saffron colored Star Fish. Saffron colored Star fishes are expert in transmitting messages through seismic ionic waves under the sea bed. The other saffron colored star fishes receive the messages from different parts of the sea world while staying too close to the sea bed. Best of luck, Arindam! Bye bye!
Arindam:- Bye! Bye! Zwala! See you again later.
Winston:- Spread the rumors that Arindam has died while plucking the Evol flower at Megunaz.
Dobla:- Spread the rumors! But, why should I? Under the Act No. 891Z of COJA laws, spreading rumors is also a type of offense.
Winston:- If you get the news that your biggest enemy is dead, will you order your warriors to start combing search operations to find out your biggest enemy.
Dobla:- Oh! I got it now. Surely, I will spread the rumors now.
General Monduka:- Your Highness! We are getting news from here and there that Arindam has already died.
Vikrant:- That’s really a great news! Only another half an hour left for the sunset.
Kakrasa:- Ha ha ha…after half an hour, you will get married to Princess Mirinda. By the way, Monduka, are you sure about his death? Where is the dead body of that bloody mermale of Jatikano community? Order your warriors to find the dead body. Don’t confirm anybody’s death without seeing its dead body.
General Monduka:- As you wish; Your Highness!
General Hiuen (Army General of Kylowga Kingdom):- Your Highness! We have got the information that lawyer Lavanya (Chief Lawyer of COJA) has filed a petition at COJA regarding the arrest of three innocent mermales; Maradon, Tendula and Panduram.
King Okuta (King of Kylowga Kingdom):- Who are they?
General Hiuen:- They are the friends of mermale Arindam. The son of Kakrasa ordered Kakrasa’s warriors to arrest them without any criminal charge. These three mermales are now in the Xolariv prison.
King Okuta:- Oh! These characters are a part of that Swayambar Contest of King Fola’s daughter. I have read about the entire incident in today’s newsleaves. After all; it was the headlines today. All the mermales and mermaids of several reporting agencies of the sea world are covering up this incident.
Judge Jishu (Chief Judge of COJA):- Lavanya, I appreciate the fact that you are trying to save the life of three innocent mermales, but, don’t forget that you have filed a case against the son of Emperor Kakrasa. You may land in a great trouble in the near future.
Lawyer Lavanya (Chief Lawyer of COJA):- My Lord, I am a fearless mermaid and in this profession of lawyer, one needs to be courageous.
Judge Jishu:- But, don’t be too courageous. There are some lawyers under COJA itself who are expert in proving all lies into truths and many of them are too close to Emperor Kakrasa also. Anyway, I am sending a letter cum releasing order to the jailer of Xolariv prison. Copies of this letter will also be sent to King Fola and Emperor Kakrasa.
Vikrant (With joy and excitement):- Only 5 minutes left for the sunset. Arindam is yet to arrive. The countdown begins now. Tonight, there will be a great marriage party, the sea world has ever witnessed.
Kakrasa’s warriors and some spectators at the Royal Palace:- Hurrah!
King Fola:- I am smelling something fishy now. Why Vikrant is so overjoyed before the sunset? Is he too confident that Arindam will not return? Where from he is getting that confidence? Something must be fishy! Where is Mirinda?
General Damus:- Your Highness! She is having a prayer while sitting in front of the idol of Goddess Mindevi (Goddess of the Sea World).
King Fola:- Oh! Those bloody superstitions! What has Goddess Mindevi has to do in this regard! How many minutes left for the sunset?
General Damus:- Only 3 minutes!
Queen Lucy:- Oh! You two are looking so upset. One of our informers just gave me the news that the bloody mermale has just entered inside the 2nd gate of our Royal Palace. He will arrive here within a few seconds.
King Fola:- Ah! There he is! Yes! The Champion Mermale has arrived!
General Damus:- Look at Kakrasa and Vikrant. They are just stunned! Wait! Let me go and call Mirinda.
Vikrant (in an angry mood):- How is it possible? How? General Monduka, I am feeling like killing you now itself.
Kakrasa:- Monduka is of your uncle’s age, my dear son. Learn to give some respect to the elders. Somehow, I am getting the impression that you are utilizing my powers nowadays for wrong purposes. I have got a letter from the Chief Judge of COJA that you arrested Arindam’s friends unnecessarily. You told me earlier that Arindam’s friends killed some of our warriors.
Vikrant:- Yeah! I told you the truth.
Kakrasa:- Anyway, he is still alive. The war is not over yet. But, whatever you do, my son, don’t violate the laws. To remain in power, you need to abide by certain rules and regulations.
Queen Lucy:- Returning here was not the only criteria. Where is the Evol flower?
Arindam:- Oh! Yeah! Here it is! But, I will hand it over to Princess Mirinda only.
Princess Mirinda:- Yeah! I am eagerly waiting for this moment.
Arindam:- Wow! Nice to hear from you, Princess! I gift you the lovely yellow colored Evol flower and I would like to give you a lovely kiss on behalf of Octopus Olivia.
Princess Mirinda:- Not now, dear. You can have it later on.
Arindam:- Thanks for saving my life, Princess.
Princess Mirinda:- Thanks for coming here to participate in my Swayambar Contest. Don’t call me Princess Mirinda. Just call me Mirinda.
King Fola:- Good to see that both of you are communicating with each other so frankly. Frankness between couples makes the foundation of a healthy love relationship. My better half never ever understood the concept of frankness. So, Emperor Kakrasa, do you have any objection if I allow my daughter to get married with this mermale of Jatikano community.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Who am I to give objections! He is truly a champion. It is a bad luck for my son. But, it happens. I will find a better mermaid for my son. Start the marriage ceremony tonight. It should be a great marriage ceremony. Congratulations! Arindam!
Arindam:- Thanks a lot! Your Highness!
Emperor Kakrasa:- Your friends have been released from Xolariv prison. They will also join your marriage party tonight. So, just enjoy.
Arindam (flattering in a smart way):- Thanks! Emperor! You are such a nice Emperor of this sea world!
Vikrant:- You are the Emperor of this sea world! Shame on you! You lost to a mermale of Jatikano community. You could have easily ordered your warriors to kill Arindam in front of everyone and let me forcefully marry Princess Mirinda. You are a coward.
Emperor Kakrasa:- No, I am not a coward, but a real Emperor. Had I forced Mirinda to marry you or killed Arindam in front of everyone, then COJA would have ordered me to resign from this post of Emperor. I had to give some respect to my throne. Arindam have won all the levels of this Swayambar contest. So, he deserves to marry Mirinda. I have given words to King Fola two years back that if Mirinda gets any winner in a Swayambar contest, then she can get married to that winner. Now, I cannot take back my words. An Emperor cannot act like a traitor. If I do that, then all the Kings will go against me and I don’t want to do that kind of a blunder. Try to forget Mirinda as soon as possible. There are many mermaids who are more beautiful than Mirinda. If you want a Princess, then you can get married to the daughter of King Duriz of Mukran Kingdom. Her name is Princess Diana.
Vikrant:- Dad, I want to give information about the death of Alligator Ali and Alligator Alisha to their father, Alligator Abbas.
Emperor Kakrasa:- No, I don’t have any objection to it. But, don’t let anyone know that you have tried to provoke Alligator Abbas to take the revenge on Arindam. Otherwise, COJA is there to take action on you.
Vikrant:- Ha ha ha…Dad, I want to meet the mermaid Lavanya once. Where from she gets so much courage?
Priest Peter (Royal Priest of the Royal Palace of Tabernia):- Both of you have to take seven rounds around this Holy Bamboo Pole of Marriage. After completing the seven rounds, both of you will agree to become a married couple while hugging each other. After that ritual, I will put a permanent star mark on your foreheads. That permanent symbol will symbolize that both of you are already married. The symbol will remain on your foreheads for the lifetime. Now, take the seven rounds while holding each other’s hands.
Finnie:- Sorry! You mermales cannot see your friend now as he is busy in enjoying his 1st holy night of marriage with his wife.
Maradon:- Oh! No! We missed the marriage ceremony. The jailer of Xolariv prison could have released us a few hours earlier.
Nancy:- Wow! At least, you all can tell us about your experiences inside the Xolariv prison. See! We never went to any prison till date.
Tendula:- Very bad experience. We will tell you later about it. Right now, we are feeling very hungry and tired.
Susan:- Yeah! I have sensed that much earlier. All of you follow us. We will give you some good foods and then a lovely guest house to rest.
Panduram:- Wow! Thanks! Thanks! Let’s go there.
Mirinda:- Olivia told you to give only one kiss on her behalf, but, you have already given several kisses to me.
Arindam:- That’s not my fault! That’s the fault of your beauty. Why are you so beautiful? Your beauty tempted me to give several kisses on your sweet cheek.
Mirinda:- Ha ha ha…You are very naughty and courageous too. I fell in love with you when you decided to go to Megunaz to pluck the Evol flower.
Arindam:- I can even give my life for you, dear.
Mirinda:- So, can I? Never ever think of leaving me. Wherever you go, I will follow you.
Arindam:- But, your mother told me something opposite to it. Your mother wants me to stay in this palace only. But, I need to go back to our poor Tomasi village.
Mirinda:- Don’t listen to my mother. Tomorrow, we will start our journey towards Tomasi village.
Arindam:- That’s great!
Priest Jubilion:- Look at the newsleaves today. The marriage of Mermale Arindam and Mermaid Mirinda is in the headlines today.
Doctor Sthatolone:- They must be coming towards Tomasi village. It is written in the newsleaves that Mirinda has agreed to stay with her husband wherever her husband decides to live together.
Bombino (Local leader or head of Tomasi Village):- Oh! They will come here. Our Tomasi village has some prestige. Wait; let me order all the mermales and mermaids of Tomasi village to decorate this village as a paradise.
Siusa:- Thanks a lot, Bombino! We are poor enough to decorate even our house also.
Bombino:- Don’t worry; I have some well designed sea grasses and corals in my house. After all; my wife used to work as a designer of Royal Palace of Tabernia few years back. Now, she has resigned, but, she has not forgotten the art of decorating anything. Ptalone and Siusa, you must feel proud of your son. Even we are feeling proud now.
Ptalone:- Thanks for the compliments! Bombino.
Alligator Abbas:- Take my words, General Monduka. Arindam will not be able to reach Tomasi village.

Episode: 06
King Fola:- Damus, we can’t take any risk. Kakrasa’s warriors may try to do some harm. You must also accompany Mirinda to have a visit at Tomasi village. You can take as many warriors you can.
General Damus:- Ok! Your Highness!
Panduram:- So, finally, we are going back to our village alive and that too as a part of a great marriage procession.
Tendula:- Yeah! Both Arindam and Mirinda are sitting inside the sea chariot which is driven by two lion-seals.
Maradon:- General Damus is leading this procession with some of his warriors at the front of the chariot and some at the back of the chariot. Around 300 warriors are more than enough to protect all of us from Kakrasa’s warriors.
Panduram:- I am smelling something. It is the peculiar body odour of an alligator.
Maradon:- Oho! Really! Is it so? I do not smell anything.
General Damus:- Everybody take your positions! Some alligators led by Alligator Abbas have attacked us. Already 9 of our warriors are dead.
Arindam (While sitting inside the chariot):- Oh! The bloody alligators!
Mirinda (While sitting inside the chariot):- Time for some actions now. Instruct the lion-seals to drive the chariot faster.
Tendula:- Maradon, an alligator is just behind you. Kill it.
Maradon:- Wow! I have completely beheaded an alligator with the sword. What a timing! You all must appreciate it.
General Damus:- Arindam is driving the chariot faster in other direction. Follow the chariot and act as a back-up. I and my warriors will tackle these alligators.
Panduram:- Look there, General Damus! Two lion-seals have been killed and the chariot broken into pieces. That big alligator is now trying to kill Arindam.
General Damus:- It is Alligator Abbas. Now, I understand the entire game plan behind it. Warriors! Attack that big alligator.
Alligator Abbas:- General Damus, I warn you. Don’t come in my way. Arindam is my prey. He killed my son, Ali and daughter, Alisha.
Arindam:- It was just a part of a Swayambar Contest. To win the contest, I had no other choice than to kill your daughter, Alisha. Markov killed your son, Ali. Markov got killed by Kakrasa’s warriors.
Alligator Abbas:- Whatever it is! You are still alive even after killing my daughter. I am here to take the sweet revenge. If you are so brave, then prove it by fighting against me alone. Tell all the other mermales to stop attacking me; otherwise, I may have to kill this sweet mermaid.
General Damus:- Abbas is trying to tempt you to fight alone. Don’t fall in that trap.
Arindam:- Come on! Abbas! Let us have a great fight!
Alligator Abbas:- Oh! Yeah! I was waiting for this moment only.
Maradon:- Arindam is badly injured now. General Damus, kill that bloody Abbas.
General Damus:- All the other alligators are not allowing any one of us to go and act as a back-up for Arindam. Where is Mirinda? I can’t see her now.
Tendula:- Yeah! Mirinda is missing now. Where is she?
Panduram:- She was hiding behind that coral reefs to wait for the golden chance to pierce the sword at Alligator Abbas’s body from the back. It is not an act of bravery to attack someone from the back, but, everything is fair in battles.
Alligator Abraham (Younger brother of Alligator Abbas):- Our leader Abbas is dead. All the alligators those are still alive; just run for your life. Get out of here as quickly as possible.
General Damus:- You have done a great job, Mirinda by killing Alligator Abbas. Are you ok?
Mirinda:- I am fine, Uncle Damus. But, Arindam is badly injured. His tail fin is bleeding badly. We badly need a doctor.
Panduram:- We are just a half kilometer away from the Ruksar village. In Ruksar village, there is a mad mermale who is neither a doctor nor a physician, but, his magical spells sometimes cure any types of wounds. His name is Dronankur. Let’s go there.
Dronankur:- Hmm…this guy is senseless now. Bleeding is not stopping at all. Wait a minute! Let me take out the magical Alchemy Leaf from my bag and then do the magic on the wounds with that leaf.
Mirinda:- Thanks a lot, Dronankur. You have healed all the wounds of my hubby’s body. Anytime, you want any help, I will be there to help you.
Dronankur:- I don’t help anyone to get something in return. I help all the animals of this sea world because I have a bad habit of helping others. Do you think that helping others is a good habit? If you say yes to the question, then everyone will call you a mad mermale and if you say no, then everyone will regard you as a very smart mermale. Our sea world is transforming into a world of selfishness. Live and let others live. Are you listening to me? Don’t run after conquering territories after territories and treasures after treasures. Ultimately, will you find any peace? No! No! No! Cruelty always preaches the theory of ‘Leave and let others leave’.
Panduram (whispering at Mirinda):- I told you earlier that he is a mad mermale.
Mirinda:- This mermale must have had some bad experiences in his life. That’s why; he has become like this.
General Damus:- I know this mermale very well. I will tell you about his sad story later on. Is Arindam able to swim now?
Mirinda:- Yes, General Uncle, he can.
General Damus:- Ok! Then let us move towards Tomasi village. Panduram, how far is Tomasi village from here?
Panduram:- Just around 5 Kilometers from here.  If we start our journey now, we will reach Tomasi village before sunset.
Maradon:- Yeah! Yeah! Let us start! Dronankur! Thanks again! Bye! Bye!
Dronankur:- There is no need to say bye to me, because you never know when you will need me again.
Tendula:- Oh! He is somewhat an eccentric mermale, I say!
Arindam (While on their journey):- After that fight, I became so weak that I fell on the sea-bed. You came at the right time to kill Alligator Abbas. Then I became senseless due to too much bleeding. Thanks, Mirinda.
Mirinda:- There is nothing to be so thankful of. You are my sweet hubby. It is my duty to save you in times of danger and it is your duty to save me in times of danger.
Arindam:- Oh! Yeah! I appreciate your viewpoint.
Mirinda:- Now, tell me something about Dronankur? Ruksar village is nearer to Tomasi village. So, it is obvious that you all know about this mermale, Dronankur.
Tendula:- We know nothing about Dronankur in details. But, probably, Maradon knows many things about Dronankur.
Maradon:- Dronankur is basically a botanist of sea world. He used to give tips and techniques to those mermales who were involved in occupation of farming. There was one time, when Ruksar village used to have all types of farming. All types of berries, sea-weeds and hygienic corals used to grow here. As the food productivity increased too much in Ruksar village, the villagers of Ruksar started selling the foods to other villages and used to earn gold coins in return. Dronankur felt very happy and satisfied. All the topics of science of our sea world were practiced by the mermales of Rajakya community only. But, later on, when some mermales of Jatikano community and Pitrala community started practicing those topics of science, it really angered the mermales of Rajakya community. Dronankur also opened a school of botany in Ruksar village and educated many top budding botanists of Jatikano community in and around Tabernia Kingdom. Within a span of two years after the inauguration of the botany school, the Tabernia Kingdom earned 80 million Rubbali (Common currency of the sea world) by exporting foods to all the other kingdoms of the sea world. It raised an alarm to Emperor Kakrasa.
Mirinda:- What alarm? Emperor Kakrasa would have been very happy that the food productivity of sea world was increasing.
General Damus:- It is the war of economies, Mirinda. In our sea world, there are three big stock exchanges; Greenland Stock Exchange (GSE), Oceania Stock Exchange (OSE) and Kingsize Stock Exchange (KSE). All the trades of these three stock exchanges are monitored and governed by Sea World Bank (SEWBA). KSE is controlled by some royal traders and kings of the sea world. GSE is controlled by Emperor Kakrasa and the top class business mermales of the sea world. OSE is controlled by the poor farmers, traders of all class around the sea world. OSE is popular among the mermales as anybody can invest in it. The index of OSE was rising by leaps and bounds. Many traders of GSE broke the contracts of GSE and started investing in OSE. As you all know, Greenland is a small state of this sea world where all the rich mermales stay under the leadership of Emperor Kakrasa. Greenland state does not fall under any Kingdom, rather it is the Capital Zone of the sea world. Many mermales are also of the opinion that Emperor Kakrasa has hidden so many treasures in and around a desolate Greenland island of that state. But, as that desolate island is in the middle of the Greenland State, no one has hardly got chance to get nearer to it also. Kakrasa’s warriors guard that island with some scientific gadgets.
Mirinda:- Forget about Kakrasa and Greenland now. What did Kakrasa do to tame the rising index of OSE?
Maradon:- Nothing as such! Kakrasa’s warriors destroyed the botany school of Dronankur. Even some botany students got killed. Botany students who signed the contract to work for Kakrasa are still alive. They are giving tips and techniques to the farmers who work under Kakrasa. Kakrasa’s warriors kept Dronankur in the Xolariv prison for 3 years. Later on, COJA ordered Kakrasa to set Dronankur free. By that time, Dronankur was so shocked and humiliated that he became a mad mermale, though, he never stopped helping others.
Arindam:- That’s great! Dronankur can be a very useful mermale for us, if we ever start a war against Emperor Kakrasa.
Mirinda:- No! No! We want peace. No fighting! No more battles! You were on the verge of dying due to so many battles. I am still feeling lucky by seeing you alive.
Bombino:- Arindam and Mirinda have arrived. Bingo! Bingo! Start the party now! Music on! Please! Let us dance!
Arindam:- My goodness! Our villagers have decorated the entire village so well.
Mirinda:- Your villagers are very warm-hearted. I must appreciate that, dear.
Ptalone:- Here comes my son. I am proud of you, my son.
Siusa:- Whoa! What a pretty mermaid I have got as my daughter-in-law!
Doctor Sthatolone:- How is your health, Arindam? You are not completely cured. Don’t worry; I will do regular check-ups of yours.
Priest Jubilion:- I had faith on my astrological predictions, but, it would never have been a successful prediction without you such mermales.
Maradon, Tendula and Panduram:- Ha ha ha…
Tendula:- Frankly speaking, Jubilion uncle, we still don’t have any faith on astrology, though, we always suggest you to predict something good for our friend, Arindam.
Panduram:- Yes, Jubilion uncle, be a well-wisher for our Tomasi village rather than an astrologer.
Priest Jubilion:- See! I am the devotee of Lord Pasupati of this Sea World. Don’t worry; I always pray to my God to do something good for our Tabernia Kingdom.
Shakira (Bombino’s wife):- The food has been served. All the villagers are requested to enjoy the foods.
Mirinda:- You are leaving today, General Uncle!
General Damus:- Yeah! Your father gave me the job to reach you safely to your father-in-law’s house. My job is complete now. Now, I have to look after the security of Tabernia Kingdom also. I am very lucky to get a privilege to visit such a beautiful village. I hardly get times to visit villages, because there are so many security problems in and around the Royal Palace of Tabernia. Always be happy, Mirinda.
Mirinda:- Yeah! I will try to be.
General Damus:- By the way; where are you going for honeymoon?
Bombino:- Blue Moon Waters! Yes, General Damus, I have organized a lovely honeymoon package tour for Arindam and Mirinda at Blue Moon Waters which is just 3 Kilometers away from the Hawaii islands. They will surely enjoy there.
General Damus:- Ok! That sounds fine! Well; Mirinda, see you again, Bye Bye!
Mirinda:- Bye! Bye! Uncle Damus!
General Monduka:- There is a bad news for you! Mirinda killed Alligator Abbas and Arindam is still alive after suffering a severe injury on his tail-fin. We have got information that both Arindam and Mirinda are in Tomasi village now. Even we are getting information that Arindam and his villagers have a plan to form a strong armed force against Emperor Kakrasa’s warriors.
Vikrant:- It is easier said than done. I have a plan. I need to have a secret meeting with Scientist Shahjahan.

Episode: 07
Scientist Shahjahan:- Masks? What type of masks do you want me to make?
Vikrant:- I want you to make some special masks which will help us to breathe oxygen even if the amount of oxygen reduces in the sea water. Not only have that, those masks should also have links with a container containing fresh oxygenated water. That container will be tied with our body.
Scientist Shahjahan:- What are you trying to do actually? I want 2 Gold Coins for making each special mask.
Vikrant:- Ok! Done! I am ordering you to make 2000 such masks within the next 30 days.
Scientist Shahjahan:- Ok! Your Highness! I am giving the assurance that your orders will be fulfilled within the deadline.
Tinku (Owner of Tinku Guest House at Hawaii):- Welcome to my guest house. Already, Bombino booked a special room for both of you in my guest house.
Arindam:- What is the name of this beautiful region?
Tinku:- It is Blue Moon Waters. This is one of the best romantic zones of our Sea World. You will understand the ultimate beauty of this place at night time only.
Mirinda:- Tinku, we are too tired and hungry after a long swimming.
Tinku:- Oh! Don’t worry; lunch is ready for you at the dining room of my guest house.
Vikrant:- There are lots of oil pipes installed on the sea-bed in and around our sea world. Basically, humans extract oils from our sea-bed.
General Monduka: - Actually, what is your plan?
Vikrant:- Track down the oil pipes which are nearer to Tomasi village.
General Monduka:- There are no oil pipes nearer to Tomasi village. But, yes, just at the southern border area of Tabernia kingdom, there are two big oil pipes of ROC (Reliable Oil Company).
Vikrant:- I want to do some minor damages to the surface of those oil pipes to create an artificial oil spill.
General Monduka:- What? You want a whispering death of the habitat of Tabernia Kingdom. Why?
Vikrant:- Sweet revenge! Nothing else! It will look like a natural accident. COJA can prove nothing against me, and on the other hand, both Arindam and Mirinda will die along with their family members.
General Monduka:- Your father is right. You are not at all fit to become an ideal successor of your father.
Vikrant:- Only the time will tell. You don’t need to comment on this regard.
General Monduka:- I don’t have any sympathy towards Jatikano community. But, if this oil spill takes place, many mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community will also die. How can you be so cruel? Sorry! I am not with you in this mission.
Vikrant:- Have faith on me. I am assuring you that not a single mermale and mermaid of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom will die due to the oil spill. Next week only, Scientist Shahjahan will give us around 2000 special masks. Start the training of our warriors with those special masks. Just after the oil spill, these warriors need to act as a rescue team for the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community.
General Monduka:- Then, it is okay! Is your father aware of this plan?
Vikrant:- No, he is not aware of it. My dad is a cruel emperor, but, still, sometimes, he abides by the true principles of a warrior. He always believes in fair challenges.
General Monduka:- That’s why; he is an Emperor, not a coward like you.
Vikrant:- Just keep your mouth shut. Don’t forget that after his death, I am his successor. Better be careful.
General Monduka:- Experience always counts. You will understand the importance of a General like me at a later stage. Anyway, Prince Vikrant, how are you going to damage those oil pipes? Those are very strong. For your kind information, humans have installed several hidden cameras on the posts nearer to those oil pipes. More often than not, I have also seen humans visiting this place as divers with cameras attached on their forehead.
Vikrant:- Can’t we leak those pipes with swords or harpoons?
General Monduka:- Impossible! You can try it out as much as you can.
Vikrant:- Only one mermale can help us in this regard.
General Monduka:- Who?
Vikrant:- Scientist Shahjahan.
General Monduka:- Oh! I see!
Mirinda:- Wow! It is such a romantic place, Arindam. The moonlit night! Look at the sea waters. It is surely a zone of Blue Moon Waters. I am feeling like staying in a paradise.
Arindam:- My goodness! You are dancing out of joy. I am enjoying your dance, sweetheart.
Tinku:- Arindam and Mirinda, what’s the point of dancing without music?
Arindam:- Hey, leave us alone! We are in honeymoon mood and you are monitoring us.
Tinku:- Oh! It is evening only. At midnight, I never monitor my guests. Wait! Let the music start. All the lovely musicians of Blue Moon Waters; please start the music for the newly married couple, Arindam and Mirinda.
Mirinda:- Whoa! Look there, Arindam! All the red crabs are clapping each other to produce a lovely sound. Golden fishes are blowing thin straws to produce sounds of flutes.
Arindam:- Keep on dancing, baby. Look at that corner. Between two big corals, these guys have kept a piano which has been built with the stems of Ocean Bamboo trees. All the little orange and blue fishes are hitting on that piano on a random basis to produce a lovely sound.
Tinku:- My wife, Tanuja, is a very good singer. Just listen to her song.
Tanuja:- In a sweet night of Blue Moon, Romance will not end so soon. After enjoying the scenic beauty of this Blue Lagoon, you are bound to have a naughty mood for a lovely Honeymoon.
Mirinda:- Great! That’s a nice song! Hey, I can hear the sound of trumpets.
Tinku:- Come on! Let us go towards the surface of the sea water. Humans are celebrating their last night of this year on the beaches of Hawaii islands.
Arindam:- Humans are enjoying a lot. They are dancing with their partners. Barbeque is going on. Some are drinking alcohol, some are eating meats and some are dancing wildly. Wow! Humans enjoy those magical moments a lot.
Mirinda:- We are also enjoying, darling. After a few seconds, we will enter into a new year. Can’t you hear those humans counting the countdowns? I want a lovely deep kiss from you at 12 AM of this New Year. The countdown begins. 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1...Happy New Year, darling! Kiss me through!
Tinku:- Aha! Tanuja, don’t watch them now. They are engaged in a wild deep kiss.
Tanuja:- Have we become too old as a married couple to enjoy such moments?
Tinku:- Okk! Darling! Let me give you a long deep kiss right here, right now. Happy New Year!
Scientist Shahjahan:- The solution to your problem can be solved by using Laser Rays.
Vikrant:- Laser Rays? Ok! Whatever it maybe! I just want minor leakages on the oil pipes to create a massive oil spill in Tabernia Kingdom.
Scientist Shahjahan:- Oils can spread in any direction. It can even spread to other kingdoms also. Anyway, that’s none of my business. I am just a professional scientist and you are my client. What will I get, if I help you with a device of Laser Rays?
Vikrant:- How many Gold Coins do you want?
Scientist Shahjahan:- No, no, angry Prince! Not so easy to deal with the No.1 scientist of this sea world. Being a son of Emperor Kakrasa, you possess 9 fortresses, 6 palaces and 11 Special Territories under your name. I will help you in this regard provided you hand over 1 palace, 2 fortresses and 3 Special Territory under my name. I also have a desire to live like a King, though not an Emperor.
Vikrant:- Oh! I never had an idea that behind the mask of a scientist, there lays a greedy and selfish mermale.
Scientist Shahjahan:- Your Highness! Don’t you have a mirror in your palace? Are you not selfish and greedy? Are you not hungry for power?
Vikrant:- Ok! Leave the topic! You will get what you want, provided my job gets done. It is a top secret mission. No one should know how the oil pipes got leaked.
Scientist Shahjahan:- Ha ha ha…I am a scientist. All my deals are like an irreversible chemical reaction. Everything will remain as a secret, even if you betray with me in future.
Mirinda:- I am in a naughty mood now. I will keep on swimming here and there. Catch me if you can.
Arindam:- Ok! I like to swim in these blue waters. Keep on swimming, I will chase you. If I can catch you within half a kilometer, then you have to give me 5 kisses.
Mirinda:- Ha ha ha…ok! I accept the condition. Now, chase me…Hey! What happened! What are you staring at?
Arindam:- Look at that saffron colored star fish near the sea bed. It is vibrating.
Mirinda:- So? What? Maybe, this saffron colored fish is in a romantic mood. That’s why; it is dancing. Come on; let us play.
Arindam:- No! Mirinda! Some emergency messages are getting transmitted throughout the sea world. Let me go towards it.
Arindam:- Hello! Star Fish! Do you have any emergency news? I saw you vibrating. You are receiving messages and transmitting it through sea-bed.
A Saffron colored Star Fish of Blue Moon Waters Region:- The kingdom of Tabernia is badly affected due to oil spill of the oil pipes of Reliable Oil Company (ROC). Even a small region of Oprestonia and Mukran kingdoms are badly affected. We are already getting messages that around 80 mermales and 50 mermaids of Tabernia kingdom have died due to breathing problems.
Arindam:- What! Oh! No! God save the Sea World.
Mirinda:- Arindam, don’t be so upset! Nothing has happened to our Tomasi village. We need to return to our village as early as possible.
Emperor Kakrasa:- I have called for a special emergency meeting regarding the oil spill that happened near the Tabernia kingdom. At this point of time, we have to act as a single unit. I request all the Kings to help as much as you can to speed up the rescue work.
King Fola:- Your Highness! Many mermales and mermaids are missing. Tabernia Kingdom has become a kingdom of death. For some negligence and callous attitude by the humans, we the animals of the sea world are suffering a lot.
King Criston:- We are with you, King Fola. Don’t hesitate to seek any kind of help from our Oprestonia Kingdom.
Vikrant:- All of you just don’t need to worry too much about this situation. Already, we have sent our warriors who are acting as a rescue team with special masks. Even, we have ordered to make more such special masks to our Research & Development Department. By wearing those special masks, you can breathe oxygen freely, even if there is too much oil in water. All the masks have links with a backup container to provide you oxygen during emergency situation.
All the Kings at that Meeting:- Baah! Baah! That’s great! Good work, Vikrant.
King Okuta:- Your Highness! Really, your son is doing a very noble job. I must appreciate that.
Vikrant:- Oh! Thanks for the compliments.
Emperor Kakrasa:- It is not a time to give appreciations or compliments to each other. Just act and save all the animals of this sea world that are in danger.
Dobla:- We are getting information that the Kakrasa’s warriors are providing special masks to the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in the Tabernia kingdom. Kakrasa’s warriors are not helping the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community. Why such partialities during a rescue work? Are we the mermales of Jatikano community having no value?
Winston:- Dobla, if your information is correct, then, we will go for a massive protest against Emperor Kakrasa. Spread this information to all the mermales of Jatikano community across the sea world. We need to conduct a meeting on this issue.

Episode: 08
Maradon:- No, listen to me. You cannot go further from here. It is around 5 kilometers from here to reach our Tomasi village. From here on, you will find oils everywhere. You may reach Tomasi village by swimming, but there is a risk that you may die while swimming. The oxygen content of this sea water has reduced drastically due to that oil spill.
Arindam:- Where are our villagers?
Tendula:- Many have died; many have fled and many of them got rescued. The rescue work was going on in the villages of Rajakya and Pitrala community only. Not a single warrior of Emperor Kakrasa came to rescue any mermale or mermaid from any of the villages of Jatikano community.
Arindam:- What about my parents?
Panduram:- Don’t worry; they are still alive, but undergoing treatment under Doctor Sthatolona. We are really grateful to the leader of the Black Dogfish community, Blacky. Black Dogfishes have good smelling powers. The moment the oil started spilling from the oil pipes of Reliable Oil Company (ROC), Blacky and other Black Dogfishes started spreading the message to almost everyone that an oil spill has taken place. We were busy in our work. When we heard the message, we told everyone to leave the Tomasi village. For some mermales and mermaids, it was too late for them. Some mermales and mermaids did not prefer to leave their village, no matter what happens. To make situation worse, no one came to rescue our villagers.
Mirinda:- Had we both not gone for a honeymoon, we could have also died in this natural disaster. Where is Bombino?
Tendula:- We have no idea about him. We knew that both of you will try to reach the Tomasi village after hearing the news. So, three of us have been waiting at this zone since yesterday.
Arindam:- I want to see my parents. Where are they?
Maradon:- Our villagers have been given shelter to Ramnagar, Suryaganj and Brenzon village of Oprestonia Kingdom. King Criston is helping the mermales and mermaids of our kingdom from all ends. Even King Criston has provided a lovely guest house to our King Fola, Queen Lucy and General Damus in the Oprestonia kingdom till the situation becomes stable in Tabernia kingdom. Doctor Sthatolona is doing treatment of your parents in Ramnagar village. Come on; let us go there.
General Monduka:- Your Highness! All the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community are protesting against you. They are complaining that our warriors have done some partiality towards the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community during the rescue work in Tabernia kingdom. Even a lawyer of COJA has filed a petition against you for doing partiality against the Jatikano community.
Emperor Kakrasa:- I have done no partiality. If any of the warriors have done that type of partiality, then let them prove it in COJA with proper evidence. In any case, it was natural to give priority to rescue any mermale or mermaid of Rajakya or Pitrala community rather than rescuing any mermale or mermaid of Jatikano community. What is the name of that bloody lawyer?
General Monduka:- Her name is Lavanya. The problem is not with that lawyer Lavanya or COJA. Already, we are getting news that some riots have taken place between the mermales of Jatikano community and Pitrala community here and there.  Winston is the Union leader of all the unions of Jatikano community. Already some mermales of Jatikano community have partially destroyed one of your fortresses in Java Sea as a part of their protest.
Emperor Kakrasa:- What is their demand?
General Monduka:- They want compensation of 50 gold coins for each mermale and mermaid of Jatikano community who has lost their family members in the recent oil spill near Tabernia kingdom. Moreover, they are sticking with their age-old demand to include the mermales of Jatikano community in several administrative posts.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Impossible! We can provide only 10 Gold coins to each family of Jatikano community which has lost its family members, provided they succeed in proving in COJA that our warriors have done partiality during the rescue work in Tabernia kingdom. And tell those mermales of Jatikano community to stop dreaming about getting any administrative post in our government. If their protests become too violent, start killing them.
General Monduka:- Ok! Your Highness!
Scientist Suleiman:- Suddenly, you have become too rich. Strange! Prince Vikrant has given you so many gifts at one go. Why that bloody miser became a good donor? There must be some reasons behind it.
Scientist Shahjahan:- I have created special masks. These special masks are very useful to save the life of any mermale or mermaid during any oil spill.
Scientist Suleiman:- Dad, don’t try to fool me. Last year only, you talked about your discovery on Laser Rays. Last week, I stole one of your special masks from your laboratory and went to that disastrous spot to investigate those oil pipes minutely. It was not a natural leakage of those oil pipes. Someone used Laser Rays.
Scientist Shahjahan:- What do you mean?
Scientist Suleiman:- The meaning is crystal clear, dad. In my childhood, you used to teach me that the misuse of science can give birth to several strong evil powers. And now, you yourself have become a slave in the hands of Prince Vikrant. You have become a greedy mermale.
Scientist Shahjahan:- Your mother died due to poverty. I never got a chance to become a rich mermale. Your step-mother and step-sisters want to live their life as rich mermaids. Who knows; one day, I may become the Emperor of this Sea World as I have the power of science.
Scientist Suleiman:- My mother died because you were always too callous towards her. After your 2nd marriage, my mother became too depressed. You are a selfish mermale. You are a murderer. For that oil spill, so many mermales and mermaids have died. One day, God will surely give you a severe punishment for committing these types of sins. Don’t dare to dream about becoming an Emperor. From now on, I will use Science for the betterment of the mermaid society. Good luck to you, dad.
Lawyer Lavanya:- Day after tomorrow; there is a hearing at COJA. I need to produce some witnesses to prove that Emperor Kakrasa has done partiality towards the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community.
Dobla:- Don’t worry; our witnesses are ready for that.
Vikrant:- I am having a desire to see the dead body of Lawyer Lavanya.
General Monduka:- Relax! Prince! Your desire will surely be fulfilled by tomorrow morning.
Doctor Sthatolona:-  Your mother is more or less stable now. But, your father is still unwell. In the early morning, your father was doing his duty to clean up the sea water, but, he failed to understand that some oil was getting contaminated with sea water at that time. At present, he is suffering from a severe breathing problem. If he swims for around half a kilometer at a stretch, he will die. From now on, he cannot do any heavy work. Moreover, breathing in any type of polluted sea water may lead to asthma straightaway. Your dad’s breathing organ has now become too allergic for any type of impure sea water. That’s why; I suggest you to buy a special mask from Kakrasa’s warriors and let your father wear that mask almost every time.
Priest Jubilion:- There is no point in begging in front of Kakrasa’s warriors for a special mask. I have found three special masks lying on the sea-bed. Maybe, during the rescue operations, the Kakrasa’s warriors may have dropped some masks from their bags. Take these masks.
Arindam:- Thank you, Priest Jubilion.
Mirinda:- Look at the headlines of the Newsleaves today. In riots, around 54 mermales of Jatikano community have died. Not only have that, in the Flores Sea, Kakrasa’s warriors have killed around 23 mermales of Jatikano community. A case has been registered by the mermales of Jatikano community in COJA against Emperor Kakrasa. Tomorrow is the hearing day.
Judge Jishu:- We have waited for several hours, but, Lawyer Lavanya is yet to arrive at COJA. As per our rules, if the petitioner remains absent on the hearing day, then the case itself gets dismissed without any clauses or conditions. So, I hereby declare this case against Emperor Kakrasa, a dismissed case.
Winston:- Where is that bloody lawyer? Oh! We are in back-foot now.
Dobla:- Where is she? Strange!
Emperor Kakrasa:- Good to hear that the case got dismissed. That lawyer Lavanya has done the right thing by backing out from this case. Give her 50 gold coins as a gift from my end.
General Monduka:- As you wish; Your Highness!
King Fola:- These riots must stop. The Jatikano community is fighting against the Rajakya and Pitrala community. Why Jatikano community mermales be always neglected? They are also born as mermales like us. Moreover, I really condemn the orders by our Emperor Kakrasa to kill the protesters from Jatikano community.
Winston:- There is no point in condemning if you can’t help us.
King Fola:- How can I help you? All my soldiers are from Pitrala community. They also hate the mermales of Jatikano community.
Dobla:- But, at least, you can tell some of your soldiers to train us. We want to form our own battalion to fight against Emperor Kakrasa.
King Fola:- Better you ask about it to General Damus. Oh! General Damus is not from Jatikano community.
General Damus:- Your Highness! Let me make it very clear to you that I am just a mermale and I am proud to be a mermale. It hardly matters to me, whether I belong to Rajakya, Pitrala or Jatikano community. I only know one thing; that I am a warrior and my duty is to protect any mermale from any danger. If you order me, then I will surely train some mermales of Jatikano community to form their own battalion.
King Fola:- Yeah! Yeah! Just go ahead and train them.
Winston:- Thanks a lot, King Fola.
General Monduka:- Your Highness! We have secret information that King Fola is helping the mermales of Jatikano community by giving military training to them.
Emperor Kakrasa:- King Fola is still spending his time as a guest in Oprestonia kingdom. The condition of Tabernia Kingdom is becoming somewhat stable. Before, King Fola reaches his palace in Tabernia Kingdom, order our warriors to capture it. We want to see King Fola as a permanent refugee of Oprestonia Kingdom under King Criston.
General Monduka:- So, you want to keep Tabernia Kingdom under your control. That sounds good.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Out of all the 5 Kingdoms of the Sea World, mermales of Oprestonia, Lingolia and Tabernia kingdoms have revolted from time to time. In these 3 kingdoms, the population percentage of Jatikano community is in majority. King Criston of Oprestonia Kingdom is a nice and coward mermale. So, he is not so harmful. King Fola of Tabernia Kingdom is a very clever mermale. He can play game on me anytime; like he is trying to play a game now. King Ragamoah of Lingolia Kingdom is still a thorn for me. All the deadly creatures of sea world reside in this Lingolia Kingdom. Moreover, Magician Mombaura hails from this kingdom only, though he has now settled in Oprestonia kingdom. Mombaura still manages to get support from the deadly creatures of Lingolia Kingdom. We supply free Sea-Tobacco leaves to Mombaura. That’s why; Mombaura never challenges me. It is very easy to control a drug-addicted magician.
General Monduka:- What about the marriage proposal for your son from Mukran Kingdom. Princess Diana, the daughter of King Duriz wants to marry your son.
Emperor Kakrasa:- You are smart enough to understand my plan. We will surely accept that marriage proposal. Already, King Duriz has become too old to administer a kingdom. Vikrant will get married to Diana and will become the King of both Tabernia and Mukran kingdom. As my son will be controlling 2 out of 5 kingdoms, it will become a lot easier for me to take Lingolia and Oprestonia kingdom under my control slowly and steadily.
General Monduka:- Do you have faith on Kylowga Kingdom?
Emperor Kakrasa:- Kylowga Kingdom hardly has 10 to 15 families of Jatikano community. Basically, 90% of the population of Kylowga Kingdom is of Pitrala community. Mermales of that kingdom will rather fight for me till the last drop of their blood. As per the geographical location, Kylowga kingdom is the neighboring kingdom of both Mukran and Lingolia kingdom. That’s an added advantage for me.
Queen Lucy:- Now, that bloody Kakrasa’s warriors have conquered our Tabernia kingdom. Oh! No! I can’t digest this news.
King Fola:- It is better to digest it. I am totally helpless. My soldiers are of no match against Emperor Kakrasa’s warriors.
General Damus:- Just order us! Your Highness! We are ready to fight against those warriors.
King Fola:- It is of no use. I know that you will accept a defeat. Wait and watch! We have to chalk out a plan.
Diana:- Finally, you have accepted my marriage proposal. Thanks for accepting it.
Vikrant:- The mermaid whom I loved has died in the recent oil spill in Tabernia kingdom. That’s why; you got the chance to get married to me.
Diana:- Oh! I am so lucky.
Arindam:- What? We cannot go back to our own village. What kind of nonsense is this? Emperor Kakrasa cannot act like an autocratic ruler. He is an Emperor.
Winston:- Ha ha ha..Show me an instance where Emperor Kakrasa has not acted like an autocratic ruler. I really feel sorry for King Fola. Had he not helped us with military training, he would have never lost his throne.
Arindam:- We badly need to declare a war.
Mirinda:- No, no, war is not a solution.
Winston:- Yes, I agree with Mirinda for the time being. First let us form a strong battalion. We are not fully prepared for a war. Let us see, if any legal steps can be taken or not.
Arindam:- Legal steps! Already, that lawyer is absconding out of fear. In COJA itself, majority of lawyers are in favor of Emperor Kakrasa.
Tendula:- Winston, near the coral reefs of Minicoy Island, a dead body of a mermaid has been found. Dobla is uncontrollable now as he has lost his beloved mermaid.
Winston:- Whose dead body has been found? Come on! Speak out!
Tendula:- Lawyer Lavanya is not absconding. She has been killed the day before the hearing day by the Kakrasa’s warriors.
Winston:- I need to meet Dobla as early as possible. Come on; follow me, if you want to.
Dobla:- I warned her many times that don’t go against Emperor Kakrasa in such a fashion. She got no support from the other lawyers of COJA. I have lost my partner. We were about to get married, but, alas, I lost her. I will take the revenge. I will kill Emperor Kakrasa with my own hands.
Winston:- Dobla, control yourself. The entire Jatikano community has lost a fighting mermaid. Her souls will rest in peace only when we will be able to take the revenge by killing Emperor Kakrasa.
Arindam:- Will you still not declare a war?
Winston:- No, it is not the right time.
Doctor Sthatolona:- I have tried my level best. Your father also tried his level best to survive. But, oils won the battle. Your father has expired just a few minutes back. At this juncture, you have to be very strong mentally.
Arindam:- That’s destiny and nothing else. I have only to blame that natural disaster.
Priest Jubilion:- Ptalone Protozona is no more with us. Oh! God! Let his soul rest in peace.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Siusa is so shocked that she is not talking with anyone at all. Mirinda, you need to take care of your mother-in-law.
Mirinda:- Yes, surely, I will.
Bombino:- I have lost my wife, Shakira during that natural disaster. I don’t know, how many more will die. Still, around 123 mermales and 57 mermaids are undergoing medical treatment.
Scientist Suleiman:- Do you really think that the oil spill was a natural disaster?
Arindam:- Sorry! Who are you?
Scientist Suleiman:- I will reveal my identity and other information. Arrange a meeting, please.
King Fola:- So, it was an artificially created disaster to kill us. How can we have faith on you, Suleiman? After all; your father works for Vikrant, the son of Emperor Kakrasa.
Scientist Suleiman:- Had I been a bad and selfish mermale, I wouldn’t have risked my life to come here and meet you all. There are spies of Emperor Kakrasa almost everywhere.
Arindam:- Instead of doubting on Suleiman, I think that it is time to declare a full-fledged war against Kakrasa. We want to take revenge. Both Kakrasa and Vikrant must die.
Bombino:- I will chop off Vikrant’s head.
Dobla:- I will kill Vikrant’s wife in front of Vikrant.
General Monduka:- Prince Vikrant, there is a sad news for you. Both Arindam and Mirinda were on a secret honeymoon when the oil spill happened. Both of them are still alive.
Vikrant:- No! No! No! It can’t be. How can they be still alive? Our spies gave us the information that both of them were in Tomasi village only at that time.
General Monduka:- Those two spies have also died in the oil spill. So, there is no scope for you to give any further punishment to those two spies. We have also got the information that the mermales of Jatikano community have already formed a military battalion and they are on the verge of declaring a war. They have termed their war as the WAR OF REVENGE.
Vikrant:- If their war is the WAR OF REVENGE, then we will also declare a war which will be termed as WAR OF PRESTIGE, GLORY and PRIDE. After 3 days, I will be crowned as the King of Tabernia and Mukran kingdom. I will surely enjoy the first war as a King.
Dobla:- Who will be our leader in the war against Emperor Kakrasa and King Vikrant?
Bombino:- Winston can lead it.
Ex-King Fola:- No, in my opinion, we need a leader, who is brave enough to lead so many brave-hearted mermales and mermaids. I have more faith on my son-in-law.
Maradon:- We have no problem, if Arindam becomes our leader.
Winston:- It was always in my plan to see this brave-hearted mermale as a leader. That’s why; I requested Zwala to save him.
Arindam:- What? You sent Zwala to rescue me. Oh! I am really grateful to you.
Winston:- Don’t be grateful to me. It is give and take policy. Be our leader and lead us to victory. Our first step will be to free Zumlu from the Biggendo prison of Kylowga Kingdom. To succeed in it, we badly need the support of Magician Mombaura.

Episode: 09
Magician Mombaura:- I want fresh supply of Sea-Tobacco leaves every week.
Winston:- Don’t worry; we will fulfill your demands. Now, just tell us how you will do it?
Magician Mombaura:- I can hypnotize blade-fishes and piranhas to attack the Biggendo prison, but, I have no plan at all.
Scientist Suleiman:- Your magical or hypnotizing powers will not help us by so much as the mermales of Pitrala community who are  guarding the inner cells of the Biggendo prison also have hypnotizing powers.
Magician Mombaura:- So, what’s your plan?
Scientist Suleiman:- We want them to chase us.
Maradon:- Why Scientist Suleiman is hiding behind the coral reef which is nearer to the main gate of Biggendo prison?
Arindam:- Hussh! We are waiting for his signal. The moment Suleiman signals us, we will shoot three arrows to target the boundary wall of the Biggendo prison. The sensors are installed on the walls to ring the alarm. Once the electric fishes of the Biggendo prison come out to attack us, Mombaura will instruct the blade-fishes and piranhas to attack the electric fishes.
Panduram:- All the piranhas and blade-fishes may die in the battle.
Bombino:- Yeah! They will die. If the electric fishes don’t return back to the prison after a certain time, the four poisonous snakes will come out to monitor the situation. These snakes are very speedy in their movement. How to deal with them?
Arindam:- Under the guidance of Scientist Suleiman, we have made special nets to trap the four snakes. Once the snakes get trapped, it becomes easier for us to kill them. The nets have been installed in suitable places.
Dobla:- But, there are around 50 mermales of Pitrala community inside the prison. How to tackle them?
Bombino:- All the guard mermales may not come out of the main gate of the prison. Scientist Suleiman has installed two gadgets in front of the main gate to create an artificial hydroelectric field. All the mermales coming out of the main gate may die or get weak in that hydroelectrical field.
Maradon:- Will that artificial hydroelectric field not going to affect the electric fishes and poisonous snakes?
Arindam:- The artificial electric field will have very little impact on the electric fishes and poisonous snakes, but, we the mermales may die if we swim through that type of an artificial hydroelectric field. Scientist Suleiman has given us the signal. Be ready with your bows and arrows. Now, attack.
Tendula:- The electric fishes are very hard to tackle. Almost all the blade-fishes have died. Piranhas are struggling to have their bites on those electric fishes. Oh! No! Those piranhas and blade-fishes have been hypnotized to death. Our plan has failed. Oh! No! Those electric fishes are now coming towards us.
Maradon:- Swim backwards now. They are chasing us. Swim for your life now.
Dobla:- Where is Magician Mombaura now? Can he hypnotize these electric fishes?
Bombino:- Oh! Forget about Mombaura now. Mombaura is now sleeping in his den after enjoying those Sea-Tobacco leaves.
Arindam:- Hey, we are swimming out of fear, right! But, where are the electric fishes? They are not chasing us anymore. We can’t see them now.
Panduram:- There they are! In one of the nets installed by Scientist Suleiman, all the electric fishes have got trapped.
Arindam:- Fantastic! Attack them with the arrows. Don’t stop attacking them, till they die.
Scientist Suleiman:- Hey! Guys! Don’t take too much time to kill these electric fishes. Kill them before the four poisonous snakes reach here.
Bombino:- Oh! No! Snakes are already approaching towards us.
Scientist Suleiman:- All of you wear your special masks. I will spray a special liquid into the water. This spray is a poisonous spray. It will kill both the electric fishes and snakes within 5 minutes. Then, we will apply our second plan.
Dobla:- Second plan?
Maradon:- Thank God! We are still alive. All the snakes and the electric fishes are dead. I am feeling tired now.
Dobla:- Go back then. We don’t want warriors in our squad who get tired too easily.
Scientist Suleiman:- Guys! We need to swim towards the back gate of the Biggendo prison.
Panduram:- Back gate? Strange planning!
Bombino:- Hey! Look there! Already Mirinda has started the process to break open the back gate of the Biggendo prison. Be careful, Mirinda, an arrow is targeted towards you.
Mirinda:- Oh! Thanks!
Tendula:- Have you all gone crazy? We will fight against 50 mermales of Pitrala community with this strength only.
Arindam:- No, Tendula. Just turn around. Winston is marching with his 30 soldiers and General Damus is leading around 40 warriors. It is more than enough to kill 50 mermales.
General Damus:- Hey! Enough dialogues! Now, it is time to act. Warriors! Break open the gate.
Winston:- Attack!
Zumlu:- Aah! Finally! I am out of the Biggendo prison after a long wait.
Zwala:- Good to see you, brother.
Zumlu:- Now, I am dying to take the revenge. Kakrasa mercilessly killed our father, Zudas. I can’t forget that moment.
Zwala:- Don’t worry, brother. We will surely take our sweet revenge.
General Monduka:- Your Highness! Biggendo prison has been destroyed. Zumlu is free now. As per our secret information, Zumlu is planning to unite all the whales of the sea world. Zumlu has called for a meeting of whales in Bering Sea.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Hmm! Where is Vikrant now?
General Monduka:- Your son is busy in his honeymoon period at Andaman Sea.
Emperor Kakrasa:- We have to kill Zumlu and Zwala before they unite all the whales against our empire.
General Monduka:- Scientist Shahjahan was saying that he has got some nuclear rocks which can be used to cause artificial Tsunamis.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Great! Find out the location in the Bering Sea, where they are going to conduct the meeting. Request Scientist Shahjahan to come and meet me tomorrow.
Scientist Shahjahan:- Your Highness! I need 100 Gold Coins for it.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Done! What else do you want?
Scientist Shahjahan:- A guest house in my name at Andaman Sea, where I can stay with my family members anytime for free.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Done! What else?
Scientist Shahjahan:- As of now; this much is ok for me.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Now, tell me, how are you going to execute the plan?
Scientist Shahjahan:- See! As per the secret information from General Monduka, the whales are going to conduct a meeting in Solakushi of Bering Sea. The place where they are going to conduct the meeting is just at a distance of 1 Km from the Solakushi hillock. If I keep the 5 nuclear elements side by side with a specific circuit design with a proper wiring to supply hydroelectricity through the circuit, then those 5 nuclear elements will take around 18 to 20 hours to emit all their radioactive rays and explode one by one. Once the explosion takes place, it is bound to cause a very little drift in the tectonic plates of Pacific Ocean Zone. That very little drift is powerful enough to cause an artificial Tsunami. I cannot guarantee you that all the whales will die in the Tsunami or the nuclear explosion at Solakushi hillock. But, due to that Tsunami, strong waves around the Bering Sea will be powerful enough to move all the whales towards the Japanese Islands. Install all your warriors near the coastal waters of Japanese Islands. The moment they see any injured whale, they must kill them.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Wow! Fantastic Idea! I will give you another 100 Gold Coins if the entire operation becomes successful.
Zumlu:- All my brothers and sisters, we have assembled here today to declare a war against the cruel Emperor, Kakrasa. How many of you are against Emperor Kakrasa?
All the other whales:- All of us.
Zwala:- What sound is that? It sounds like an explosion? Oh! No! Everyone, just swim for your life! It is a Tsunami.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Look at the headlines of the Newsleaves today. The whales are almost at the verge of their extinction. Zumlu called for a meeting at Bering Sea. The Tsunami happened. What a bad luck for the whales! Though some whales were still able to withstand the Tsunami, but, the humans of Japanese Islands have killed some of the whales who were swimming along the coastal areas of Japanese Islands.
Priest Jubilion:- How are you so sure that those whales have been killed by humans in the Japanese coastal area? Kakrasa’s warriors may also kill them. Before Emperor Kakrasa plays another trick, tell Arindam to conquer Tabernia Kingdom as early as possible. To become a King, you need to acquire some territories. A King always gets more support than just a warrior.

Episode: 10
Bombino:- Today is the lovers’ day. Let us celebrate. On every 1st day of spring season, we celebrate the lovers’ day. After losing my wife, I am yet to get a new mermaid to fall in love again.
Dobla:- Oh! There are lots of beautiful mermaids in our Oprestonia kingdom. If you want a beautiful mermaid, then I can help you out in that matter. Every year on lovers’ day, we conduct a ballad of lovers. Each mermale wears a lovely yellow colored gown and each mermaid wears a blue colored gown. A mermale has to gift a Sea-Pinkrose (A pink colored flower which looks quite similar to a rose flower) to his beloved mermaid and a mermaid has to give a lovely kiss as an acceptance of that flower.
Bombino:- Wow! What a romantic ritual! I am becoming nostalgic about my wife, late Shakira. Where the ballad is going to happen?
Dobla:- The ballad takes place in front of the Fort Kelonx of our Oprestonia kingdom after the sunset of lovers’ day.
Arindam:- I have always loved you and will keep on loving you. To make our love more precious, please accept this Sea-Pinkrose from your beloved hubby.
Mirinda:- Oh! Thank you, sweetheart. As per their rituals, the acceptance of this sweet flower is not complete without a deep kiss. Come closer to me. Let me remind you of my romantic kissing attitude.
Arindam:- Whoa! What a deep kiss! I am falling deeply in love with you.
King Criston (King of Oprestonia Kingdom):- All the lovers are now requested to start the ballad. I will also participate in the ballad with my Queen Zinia.
Mermales and mermaids of Oprestonia Kingdom:- Hurrah! Happy Lovers’ Day!
King Criston:- Oh! Happy Lovers’ Day to you all! Start the music.
Musicians of Oprestonia Kingdom:- ‘Love! Love! Love! Oh! What a sweet word! What a sweet feeling! Oh! My sweetheart, please keep on loving, keep on hugging, keep on kissing, keep on dancing to make my heart melt all the time. Love! Love! Love! Another romantic word! Oh! God! I pray to thee; whenever I die, I must die for my beloved; when I live, I must live for my beloved. Love! Love! Love! Sometimes it brings tears. Sometimes it cheers. The amount of pain the broken heart bears. Love! Love! Love! No matter what happens! Never stop loving to make this a beautiful romantic world. On this lovers’ day, we take an oath in front of Sea-God that we will always keep on loving. Love! Love! Love! What a lively, lovely and laborious word! ‘
King Criston:- Wow! Thank you to all our musicians for a great performance. Everyone, please give a big round of applause for our musicians. Their new song on Love has won our hearts.
Audiences outside Fort Kelonx (with a big round of applause):- Hurrah!
King Criston:- We are ending our ballad session here. Now, it is time for some lovely dinner and cocktail party. I have one earnest request to all of you. Don’t consume too much Sea-alcohol. Tonight, all the mermales and mermaids of our Oprestonia Kingdom have been invited in our Lovers’ Day Party. Enjoy the party.
Bombino:- Who was that leading singer?
Dobla:- Why? She is a very beautiful mermale. Her name is Julie. She has lost her hubby two months back. Her hubby died due to a viral sea-fever. Should I get you introduced with her? No, no, don’t feel shy. Tonight is the night of Lovers’ Day night. If your heart is beating, then just tell me.
Bombino:- No! Nothing like that! But, she is really pretty.
Dobla:- Oh! You are such a shy mermale. Follow me.
Mirinda:- Tonight we have really enjoyed the party.
Arindam:- Yeah! The mermales and mermaids of Oprestonia Kingdom really enjoy the Lovers’ Day fully. At least, in our Tabernia Kingdom, we never used to enjoy Lovers’ Day in this fashion. But, still, our kingdom is our kingdom. I am missing our Tomasi village.
Mirinda:- After 2 days, you all are going to attack the Fort Gomrank of Tabernia kingdom. Is this information correct?
Arindam:- Yeah! It is.
Mirinda:- I need to tell you something. It is very happy news for you.
Arindam:- What happy news you have?
Mirinda:- I am pregnant.
Arindam:- What! Really! Wow! Wait, let me kiss you first. Oh! That’s really good news.
Mirinda:- But, it is not good for you to go for a battle now. We are not facing any problem in this Oprestonia kingdom. Everyone is happy. We are living peacefully here. Then, why go for battles again? Let us settle down here.
Arindam:- We are a refugee in this kingdom. Try to understand. These mermales and mermaids of Oprestonia Kingdom are treating us as guests in front of us but at our back, they are passing the comments that we are just refugees of this kingdom. Tabernia kingdom is our motherland. Vikrant has taken control of our kingdom illegally. We have to fight back to get back freedom of our Tabernia kingdom.
Mirinda:- It is a wastage of time to make you understand. Do whatever you feel like. But, don’t take unnecessary risks while fighting. Remember, if you die in the battle, I will kill myself.
Arindam:- I will give you a tight slap if you utter that sentence again. No matter what happens to me, you cannot kill yourself because you are going to become a mother. As per our sea-world mythology, whenever a pregnant mermaid kills herself, it is regarded as a sin.
Mirinda:- Is it not regarded as a sin to engage in battles by leaving your pregnant wife in anxiety?
Arindam:- Please Mirinda! Don’t get too hyper. Nothing will happen to me. Please cool down and relax. Please! Go to sleep, dear. Our future guest need some rest also.
Scientist Suleiman:- I went to visit the source of that bloody Tsunami. It was artificially created. I got a broken device and a nuclear element.
Zwala:- Again, it is a master plan of Emperor Kakrasa. My brother Zumlu died in that Tsunami. Around 100 whales died.
Winston:- Many of them got killed by Kakrasa’s warriors.
Zwala:- I will take the revenge of my father’s death and brother’s death. Nobody can stop me.
Scientist Suleiman:- You want to take revenge of your father’s death. I am feeling like killing my own father.
Winston:- Don’t be crazy! All of you; please calm down! We have to play the game with our cool heads. Already, Emperor Kakrasa has filed a case against those unknown culprits who broke the Biggendo prison. COJA has no evidences that we have done that.
Arindam:- So, what’s our next plan?
General Damus:- The plan remains the same. We will conquer the Fort Gomrank of Tabernia kingdom. King Vikrant is yet to return from his honeymoon period. At least 500 warriors of Emperor Kakrasa are guarding that Fort Gomrank with some Generals.
Arindam:- How many soldiers we have?
General Damus:- Around 200.
Arindam:- 200 against 500. How to win the battle?
General Damus:- Some battles are won by strategies, not by the number of soldiers. I hope you know Dronankur. He has a plan.
Arindam:- Dronankur is a mad mermale. What plan he has?
Dronankur:- Ha ha ha…Please let me show my madness. Just at a distance of 2 Kms south of the Gomrank Fort, there is a small jungle of Bribony bushes. During winter times, at the roots of Bribony bushes, some Sea-termites hibernate. I have a special type of pesticide which is too strong enough to wake up any termite hibernating under the soil near the roots of any Bribony bush. During spring time, some of these termites have wings. Most of termites have a life-cycle of 1 year. For example, if a termite takes birth in this summer season, then it has to die before the next summer season. Moreover, some termites have wings just 1 week before dying. There are special types of red colored termites known as Flagonellius Corpollenae. They are popularly known as Flagocorp. Most of these termites die during spring season. After coming out of hibernation, when they do their movement in the sea waters in a group, they secrete out a special type of liquid known as Rotenomus. Even 10 ml of Rotenomus is powerful enough to make a mermale senseless for around 15 minutes. After applying pesticide on the Bribony bushes, the termites are bound to come out of their hibernation due to the strong poisonous effect of Flagocorp. Termites will start running out from the jungle of Bribony bushes towards the Gomrank Fort after 20 minutes of applying the pesticide. When the termites will pass along the Fort Gomrank, I can assure you that at least half of the Kakrasa’s warriors who are standing outside the Fort Gomrank will become senseless for around 15 minutes. At that point of time, you have to target all the senseless warriors with your arrows to kill them.
General Damus:- We will have 10 flanks. The first 5 flanks will cover the entire Fort Gomrank. Once the senseless warriors of Kakrasa get killed, another 5 flanks will act as a backup to attack the Fort Gomrank.
Arindam:- Nice strategy! But, if the termites don’t come out of the bushes even after application of pesticide, then what will we do?
Maradon:- Don’t worry; I, Panduram and Tendula will be with Dronankur in that jungle of Bribony bushes. We will make sure by hook or crook that not a single termite remain inside that jungle of Bribony bushes. We will start cutting the bushes. If there will be no roots of Bribony bushes, they have no place to hibernate.
Arindam:- Ok! Then! We will start our battle tomorrow midnight.
Dronankur:- Everyone, wear your masks and take out your respective sword.  Now, let me apply the Flagocorp pesticide.
Tendula:- Give us the packets of pesticides. We will start applying it on the roots of Bribony bushes. The job will get done faster.
Dronankur:- Ok, take these packets.
Maradon:- Panduram, you start applying from that direction.
Winston:- Already 30 minutes gone. What the hell is Dronankur doing? Neither he is signaling with a red cloth, nor are the termites starting to swim in a group.
Bombino:- Ha ha ha..Actually, these termites use their wings as fins only, because there is water everywhere.
Dobla:- Oh! Bombino! We are feeling tensed out here and you are joking.
Scientist Suleiman:- Hussh! Guys! Dronankur has given the signal with a red cloth. Now, take your positions. The Flagocorp termites are about to pass along Fort Gomrank.
One warrior of Kakrasa in front of Fort Gomrank:- I am seeing lots of red colored termites swimming in a group tonight. Strange! I have hardly seen these types of termites. I am feeling very drowsy now.
Another warrior of Kakrasa in front of Fort Gomrank:- Yeah! I am feeling the same. I am feeling as my head is spinning. Oh! It is not a bad idea to go to sleep.
Arindam (signaling while whispering):- Attack!
Dobla:- Oh! Bombino! Your aim is so poor. You missed the target. Look at my archery. Whoa! One down! Don’t stare at me. Keep on targeting the warriors, Bombino. If you die, what answer I will give to Julie.
Bombino:- Oh! Yeah! This arrow goes in dedication to my Juile. See the fun! I have killed one warrior now. Fantastic!
Dobla:- Oh! Next time, I should not include a funny character like you in a battle squad.
General Damus:- Listen to me very carefully. All the warriors of Kakrasa standing outside the Fort Gomrank have been killed. Give the signal with the green cloth to Dronankur and his team to come out of those bushes. All the 5 backup flanks are requested to take your positions. This will be a very tough battle. We are around 200 in number. At least 250 odd warriors are inside the Fort Gomrank. Best of luck to all of you! Let us fight like true soldiers. Attack!
Zwala:- Hey! General Damus, can I join your battle squad? If you don’t mind!
General Damus:- We did not invite you here. Anyway, you can join us.
Zwala:- Now, watch the battle of destruction. Attack everybody.
King Okuta:- General Hiuen, make sure that Vikrant comes to Kylowga kingdom after completing his honeymoon.

Episode: 11
King Okuta (King of Kylowga Kingdom):- At present, we are seeing an uprising of Jatikano community. For the first time, a mermale of Jatikano community has become the King of Tabernia kingdom.
King Vikrant (King of Mukran Kingdom):- I got Mukran kingdom as a dowry from my father-in-law, King Duriz (the former king of Mukran kingdom). But, I acquired the Tabernia kingdom on my own. They snatched that kingdom from me. We cannot tolerate the uprising of Jatikano community. We need to destroy the Tabernia kingdom.
King Okuta:- Not so fast, Vikrant. First, spare some time to understand the strengths and weaknesses of Tabernia kingdom. After proper analysis, we will formulate the proper strategies. All the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community of Kylowga kingdom are ready to have an alliance with the warriors of your Mukran kingdom.
General Damus:- Your Highness! Almost the entire portion of Fort Gomrank has got destroyed in that battle. We need to repair it again.
King Arindam (King of Tabernia Kingdom):- Fort Gomrank will be rebuilt but at a distance of 80 kms from here. The new Fort Gomrank will be built in our Tomasi village with 5-tier security architecture. Outside the new Fort Gomrank, there will be boundary walls with a height of 20 meters. Those boundary walls will be popularly known as the ‘Big Barricades of Tabernia.’
Winston:- We have got the information that Kylowga kingdom has become the ally of Mukran kingdom. To become a strong kingdom, we need to strengthen our economy. Once our economy gets strengthened, we can form a huge battalion of soldiers with hi-tech weapons.
Arindam:- Dronankur, we want you to open up your botany college again. Create great botanists. We want to excel in agriculture. Find out the markets, where there are high demands of foods. We will sell foods from our kingdom to earn gold coins.
Bombino:- But, to do banking transactions, we have to take the help of SEWBA (Sea World Bank) only.
Arindam:- We will form a domestic bank in our Tabernia kingdom by taking the prior permission from SEWBA through the legal procedures under COJA. Start tapping the big traders of GSE (Greenland Stock Exchange) and KSE (Kingsize Stock Exchange). We want to make the Oceania Stock Exchange (OSE) as the No.1 Stock Exchange of this Sea World. By the way, how is Zwala now?
Panduram:- His injuries were too severe. But, under the medical supervision of Doctor Sthatolona, he is out of danger now.
Dronankur:- Your Highness! In this month, we are having a surplus of 200 quintals roseberries, 300 quintals sea-poppies, 550 quintals mushrooms, 150 quintals vikoletty fruits and 400 quintals of Jagolina shrubs.
Arindam:- What are you waiting for? Just export them.
Dronankur:- My humble suggestion is that we should first create a marketplace on food commodities in our Tabernia kingdom. Moreover, a separate department should be there to keep track of the trading on food commodities. Otherwise, there will be many financial slippages.
Arindam:- Yeah! I appreciate your suggestion. Maradon is the new finance minister of our Tabernia kingdom. Let him decide on it.
Maradon:- I have no problem. There will be a marketplace for food commodities. I have chalked out the markets of the sea world, where there is huge demand for food commodities. We will have trades with the markets of Tasman Sea, Southern Sea and Chukeli Sea.
Roberts (Finance Minister of Emperor Kakrasa’s empire):- Your Highness! In this financial quarter, we are incurring a revenue loss of around 5 lakhs Rubbali. After a gap of 7 financial quarters, we are incurring such a huge loss.
Emperor Kakrasa:- What’s the reason behind such a huge loss?
Roberts:- The emergence of Tabernia kingdom.
Emperor Kakrasa:- In the coming ‘Annual Summit of Kings’, invite that bloody fellow. This is the first time that a mermale of Jatikano community will visit the ‘Annual Summit of Kings’. General Monduka, please ensure that the coming ‘Annual Summit of Kings’ become the first and last summit for Arindam.
Siusa:- Don’t feel so tensed, my son. You are feeling tensed like your father. Your father was also much tensed when I was about to give birth to you.
Arindam:- Oh! Mom! Just keep your mouth shut. The more you talk on those topics, the more tensed I feel.
Tendula:- Aila! Look there! Doctor Sthatolona is coming out of his operation theater. Aigo! Why is he looking so serious?
Dronankur:- Doctor Sthatolona, is everything ok?
Doctor Sthatolona:- Yeah! Yeah! Everything is fine. The operation was a very tedious one and somewhat complex too. The baby was not at all in a mood to come out of its mother’s womb.
Nurse Naina:- But, finally, the baby made an entry to our sea world.
Priest Jubilion:- Oh! Doctor Sthatolona, you are such a dramatist. Your expression made us more tensed.
Lucy:- Is it a baby mermale or a baby mermaid?
Nurse Naina:- It is a baby mermale.
Fola:- Oh! I was expecting a little baby mermaid. Anyway, how is our daughter now?
Doctor Sthatolona:- Absolutely fine. Wow! Maradon, you have already started distributing jellybeans as you have become an uncle. That’s great!
Arindam:- Hey! Mirinda! How are you?
Mirinda:- Feeling fine! Look at our sweet baby mermale.
Arindam:- From today onwards, our son’s name is Avinash.
General Damus:- Emperor Kakrasa has sent an invitation to you to attend the ‘Annual Summit of Kings’ on the coming month at the Monarch Palace.
King Arindam:- Oh! It’s a great honour for me to attend that Summit.
Dronankur:- I think that it is better not to attend that Summit.
General Damus:- Yeah! Emperor Kakrasa may try to kill you on your way.
Arindam:- If you fear about your death, then you are not fit to remain as a King. Death is the ultimate truth. It will come one day. So, why fear about death unnecessarily.
General Damus:- Your Highness! Sometimes, it is a wise thing to give some respect to the fear factor of death for the sake of your own kingdom. You are not scared to die, but, if you die at this juncture, then all our revolution will go in vain. Sometimes, you have to retreat in a battle to win a big war.
Dronankur:- Yeah! I agree to General Damus.
Winston:- In my opinion, it will be a good ploy to ignore that invitation. It will have a dual benefit. Firstly, Emperor Kakrasa will feel humiliated. Secondly, out of humiliation, Kakrasa may take some wrong steps.
Arindam:- Ok! Done!
Emperor Kakrasa:- How dare that bloody fellow ignore my invitation? The King of Tabernia has to die. I am the Emperor of this sea world.
King Vikrant:- I am also against King Arindam.
King Kylowga:- Yeah! We need to teach a lesson to the present King of Tabernia Kingdom.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! We will start a war against Tabernia Kingdom. King Criston and King Ragamoah; both of you also have to be a part of this war.
King Criston:- Your Highness! Tabernia kingdom is such a good neighboring kingdom of our Oprestonia kingdom. We have good relations with that kingdom. We don’t want to wage a war against Tabernia. Anyway, still, I need some time to think about participating in the war.
King Ragamoah:- Yeah! I also need some time to think about it.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! I am giving you 7 days time.
Winston:- Emperor Kakrasa has declared a war. Oprestonia and Lingolia are with Tabernia.
King Arindam:- Your ploy has worked, Winston. We wanted a war but not so soon also.
Winston:- Don’t worry, we are all prepared.
King Arindam:- We want to have a meeting with King Criston and King Ragamoah.
Scientist Suleiman:- I have got the information that my father has prepared an automatic archery machine. That machine keeps on throwing 5 arrows at a time towards the target.
King Arindam:- Oh! Come on! You are also a scientist. What have you prepared to counter your father’s inventions?
Scientist Suleiman:- I have created a special weapon known as wheel-thorns. These little wheels have poisonous thorns attached with it. You keep 10 wheel-thorns serially in a horizontal manner in the wheel-thrower machine. Just press the red button of the wheel-thrower machine. The wheel-thorns will keep on revolving while moving forward. These wheel-thorns are speedier than those arrows.
King Arindam:- Only the time will tell, how much effective these wheel-thorns are. I want you to make an electric sword for me. Whenever I press the button at the bottom end of the sword, it should emit hydroelectric current.
Scientist Suleiman:- Ok! It will be done.
Dolphin Docomo (The No.1 trainer of the sea world):- Generally, we, the dolphins don’t have a good relation with these sharks. So, I want you to hypnotize these sharks in such a manner that they never feel hungry for blood for next 30 days or so.
Magician Mombaura:- Ok! I will hypnotize them to make them a vegetarian species temporarily for around 30 days, but for that, I need a stock of Sea-Tobacco leaves for 60 days at my den.
Rozario (Sea Horse):- Don’t worry; magician, we have already delivered those Sea-Tobacco leaves at your den. Just hypnotize those sharks and go back to your den to enjoy Sea-Tobacco leaves.
Dolphin Darwin:- My brother has completed the training of sharks. The sharks have learnt how to move during any war.
King Arindam:- Oh! Master! Thanks for your support.
Dolphin Darwin:- Ehe! Don’t be so emotional. The war has not started yet. Be strong like a rock. You are one of my best students. I have trained you well. You also learned all the things sincerely. That’s why; you are a King now. Now, another major training is pending. Emperor Kakrasa and his warriors are taking training to ride on alligators. Alligator Abraham is giving training to them. That’s why; our suggestion is that all your soldiers including you should ride on sharks.  Docomo and I will train you all.
Zwala:- All the whales; be prepared for the war. Tell all the other whales to reach near the coast of Western Australian Island by day after tomorrow. Just after 7 days, we will have a war against Emperor Kakrasa’s warriors. This is the first ever War of the Sea World. Create your own history with bravery. We want to take revenge of our leader’s death. We fight for Zudas.
All the whales:- We fight for Zudas! Go to hell, Kakrasa.
Fola:- Alligators, Sea-Lions, Anacondas are with Emperor Kakrasa. You have only whales and sharks with you. Both Sea-Lions and Anacondas are very speedy in nature. Though, having whales on your side is also not so bad. Best of luck for the war!
King Arindam:- Yeah! Thanks! I don’t want to think about advantage or disadvantage. War is a war. Whosoever fights well, wins the war.
Fola:- No, I can’t agree to it. Many a times, I have seen that whosoever fought well accepted defeat at the last. It is not about fighting well; it is about having the last laugh. Target to have the last laugh at any cost, no matter, how badly you fight.
King Vikrant:- Have you told all the alligators , anacondas and sea-lions to assemble near the eastern coast of South America day after tomorrow. We will have the war at the sea-zone between Africa and Antarctica. They will head from Australian coast. We will head from South American coast.
Arindam:- If I die in the war, you will not commit suicide. Promise me about that.
Mirinda:- Promises are made to be broken. So, I will not make any promise.
Arindam:- If I die, if this Tabernia kingdom gets destroyed, then hide yourself and our son in such a place, where Emperor Kakrasa cannot search both of you. A King’s son should also become a King.
Mirinda:- Only the time will tell. All our good wishes are with you. Nothing will happen to you.

Episode: 12
Turtle Taraknath:- The entire Sea World is very calm today. Generally, the oceanic waters don’t remain so calm.
Turtle Tilak:- Dad, before any sea storm, the ocean waters generally remain calm. Today, it is the 1st day of the Sea World War. It is deadlier than any sea storm.
Turtle Taraknath:- God save the Sea World.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Blow the horn-pipes to start the war.
General Monduka:- Yes, I have already ordered them to blow the horn-pipes.
Emperor Kakrasa (while signaling towards his warriors):- Akraman!
Arindam (while signaling his soldiers):- Prati Akraman!
Arindam:- What kind of a rule is this? If it is a cloudy day, there will be no war. After the sunset, there will be no war.
General Damus:- It is the tradition of our Sea World. All the war should happen by keeping Suryadev (Sun God) as the divine witness.
Arindam:- I want to change this tradition.
General Damus:- Then, probably you are not talking like a true warrior. Are you feeling insecure of losing this war?
Arindam:- No, I am not.
Winston:- Already, we are on the 16th day of this war. Emperor Kakrasa has lost around 400 warriors, 150 alligators, 30 sea-lions and 15 anacondas. But, we have lost around 700 soldiers, 140 whales and 225 sharks. Most of our soldiers that died in the war are from Lingolia kingdom. King Ragamoah is somewhat skeptical about this war now. He may become neutral.
Arindam:- He can’t become a neutral king at the middle of a war. I may not do any harm to him, but, will Emperor Kakrasa spare him? Make King Ragamoah understand that as a King, he cannot run away from the warzone in the middle of a war.
Winston:- Yeah! I will make him understand about it.
Vikrant:- It seems that your arrow machines are of no use for us. The wheel-thorns are tackling those arrows very efficiently. You never told us that your son has gone against you. Your son surely deserves some special treatment.
Scientist Shahjahan:- No matter what happens, you promise me that you should not do any harm to my son. I am proud of my son. At least, my son is not as greedy as me.
Vikrant:- Had you not been a very resourceful mermale for us, we would have killed you at this very moment. Don’t ever utter in front of me in future that you are proud of your son. For your son, our scientific advantages are getting nullified. Your son is always countering your inventions. If possible, make your son understand to stay away from this war.
Scientist Shahjahan:- Yeah! I will surely try to do that. Come on; let me tell you about my new gadgets. These gadgets are known as Secret Blasters. You keep these Secret Blasters hidden inside the sands of seabed or beneath the seaweeds of coral reefs. This is a remote control device on my hand. Once you press the remote button within a distance of 10 meters from the Secret Blasters, there will be an explosion. The explosion is big enough to kill at least 5 mermales at one shot.
Scientist Suleiman:- I have installed artificial vibrators at the body of some whales. Whenever you see any anacondas or sea-lions coming nearer to whales, just press the remote control button. The strong vibrations produced by the artificial vibrators will slow down the speeds of anacondas and sea-lions. At that juncture, our soldiers will start the wheel-thorn machines.
Dobla:- Ok! That’s not bad. But, I think, our soldiers can handle those anacondas with the harpoons also at that juncture.
Doctor Sthatolona:- It is a sad day for us. On this 25th day of the Sea World War, we have lost General Damus. We pay salute to that great martyr.
Fola:- Yeah! He was a great warrior. An explosion of the Secret Blaster took his life. The warrior was unaware of those modern weapons.
Priest Jubilion:- We have to choose another General. Who will become the next General?
King Arindam:- Panduram will be the next General.
General Panduram:- Can you create a device to track all the Secret Blasters?
Scientist Suleiman:- I need some time. But, the device may fail to detect all the Secret Blasters. But, at least, it can detect 8 out of 10 Secret Blasters.
General Panduram:- That will be beneficial for the time being.
Emperor Kakrasa:- General Monduka is badly injured. Today was the 34th day of the Sea World War. The war is getting intensified day by day. It seems that the population of aquatic animals is much more than we expected. Those bloody soldiers of Jatikano community are giving a great fight against us. What a shame! Now, who will take the charge of a General as Monduka is severely injured.
King Vikrant:- I always wanted a fresh blood for that post. Mrityunjay, the son of Monduka is a very talented warrior. I had a talk with him. He has no hesitation to become the General on a temporary basis till Monduka recovers from his injuries.
General Panduram:- Today is the 40th day of the Sea World War. Many warriors and soldiers are dying without any outcome. No one is winning and no one will win if we keep on fighting like this.
Bombino:- You must be having some plans.
Dobla:- What is your plan? Tell us.
General Panduram:- Target the strengths of Emperor Kakrasa first.
Dobla:- Your brother Zumlu died due to an artificial Tsunami. Do you know the name of the scientist who was behind this incident?
Zwala:- Who?
Dobla:- It was Scientist Shahjahan who killed not only your brother but many other whales by creating an artificial Tsunami.
Zwala:- Emperor Kakrasa ordered that scientist to make it happen!
Dobla:- If you ever get a chance to kill Scientist Shahjahan, will you not take the sweet revenge of your brother’s death.
Zwala:- Yes, why not! But, he is Suleiman’s father.
Dobla:- Even Suleiman once said in front of us that he sometimes feel like killing his own father.
Zwala:- But, how can I kill that Scientist Shahjahan. He never comes to fight in the war zone.
General Panduram:- Scientist Shahjahan lives in a palace of Yellow Sea with his 2nd wife and children. On the 46th day of the Sea World War, we want to hear the news that Scientist Shahjahan is dead along with his family members.
Zwala (somewhat felt uneasy):- But…
General Panduram:- There are no ifs and buts, Zwala. This is a bloody war.
General Mrityunjay:- General Hiuen is dead. General Panduram has sent some of his soldiers to completely destroy the Furnola Fort of Kylowga kingdom. King Okuta is now taking shelter at Fort Neolov of Mukran kingdom. King Duriz and General Duke are really managing their warriors well. I think that it is not safe for Emperor Kakrasa to stay in this eastern zone of South American coastal line. It is better for Emperor Kakrasa to hide somewhere near the Greenland island.
Emperor Kakrasa:- I thought that you are a brave warrior. But, you are now talking like a coward. I am not going back to Greenland till I win this war. My warriors have already built a very strong fort for me at Scotia Sea. It is a very secure fort for me.
General Mrityunjay:- Then it’s ok. Your Highness! As per my observations, King Arindam’s soldiers are not so competent against our warriors. It is the soldiers of Oprestonia and Lingolia kingdoms which are giving a good challenge to our warriors. We have to target the Fort Yownell and Fort Kelonx first. If we can kill General Greg, General Dibakar, King Ragamoah and King Criston, then half the battle will be won.
Emperor Kakrasa:- You are talking like an immature mermale now. You are perhaps day-dreaming. It is not as easy as you think.
General Mrityunjay:- Your Highness! Maybe, I am not so brave; maybe I am immature; but, I always like to execute hard tasks. Just give me permission to execute my plans.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Your plans don’t abide by the traditional rule of the war. Our traditional rules say that we should always fight in the war-zone and that too at daytime of a sunny day.
General Mrityunjay:- Everything is fair in a bloody war. To bring enemy’s darkness, sometimes, you need to take the advantage of darkness.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! Go ahead.
King Vikrant:- Dad, King Duriz has come to give a good news.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Good news! We have won this Sea World War or what!
King Duriz:- No, no, Your Highness! Your daughter-in-law has given birth to a baby mermale just a few hours back.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Wow! It is good news indeed. Vikrant, arrange for a small party to celebrate this occasion. What will be the name of my grandson?
King Vikrant:- Dad! You are his grandfather. You give a name.
Emperor Kakrasa:- My grandson’s name is Viswajeet. Fort Neolov is not safe for Diana and Viswajeet. King Duriz, make the arrangement to send my daughter-in-law and grandson to our Monarch Palace near Greenland Island.
King Arindam:- Who the hell is this General Mrityunjay? He is becoming a threat for us. Lingolia kingdom is completely devastated.
General Panduram:- Your Highness! We have good news. Scientist Shahjahan has died of an accident. He was experimenting with some nuclear elements in his laboratory in Yellow Sea. During the experiment, he died due to an explosion.
King Arindam:- Panduram, are you playing any game behind me?
General Panduram:- What are you saying? I am your childhood friend. I can’t even think about playing games behind you. Emperor Kakrasa is playing the real game. In the dark nights, his warriors attacked Fort Yownell and Fort Kelonx. Their warriors are not abiding by the traditional rules of war of our Sea World.
King Arindam:- If they are not abiding by the rules, then who are we to follow the rules.
Dronankur:- As per the secret information, Emperor Kakrasa is staying at a newly built fort behind the Mitchasisokla hillock. The fort’s location is exactly in between the Mitchasisokla hillock and the Quioyou sea forest.
Maradon:- Our traders have told us about a secret and shortest route through Tasman Sea to reach to that place.
King Arindam:- No one should know about this secret operation.
Alligator Abraham:- No! Wait! Don’t kill me.
Scientist Suleiman:- On this 65th day of the Sea World War, I don’t want to miss this opportunity. You have killed so many soldiers. Yeah! My arrows are bang on target. You will die after a few minutes.
Alligator Abraham:- Zwala killed your father. You are such a fool. You are fighting for that king who is playing games behind you. You are such a fool despite being a scientist. Before dying, I have told you the brutal truth. Good bye.
Bombino:- Scientist Suleiman has somehow got the information that Zwala killed Scientist Shahjahan.
General Panduram:- What’s the guarantee that Zwala has kept it as a secret. Let Zwala die.
Whale Zwala:- Oh! You targeted so many wheel-thorns on my body. I am feeling too tired. I may die very soon. Why have you attacked me like that?
Scientist Suleiman:- Did King Arindam gave you the orders to kill my father?
Whale Zwala:- No, it is not the King but the General. Hey! Suleiman, look out. Oh! General Panduram, why have you killed Scientist Suleiman from behind?
General Panduram:- Some secrets should remain as secrets, otherwise, there will be a huge misunderstanding between me and Arindam.
Whale Zwala:- I know that you are eying the throne of Tabernia kingdom. God will give you the punishment.
General Panduram (talking to himself as both Zwala and Suleiman already died):- Go to sleep big whale. Nice to see both of you dying and that too near the warzone. Everyone will think that the Kakrasa’s warriors have killed you both.
King Arindam:- Oh! There are so many small fishes inside this Quioyou forest.
Winston:- Be careful. These small fishes have a tendency to bite. If too many small fishes attack you, then, you may start bleeding. Avoid them and swim slowly along the corals.
General Mrityunjay:- Yeah! Finally, we have killed King Criston, King Ragamoah, General Dibakar and General Greg. Oprestonia and Lingolia kingdom is ours now. 75th day of this Sea World War has been a lucky day for us.
General Duke:- There is a bad news. The saffron colored star fishes have already started transmitting the messages that King Arindam and his soldiers have attacked the secret fort of Emperor Kakrasa.
King Vikrant:- Oh! My God! My father is in great dilemma. Come on; let us go there as early as possible.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Well done! King Arindam! Finally, you have got hold of me. I have heard that you are the avatar who has taken birth in this Sea World to kill me. I don’t believe in those things. It is just a myth as per my opinion.
King Arindam:- What are you saying? I could not get you.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Look at your right hand. Your name is written in Hululu language. 150 years back, Astrologer Aryan predicted in front of the Pasupati Temple of Bay of Bengal that a mermale will take birth in this Sea World to kill me. His name will be written on his right hand in Hululu language. Your parents have not told you the reason of your birth. Strange!
King Arindam:- I am not here to hear all these craps. I am here to kill you.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Wait! Wait! It is very easy for several mermales to kill one mermale. As your soldiers have killed all my warriors in this secret fort, I am alone now. If you are a real fighter, you should fight alone against me. Let me see whether you are a real fighter or not.
King Arindam:- Ok! I accept your challenge. Take out your sword and fight with me. All my soldiers are instructed to remain as good spectators only.
Dobla (whispering):- Oh! Our King is doing a blunder now.
General Panduram (whispering):- Who cares about that! Just watch their fighting.
Bombino:- The fighting is on for around 20 minutes. No one is winning. Really, these two are great fighters. Oh!
Dronankur:- Hurrah! Arindam has pierced his special sword into the body of Emperor Kakrasa. That sword has hydroelectric current. Great! Emperor Kakrasa is dead.
General Panduram:- Look at our King! He is also badly injured. Oh! He is shivering.
Bombino:- I have seen you throwing a small poisonous knife towards Arindam.
General Panduram:- Have you gone mad?
Bombino:- You are telling me to ignore what I have seen.
Maradon:- Hey! Bombino! What are you talking about? Panduram is not like that.
Winston:- We don’t have time to analyze what has happened just now. Vikrant and his soldiers are on their way towards this secret fort. Let us head towards the Antarctica islands from this route. Come on; hurry up.
General Mrityunjay:- No! Don’t touch your father’s dead body. It is completely electrified.
King Vikrant:- Oh! No! My father is dead. We are late by a fraction of a second.
Emperor Kakrasa:- I am still alive, my son. The only thing is that my body is totally electrified now. Take me to Greenland by keeping me on a wooden log. My body will automatically get de-electrified after 24 hours.
Maradon:- Where is Dobla and Panduram?
Winston:- They must have taken some other routes intentionally. Bombino, is it true that Panduram threw a small poisonous knife at Arindam.
Bombino:- Yes, it is absolutely true. Emperor Kakrasa was unable to touch Arindam’s body with his sword.
Dronankur:- The greed factor! Yeah! The greed for the power made those two mermales blind. Both Dobla and Panduram have turned traitors. When Bombino told me that General Panduram instructed Zwala to kill Suleiman, I was surprised.
Winston:- Arindam is shivering, though still alive. Let Arindam rest on that bed-type coral reef! Who can take out the poison from his body?
Penguin Pingu:- Welcome to Antarctica, mermales. Don’t worry; you are in that land, where we such penguins are expert in any types of medications. We will take out the poison from that patient’s body. Take him to the nearby ice-berg.
Winston:- Wow! We are lucky enough! I am Winston and they are my friends.
Penguin Pingu:- We will have introductions later, Winston. The patient is in a shivering mode. Let us cure him first.
Winston:- Yeah! Sure! Maradon, send the message through the saffron colored star fishes to Mirinda that her hubby is still alive and getting medical treatment in Antarctica. Panduram and Dobla may try to kill Mirinda and Avinash. Tell her to come to Antarctica secretly with Avinash, Tendula, Siusa, Priest Jubilion and Doctor Sthatolona.

Episode: 13
Tendula:- Mirinda, a saffron star fish is saying that it has a secret message only for you and it will give that message to you only.
Mirinda:- Ok! I will go near that saffron star fish to get that secret message.
Siusa:- Mirinda, you are telling me to go out of Fort Gomrank? Why?
Mirinda:- Your son is seriously injured and getting medical treatment in Antarctica. Panduram and Dobla will kill us.
Siusa:- What!
Mirinda:- Oh! My dear mother-in-law, I will make you understand everything during our journey. Now, there is no time to talk. We just need to escape from here. Doctor Sthatolona, Priest Jubilion, Tendula will also go with us.
Siusa:- Avinash is still sleeping.
Mirinda:- Don’t worry; I will tie him up at my back and swim.
Panduram:- Where are they?
Dobla:- I have found out that they have gone. But where have they gone?
Panduram:- Never mind. Spread the news that Arindam is dead and before dying Arindam has told me to become the next king of Tabernia kingdom.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Where were you guys when that bloody Panduram threw the knife at Arindam?
Winston:- We were at that spot only. We were watching their fight but after every moment, we were also looking outside that secret fort to check out whether Vikrant and his warriors were coming towards that fort or not. Only Bombino was watching the fight very minutely.
Bombino:- When the fight was on, a belt got detached from Kakrasa’s body. A knife was tied in that belt. The knife fell on the seabed. The moment, Arindam pierced his sword in Kakrasa’s body; I saw Panduram going near Kakrasa and took up that knife from the seabed. Then, Panduram threw the knife at Arindam. After a few seconds, Panduram went near Arindam and took out the knife from Arindam’s body. Then, Panduram started shouting that Arindam is badly injured in the fight. Had I not kept strict vigilance on the fight, I would have also been fooled by Panduram.
Priest Jubilion:- Where is that knife?
Bombino:- After taking out that knife from Arindam’s body, Panduram threw it towards a nearby rock. Who cares about t hat knife? Panduram is a traitor and I am the best witness for that.
Doctor Sthatolona:- If I pierce a knife at your body, you will start bleeding. Blood will come out. After stitching and proper treatment, you will become fit again. But, Arindam’s body is totally paralyzed even after a good medication. That was not an ordinary knife. I am unable to cure Arindam. I am confessing that.
Mirinda:- What are you saying, Doctor Sthatolona?
Siusa:- My son will remain paralyzed like that! Oh! No! It is so pathetic. Thank God! At least, Penguin Pingu stitched it.
Priest Jubilion:- Calm down! Only the wisest creature of this Sea World can do some wonders. He is a living legend of this Sea World. His name is Turtle Taraknath. He is already 250 years old. He may only live for another 50 years or so only. Tomorrow, we will take Arindam to the Temple Texaklovuang. Turtle Taraknath meditates at that temple only.
King Vikrant:- All the kingdoms of this Sea World are under us now except Tabernia kingdom. Again, a mermale of Jatikano community is ruling in that kingdom. His name is King Panduram. The assistant of the Union leader of Jatikano community has become the General of Tabernia kingdom. His name is General Dobla. Order us, dad. We need to conquer Tabernia kingdom.
Emperor Kakrasa:- No! Wait! It is the King Panduram who killed my biggest enemy. Greed for coming to power is such a dangerous thing that even a friend becomes an enemy. Both Panduram and Arindam were childhood friends, but, the power factor motivated Panduram to become a traitor. Let that fellow rule that Tabernia kingdom only. But, if King Panduram tries to conquer other kingdoms which are under our control, then kill him. It is as simple as that.
General Mrityunjay:- Your Highness! My dad is completely fit now.
Emperor Kakrasa:- So! What! We are impressed with you. So, you will remain as General only. We have promoted your father at the post of a Minister. From now on, your father is Minister Monduka.
Minister Monduka:- Thanks a lot for giving me such a special post. Your Highness! As you are completely fit now, it is the ideal time to spread the news that you are still alive.
Emperor Kakrasa:- What! Have you all told everyone that I am dead?
Minister Monduka:- No, no, nothing like that. But, some mermales have already spread the rumours that you are seriously ill and may die anytime.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Oh! Those bloody mermales. Spread the news that I am fit and healthy. I am still alive.
Minister Monduka:- Sure! Your Highness!
Emperor Kakrasa:- Roberts, what are the positions of GSE, KSE and OSE?
Roberts (Finance Minister of Emperor Kakrasa):- As the news of Arindam’s death got spread everywhere, our GSE and KSE have again started trading well like before. As Dronankur is missing from the Tabernia kingdom, all the trading of food commodities of Tabernia kingdom has automatically stopped. Therefore, there is hardly any chance that Tabernia Kingdom will give a good challenge to the economy of Greenland zone in the near future.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Good! That’s really a good news. King Vikrant, the kingdoms of Mukran, Oprestonia, Kylowga and Lingolia are completely under your control. Within 2 months, I don’t want to see any mermales of Jatikano community alive in these kingdoms. Just start killing the mermales of Jatikano community. Let the Sea World know about the cruelty of Emperor Kakrasa. We will deal with the mermales of Jatikano community of Tabernia kingdom after 2 months. Let King Panduram have a comfortable life for 2 months only. This is the reward from my side, as he killed my enemy, Arindam.
Turtle Taraknath:- Welcome to Temple Texaklovuang. Who is that paralyzed mermale? Let me see his right hand? Oh! Yeah! He is the one who is supposed to kill Emperor Kakrasa. Has he killed Emperor Kakrasa?
Priest Jubilion:- Yes, he tried to kill, but, despite that hydroelectric shock, Kakrasa is still alive. Astrologer Aryan predicted 150 years ago that an avatar of Lord Pasupati will take birth in our Sea World to kill Emperor Kakrasa.
Turtle Taraknath:- Ha ha ha…Astrologer Aryan predicted about the birth of an avatar of Lord Pasupati, but  do you actually know the entire story?
Doctor Sthatolona:- What story?
Turtle Taraknath:- All of you, please relax. You have swum a long way to come here from Antarctica. Tilak; please bring some roseberries, plutonia fishes and jellybeans for our guests.
Winston:- Please tell us the story.
Turtle Taraknath:- Yeah! Of course! Once upon a time, this Sea World used to get ruled by Sea Dinosaurs. Maybe, you are not aware of the concept of meteors or meteorites. Many meteors from the space fell on our planet Earth and that too on ocean waters to kill many Sea Dinosaurs. These whales and alligators are also an extended family of Sea Dinosaurs. Around 200 years back, the entire Sea World witnessed some Sea Dragons which are much smaller in size than Sea Dinosaurs. Those Sea Dragons started killing almost all types of creatures in this Sea World, because they were carnivorous animals. Even, the survival of mermales and mermaids were in stake. Kakrasa was then a little mermale when Domrudhar, the dangerous Sea Dragon of Indian Ocean killed Kakrasa’s father Kururajan. Kururajan was really a very good, calm and decent mermale king of Indian Ocean. Kururajan even ordered his warriors to kill all the Sea Dragons. Kururajan’s warriors managed to kill around 600 Sea Dragons secretly. Domrudhar’s father, Duryodhan was then the leader of Sea Dragons. Duryodhan ordered his son, Domrudhar to kill Kururajan.
Mirinda:- Ok! We got it. Kakrasa’s father got killed. Then what? Don’t beat around the bushes. Come to the point straightaway.
Turtle Taraknath:- Relax! I am telling you everything. Out of rage, Kakrasa took a vow to take the revenge of his father’s death. But, how could he?  Kakrasa was a brave warrior but he wanted to have some extraordinary powers in him to kill all the Sea Dragons. My father, Turtle Trilochan used to meditate in the Pasupatinath Mandir of Bay of Bengal. The Mandir was at the point near Sagar Island where the River Ganga meets Bay of Bengal. Now, for security purposes, the Mandir has been shifted to a remote area near Sunderbans islands. On a Purnima Day, Kakrasa came to perform puja in Pasupatinath Mandir. There he was telling about his problems in front of the idol of Lord Pasupati. Turtle Trilochan became too emotional after hearing the problems of Kakrasa. Turtle Trilochan then suggested Kakrasa to go for a continuous meditation for 1111 days to get some gifted extraordinary powers from Lord Pasupati. Kakrasa started meditating near Bakkhali area of Bay of Bengal. Many crocodiles came to disturb during his meditation, but, no one was able to break his mediation. After 1111 days of his meditation, the ocean waters started becoming violent. The Sea Storms became very frequent. Lord Pasupati understood that Kakrasa succeeded in his meditation. Turtle Trilochan went to that area of meditation and requested Kakrasa to visit Pasupatinath Mandir. Kakrasa sat in front of the idol of Lord Pasupati in Pasupatinath Mandir. A divine voice came out from the idol of Pasupatinath Mandir. Lord Pasupati said, ‘Kakrasa, I am impressed. You really deserve extraordinary powers. You will not die unless you yourself have the desire to die. You will grow older only after 200 years of your age. You have to get married for 10 times. All your nine wives will die without giving birth to any baby. Your 10th wife will die after giving birth to a baby. Misuse of powers is a sin. If you show cruelty in this Sea World, then remember, I will allow the birth of  an avatar of myself in this Sea World to kill you. That avatar will have his name written on his right hand in Hululu language. My blessings are always with you. Tathastu.’
Dronankur:- What! No one can kill Kakrasa? Who is that avatar?
Bombino:- Oho! Now, I understand, why Emperor Kakrasa was telling about all these things to Arindam before the fight. Arindam is that avatar.
Mirinda:- How funny! If my hubby is that avatar, then why is Kakrasa still alive?
Turtle Tilak:- Oh! You all are so restless that you come to conclusion before knowing the entire story. Dad, please continue.
Turtle Taraknath:- Lord Pasupati also gifted Kakrasa a magical harpoon and a magical knife. Both these weapons are so powerful that if you pierce it even once to your enemy’s body, that enemy will become completely paralyzed.
Maradon:- Our Arindam is paralyzed. That must be the magical knife of Kakrasa.
Turtle Taraknath:- Yes, indeed that was. Kakrasa started killing the Sea Dragons with those magical weapons. Domrudhar and Duryodhan killed Kakrasa many a times, but, Kakrasa remained alive. Due to these bravery acts, all the creatures of the Sea World started supporting Kakrasa. Slowly and steadily, Kakrasa managed to form a battalion of warriors to have a deadly war against Sea Dragons. All the Sea Dragons got killed. Kakrasa became the Emperor of the Sea World. But, too much power makes a creature’s psychology too selfish, too blind and too cruel. As the day passed, Emperor Kakrasa became as cruel as those extinct species of Sea Dragons. To end cruelty, Kakrasa came to power but he also started cruelty. That’s the theory of ‘Blindness of Power.’ 150 years back, Astrologer Aryan predicted publicly that an avatar of Lord Pasupati will take birth to kill Emperor Kakrasa. Kakrasa installed all his spies to ensure that the avatar of Lord Pasupati gets killed at its initial stage.
Priest Jubilion:- We knew about that danger. That’s why; we kept everything secret about Arindam in his childhood days.
Turtle Taraknath:- Ok! Arindam must be very grateful to you and Doctor Sthatolona. Now, let me come to the question made by Mirinda a few while ago. Why Kakrasa is still alive? An avatar has taken birth to kill Kakrasa; that is fine. But, Astrologer Aryan did not tell anyone publicly that to kill Kakrasa, you need to get a special magical sword.
Tendula:- How to get that special magical sword?
Turtle Taraknath:- I will guide you all. But before getting that magical sword, we need to cure Arindam completely. To prepare a counter medicine of those magical weapons of Kakrasa, I need a Golden Bowl.
Everyone shouted in surprise:- Golden Bowl !
Turtle Taraknath:- Yes, Golden Bowl. There is a dangerous magnetic ridge in Timor Sea. A strange under-current exists in that zone. You have to swim upstream, that is against the direction of that under-current to reach Swarnabhumi Cave. Inside the cave, there is the Golden Bowl and there are lots of golden striped Cobra snakes. Beware of those snakes! You may have to fight against those snakes. I will give some special Tabeez to you all to remain alive even after getting poisonous bites from Cobras. So, who will volunteer in this Golden Bowl mission?
Winston:- I am ready for it.
Turtle Taraknath:- Mermaid Mirinda, have you got any locket from any Octopus of Megunaz?
Mirinda:- Yeah! But, how did you know?
Turtle Taraknath:- We, the turtles are the tantrics of this Sea World. We can see Past, Present and Future very easily. Where is that locket?
Mirinda:- It is in Arindam’s neck only.
Turtle Taraknath:- Take that locket out from his neck and wear it. This locket has a tiny ruby attached to it. This gemstone emits a light in times of danger to misguide your enemies. This locket is very helpful during your danger times. You must always be grateful to Olivia, the octopus of Megunaz. Start your journey tomorrow morning. Timor Sea is around 150 kilometers from here. Who will accompany Queen Mirinda in this mission?
Maradon:- You tell us about that.
Turtle Taraknath:- Bombino and Dronankur will accompany Queen Mirinda.  Best of luck to you, Queen Mirinda!

Episode:  14
Mirinda:- Oh! It is very hard to swim here. We are swimming so hard for 1 hour. We have hardly managed to swim only 10 meters or so.
Bombino:- We are already feeling too tired.
Dronankur:- I am still having a doubt about these undercurrents. Are these the natural undercurrents?
Euaaue (Leader of the Spider-fishes):- No, it is an artificial undercurrent created by Scientist Shahjahan.
Mirinda:- Who are you?
Euaaue:- I am Euaaue, the leader of spider-fishes of the Sea-World. Generally, the numbers of spider-fishes are very less in this sea world. After some years, we, the spider-fishes may become extinct. Look at our body structure. We look like starfishes though we have legs like spiders. That’s why; the human divers gave us the name, ‘Spider-Fish’.
Dronankur:- Anyway, we are not interested in your species and its evolution. Tell us the secret behind these undercurrents.
Euaaue:- Since 500 years or so, Golden Bowl is guarded by the golden stripped Cobra snakes. Cobra snakes believe that it is their tradition and duty to guard and protect the Golden Bowl. Even a section of Cobra snakes regard that Golden Bowl as the Bowl of Maa Manasa, the Goddess of Snakes. Many creatures of this sea world invaded this place to snatch away the Golden Bowl. In many battles of guarding the Golden Bowl from the invaders, so many Cobra snakes died. Last year, Scientist Shahjahan came to know that inside the Swarnabhumi Cave, there are lots of golden jewels including the Golden Bowl. Scientist Shahjahan tried to snatch away the jewels with the help of some of the Kakrasa’s warriors. Cobra snakes killed all the warriors of Kakrasa and was about to kill Shahjahan. Shahjahan requested the Cobras to forgive him. Cobras forgave him on one condition. Scientist Shahjahan had to create this artificial undercurrent in this ridge of Timor Sea to get rid of the Cobra snakes. Corbett is the leader of the Cobra snakes. Don’t try to invade this area. You all will die.
Bombino:- But, we have to get that Golden Bowl. If we don’t take this Golden Bowl to Turtle Taraknath, then he will not be able to make Arindam fit and healthy. Only Arindam can kill the cruel Emperor Kakrasa.
Euaaue:- Astrologer Aryan predicted about an avatar.
Mirinda:- Yeah! Yeah! My hubby is that avatar. Now, don’t waste too much time. Can you help us?
Euaaue:- Ha ha ha…how can such a little spider-fish can help you? I am also against Emperor Kakrasa, so are those Cobra snakes. But, still, those Cobra snakes will not get out of their tradition so easily. Can you all see a small red colored point in the middle of that ridge?
Dronankur:- Yeah! We have spotted it.
Euaaue:- You need to reach at that point by swimming at any cost. Pierce a sword or a knife on that red colored point to stop the undercurrent. The moment you remove the knife or the sword from that point, the undercurrent will start again.
Mirinda:- How do you know all these things?
Euaaue:- Scientist Shahjahan came here twice to take some jewels from Swarnabhumi Cave as a maintenance fee for creating this artificial undercurrent system. I have never told this secret of stopping the undercurrent to anyone except you all. I hope that you will keep it as a secret.
Mirinda:- Sure, we will. Hey, Bombino and Dronankur; let us swim towards that red colored point. Hey, Euaaue, thanks for your help.
Dronankur:- Mirinda, it is very tough. Oh! I am feeling as if I may die.
Mirinda:- You are swimming well, Dronankur. Just a little bit.
Bombino:- Instead of reaching that point, if we throw a knife by targeting that red colored point, we may succeed.
Mirinda:- Don’t talk like a fool. It is very tough to throw a knife at the target in this undercurrent. We are having one knife each.
Bombino:- Well; let me take that risk with my knife. Hey, Dronankur, just relax. Let me target that point with my knife.
Mirinda:- Oooh! You missed that red colored point by a whisker. You have wasted your knife.
Bombino:- Hey, Queen Mirinda, will you please allow me to have a second try?
Dronankur:- I think that Bombino deserves a 2nd try.
Mirinda:- Ok! Take this knife. This is our last chance. Oh! You have to keep on swimming hard to stay at one place in this undercurrent. Come on, Bombino, throw the knife.
Bombino:- Hussh! Let me throw the knife at a proper angle. Yes! We did it. See, the knife is at the target and the undercurrent has stopped.
Mirinda:- Oh! Thank you so much, Bombino. We are really very tired of swimming. Let us rest a bit for 10 minutes or so and then we will enter the Swarnabhumi Cave.
Dronankur:- Wait! Analyze the positions of all Cobras while hiding behind this ridge. The leader of the Cobra snakes is at the entrance of the Swarnabhumi Cave. All the other snakes are having their positions on different sea plants.
Bombino:- There are at least 100 cobra snakes in this region. It will be a foolish act to start fighting with them. We will die within 5 minutes. In my childhood, my grandma used to tell lots of stories. In one of the stories she told, a mermaid hypnotized all the Cobra snakes by fancy ballad dancing. So, Queen Mirinda, you have to do the fancy ballad dancing. You may die but you have to take the risk. While dancing, don’t forget to use that locket tactfully. That ruby gemstone emits a light.
Mirinda:- But, Turtle Taraknath gave us Tabeez. We may not die after getting the poisonous bites of those snakes.
Bombino:- When we have brains, then why should we fight like fools.
Dronankur:- Yeah! I agree with Bombino.
Mirinda:- Ok! Let me start the fancy ballad dancing.
Dronankur:- That’s great! All the Cobras are busy in watching the dance of Mirinda. Come on; let us enter inside the Swarnabhumi Cave.
Bombino:- Wow! What a cave! I never ever dreamt in my wildest dream about such a beautiful cave.
Dronankur:- Control your greed, Bombino. Don’t touch any other jewels. There is the Golden Bowl at the center of the Cave. The Golden Bowl is kept at the tip of a rock which is emitting out fire. Is it a magical fire? How can there be flames of fire inside this ocean water?
Bombino:- Beneath that rock, there must be some natural gas. That gas is helping to create those flames of fire. The ocean water is having no impact on that fire. Oh! The Golden Bowl is hot due to that fire. We have to remove the Golden Bowl from that rock by using our swords. Yeah! The Golden Bowl has fallen on the seabed. Give some time to cool down that hot Golden Bowl.
Dronankur:- Ok! Lift that Golden Bowl now. Start swimming out of this Swarnabhumi Cave.
Cobra Corbett:- Wow! What a plan! We are fools but not so fool enough, you see. Keep that Golden Bowl back on that rock; otherwise, we will kill this beautiful mermaid.
Bombino (whispering):- Let us fight with the sword while swimming forward towards that red colored point. Once we take out the knife from that red colored point, the undercurrent will start. It is very easy to swim downstream and we swim faster to escape from these Cobra snakes.
Dronankur (whispering):- Nice plan.
Cobra Corbett:- Both of you are still whispering. Oh! You are attacking with your swords. All the Cobras, attack them.
Bombino:- Oh! No! The bites of the Cobra snakes are so painful. I am still alive. Hey, Mirinda and Dronankur, the Tabeez is working well. We are still alive. Start swimming faster towards that point.
Turtle Taraknath:- Nice job done. Three of you have done a great job.
Mirinda:- But, our body is paining. Those snakes are so dangerous and their bites are so painful.
Turtle Taraknath:- We have to return this Golden Bowl within 3 days, otherwise, those Cobra snakes may start attacking all the mermales and mermaids out of anger. We must not hurt their traditions. We will return it back, once our job is done. By tomorrow, you all will be fit as I have given you proper medicines to vomit out all the poisons of your body within 3 hours.
Bombino:- Oh! No! We have to vomit out.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Yeah! Unless you vomit out, you will die.
Turtle Taraknath:- Ha ha ha…Well, Dronankur, day after tomorrow, I want you to provide me Sretyuik leaves, Fretulkon fruits and Gelotona sea weeds. We need to make a mixture out of it. The name of that mixture is Zoltongo. We will pour the Zoltonga mixture on the Golden Bowl. The Golden surface of the Golden Bowl secretes out a special chemical, Tixonara while coming in contact with Zoltonga mixture. Both Tixonara and Zoltonga react with each other in a chemical reaction to form the medicine of Jeevandhara.
Dronankur:- But, these Sretyuik leaves, Fretulkon fruits and Gelotona sea weeds are highly poisonous. Not a single creature of this sea world eats these things.
Turtle Taraknath:- You need poisons to tackle other poisons. Anyway, take complete rest tonight.
Panduram:- Order all the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community of other kingdoms to come and take shelter in our Tabernia kingdom.
General Dobla:- Yeah! I have already made an order regarding this. I think that it is time to start killing all the mermales and mermaids of Pitrala and Rajakya community in Tabernia kingdom.
Panduram:- Emperor Kakrasa is playing a good game. Try hard to kill General Mrityunjay to give some shock to Kakrasa.

Episode: 15
Minister Monduka:- Already around 70 mermales and 40 mermaids have died in Kylowga kingdom due to the poisonous bites of golden stripped cobras. Our warriors have killed around 35 cobras so far, but, still, those cobras are not scared of us. They are biting the mermales and mermaids.
Emperor Kakrasa:- But, why? Generally, these Cobras are very peaceful creatures. They don’t attack anyone unless you attack them. Something must have gone wrong somewhere. Send the message to Cobra Corbett that I want to have a meeting with him.
Priest Jubilion:- Read the headlines of today’s newsleaves. Cobras are killing the mermales and mermaids. That’s why; Emperor Kakrasa is going to have a meeting with Cobra Corbett today.
Turtle Tilak:- This had to happen. You will steal the Golden Bowl and those Cobras will leave you unharmed. They are snakes. They are expert in fighting back.
Turtle Taraknath:- This is not at all a good news. Emperor Kakrasa will come to know that someone has stolen the Golden Bowl. Kakrasa’s warriors will start spying. If, by chance, Kakrasa’s warriors came to know the reason behind the stealing of that Golden Bowl, those bloody spies may find out our secret place also. Hence, Arindam and we will be killed brutally. Did you guys told anything about the reason of stealing this Golden Bowl to anyone?
Dronankur:- We told about it to Euaaue, the spider-fish. He helped us.
Turtle Taraknath:- Kill that spider-fish, otherwise, he may tell the secret to Kakrasa’s warriors.
Bombino:- No, I don’t agree with you. How can you kill Euaaue? Due to his secret information, we succeeded to go through that artificial undercurrent and stole that Golden Bowl.
Turtle Taraknath:- We are grateful to him for that, but, the situation is such, that we have no other option than to kill him. I have already given the Jeevandhara medicine to Arindam. It will take around 7 days time for Arindam to get cured from paralysis. Winston and Tendula will go to the Swarnabhumi Cave to return the Golden Bowl.
Winston and Tendula (shouted out of surprise):- What!
Tendula:- You want us to die or what.
Turtle Taraknath:- By now, you know the secret of stopping that artificial undercurrent. You have to kill Euaaue at any cost. Start the journey tonight.
Cobra Corbett:- Some of your warriors have stolen our Golden Bowl. We will kill all the mermales and mermaids. Return our Golden Bowl.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Corbett, just relax. Last time, Scientist Shahjahan tried to steal the Golden Bowl with some of our warriors but did not succeed in it. I also know how you all have utilized that scientist to create an artificial undercurrent. After that incident, I have ordered all my warriors that if we find any of our warriors trying to steal that Golden Bowl, then we will kill those warriors mercilessly. Don’t worry; within 2 days, our warriors will surely find out the Golden Bowl and those thieves. But, for these two days, you will not kill any mermale and mermaid. If our warriors fail to recover that Golden Bowl, then only you can start killing mermales and mermaids again.
Cobra Corbett:- Ok! I agree with these terms and conditions. But, remember, you have only two days time.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Don’t think that I am scared of you and all other Cobras. If I wish; then all our warriors can easily kill all the Cobras. But, as I am an Emperor, it is my duty to take care of all types of creatures of this Sea World. You must appreciate it that I have come forward to help the Cobras.
Cobra Corbett:- Oh! Your Highness! If I have hurt you, I seek an apology for that. But, we are very angry. Being the leader of the Cobras, I am unable to control all those cobras. I hope that you can understand the situation.
Emperor Kakrasa:- We will have a talk after two days. You can go now.
Euaaue:- Where are you guys going?
Tendula:- We are going towards the Swarnabhumi Cave. Who are you?
Euaaue:- I am Euaaue. Few days back, two mermales and one mermaid also came here. I helped them with a secret information. Oh! Both of you must be their friends as you guys are having the Golden Bowl with you. Don’t even think that the Cobras will let you go alive from here after getting their Golden Bowl from both of you. They will give you a punishment. Do one thing. Keep the Golden Bowl near the sea-weeds forest. I will instruct the red crabs to crawl that ridge to give the information that their Golden Bowl is lying near the sea-weeds forest.
Winston:- Ok! Instruct the red crabs first.
Euaaue:- Hey! Rudy, come over here.
Rudy (Leader of Red Crabs):- Yes! Euaaue, is there any request you want to make?
Euaaue:- You and all other red crabs have to crawl that ridge to give the information to the Cobras that you all have found the Golden Bowl in this Sea-weeds forest.
Rudy:- Ok! You are my good friend since our childhood. How can I reject your request? So, here we go. All the red crabs, please listen to me. We have a task out here.
Tendula:- That’s great! All the red crabs have started their task. We are keeping this Golden Bowl here. We have another task to complete.
Winston (while piercing the sword through Euaaue’s body):- Euaaue, please forgive us. You have come to know too many secrets. That’s your only fault. There is no guarantee that you will not tell our secrets to Kakrasa’s warriors. Emperor Kakrasa is still unaware of the fact that Arindam is still alive. We are just doing our duty and we have to for the victory of our Jatikano community. May God forgive us!
Euaaue (while dying):- Had I known earlier that you mermales are traitors, then I would have never helped you. My friend, Rudy will not spare you. God will also give you a severe punishment.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Strange! You got the Golden Bowl near a sea-weeds forest! No, no, something is fishy out here. He is Painter Paintal. You just need to tell the total description of two mermales and one mermaid who came to steal that Golden Bowl. Based on your description, Painter Paintal will keep on doing the sketches on the papyrus leaves.
Cobra Corbett:- Ok! Not an issue at all.
Turtle Taraknath:- Both of you are lying. You have not killed Euaaue.
Winston:- What are you saying? I have literally cried after killing such a helpful spider-fish. I have killed that good creature with my own hands. Oh! What a sin, I have committed!
Turtle Taraknath:- Then, what is this? Look at the first leaf of today’s newsleaves. Emperor Kakrasa sent the rough sketches of Bombino, Dronankur and Mirinda to the editor of this Daily Newsleaf Company and he published it. If Euaaue has died, then how come these sketches got published?
Emperor Kakrasa:- Dronankur is planning to do something. Where is Mirinda hiding? Why they tried to steal the Golden Bowl?
Minister Monduka:- Maybe, they are trying to form a strong secret force of Jatikano community. To create a force, they wanted to become strong economically.
Emperor Kakrasa:- No, no, there is something beyond that. Is Arindam alive or dead?
King Vikrant (while entering inside the palace):- Dad, there is a sad news.
Emperor Kakrasa:- What?
King Vikrant:- General Mrityunjay is seriously injured. He has stopped bleeding, but, his condition is still worse.
Minister Monduka:- Oh! No! What happened to my son? Please, take me to the Health Center immediately.
General Dobla:- Yeah! I targeted two arrows at Mrityunjay’s chest. But, those Kakrasa’s warriors are smart enough. Those Kakrasa’s warriors stopped the bleeding somehow and took Mrityunjay to the nearby Health Center.
King Panduram:- Oh! Dobla! In this bloody war, we need to reduce the margin of errors. You could have targeted another arrow at his chest.
General Dobla:- I was targeting him secretly. No one saw me. Had I tried to target another arrow, then they could have seen me. It is not feasible for me to die like a coward being a General.
King Panduram:- Tonight, start killing all the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community of Tabernia kingdom secretly. Not a single dead body should be seen. All should be buried efficiently under the sea-bed.
General Dobla:- Yeah! As you wish, Your Highness!
Emperor Kakrasa:- How did this happen?
King Vikrant:- Mrityunjay was leading the campaign of killing the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community in Oprestonia kingdom. Suddenly, two arrows struck at his chest. Dad, we need to have another war to kill all the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community.
Turtle Taraknath:- Now, it is time for us to start the campaign for getting the Magical Sword which is required to kill Kakrasa. Mirinda and Maradon; both of you have to go to Laptev Sea. In the Laptev Sea, there is a region which is popularly known as Raymond’s Rays. The moment you enter that region, the sea water color will turn violet as there will be violet lights everywhere. At the center of that region, there is a small chamber, popularly known as Caramels’ Chamber. Caramels are the special species which looks like huge birds, though their body structure is like an ordinary shark with two big fins. They are often called as the extinct Sea Birds. While swimming in the sea water, they use their two big fins like the wings of a bird. This species are not an extinct species yet. They are still present as a very small family in Laptev Sea. The moment you stand in front of that Caramels’ Chamber, you will hear strange sounds from all directions and the Raymond’s Rays will also start vibrating due to those sounds. Raymond was a renowned scientist of this Sea World, but that poor mermale committed suicide in that Laptev Sea as he failed in his love life. To give some tribute to Raymond’s graveyard, Caramels created a region of violet rays and named it as Raymond’s Rays. Point to be noted that the eyes of Caramels emit violet colored rays and if they stare at a particular region for 2 hours at a stretch, then that region becomes a region of violet rays for the next 24 hours. So, that’s how, those Caramels have maintained that zone of Raymond’s Rays years after years.
Mirinda:- By hearing these things, we are getting scared already. Are those Caramels harmful?
Turtle Tarakanath:- They were never harmful and they will never be. But, as their body meats are tastiest ones in this sea world, all the whales have always hunted those Caramels. Due to humans, the whales are on the verge of their extinction but hardly anyone knows that due to these whales, the Caramels almost got extinct from this sea world except a little population in Laptev Sea. Anyway, both of you start the journey tomorrow. Whatever condition is given to you, just accept it. Whatever questions are asked to you, just give the correct answer. Though, the word, ‘correct’ is quite relative here. What is correct for you; may not be correct for the others.
King Vikrant:- So many mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom are missing.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Maybe, those mermales and mermaids have migrated to other kingdoms.
King Vikrant:- We are yet to get such confirmations. Maybe, those mermales and mermaids have been killed and their dead bodies got buried somewhere. You never know; that can also be a possibility.
Minister Monduka:- Ah! Both of you are here only. There is something to cheer for me at least. My son is out of danger now. He is still alive, but, he may not go to any battlefield for three months. Doctor has prescribed him to take complete rest for 3 months.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Yeah! That’s fine! Let your son get cured completely. Let him take rest for 6 months also, I have no objection in that. But, sometimes, you can win war without even having a battle at the battlefield. Panduram has excellent diplomatic skills. He ordered Dobla to kill the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom only after injuring Mrityunjay very badly. Now, it is time to give some special treatment to King Panduram.
Mirinda:- Oh! It is so cold out here. There it is. We are nearing the region of Raymond’s Rays.
Maradon:- Queen Mirinda, the sea waters of this Raymond’s Rays are hotter. There is a small chamber at the center of this violet region. Let us stand in front of that chamber.
Mirinda:- Oh! Shut your ears. What a loud sound! These Caramels are screaming loudly. The color of this brown wooden chamber has also become violet.
Voice of Caramel Charulata:- Welcome Mirinda and Maradon to our Raymond’s Rays. Turtle Taraknath has sent both of you to know the steps to get that special Magical Sword to kill Emperor Kakrasa. Am I right?
Mirinda and Maradon:- Yeah! You are right.
Voice of Caramel Charulata:- You cannot see me, but I can see you. We are not invisible, but, we are hiding. We are scared of this ruthless sea world as we are on the verge of extinction. Maradon, I have a question for you. Please answer it correctly. Will you kill Panduram if he comes and stand in front of you?
Maradon:- Yes, I will kill him because he is a traitor.
Voice of Caramel Charulata:- You are a liar. We, the Caramels can read the minds of other creatures. If you ever get the chance to meet Panduram, you may join hands with him to act as a traitor for Arindam. Mirinda, don’t believe Maradon blindly.
Mirinda (whispering at Maradon):- Remember, what Turtle Taraknath said. What is correct for you; may not be correct for others. These Caramels may have the tendency to suspect every other creature to be bad and harmful as they had been the victims for many years in this sea world.
Maradon (whispering at Mirinda):- To me, both Arindam and Panduram are my friends. Neither can I kill Panduram nor can I act as a traitor to Arindam.
Voice of Caramel Charulata:- Whispering is not allowed in front of the Caramel’s Chamber. Please stop whispering among yourselves. Mirinda, you have to accept one condition before going forward to the next step. If you accept the condition, I will give you a rectangular shaped wooden plate; otherwise, you have to go back empty handed. If you go back empty handed from here, your hubby can never kill Emperor Kakrasa, despite being an avatar.
Mirinda:- What is the condition?
Voice of Caramel Charulata:- The condition is, ‘You will die but your soul will not die until and unless your hubby sees your soul in his next birth.’
Mirinda:- What! I can’t understand this condition completely. But, I accept this condition. Had you told me to die now also, I would have died.
Voice of Caramel Charulata:- Oh! You, poor mermaid, you have accepted the condition without knowing its brutal meaning. You love your hubby too much and love is always blind. Can you see that wooden plate on the sea-bed in front of the Caramels’ Chamber?
Mirinda:- Yes, I can.
Voice of Caramel Charulata:- Just pick it up. This is a magical wooden plate. After 24 hours, it will start giving you instructions. Just follow those instructions step by step. Remember, if you skip any step or if you back out from any step, then you will not get that Magical Sword. If you die in any step, then the game is over. So, it is up to you, Mermaid Mirinda, to decide the fate whether Arindam will be able to kill Emperor Kakrasa or not. Goodbye and wish you best of luck.
General Dobla:- Your Highness! Emperor Kakrasa has sent a message leaf where it is stated that he is ordering you to stop killing the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom.
King Panduram:- Ha! How funny! The cruel Emperor is ordering a King to stop cruelty. Send a message leaf to Kakrasa by stating that we will stop killing if they stop killing. It is as simple as that. We are not scared of any war.
Turtle Taraknath:- The magical wooden plate is instructing Queen Mirinda to go to Sundarbans delta region to meet Crocodile Chintamani. In this mission, Winston, Bombino and Tendula will accompany Queen Mirinda. Ah! Look there! Arindam has opened his eyes. Yes, he is coming out of paralysis now. He is moving his body now. We are recovering steadily.

Episode: 16
Mirinda:- Ah! After a long time, you are talking. You are out of paralysis now. Give me a nice hug, dear.
Arindam:- Yeah! That’s right! But, where are you all going?
Mirinda:- We are on a mission.
Arindam:- I will also go in this mission.
Turtle Taraknath:- No, you cannot. You are just out of paralysis. You are not totally fit. You need to take rest for another 7 days to get completely fit.
Mirinda:- Don’t worry, dear. Winston, Tendula and Bombino are accompanying me to look over my safety.
Emperor Kakrasa:- How dare that bloody fellow send a bold message like that to me? Send some warriors to kill Panduram.
Minister Monduka:- Sure! Your Highness!
Bombino:- We hope that this journey will be an easier one than that Golden Bowl adventure.
Winston:- We have already entered into the region of Bay of Bengal. But, why is there so much calmness here? Something is going to happen after a few moments. Queen Mirinda, can you please check that wooden plate to see whether any information is flashing there or not.
Mirinda:- Wait, let me check it out. Oh! Yeah! There is a message on the wooden plate, ‘Beware! Sea Storms ahead due to a huge depression.’
Tendula:- So, should we proceed further to die?
Bombino:- No, wait! I know a secret and safe place in the Nicobar Sea. That region is blocked by big rocky cliffs in three sides and one side is open. If we go eastwards from here, we will reach that area after half an hour or so.
Winston:- Don’t talk like a fool. There is a small village in Andaman Sea which is known as Jaroanalka. The villagers of Jaroanalka are supporters of King Vikrant. Even Vikrant had his honeymoon in a resort of that village only. If anyone sees us in and around Nicobar Sea, then we will be in great trouble. Andaman Sea is just at a distance of 4 kilometers north of Nicobar Sea.
Bombino:- Have you all not noticed that a black colored leather bag is hanging in my left shoulder? No one asked about this black leather bag. Wait, let me show you. Inside this bag, I have four masks. We will use this masks whenever we need to hide ourselves from our enemies or spies.
Mirinda:- Wow! That’s great! Come on; let us head towards Nicobar Sea. The sea storm may start anytime shortly.
King Panduram:- Install automated arrows throwing machines at all the towers outside our Fort Gomrank. Use hydroelectricity and the remote buttons to tackle the enemies.
General Dobla:- Give us one day time to complete the installations.
Tendula:- Ah! In the sea storm, many fishermen have drowned. So many fishing boats are on the sea-bed.
Bombino:- Hey! Be careful! Some crocodiles are moving here and there and feeding on the dead bodies of fishermen.
Mirinda:- A message is flashing on the wooden plate. ‘Kidnap Chanakya to blackmail Chintamani. Chanakya is swimming nearby.’
Winston:- What! What kind of a game is it? Ok! Let us call the name, ‘Chanakya’ together.
Tendula, Bombino, Mirinda, Winston (shouting loudly):- Chanakya.
Crocodile Chanakya (searching for foods and heard their voices):- Wow! I am hungry and you all are calling me to feed on you or what. That’s really amazing. Now, let me eat you all.
Tendula (whispering at his friends):- I have an idea. Let him chase us. I know a secret place in the Vietnamese Coastal Waters. There is a trap zone. The moment this crocodile enters that zone, we will injure this crocodile and tie him up with strong wires made of sylotui grasses.
Bombino:- Don’t worry; I have those wires in my bag. Come on, just swim faster. Let him chase us.
Minister Monduka:- Hardly, 10 to 15 warriors have returned alive. King Panduram has installed automated arrows system.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Hmm…Ok! Train all our warriors to swim faster than before in a zig-zag fashion. Once our warriors cross that zone of automated arrows system, they have to fight with mermales and mermaids only, not with any electronic gadgets. Our warriors are far superior to those mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community in Tabernia kingdom. Try to unite all the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community to fight against the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community. Tell them that it is not the war of kingdoms. It is the war of communities.
Mirinda:- Are you looking for your son, Chanakya?
Crocodile Chintamani:-  Yeah! But how did you know that?
Mirinda:- Chanakya has got trapped somewhere. We know where he is.
Crocodile Chintamani:- Oh! That’s great! Just take me to that place.
Mirinda:- Only on one condition. The wooden plate flashes the message, ‘Get the key which is hidden near the roots of a special Sundari tree.’ We need the key to kill Emperor Kakrasa.
Crocodile Chintamani:- What! I am a supporter of Emperor Kakrasa. Sorry, I can’t help you.
Winston:- Then, we will kill your son. Moreover, if you tell anything about us to Kakrasa’s warriors, then you will never get back your son. That’s a guarantee from our side.
Crocodile Chintamani:- But, how can I search that special Sundari tree?
Mirinda:- Wait! There is a message on the wooden plate. ‘Take the help of a Royal Bengal Tiger. That special Sundari Tree is at the Sudhanyakhali island of Sunderbans. There is a Phanimanasa tree in front of that Sundari tree.’
Crocodile Chintamani:- Ok! Tomorrow morning, I need to have a talk with Samrat.
Arindam:- Somehow, we need to kill Panduram and Dobla.
Dronankur:- No, not now. Panduram and Dobla are governing the Tabernia kingdom very well. Two days back, Kakrasa’s warriors failed to enter inside the Fort Gomrank. Kakrasa’s warriors went back from the gates of Fort Gomrank. That’s not a little thing. Panduram has succeeded in uniting all the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community also. At present, there is not a single mermale and mermaid of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom.
Arindam:- But, both Panduram and Dobla have to die as they are traitors. They are too hungry for powers.
Maradon:- Who is a more hateful mermale to you? Is it Kakrasa or Panduram? A friend who has become blind mentally due to hunger of power can be still forgiven, but, can you forgive Emperor Kakrasa? If Panduram and Dobla are giving too much trouble to Kakrasa, then it is really advantageous for us. Think of killing Emperor Kakrasa first. After that, you can decide about the fate of Panduram and Dobla.
Tiger Samrat (The most ferocious Royal Bengal Tiger of the Sundarbans):- Chintamani, you saved my life once when the poachers tried to kill me with their rifles. That’s why; I will always be grateful to you. As you helped me once, so, it is my duty now to help you in times of danger. Oh! No! What are humans doing with you?  I can see their heads on the water surface.
Crocodile Chintamani:- No, they are not humans. Actually, mermales and mermaids have their body structure like of half-human and half-fish.
Tiger Samrat:- Wow! I am feeling hungry now. Had they not been your guests, I would have eaten them right now.
Crocodile Chintamani:- Unlike human’s blood, their blood are not salty in taste and moreover their meats are too allergic for any carnivorous animals like us.
Tiger Samrat:- Ok! Is there any other message for me?
Winston:- The wooden plate states, ‘On a new moon night, the Goddess Bon-Bibi of Sudhanyakhali island will give you some signal.’
Tiger Samrat:- Sudhanyakhali island is at the middle of Geyonkhali island and Dhamakhali island. I have to swim the Matla River via Gosaba Island to reach that island. It is a very hectic task. Many humans go to that island to collect honey from beehives and poachers are almost everywhere. I don’t fear humans but I am always scared of those big rifles they carry with them. But, still, for the sake of saving my friend’s son, I will do it. I will surely try to get that key. But I have a condition. I will hand over the key to you only after seeing Chanakya in front of me. I am smarter than Chintamani. You can’t fool me.
Tendula:- Ok! We accept the condition.
Crocodile Chanakya (woke up after remaining senseless for 2 days):- Where am I?
Bombino:- You are inside a trap in the Vietnamese Coastal waters. You chased us. You tried to kill us, but, you yourself got trapped here and became senseless.
Crocodile Chanakya:- Oh! I don’t remember anything.
Mirinda:- You don’t need to remember anything. Just relax. Your father, Crocodile Chintamani is our friend. He has requested us to take you back home safely. We have tied you with those wires to make sure that you don’t run away from us till you reach your father’s place. Now, come on, try to come out of that trap. We are helping you. Don’t worry at all.
Tiger Samrat (thinking while staring at the idol of Goddess Bon-Bibi):- I don’t have faith in any God or Goddess, but, I am standing inside a Mandir. Come on, it is already midnight of this new moon night. Show me some signal. A snake! What is this snake doing here in this temple?
Kaalkeute Kalka (A poisonous snake of Sundarbans):- Hey, you, Tiger, what the hell are you doing here in this temple? Are you afraid of humans? Are you praying to Goddess to protect your life from poachers? Already, the tiger population in Sundarbans is on the verge of extinction due to those poachers.
Tiger Samrat:- Can you please keep your mouth shut? I am waiting to get some kind of signal from the Goddess Bon-Bibi to know the direction of a special Sundari tree. There is a Phanimanasa tree in front of that Sundari tree.
Kalkeute Kalka:- Oh! You are talking about the PremSundari Tree. That Sundari tree is of a special type and is bigger than other Sundari trees. In front of that Phanimanasa tree, we love to do dating. That’s a famous dating site for us such poisonous snakes. Ok! Enough talks. Just follow me. See, I am the signal for you. Say thanks to Bon-Bibi goddess for that.
Tiger Samrat:- I don’t have faith in that Bon-Bibi goddess. I also used to worship her, but, when the poachers killed my lovely wife, I stopped worshipping her. What’s the point in worshipping that goddess if she cannot protect our species?
Kalkeute Kalka:- Oho! You are becoming too emotional now. Anyway, we have reached the spot. See, she is my female snake with whom I date on every full moon and new moon night at this spot. By the way, you didn’t tell me why you wanted to reach this spot. I am not seeing any tigress here also.
Tiger Samrat:- Hey! Kalka! Thanks for helping me. Enjoy your dating. No further questions please.
Kalkeute Kalka:- Ok! Bye! Bye!
Crocodile Chintamani:- Oh! Thanks for saving the life of our son, Chanakya. Meet my wife, Chinki. She was unable to sleep. She was constantly thinking about Chanakya.
Crocodile Chinki:- Yeah! You mermales are so good. My son is saying that without your help, he couldn’t have got out from that trap in the Vietnamese Coastal waters.
Winston:- No, no, don’t give us too much respect. We are not so good. Your son is suffering from short term memory loss. Once his memory comes back, you will understand that we are not so good. We have to go now. Chintamani, please don’t give any information about us to Kakrasa’s warriors. If you give the information, then your son may again fall in a trap.
Crocodile Chintamani:- Ha ha ha…nice joke. Anyway, we are hoping to see you all again. Have a nice journey towards your home.
Turtle Taraknath:- You all have succeeded in getting the key. But, what is the essence of this key? Always keep an eye on the wooden plate to see if any message flashes there or not.
Tendula:- Ok!
Arindam:- I was very tensed. Thank God! You are back from there. From now on, you just take care of your son and mother-in-law.
Mirinda:- No, not possible, dear. I have to take part in each and every mission to find that magical sword. As you are fit and healthy now, you should join me in all the missions.
Arindam:- Yeah! Surely, I will. I think that it is now time to send our son, Avinash to get trained at Akalan training center under Dolphin Docomo.
Mirinda:- Have you gone crazy? Already, Viswajeet, the son of Vikrant is getting trained at Akalan. No, no, we will send our son to Dolphin Denson, the son of Dolphin Docomo. Even, your teacher, Dolphin Darwin sometimes visits the training center of Dolphin Denson on a part-time basis.
Priest Jubilion:- Arindam and Mirinda, come quickly. Siusa is in serious condition.
Doctor Sthatolona:- I have tried my level best, but, Siusa’s body did not recover well. She never recovered mentally after losing her hubby in that oil spill incident. She has expired. May her soul rest in peace!
Mirinda (with a broken heart):- She was like a real mother to me. She loved me more than my own mother. She is going to meet her hubby in heaven.
Turtle Taraknath:- 10 days passed and you are still in the grief of Siusa’s death. Everyone has to die one day. The wooden plate has flashed the message, ‘Open the door of the tunnel at Celebes Sea with that key.’
Arindam:- Ok! We will start tomorrow. I and Mirinda will go there.
Turtle Taraknath:- No, you also need some others as a backup. Maradon and Dronankur will accompany both of you.
General Mrityunjay:- Your Highness! I am totally fit now. Just order me to start a war.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Tomorrow after the sunset, march towards the Fort Gomrank with your warriors to kill King Panduram and General Dobla. Conquer the Tabernia kingdom at any cost. Don’t worry; we have trained many mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community. They will also join your force. I don’t want to see any mermale and mermaid of Jatikano community alive in this Sea World.
General Mrityunjay:- Give me some time to make your dreams come true. Wish me luck for this war.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Best of luck to you, General Mrityunjay.
Maradon:- We never ever dreamt of a tunnel door in this Sea World.
Arindam:- 3 parts of our planet Earth is full of water. So, as an aquatic creature, if you say that you have discovered everything about this Sea World, then you are a damn liar.
Dronankur:- Queen Mirinda, please open the tunnel door with that key.
Mirinda:- There is a message on the wooden plate. ‘After entering inside the tunnel, a magnetic force will attract you. Keep your body still and calm. Don’t swim along the walls of the tunnel as there is electricity at certain points of the walls.’
Maradon:- Wait, don’t enter inside that tunnel now. It is not an easy task as it seems. We may die inside the tunnel after experiencing some electrical shocks. Let us get back to our basement. We will come back here again after having body armors on our body.
Tendula:- At least, 10 sharks or 2 whales should be killed, because I will make double-coated body armors with a gap of 2 inches between two layers of skins. The airy layer will act as an anti-electric shield.
Winston:- It is better to kill 2 whales. By tomorrow, Tendula will get the skins of two dead whales. Forcefully, we have to eat the meats of whales in this week. Though we generally don’t eat whales’ meat, but, they are very tasty.
General Dobla:- Your Highness! Kakrasa’s warriors have entered inside the Fort Gomrank. Let us swim away from here.
All the other mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community:- Yeah! We should swim away from here to save our life.
King Panduram:- No, we are not cowards. Even if we die, we will die like real fighters. Fight against the Kakrasa’s warriors. Show them the power of our Jatikano community.
Dronankur:- There is a sad news. Kakrasa’s warriors have conquered the Tabernia kingdom. Both Panduram and Dobla fought till the last drop of their blood. Both of them were beheaded by General Mrityunjay. Many mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community swam here and there to save their life. They are hiding here and there. Kakrasa’s warriors are searching for those mermales and mermaids to kill them brutally.
Arindam:- Do one thing. You stay back here. You and Winston should search for all the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community who are hiding here and there. Unite them and form a strong battalion. The war is not over yet, it is just the beginning. Though both Panduram and Dobla are traitors for us, but still, we are proud of them as they fought like real fighters. Maradon and Tendula will accompany me and Mirinda.
Tendula:- Wow! We are swimming at such a fast pace inside this tunnel.
Maradon:- That’s the beauty of this magnetic force. But, I must appreciate the body armors that you have made. For 6 times till now, my body touched the walls of this tunnel, but, I didn’t feel any electrical shock. Well done, Tendula.
Arindam:- Be prepared for any surprises. We are nearing the end of this tunnel.
Mirinda:- Some message is there on the wooden plate, but, I am unable to read it as I am swimming at such a pace. Everyone, look there, we are heading towards an ice-berg. Take out your swords and pierce it on that ice-berg to avoid collision.
Arindam:- Finally, we are out of the tunnel. Just outside the exit door of this tunnel, there is an ice-berg. Wait! Wait! This ice-berg is somewhat magnetic in nature. See, we are unable to take out our sword from it. Apply full pressure to take out the sword.
Tendula:- Yeah! Our swords are out of this ice-berg now. So, what is the next message in the wooden plate?
Mirinda:- ‘You are in the zone of Elephant Seals. One of the Elephant Seals may attack you. Kill that Elephant Seal and gift that dead body to a Polar Bear.’
Arindam:- Just throw away that wooden plate. It is just fooling us. We are not going to get any magical sword at all.
Tendula:- No, Arindam. Look back. Just move. Yeah! I have targeted it well.
Arindam:- My goodness! You pierced the sword on that Elephant Seal’s body at a lightning speed. Thanks a lot for saving my life.
Tendula:- You, idiot! Don’t you understand that if you die, then our mission will end here? That wooden plate is guiding us to the correct path. Just follow the instructions.
Maradon:- I can hear the roar of a hungry polar bear in that direction. Come on, start swimming.
Mirinda:- Yes, there he is. We need to go above the surface of the water to invite him.
Polando (A hungry Polar Bear):- Hey! What are humans doing in this region?
Arindam:- No, we are mermales and mermaids. Can you please have a nice meal of Elephant Seal?
Polando:- Oh! I am very hungry. Is it true that you are going to give me a treat of an Elephant Seal’s meat? If it is not true, then I will kill all of you.
Maradon:- Yeah! Of course! Here it is on the icy surface.
Tendula (whispering at Arindam):- See this bloody Polar Bear. The way it is eating the Elephant Seal’s meat! Oh! I am feeling hungry now.
Arindam (whispering at Tendula):- Just keep your mouth shut.
Maradon (whispering at Mirinda):- Is there any further instructions in that wooden plate?
Mirinda (whispering at Maradon):- Yes, there is a message. ‘Ask the Polar Bear about the roadmap of Bermuda Triangle.’ Show this wooden plate to everyone.
Arindam (whispering at everybody while nodding his head after the reading the message in the wooden plate):- Oops! What an adventurous journey it will be!
Tendula (whispering at Arindam):- The Polar Bear is about to end his meal on that icy surface. Will you please ask the question now? We are not enjoying the way we are going in and out of the water. Outside the water, we are really panting for breathe. Ask the question now.
Polando:- Whoa! What a nice meal! Thanks to all of you for such a treat. If you need any help from me, just tell me.
Arindam:- Yeah! We need your help. We want to know the roadmap to Bermuda Triangle.
Polando (totally surprised):- What! Are you all going to die? Anyway, I don’t have the roadmap with me. The roadmap diagram was drawn by a painter long time back on a rectangular white marble plate. But, Sonali, the biggest snail of this Sea World possesses that marble plate for years after years. So, if you want the roadmap of Bermuda Triangle, then you have to impress Sonali. Best of luck to you all! I have never seen such fools like you before. Bye Bye. Thanks again for the treat.
Maradon:- Ok! Bye! Bye!
Emperor Kakrasa (Addressing a massive gathering at Greenland Zone):- My dear mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community, today is the DAY OF GLORY as we have succeeded in killing all the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community. Let us celebrate this moment. Today, drinking and dining is free for all. Even, we have a program of ball dance.
All the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community:- Three cheers for Emperor. Long live Emperor Kakrasa.

Episode: 17
Mirinda:- We have got the secret information that you have the roadmap of Bermuda Triangle with you. We want that marble plate. We are on a mission to kill Emperor Kakrasa. We request you to give us that roadmap.
Snail Sonali:- Neither you are my relatives nor my friends. Emperor Kakrasa is neither my friend nor my enemy. Therefore, automatically, your request is not acceptable at all.
Mirinda:- So, you don’t want to end the cruelty in this Sea World. You don’t want to bring peace and happiness in this Sea World.
Snail Sonali:- What’s the guarantee that after the death of Emperor Kakrasa, there will be peace and happiness everywhere in this Sea World.
Mirinda:- After the death of Emperor Kakrasa, we will spread the message of love and peace in this Sea World. We will tell everyone that cruelty leads to bloodbath and destruction of this Sea World. Love will surely heal all wounds.
Snail Sonali:- You are still in your philosophical world, dear mermaid. Brutal reality is something else. Forget about the entire Sea World. Take this place only. In this Sea of Okhotsk, there are two species that are arch-rivals traditionally for centuries after centuries. One species is the Prawns and the other species is the Fighter Fishes. Every morning, when the Sun rises, a Prawn and a Fighter Fish had to fight in the wrestling ring of Changhou village. The fight never stops till one of the contenders die in that fighting. If in the fight, a prawn has won, then in the next day, this prawn has to fight with another fighter-fish. If a fighter-fish wins the next day, then in the day after the next day, this fighter-fish has to fight with another prawn. But, the tradition of fighting never stops. Every morning, after the wrestling, you will find that one species is crying out of grief and another species is celebrating the victory. Go and spread the message of love to these two species. Let me see whether you succeed in breaking their tradition of fighting or not.
Mirinda:- Ok! I will try my level best to stop this fighting tradition.
Snail Sonali:- This is your task. If you succeed in it, then I will give you the roadmap of Bermuda Triangle.
Dronankur:- Our training starts from today itself. Remember, it is our last chance to win against Emperor Kakrasa and his warriors. Learn whatever fighting skills you want to learn, but learn it with proper dedication. In a battle zone, you have to survive by showing your own fighting skills only. Don’t depend on others to help you.
Mermales of Mermaids of Jatikano community (Victims of the war in Tabernia kingdom):- Yeah! We will learn all types of fighting skills. It is now or never.
Winston:- Hey, Bombino, where are you going in this early morning?
Bombino:- I have a master plan. Magician Mombaura wake up in the early morning. He will again go to sleep in the late afternoon after eating those tobacco leaves. I need some help of that magician.
Winston:- His magical powers are not enough to kill Emperor Kakrasa. Anyway, still, you can take some help from him. I have no objection in it.
Smirnoff (leader of Prawns):- Ha ha ha…you are telling us to stop fighting with those bloody fighter-fishes. Impossible! Better you get lost from here.
Mirinda:- Ok.
Romanov (leader of fighter-fishes):- No, no, no, mermaid. It is just impossible. It is our age old tradition. My grandfather always believed that the species of Prawns will get extinct one day. We, the fighter-fishes are fighting hard to kill all the prawns in this Sea World. This is our tradition. Who the hell are you to request us to stop fighting? Get lost from here.
Mirinda:- Ok!
Mirinda (in a dejected mood):- It is really very hard to convince the leaders of the two species to stop fighting among themselves. The concepts of love, peace and brotherhood have no value to them. Their hearts are made of rocks.
Arindam:- I think, we are wasting our time. Let us go back. Whatever battalion we have, let us fight against Kakrasa’s warriors with that only. Even if we die in the war, we will die like fighters only.
Tendula:- You don’t have patience in anything. Hasty decisions often lead to great troubles. So, please keep quiet. Mirinda, tell me frankly, is there no ray of hope? If you say, then I and Maradon may also try to convince the leaders of two species.
Goldie (Leader of Goldfishes):- If they do not understand the concept of brotherhood, then preach them the concept of motherhood.
Maradon:- Hey! Who are you? You are really a very cute fish.
Goldie:- I am Goldie, the leader of the Goldfishes. You guys have not seen any Goldfish or what. We are the most beautiful fish of this Sea World.
Arindam:- Sorry! I can’t agree to it. There are so many fishes which look much beautiful than you such Goldfishes. Anyway, come to the point. What are you trying to say?
Goldie:- Very simple! Just target the female prawns and female fighter-fishes who are mothers. I hope that being a female, Mermaid Mirinda has understood what I am actually trying to say.
Mirinda (with sparkling eyes and a cheeky smile):- Yeah! Goldie! I understand it. Thanks for such a nice idea.
A common male Prawn of Changhou village:- Leader Smirnoff, all the female prawns are not allowing the fight to take place in this morning. They are standing on the wrestling ring and shouting slogans, ‘Say no to bloody fights. Save our children. Save our species.’
Smirnoff:- How dare those female prawns do that? It is our tradition. The fight must go on. Throw those female prawns out of that wrestling ring. If possible, start killing them also. Start the fight as early as possible.
Another common male Prawn of Changhou village:- Not so an easy task, Leader Smirnoff. Even the female fighter-fishes are shouting the same slogan while standing on the wrestling ring.
Smirnoff:- Oh! Now, I understand the game plan. Someone might have provoked the female prawns and female fighter-fishes. I need to have a meeting with Romanov.
Romanov:- That bloody mermaid has played all these tricks. We must attack that mermaid together to kill her.
Smirnoff:- Yeah! Of course, but, first, we need to stop this agitation. We never saw so many female prawns protesting like that. Generally, female prawns are very calm and obedient.
Romanov:- My wife is also not listening to me. She is giving threats to kill me. But, how can we stop our tradition of arch-rivalry. It is impossible.
Monamima (leader of female prawns cum wife of Smirnoff):- Within half an hour, if the agreement is not finalized, then we will start breaking this wrestling ring and we may even start killing all the male prawns.
Gilouwna (leader of female fighter-fishes cum eldest daughter of Romanov):- Yes, we also have the same viewpoint. We are with Monamima in this regard. Our female fighter-fishes have faced so many humiliations in the past. So many female fighter-fishes have lost their children in this bloody traditional fight. Enough is enough. We, the young generation female fighter-fishes don’t accept this bloody tradition of arch-rivalry. We want love, peace and happiness. I am requesting young unmarried female fighter-fishes and also the young female prawns to join this movement. Let us show this male dominated society, how powerful we, females are.
Smirnoff:- Your daughter is more dangerous than my wife. She even included the young females of both species in this agitation.
Romanov:- Already the bloody fight has started. So many male prawns and fighter-fishes have already died. Even many female prawns and fighter-fishes have died also. We have to stop the fighting. Let us accept the agreement of peace and non-violence.
Smirnoff:- What about our tradition of arch-rivalry?
Romanov:- When your family members will die in such clashes, then what will you do with those bloody traditions. Let us have a peace treaty. Let me declare it. Stop the fighting. Both of us are agreeing your terms and conditions. From now on, there will be no fighting between Prawns and Fighter-Fishes. But, arch-rivals may start fighting at anytime despite having such an agreement. So, I, as a leader of Fighter-Fishes have decided to migrate to some other region far away from this place with all the other fighter-fishes. Stop the agitation.
Female protestors of both species:- Hurrah! For the first time in the history of this Sea World, we have won by doing an agitation. Thanks to Mermaid Mirinda for teaching us the concepts of love, peace and motherhood. Long live Mirinda.
Snail Sonali:- Being a female, I am proud of your feminist attitude. I am really impressed on you, Mirinda. You have really succeeded in spreading the concept of love and peace. Those bloody fighting species have now understood the pain of a mother who loses her children. That’s a credit for you, Mirinda. Take this marble plate. But, getting this roadmap will only tell you about the route towards Bermuda Triangle. It is not so easy to enter Bermuda Triangle and it is not so easy to come out of Bermuda Triangle alive. There is an entry door of Bermuda Triangle. The door is an equilateral triangular door. On each of the three points of that triangular door, a small black colored bowl is attached to it. You have to put a Platinum biscuit on the top bowl, a diamond on the lower left bowl and a pearl on the lower right bowl.
Mirinda:- Where will I get those?
Snail Sonali:- Relax! The wooden plate will guide you with instructions and this marble plate will locate where you are currently in that roadmap. See, the pointer in the marble plate is showing that you are in this point of the roadmap right now.
Mirinda:- But, the wooden plate is not giving the instructions. I don’t know where to go now.
Maradon:- Let us wait here till the next instruction gets flashed on that wooden plate.
Tendula:- Yeah! Let us wait.
Snail Sonali:- No, I know where you should go now. You have to go to Arafura Sea. Look at those green frogs. In extreme winter season, they start their migration towards southern hemisphere and hibernate there. Follow those green frogs. They are going to meet some other species of frogs in Arafura Sea only.
Minister Monduka:- Based on an article in the ‘Daily’ Newsleaves, communal riots are taking place here and there between the mermales of Rajakya and Pitrala community. In that article, a writer has written that the mermales of Rajakya community are utilizing the mermales of Pitrala community as slaves to win several wars and enjoying all the good facilities of the Sea World. There are no Kings in any kingdom, who are from Pitrala community.
Emperor Kakrasa:- I want to know the name of the writer of that article. We will file a legal case against that writer in COJA for provoking the Rajakya and Pitrala community mermales in communal riots. When was that article published in the ‘Daily’ Newsleaves.
Minister Monduka:- Day before yesterday. The article was in the first leaf of the ‘Daily’ Newsleaves.
Paramananda (Newly promoted Editor of ‘Daily’ Newsleaves):- Your Highness! No such article has been published in our ‘Daily’ newsleaves on that day. But, still, so many mermales and mermaids are saying that they have read such a provoking article in our ‘Daily’ newsleaves. I am totally stunned. You can check all the ‘Daily’ newsleaves in all our printing factories.
Emperor Kakrasa (in an angry mood):- So, you want to say that everyone read that article in their dreams. You want to say that someone has done some magic of hypnotization.
Paramananda:- Yes! Your Highness! The 2nd option is very much possible. You may become angry on me, but, earlier also; a magician has done the magic of hypnotization. 5 years back, I still remember, when I was just a junior reporter of this ‘Daily’ newsleaves company, I went to cover a news where a magician disappeared all the plastic notes and coins of Rubbali currency from the cash counters and safe vaults of all the branches of Sea World Bank (SEWBA). Later on, I took the interview of that magician. He told me that all the coins and plastic notes of Rubbali were there itself in the cash counters and safe vaults. The only thing he has done is the magic of hypnotization, where no one was able to see the plastic notes and coins in front of them, though it was lying in front of them. Similarly, a magician would have played the same trick here also. The article was not printed on the ‘Daily’ newsleaves, but, all the mermales and mermaids were hypnotized magically to see that article which was not even printed on the ‘Daily’ newsleaves.
Emperor Kakrasa:- What was the name of that magician whom you interviewed at that time?
Paramananda:- His name was somewhat Momba or Mumba. I can’t remember his exact name but he was a drug-addicted mermale. He can do anything for getting those tobacco leaves.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Oh! I know that magician very well. Thanks for your information.
Jordanok (leader of Black Crabs):- What help do you want from me?
Rudy (leader of Red Crabs):- I want all the black crabs to attack a special mermale. Even, we the red crabs will attack that mermale. After all, you, the Black Crabs are powerful and deadlier than us. I want to kill that mermale.
Jordanok:- Why you want to kill a mermale?
Rudy:- That mermale has killed my childhood friend, Euaaue, the spider fish. It is just a sweet revenge.
Jordanok:- Don’t worry; we are with you.
King Vikrant:- So, you are going for honeymoon at a resort in Mara Sea. That’s great. Enjoy your honeymoon there.
General Mrityunjay:- Thank you.
King Vikrant:- In the meantime, I will order our warriors to do some repair works in this Fort Gomrank of Tabernia kingdom. After coming back from your honeymoon, you have to live in this Fort Gomrank only. My father has a plan to give you promotion. You will be the next king of this Tabernia kingdom.
Bombino:- We have a secret information that General Mrityunjay is having his honeymoon time in Mara Sea. There is not so much tight security as they know that all the mermales of Jatikano community have almost died.
Winston:- We must respect this opportunity.
Minister Monduka (while crying):- Your Highness! Our enemies are still alive. We underestimated our enemies and look at the outcome of it. They have beheaded my son and daughter-in-law at Mara Sea. They died in their honeymoon period.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Control yourself, Monduka. I know that no consolation is enough for you at this moment, but a warrior should not cry.
Minister Monduka (somewhat in an angry tone):- Had you not cried if you have lost your son and daughter-in-law in that fashion.
Emperor Kakrasa (paused for a second and uttered while keeping his head low):- It is my fault, Monduka. I thought that our enemies are dead, but, they are alive and planning for a shadow battle at my back. I will not spare anyone.
Turtle Tilak:- Hey, you! What happened? Why are you all panting for breath? You are looking so tensed and dejected. What’s the matter!
One mermale of the Jatikano community battalion:- We were returning from Mara Sea. On our way, suddenly, so many black crabs and red crabs attacked Winston and took him away in some other region. We tried to save Winston, but, those crabs were so many in numbers and the attack was so sudden that it became too late for us. By the time, we killed so many crabs and let them swim away from us, Winston was no more. We buried his dead body in a graveyard of the Sea of Japan.
Turtle Taraknath:- Oh! God! May his soul rest in peace! We have lost a mermale who had a good leadership quality.
Dronankur:- But, where is Bombino?
Another mermale of the Jatikano community battalion:- When we reached Philippines Sea, a saffron colored Star Fish was transmitting the message, ‘Bombino is wanted as Magician Mombaura confessed everything about the magic of hypnotization regarding that fake article in newsleaves. Emperor Kakrasa killed Magician Mombaura and is now searching for Bombino.’ After hearing this message, Bombino told us to return as he decided to take the other route to hide somewhere.
Dronankur:- What a fool, Bombino is? Where will Bombino hide alone? What an idiot!
Arindam:- We have reached Arafura Sea. Now, what? Hey! Look at that little black box on the sea-bed. There are so many knives in that box. We must take that box.
Mirinda:- Ok! Take it. But, somehow, I know this place.
Maradon:- Mirinda, we are somewhat near to our basement only. After swimming 2 kilometers from here towards the south, we will reach Coral Sea.
Turtle Taraknath:- Oh! You all have come back. Nice to see you all alive!
Tendula:- Is something wrong? I am sensing that something is wrong.
Turtle Tilak:- Yeah! Indeed it is. Winston is dead and Bombino is hiding somewhere. Anytime, Bombino can die also as Kakrasa’s warriors are searching for him everywhere.
Turtle Taraknath:- Even we all are not safe here. Kakrasa’s warriors may find us here also. We have to change our basement. We will go to Antarctica tomorrow. After every 15 days, we will change our locations as a security measure.
Pingu (Leader of the Penguins in Antarctica):- Wow! Nice to see you healthy, Arindam. I stitched all your injuries.
Arindam:- I will always be grateful to you, sweetheart. Mmmuaah. Thanks for saving my life.
Pingu:- Uhu! You don’t need to be so romantic with me. Mirinda may feel jealous on me. Taraknath was telling me about your next task. What is your next task?
Arindam:- We need to get a Platinum biscuit in Gulf of Guinea.
Pingu:- There is a dangerous jungle in the Sea Waters of Gulf of Guinea. In that jungle, there are carnivorous trees, popularly known as Afrosundew plants. In the western coast of South Africa, a different species of penguins exist. These penguins are somewhat different from us. Those African penguins are expert in uprooting those Afrosundew plants as they have faster swimming speeds than us. Wait! Take this special small rock from me. Go and meet Nakala. He will surely recognize this special small rock and never reject your requests. Nakala is the leader of all the African penguins and loves to swim in the waters of the Cape of Good Hope.
Emperor Kakrasa (Addressing a massive gathering at Kylowga kingdom):- There is no point in fighting among yourselves after reading that fake article. That article provoked you. We have killed that bloody magician. So, no more provoking acts now.
A protestor of Pitrala community:- But, it is a reality that not a mermale of Pitrala community is now the king of any kingdom in this Sea World.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! I can understand your grievances. That’s why; we have planned to make some the Generals of our army who belong to Pitrala community as the Kings of some kingdoms. From today onwards, General Raghav will be the King of Lingolia Kingdom and General Xyon will be the King of Oprestonia Kingdom.
Protestors of Pitrala community:- Hurrah! Three cheers for Emperor Kakrasa. Long live Emperor Kakrasa.
Turtle Taraknath:- Hmm…Emperor Kakrasa is too expert in politics. He promoted two Generals as Kings. Now, the mermales and mermaids of Pitrala community are very happy. So, the Bombino’s operation failed here. But, where is that fool hiding? Anyway, this time, Dronankur will accompany Arindam and Mirinda, because I want Tendula and Maradon to concentrate on making some good body armors and swords respectively.
Dronankur:- Ok! I have no problem. But, make sure, that our battalion keeps on doing the military training with same enthusiasm, focus and motivation.
Turtle Taraknath:- Sure!
Nakala (Leader of African penguins):- I gifted this special small rock to Pingu when I and my wife, Nembula went for honeymoon in Antarctica. Both of us were too impressed with the hospitality of Pingu and her associates. So, tell me, how can I help you?
Mirinda:- There is a Platinum biscuit at the top of Kilimanda hillock in Borabino jungle at the Sea Waters of Gulf of Guinea.
Nakala:- Yeah! We know about that hillock and jungle, but, we are not aware of that Platinum biscuit.
Arindam:- We were also unaware. This magical wooden plate is giving us all those information.
Nakala:- So, you want us to help you out in getting that Platinum biscuit?
Dronankur:- Yeah! Exactly!
Nakala:- Has Pingu told you all about the Afrosundew plants?
Mirinda:- Yeah! She has told us about it.
Nakala:- Those carnivorous plants have a sticky tongue. You have to swim in a lightning speed in that jungle. I have a plan. Can you guys sew some strong fishing nets? Not much, only 20 small fishing nets will be enough. The nets should be such that it can hold at least 20 small fishes in each net. When an Afrosundew plant gulps any food, it gives a gap of at least 10 minutes to gulp another food. So, if an Afrosundew plant has gulped something, then make sure that for the next 10 minutes, you are safe in front of that carnivorous plant.  Start sewing the nets. I will provide you the sewing needles. Don’t worry about small fishes. We are expert in fishing.
Arindam:- It is not so an easy task to sew fishing nets, you see!
Mirinda:- If you don’t know how to sew fishing nets, say it that you don’t know. I and Dronankur have already sewed 4 fishing nets each and you have completed sewing only one fishing net and that too with so much labor. Reduce the gap of each rectangular cell of the fishing nets as we are going to catch small fishes. By tomorrow, we will have 20 fishing nets.

Episode: 18
Nakala:- 20 fishing nets are ready. That’s great. We will go for fishing in this afternoon. You just need to put several fishes inside those nets and tie the nets with wires made of sea grasses, so that the fishes can never come out of those nets. Now, let me tell you the strategies. There are two types of Afrosundew plants. A green colored Afrosundew plant has a tongue at its stem but a red colored Afrosundew plant has tentacles at its roots. A green Afrosundew plant gulps any food but a red Afrosundew plant sucks blood from any animal after tying it completely with the help of several tentacles at its roots. Therefore, three of you have to swim near the sea-bed when you are nearer to the green Afrosundew plants. Swim at a much above height from the sea-bed when you are nearer to the red Afrosundew plants. Once you throw any fishing net full of fishes in front of any green Afrosundew plant, it will gulp it. We will get around 10 minutes to uproot that green Afrosundew plant. There is a big yellow flower at the stem of each red colored Afrosundew plant. You need to cut down that flower from the stem of that red Afrosundew plant with a sword. So, practice swimming up and down while moving forward with a decent speed. We will see you all after having a great fishing.
Nakala:- We will start swimming faster from this point. We are about to enter the Borabino jungle. It is a ‘do or die’ swimming. You are not supposed to stop anywhere in this jungle. Keep on swimming, no matter what happens. Arindam, you lead us. There are 3 green Afrosundew plants in a row. Just throw 3 fishing nets in front of those trees. Once they gulp the nets, all our penguins will start uprooting those trees with their beaks.
Arindam:- Ok! Done!
Arindam:- Mirinda! Swim at an upper level. The red Afrosundew plant is already swinging its tentacles near the Sea-bed.
Mirinda:- Oh! Sorry! I forgot the strategy.
Dronankur:- Better don’t dare to forget it. It is a ‘do or die’ swimming. There are around 10 red Afrosundew plants in a row. Start cutting those yellow flowers with the swords.
Nakala:- No major casualties yet. Only some of our penguins have injured themselves slightly due to those thorns in the body of both types of Afrosundew plants. Our plan has clicked. Now, we have reached the Kilimanda hillock. Start searching for Platinum biscuit on that hillock.
Arindam:- You and Mirinda, stay at this point. I and Dronankur will search for that Platinum biscuit at the Kilimanda hillock.
Nakala and Mirinda:- Ok!
Dronankur:- This hillock is not at all a small one. This Kilimanda hillock covers a lot of areas. We are not able to spot out anything on this hillock. Have you ever seen a Platinum biscuit? What is the color of Platinum?
Arindam:- Hussh! Dronankur, I have spotted that rectangular Platinum biscuit. There it is. But, something is moving below that Platinum biscuit. I can’t see clearly in this darkness. Come to this side. Yeah! See! This is the Platinum Biscuit. Yes! We have got it.
Dronankur:- Your Highness! That moving object is a giant crocodile. It is about to gulp you up. Swim for your life. Come on!
Arindam:- Oh! No! What a bloody creature! Nakala never told me about the presence of this giant crocodile here. Keep on swimming faster.
Nakala:- Look there! Both Arindam and Dronankur are coming towards us.
Arindam:- I have kept the Platinum biscuit inside this leather bag. I am throwing it to you, Mirinda. Catch the bag.
Mirinda:- Ok! Yeah! I have taken a nice catch. Oh! No! Dronankur has injured his right hand. Save Dronankur. That crocodile will kill him.
Arindam:- Don’t worry, Mirinda! I am expert in dealing with this type of creatures.
Nakala:- Thank God! You have killed that croczilla.
Arindam:- Yeah! Thanks for the compliments! Croczilla! Was that not a crocodile?
Nakala:- No, it was Croczilla, an another species of Sea-Dragon origin. These Croczillas are around 1.5 times larger than a crocodile. Their size is almost similar to a whale. There were several Croczillas in the Congo River. As the humans started killing these Croczillas to eat their meats, many Croczillas came out of Congo River to settle down at Atlantic Ocean. Maybe, he was one of them. But, I swear, I was not aware of the fact that a Croczilla is hiding on this Kilimanda hillock of Borabino jungle.
Arindam:- Ok! Ok! Anyway, that Croczilla is dead. There is no point in thinking about it. By the way, we are having only 2 fishing nets left with us. Now, will we succeed in reaching South African coast from here? We have to pass across those Afrosundew plants again.
Mirinda:- All those Afrosundew plants are already dead. So, there are no risks anymore.
Nakala:- Those Afrosundew plants are dead but temporarily. These green colored Afrosundew plants abide by the stem cutting growth. If you cut their stems today, then they will again start growing at the same spot after 3 months. The red colored Afrosundew plants have deep roots. You never know, when and how these deep roots under the Sea-bed will again reproduce some new Afrosundew plants.
Dronankur:- Hmm…this Borabino jungle will always remain as a dangerous jungle of the Sea World. Maybe, that’s why; that Croczilla selected that Kilimanda hillock as his safest place to hide. My right hand is still bleeding. I need some help.
Nakala:- Don’t worry; some of our penguins are expert in stitching injuries with their beaks. Even we have some idea about good medicinal herbs in this region. Just relax! Within half an hour, your bleeding will stop and after applying those medicinal herbs on your wounds, you will get cured within 24 hours.
Arindam:-  It is time for us to leave the waters of Cape of Good Hope. We have really enjoyed this adventure. Without your help, we couldn’t have got this Platinum biscuit. Thanks to you and all the penguins of South Africa. We are going back to Antarctica again. From there on, again we will start our journey to collect the Pearl.
Nakala:- Ok! Hey! Wait! Give this special rock to Pingu. Tell her that a gift is a gift; it can never be taken back again.
Arindam (whispering):- Is there any romantic relationship between you and Pingu? Just a guess!
Nakala (somewhat felt shy and whispered):- Ha ha ha…Had I met Pingu before my marriage, I would have surely made her my wife.
Arindam:- Oh! Yeah! I read your mind correctly. Give that special rock to me. I will surely deliver it to Pingu.
Mirinda:- Hey! What’s the matter! What discussion is going on between you and Nakala?
Arindam:- Nothing as such. Anyway, Bye Bye Nakala. Bye Bye to South African Penguins.
All South African Penguins:- Never say Goodbye! We hate the word, ‘Goodbye’. Better say, ‘See you all again very soon’.
Arindam, Mirinda and Dronankur:- See you all again very soon.
Crocodile Chintamani:- Yes! Your Highness! I am telling the truth. Some mermales and mermaids are planning to kill you. I don’t know who they are. But, they blackmailed me or rather fooled me to take a special key from Sunderbans delta.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Do one thing. Tell the description of all those mermales and mermaids in front of Painter Paintal. Paintal will make the sketches of those mermales and mermaids.
Crocodile Chintamani:- Ok!
Turtle Taraknath:- We are now shifting our basement to Argentina Coastal Sea Waters as a security measure. Good to hear that you have got the Platinum biscuit. This time, to get the Pearl, Maradon will accompany Arindam and Mirinda. Arindam, give me the Platinum biscuit. I will keep it in a very safe place.
Arindam:- Here it is, the Platinum Biscuit. Keep it at a very safe place. You are our custodian now.
Turtle Taraknath:- So, where are you heading now to get that pearl? Is there any instruction on that magical wooden plate?
Arindam:- Mirinda, is there any instruction? Please check.
Mirinda:- Yeah! There is an instruction. ‘Go to Kanyakumari. In Kanyakumari, there is a region where the waters of Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea meet each other. At that meeting point, you will get the pearl.’
Turtle Taraknath:- Ok! Start the journey towards Kanyakumari. Come back at Argentina Coastal Sea Waters after the mission. We will surely meet you there. Best of luck!
Arindam, Mirinda and Maradon:- Thank you.
Painter Paintal:- Your Highness! I have made all the sketches as per the description provided by Crocodile Chintamani. These are the sketches.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Mirinda is surely planning to do something. She may be forming a secret force to take the revenge against me. Tell Mirinda that I have not killed her hubby. Panduram killed her hubby. Rather, our warriors have killed Panduram. So, what is Mirinda trying to do?
King Vikrant:- Dad! Don’t order your warriors to kill her. Mirinda is a mermaid of Jatikano community, but, still I love her. I am still willing to marry that widow mermaid. Order your warriors to arrest that mermaid alive. I will marry her.
Emperor Kakrasa:- What about my daughter-in-law, Diana? Will you give a divorce to her?
King Vikrant:- Dad, if you can marry for 10 times, then why can’t I marry for 2 times?
Emperor Kakrasa:- I married another mermaid only when my current wife has died. I have never had two wives simultaneously. Diana will never allow you to marry for 2nd time. She may file a divorce. Anyway, we will arrest Mirinda.

Episode: 19
Mirinda:- As per the pointer in the marble plate, we are just a few meters away from the meeting point of Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean in Kanyakumari.
Arindam:- This meeting point of three seas is really a divine place. Look at the color of the water. Oh! My goodness! It is as if the Mother Nature is constantly mixing up the three different shades of blue color at this point to create ultimate beauty out of it.
Mirinda:- There is an instruction in the magical wooden plate. ‘Swim towards the Vivekananda Sila (Vivekananda Rock). At the southern end of that Vivekananda Rock, there is a small tunnel. Swim through that tunnel to reach a place which is under the sea-bed of the meeting point of Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea in Kanyakumari. Don’t forget to collect the special spectacles from the walls of that tunnel.  The pearl lies inside the Rock Temple of Zero Gravity Zone.’
Maradon:- That means; we are now at the top of that rock temple. The rock temple is just under the sea-bed of this point. Let us start digging the sea-bed here.
Mirinda:- Don’t talk like a fool. It is not so easy to dig down a sea-bed deeply. Just follow the instruction. Come on; let us swim towards the Vivekananda Rock.
Arindam:- Everyone light up your respective hydro-electric torch. It is totally dark inside this tunnel.
Maradon:- Oh! Something has bitten me. Some creatures from that direction attacked me. Flash the torch lights towards that direction.
Mirinda:- Oh! No! It is a gang of Sea-Scorpions. We can’t fight with them. We just have to swim faster. If they all bite us together, we will surely have a very painful death inside this tunnel.
Arindam:- Hey! Look! I have spotted the spectacles. Let me take all of them. Now, it is time to swim for our life till we get out of here.
Mirinda:- We are out of the tunnel now, but, where are we? We can see a roof here. We are feeling like floating in this water. We are unable to swim downwards here. We are unable to see the sky.
Arindam:- We are under the sea-bed of the meeting point of three seas. That’s why; we are unable to see the blue sky. This is a Zero Gravity Zone. That’s why; we are unable to swim downwards. But, where is the Rock Temple? We are not seeing any temple here.
Maradon:- What’s the use of these spectacles. Let us all wear the spectacles.
Arindam:- Ok! Let us wear the spectacles. Oh! Yeah! We can see the Rock Temple just a few meters downwards from here. Now, I understand the essence of these spectacles.
Mirinda:- But, how to swim downwards? We are trying hard, but, we are still floating and our heads are getting banged on the sandy roof.
Honda (Leader of the Helicopter fishes):- Generally, we have never seen any mermale or mermaid coming to visit this Rock Temple from a wrong direction. This is not only a Zero Gravity Zone but an Invisible Zone also for ordinary mermales and mermaids. An ordinary mermale or mermaid cannot see that Rock Temple without wearing those special spectacles.
Maradon:- So, you mean, there is another shortcut route to reach this Rock Temple.
Honda:- Yeah! Of course! Actually, you are seeing the back-end of the Rock Temple from this side. Few kilometers away from this region, there is a dense forest, popularly known as Mandarin forest. 100 years back, there was a mermale who was a hermit. His name was Ramkrishna. He used to meditate in that Mandarin forest. One day, he dreamt that Goddess Kali told him to construct a rock temple by cutting down a hollow elevated plateau of Sea-bed at the meeting point of three seas. Ramkrishna told about his dream to all the other devotees of Goddess Kali. All of them started cutting down that elevated rocky plateau to construct a Rock Temple. When they cut the rocks further to create the back-end door of that Rock Temple, they discovered this Zero Gravity Zone followed by a tunnel full of Sea-Scorpions. Later on, it was discovered that the mermales who learned all the mantras and divine powers by performing meditation towards Goddess Kali were only able to swim in this Zero Gravity Zone and can see the Rock Temple with naked eyes. So, if you are a real tantric mermale, you can easily swim in this Zero Gravity Zone. But, as you are floating, so you are not a true devotee of Goddess Kali. Anyway, we, the helicopter fishes are also great devotees of Goddess Kali. That’s why; we also come here to spend our spiritual time.
Arindam:- You can swim downwards in this Zero Gravity Zone. So, are you also having some divine powers?
Honda:- No, it is our body structure that helps us to swim in this zone. We have a special oar-fin at our forehead and a special elevated long tail-fin with two lateral oar-fins attached to it. Many human divers often used to call us as Helicopter Fishes. So, from then onwards, we also started calling ourselves as Helicopter Fishes. This is my brother, Hyundai and this is my sister, Hwuei. Just ride on us. We will take three of you to the Rock Temple.
Arindam:- Wow! What a temple it is indeed! There are rocky statues of 100 types of avatars of Goddess Kali inside this temple. Hats off to Ramkrishna and other devotees of Goddess Kali for constructing a temple like this.
Maradon:- But, we are totally misguided by this wooden plate. To reach this temple, there is a simple route through Mandarin forest, but, we were told to enter this temple from its backside, maybe, to get those spectacles from that tunnel.
Mirinda:- Don’t criticize this wooden plate. It is still guiding us well. Hey! Now, there is another instruction. ‘The pearl is inside the head of that statue of Goddess Kali who is holding her cut-off head on her right hand.’
Arindam:- What! The wooden plate is surely fooling us. I have seen all the avatars of Goddess Kali here. None of these statues are having a cut-off head.
Mirinda:- I have already counted all the statues. There are 99 statues. One statue is missing. Maybe, it is an invisible statue.
Maradon:- Oho! Why have we all taken off our spectacles. Wear the spectacles again. Yeah! There it is. There is the statue of Goddess Kali who is holding her cut-off head at her right hand.
Arindam:- Yeah! Inside the cut-off head, there is the pearl. So, we have got the pearl. Now, let us swim towards Mandarin forest. Then, from there, we will have to swim a long way to reach Argentina Coastal Sea Waters.
Turtle Taraknath:- Great to see three of you alive. Give me the pearl. I will keep it at a safe place. Now, where is the Diamond?
Mirinda:- There is the instruction on wooden plate. ‘Kill the Anaconda Angelina at Amazon River and collect the Diamond from Brasilia cave.’
Arindam:- Oh! It will be a dangerous encounter. Till date, I have never fought against any Anaconda.
Turtle Tilak:- Oops! Anaconda Angelina! Oh! No! She is the most dangerous Anaconda of this Sea World. Even she has a record of killing so many Brazilian inhabitants brutally including humans also. You all will die. It is better to surrender in front of Emperor Kakrasa instead of dying in the encounter against Anaconda Angelina.
Maradon:- If we surrender in front of Emperor Kakrasa, he will also kill us. So, it is better to fight like fighters.
Arindam:- Yeah! Maradon! You have just uttered the words of my heart. Tomorrow, we will head towards Amazon River. In this mission, I want Maradon, Tendula and Dronankur to accompany me and Mirinda.
Turtle Taraknath:- Of course, you take them with you. But, remember one thing. Anacondas cannot swim faster after swallowing too much food. Anacondas always attack from the wrong and unexpected directions.
Mirinda:- We need to kill some monster-fishes of Atlantic Ocean which are tasty. This time, we need to use some hydroelectric harpoons.
Minister Monduka:- Your Highness! We have got a secret information that Mirinda’s son is getting trained under Dolphin Denson. We also came to know about that secret training zone.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Mirinda’s son, Avinash is not at all a threat for us.
King Vikrant:- Try to understand, dad. If we kidnap Avinash, then it will be easier for us to arrest Mirinda.
Dronankur:- This is the point where Amazon River meets the South Atlantic Ocean. I have asked other aquatic creatures of this region about Anaconda Angelina. The skin color of Anaconda Angelina is light brown with dark rounded black spots on its body. Angelina is the fastest swimmer among all other anacondas in this region. It is impossible to kill Angelina after entering into the waters of Amazon River. There is a special species of red-colored fishes in this Amazon River, known as Mayan fishes. These Mayan fishes can always sense the presence of any Anaconda within a few meters before any other creatures. Mayan fishes have strong smelling powers than other aquatic species in this region. So, we can take the help of these Mayan fishes to track out other small anacondas and start killing them. Unless, you start killing the relatives of Anaconda Angelina, she will never start searching for us at the South Atlantic Ocean. The moment she comes out of Amazon River to take the sweet revenge in South Atlantic Ocean, we will attack her from all ends. The Brasilia Cave is at least 5 kilometers interior from this point. Brasilia Cave is the den of Angelina Anaconda. So, we can start swimming towards that Brasilia Cave only after killing Anaconda Angelina in South Atlantic Ocean.
Arindam:- Wow! Your brain is so sharp. I will surely make you my Army General if I ever become the Emperor of this Sea World.
Mirinda:- Stop being a day-dreamer. It is still a long way. Concentrate on every mission step-by-step.
Dolphin Denson (panting for breathe and severely injured):- Doctor Sthatolona, there is a bad news.
Doctor Sthatolona:- What happened? You are severely injured. What’s the matter?
Dolphin Denson:- Kakrasa’s warriors have kidnapped Avinash. I am lucky enough to escape from there.
Priest Jubilion:- Oh! No! They will kill Avinash.
Turtle Taraknath:- Maybe, it is a ploy to arrest Mirinda. If their motive was to kill Avinash, then they would have killed both Avinash and Dolphin Denson at that spot only. But, instead of doing that, they kidnapped Avinash and let Dolphin Denson to escape to spread the news of kidnapping. But, we will not let the news to spread further. Dolphin Denson, don’t tell anyone that Avinash has been kidnapped by Kakrasa’s warriors. I want Arindam and Mirinda to focus on their mission at any cost.

Episode: 20
Anaconda Augusta (Husband of Anaconda Angelina):- Our 5 children have not returned from South Atlantic Ocean. They don’t take such a long time to come back. Your sister Annie got killed yesterday. My brother Avalon is missing. Something is surely going wrong for us in the South Atlantic Ocean. You should not have given permission to our 5 children today to go and venture out in the South Atlantic Ocean.
Anaconda Angelina:- Everyday, our children hunt for other aquatic creatures in the South Atlantic Ocean. It is just a normal thing. Don’t be too tensed about it. Anyway, we will wait for another half an hour. If they don’t return by that time, both of us will start swimming towards the South Atlantic Ocean waters.
Arindam:- Oh! Well Done! All the relatives of Anaconda Angelina are dead. Our strategy worked well. Thanks to you and your team also, Pinto.
Pinto (Leader of the Mayan fishes):- Oh! Don’t be so complacent. The real battle is yet to begun. Unlike all these dead anacondas lying here, the Anaconda Angelina’s movement is very fast. She can swim in a lightning speed to confuse you totally.  Wait, we can smell the anacondas nearby. It is the peculiar body odour of Anaconda Angelina. Maybe, she is hiding behind those coral bushes.
Mirinda (out of excitement):- There it is. It is the Anaconda Angelina there. It is coming towards me. Let me tackle it.
Pinto:- That’s not Angelina, he is Augusta. The real danger is behind you all. Just turn back. Anaconda Angelina has already given a deadly bite on the left hand of Tendula.
Arindam:- Dronankur and Maradon, please act as a back-up of Mirinda to kill Anaconda Augusta. I will go and help Tendula.
Pinto (instructing to other Mayan fishes):- All the Mayan fishes are hereby requested to create small shoals or groups and start swimming in front of Anaconda Angelina to confuse her during the fight against Arindam and Tendula.
Tendula:- Arindam, I have already pierced my sword once on the body of Anaconda Angelina. The bleeding has started. She will become tired after a few minutes.
Arindam:- There is no time to talk, boss. A wounded anaconda is more ferocious. Target the eyes.
Mirinda:- Thanks Dronankur. You pierced the sword at the mouth of Anaconda Augusta at the right time to kill it.
Dronankur:- Oh! No need to mention about it. Look at Anaconda Angelina. She is fighting hard with so many injuries in her body. Both Arindam and Tendula are injured now. Maradon and Mirinda, come on, let us attack that bloody anaconda from behind to kill it.
Maradon:- Finally, the deadly anaconda has been killed. Really! What a fighter she is!
Mirinda:- My dear hubby, you are not coming with us now. You have severely injured your tail-fin. The same is the case with Tendula’s left hand. Both of you go back to the Argentina Coastal Waters to get cured.
Dronankur:- Yeah! Mirinda is right. I, Maradon and Mirinda will swim towards the Brasilia Cave to take that diamond.
Minister Monduka:- Your Highness! There is a bad news. Someone has kidnapped Viswajeet from the training center at Akalan.
Emperor Kakrasa:- What are you saying? Who has dared to kidnap my grandson?
King Vikrant:- Dad, an unknown mermale has left a papyrus leaf in front of the main door of our Greenland Fort.  Something is written on this leaf.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Yes! What is written on that papyrus leaf? Just read it out loudly.
King Vikrant:- ‘Release Avinash within the next 24 hours at Megunaz, otherwise, we will send you the dead body of Viswajeet.’
Emperor Kakrasa:- Order all our warriors to start searching in every nook and corner of our Sea World to find out Viswajeet at any cost. Search my grandson within the next 24 hours.
Mirinda:- Brasilia Cave is one of the darkest cave I have seen till now. Anyway, we have got the diamond. Now, let us go back to Turtle Taraknath.
Dronankur:- Yeah! Sure! Your Highness!
Priest Jubilion:- I have got a secret news. Vikrant’s son has been kidnapped.
Turtle Taraknath:- Yeah! I got that secret information before you. I know that kidnapper of Viswajeet.
Priest Jubilion (shouted with excitement):- What are you saying?
Turtle Taraknath:- Hussh! I will tell you everything later. Secrets should remain as secrets. Stop the discussion now as Arindam is coming towards us.
Arindam:- I am feeling much better now. Thanks to Doctor Sthatolona. Where is Doctor Sthatolona?
Doctor Sthatolona:- Here I am. Hey, look there. Mirinda, Maradon and Dronankur have arrived safely to our base ground with that lovely diamond.
Tendula:- Oh! I was thinking about you all only. Good to see that all of you have returned safely.
Mirinda:- Ok! Ok! Just relax! Be well, soon.
Turtle Tilak:- Father, I think that it will be safe for us to move towards Cuba Coastal Waters as we have already spent around 15 days at this same location.
Turtle Taraknath:- Yeah! You are right. Ok! Tonight, we will start swimming towards Cuba Coastal Waters.
A warrior of Kakrasa:- When we went to Megunaz, we hardly saw any mermale or mermaid there. Only the octopuses were there. When we released Avinash there, some octopuses came forward to see that little mermale.
King Vikrant:- Strange! An invisible force is fooling us or what. When you all returned to Greenland Fort, we saw Viswajeet swimming towards our Fort. When I asked to him about his kidnapper, he said that his eyes were tied with a piece of cloth. So, he has not seen the face of his kidnapper.
Viswajeet:- Mom! I am back again. Were you weeping when I was with the kidnapper?
Queen Diana:- No, not at all. Had you not been kidnapped, your father would have married another mermaid.
Viswajeet:- What are you saying, mom? I am not able to get the inner meaning of your sentence.
Queen Diana:- You don’t need to understand everything at this stage of your life.
Arindam:- What’s the next instruction on the magical wooden plate?
Mirinda:- ‘Meet Pirate Jack at a lonely Jamaican island to know about the special under-water boat. Only that special under-water boat can help you to reach at the entrance of Bermuda Triangle.’
Turtle Taraknath:- Well; it seems to be a very easy task. Just meet someone and have a ride on a special under-water boat. Arindam, take all these valuables and keep it in your leather bag. Now, you have Platinum biscuit, Pearl and Diamond. Tendula is too injured to go with you. Maradon and Dronankur will accompany you both. Come back safely to this Cuba Coastal Waters as early as possible. Best of Luck!
Emperor Kakrasa:- Have you got any clue about that kidnapper?
Minister Monduka:- No, Your Highness! But, yesterday, a group of mermales of Jatikano community killed some mermales of Rajakya community in Oprestonia Kingdom. Even, we have information that some mermales of Jatikano community are creating their base grounds in Tabernia kingdom.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Just find those mermales of Jatikano community and start killing them. Don’t show any mercy at all.
Priest Jubilion:- Yes, now, tell me, who kidnapped Vikrant’s son?
Turtle Taraknath:- Bombino.
Priest Jubilion:- Oh! My God! What a brave mermale he is!
Mirinda:- The marble plate is showing that we have to go towards this direction to reach the sea beach of that Jamaican island where Pirate Jack is living at present.
Arindam:- Have you gone crazy? It is almost impossible to swim through this region of Caribbean Sea. This is the region of the Caribbean Sea where all the deadly jelly fishes of the Sea World live.
Maradon (whispering at Dronankur):- Tendula was right. That’s why; he gave us body armors.
Dronankur (whispering at Maradon):- Yeah! That’s true.
Arindam:- What are you both whispering about? Both of you are having big leather bags tied at your back. What’s there in those leather bags?
Maradon and Dronankur:- Body armors, specially created by Tendula with Shark’s skins.
Mirinda:- Only wearing body armors will not do. We have to swim very fast and in a very acrobatic style.
Dronankur:- Thank God! We are still alive after passing through the region of jelly fishes. But, that small four-eyed jelly fish has successfully inserted some venom in my body.
Maradon:- Oh! In my case, it was the beautiful pink colored jelly fish. That jelly fish attacked me. Some venom is also there in my body. Hey, Mirinda, a squid is swimming towards you.
Mirinda (killed the squid with the sword):- Oh! You bloody squid. Go to hell. Ok, now, everyone listen to me very carefully. As per the marble plate, we are very near to Pirate Jack. We have to swim towards the water surface and then look out for Pirate Jack at the beach of this Jamaican island. Come on!
Maradon (After popping his head above the surface of Caribbean Sea Water):- Yeah! I can see a human being, lying on the sea beach while holding a bottle at his right hand.
Mirinda (After popping her head above the surface of Caribbean Sea Water):- Yes, he is the Pirate Jack. He is sleeping now.
Arindam (After popping his head above the surface of Caribbean Sea Water):- Oh! He is a drunkard. That bottle is a bottle of alcohol.
Dronankur (After popping his head above the surface of Caribbean Sea Water):- Let us call him together and loudly.
Maradon, Mirinda, Arindam and Dronankur (shouted loudly together):- Pirate Jack. Please wake up.
Pirate Jack (woke up in a surprising act):- Oh! Who is calling me?
Maradon:- We are calling you. Look here. I am a mermale. There are two other mermales with us and she is Mermaid Mirinda.
Pirate Jack:- (talking to himself):- Now, this is called ‘Rum Effect’. I am too much drunk to see mermaids and mermales now.
Mirinda:- What are you murmuring to yourself, Pirate Jack? We want your help.
Pirate Jack:- Wow! You are really beautiful and I always love beautiful ladies. Oh! Sorry! You are a mermaid. I like mermaids also, though; I am seeing a mermaid in reality for the first time. So, Mermaid Mirinda, how can this pirate help you?
Mirinda:- We want to have a ride on the special under-water boat to reach to the entry door of Bermuda Triangle.
Pirate Jack (stared at the Rum bottle for a few seconds and then looked at Mirinda and started talking to himself again):- Oh! Now it is a confirmation that it is not real. I am still in my dream world. Otherwise, who could have ever dared to ask about that special under-water boat! If you want to die, then only start a journey towards Bermuda Triangle.
Arindam:- Oho! Again you are murmuring to yourself. Tell us, where is that special under-water boat?
Pirate Jack:- Why should I tell you? I mean; why you want that boat?
Dronankur:- We want to get rid of a cruel Emperor of our Sea World. That cruel Emperor can only be killed with a special sword which is kept inside Bermuda Triangle only.
Pirate Jack:- Oh! Cruelty is such a bloody word, you see. Even, I am always against cruelty. I am also against cruel kings and captains. Ok! Swim eastwards along the coastline of this Jamaican Island for half an hour or so. After half an hour, you will reach Barbados Port. Just half a kilometer north of Barbados Port, there is a region which is known as Ecuador Coral Reefs. The boat is anchored there. Best of luck to all of you!
Dronankur:- Arindam and Mirinda, both of us have a request. I and Maradon are feeling very weak. Venoms of jelly-fishes are weakening our body.
Pirate Jack:- Oh! Venoms of jelly-fishes! Both of you are lucky that you are still alive. In 90% cases, we, the humans die even if 10% of venoms of jelly fishes enter our body. Don’t worry; I know about some herbs in this island. After eating those herbs, you will be alright after a few days. See, I am a lonely person in this island. Both of you can rest here for some days. At least, I will not feel bored. By the way, sometimes it is better to take long routes instead of short routes to reach here.
Maradon:- Yeah! We know that we have taken the shortest route from Cuba coastal waters to reach here.
Pirate Jack:- Don’t worry; I will tell you about the longest and safest route to reach back Cuba coastal waters again.
Arindam:- Ok! Then! Both Dronankur and Maradon will rest here for some days and go back to their base ground.
Mirinda:- Yeah! We need to go now. Bye to all.
Maradon, Dronankur and Pirate Jack:- Wishing you good luck, Arindam and Mirinda.
Arindam:- Aah! Here is that special under-water boat. Mirinda, pull out that anchor of this boat from the sea-bed.
Mirinda:- Ok! Yeah! I have pulled out the anchor. Oh! No! The boat has started moving automatically.
Arindam:- This is a magical under-water boat. You don’t need any oars to drive it. Just let us board on the boat.
Bombino:- Wait a minute! Just press the boat on its two sides; it will decrease its speed. I also need to board on that boat.
Arindam and Mirinda (in a surprise look):- Bombino !!!
Bombino (after boarding the boat):- Oh! Sorry! Please don’t mind. I reached the Jamaican island through the longest route from Cuba Coastal Waters. Turtle Taraknath told me that both of you will be available here. I was spying on you all while you were talking with Pirate Jack.
Mirinda:- But, I and Arindam are sufficient for this mission. We just need to enter inside the Bermuda Triangle and then we will come out with that special sword. It is as simple as that. Bombino, you must have stayed with Maradon and Dronankur to look after their health instead of coming with us.
Bombino (after a pause):- Turtle Taraknath knows more about Bermuda Triangle. He told me everything about Bermuda Triangle. See, I have no one. I have lost all my relatives. I am alone now. So, I have nothing to lose at all.
Arindam:- What are you trying to say? You are creating too much suspense for us.
Bombino:- Mirinda, can you please read the instruction on that magical wooden plate?
Mirinda:- ‘Sacrifice is the key to success inside the Bermuda Triangle. You can never go out alone from this Bermuda Triangle if you enter inside the Bermuda Triangle alone.’
Bombino:- So, have you understood the meaning of it?
Arindam and Mirinda:- No!
Bombino:- Anyway, we have reached the entry door of the Bermuda Triangle. Let us anchor the under-water boat here. Arindam, can you see the three small bowls attached at the three vertices of the equilateral triangular door of Bermuda Triangle.  Just put Platinum biscuit on the 1st bowl, Pearl on the 2nd bowl and Diamond on the 3rd bowl to open the door.

Episode: 21
Arindam:- Yes, the entry door of the Bermuda Triangle is opening now. Yeah! The door is open now. Oh! No! Something is attracting us towards that direction. What’s that sound! Someone is laughing at us.
JishuRamAllah (The God of Death of Sea World):-  Heeeoaaaahhaa Haa haaaa Heeooaaahaaaa !!!
Bombino:- I have never heard such a dangerous laugh in my life.
Mirinda:- Oh! Thank God! Finally, we have reached a spot where we are feeling no attraction. But, what part of the Sea World is this? We are seeing not a single creature. There is not a single sea-weed or coral reef in this region. The sea-bed is full of sands. Even we can see valleys of sands in this region.
JishuRamAllah:- Welcome to the Desert Of Death (DOD) of Bermuda Triangle! In earlier days, there was no entry door in Bermuda Triangle. Many creatures were attracted towards this DOD due to that magnetic valley of sands. Can you see that valley of sands with a red colored peak? Actually, it is a natural magnetic hillock which has got covered with sands all around. But, the cover of sands has not weakened the magnetic powers of that magnetic hillock. That magnetic hillock has also attracted some aeroplanes from the sky. That hillock is at the Center of the Earth. Below that hillock, lies the Central Core of the Earth. Earlier, so many creatures in this Sea World used to die because they were attracted to this Desert of Death by this magnetic hillock. So, to reduce the number of deaths, I ordered my team members to create a strong entry door. For security purposes, I also ordered them to keep the Platinum biscuit, the Pearl and the Diamond in three different locations of the Sea World.
Arindam:- Oh! You talk too much. Who the hell are you? Where is that special magical sword?
JishuRamAllah (while laughing out loudly):- You want to know my identity. Heeoaaaahaaa Haaa haaa haaaa Heeoaahaaaa!!! I am the God of Death of this Sea World. After the formation of this planet, Lord Brahma classified this planet in three forms; AIR, LAND and WATER. Lord Dhoomketu is the God of Death of AIR. Lord Yamraaj is the God of Death of LAND and JishuRamAllah is the God of Death of WATER.
Bombino:- Oh! My God! Are we dead or alive?
JishuRamAllah:- Three of you are still alive, but, you will surely die if you live here for 1 or 2 days, because you will get nothing to eat in this Desert Of Death and moreover, no one has ever succeeded in going out of this desert region even after swimming for miles after miles, except one mermale. Though, I could have told that mermale about the secret tunnel.
Mirinda:- Are you a mermale or some other creature? Your head has no muscles in it. Your head is a skull, though it has eyeballs. Your middle portion of the body is the body of a mermale with a typical snake’s skin. In your lower portion, you have the tail-fin of a whale. You are standing on the Sea-bed in the style of a Sea-Horse. You are totally a hybrid creature.
JishuRamAllah:- God has created us like that. We are popularly known as Skeletals. The origin of our species is in Central Atlantic Ocean itself. Our ancestors used to suck bloods of other creatures but we also eat raw flesh of all other creatures. Slowly and steadily, God of the Sea World became angry on our species and started killing us by infusing some deadly viruses on our body through divine mantras. All the skeletals understood their mistakes and started praying the Sea of God, Samudrarajan Vishnu. Later on, Min Devi, the Goddess of Sea World suggested the Sea of God to remove the species of Skeletals from the Sea Waters and put them inside the Bermuda Triangle and the strongest Skeletal of all Skeletals will become the God of Death of the Sea World. Only the Skeletal who becomes the God of Death will never die, otherwise, all the other Skeletals will die and take rebirth like other aquatic creatures. So, ultimately, the Sea of God implemented that rule.
Arindam:- So, are you going to kill us right now?
JishuRamAllah:- No, not at all. After all, I am the God of Death, not a predator. I will give you a chance to remain alive. I know that you are on a mission to kill that cruel Emperor, Kakrasa. Till date, except Emperor Kakrasa, no other aquatic creature has ever been able to go out of this Bermuda Triangle. 10 years back, Emperor Kakrasa with 5 warriors entered Bermuda Triangle. That time, there was no entry door in Bermuda Triangle. Emperor Kakrasa’s target was to plunder the treasures in the Cave Of Qoober (COQ). Qoober was the No.1 pirate of the Sea World. Qoober plundered all the ships of Europe and America and was on his way towards Arabian Sea with a large fleet of ships. But, unfortunately, all his ships fell into magnetic zone of Bermuda Triangle. Qoober and his men died in this DOD and we took all the treasures and kept it inside a secret cave, which we named as Cave Of Qoober (COQ).
Bombino:- You such Skeletal’s job is to eat flesh of other creatures. Every, now and then, this magnetic valley attracts other creatures towards this desert. So, you don’t have to try hard to hunt also. What will you do with all these treasures? It has no value at all to the Skeletals.
JishuRamAllah:- Who is not fond of precious metals? As per special permission of the Sea of God, we are allowed to go out of Bermuda Triangle twice a year for a social cause. There is a condition that if any skeletal kills any other creatures outside Bermuda Triangle, then that skeletal will automatically die on that spot.
Arindam:- Social cause! What social cause!
JishuRamAllah:- You would have asked your dad. Many a times, your dad has got some special jewels or metals from the sea-bed of your poor village. Generally, we throw some of the jewels or precious metals in those regions where poor mermales or mermaids live. Ultimately, Qoober’s plan was to distribute all these wealth to the poor people of Saudi Arabia, but, alas, he died.
Arindam:- Ok! I am feeling fed up after hearing all these stories. We are feeling hungry and too tired also. We don’t want to waste time by hearing your stories. Come to the point. Where is that special magical sword?
JishuRamAllah:- It is inside the Cave Of Qoober (COQ). But, to enter inside that cave, you have to fight with Zedon, the guard of COQ. Zedon is a very dangerous skeletal. It is not so an easy task to defeat him. 10 years back, Kakrasa killed Zordan, the father of Zedon to enter COQ. Now, it is your turn to enter COQ by killing Zedon. If Zedon kills you, then it is all over here. Start the fight. Best of luck to you!
Bombino:- No! It is not working at all. Arindam is totally in a defensive mood. Why is he not attacking Zedon?
Mirinda:- Maybe! Arindam is trying to decrease Zedon’s stamina. Are you not observing one thing? The skeletal, Zedon is very fast in sword fighting. Oh! No! Zedon has injured the left little finger of Arindam.
Bombino (shouted out of frustration):- Come on! Arindam! Focus on his eyes. He is not so fast, but, his eyes are sharper than you. Act after seeing the movement of his eyes and you fool him with your eyes also.
Arindam (shouted with joy after killing Zedon):- Yes! Finally! I have won the battle.
Bombino and Mirinda (overjoyed):- Well done!
JishuRamAllah:- Congrats! You are a good fighter like Kakrasa, but, still you want that magical sword. Ok! Now, you can go inside the Cave Of Qoober (COQ), but, to find the magical sword, you have to solve a riddle. The riddle is; ‘SEVEN STEPS RIGHT TO THE STONY DOOR TO LEAD OF SWORDS TO LEFT FOR SIX STEPS DOWNWARDS TO CENTER THE TRUNK.’
Mirinda:- My goodness! What a cave! There are so many treasures inside it. I am feeling tempted to wear some of those golden necklaces.
Bombino:- Mirinda! Don’t get carried away. We are on a mission. Arindam, we have to swim towards right direction of this cave for seven steps. Come on, let us start.
Arindam:- Ok! We have swum seven steps to the right direction. But, where is the stony door? There is no door here. Everywhere, it is the wall of the cave. Where is the door?
Mirinda:- No, I think that we are missing something in the riddle. Look at the wall of the cave carefully. There are so many words written on it in Hululu language. Keep on reading those words.
Arindam:- Uuh! Now, we have to read also as if we are reading the headlines of newsleaves. Ok! Let me start reading all the words on the walls of the cave. ‘Ronpa’, ‘Chegol’, ‘Plenty’, ‘Treseura’, ‘Lead’, ‘Flutina’, ‘Nekjog’…
Bombino:- Hey! Arindam! Did you pronounce the word, ‘Lead’?
Arindam:- Yeah! It is written here.
Bombino:- Great! Let us touch our respective swords on that word, ‘Lead’. See! That’s great! This portion of the wall of the cave is opening up. This is the stony door. Now, let us go inside this stony door. See! There are downward staircases in three directions.
Mirinda:- Take the left staircase and swim 6 steps downwards only. What is it? A big natural rectangular tub full of hot water and a trunk is floating on it. There is a big lock on that trunk. We have to break that lock with our sword. Start breaking it.
Bombino:- Strange! We are breaking the lock, but, again a different lock is locking the trunk. It is a magical trunk. Let us try to take the trunk out from the tub full of hot water.
Arindam:- We will fail to do that. Even if we bring the trunk out of that tub of hot water, there is no guarantee that we can break that lock. In the riddle, we were instructed to center the trunk. Let us try to move the trunk at the central point of the tub of hot water with our respective swords and see what happens.
Mirinda:- Oh! Yeah! That was the trick! The moment we moved the trunk at the center of the tub of hot water, the trunk opened and the magical sword came out automatically from it to fall on the staircase.
Bombino:- So, this is the magical sword. It looks so simple!
Arindam:- Deadly things always look simple. That’s why; these types of deadly things are so dangerous.
Mirinda:- Come on! Let’s go out of here. But, can I take some good necklaces? Please!
Arindam:- Ok! Take some necklaces. Mermaids are always fond of golden necklaces. I don’t know why!
JishuRamAllah:- Congratulations! Finally, you have got the magical sword. Now, it is time for sacrifice.
Arindam:- Sorry! I can’t get it.
JishuRamAllah:- The Survival Law of Bermuda Triangle states that; ‘Sacrifice is the key to success inside the Bermuda Triangle. You can never go out alone from this Bermuda Triangle if you enter inside the Bermuda Triangle alone.’ Had you been killed by Zedon, all the skeletals of this Bermuda Triangle would have also killed Mirinda and Bombino. But, as you have won against Zedon, so, we cannot kill you as per the other laws of Bermuda Triangle. But, either Mirinda or Bombino has to stay back in Bermuda Triangle so that our skeletals can feed on it. That is; at least, one has to sacrifice his or her life. When Kakrasa succeeded in plundering some precious metals and jewels from COQ after killing Zordan, he was also told to sacrifice a warrior. Had Kakrasa died in the battle against Zordan, then we would have eaten all the warriors of Kakrasa. Kakrasa selected one warrior to stay back here. Now, it is your turn to decide. Tell me; who will stay back. Is it Mirinda or Bombino?
Arindam:- I am totally stunned now. I was not prepared for this type of a situation.
Bombino:- But I was. Yes! Turtle Taraknath told me everything about Bermuda Triangle.
JishuRamAllah:- Oh! That intelligent Turtle is still alive. These turtles live for 300 years or so. What a blessing of the Sea of God they have! Yes! Yes! Bombino, carry on. You were saying something.
Bombino:- Both Mirinda and Arindam have to remain alive, otherwise, Kakrasa cannot be killed.
JishuRamAllah:- Yeah! You are absolutely correct, Bombino. See, Arindam and Mirinda, this Bombino is the perfect obedient disciple of Turtle Taraknath. He knows everything. As per the agreement made by Mirinda in front of that Caramel, if Mirinda dies now, the magical sword will have no magical powers in it to kill Kakrasa. If Arindam dies, then, there is no other avatar in this Sea World to kill Kakrasa. So, at this point, Bombino has to stay back at Bermuda Triangle to get killed by Skeletals. Actually, it is the best feasible sacrifice at this moment.
Arindam (In a disheartened tone):- Bombino, you knew everything beforehand. All the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community will never forget your sacrifice.
Mirinda (with tears in her eyes):- Aah! I have nothing to say but to weep. The mermaid society is proud of you such mermale.
JishuRamAllah:- Ok! Enough of emotions! Everyone has to die one day! In a battleground, fighters have to die to take a re-birth again. Arindam and Mirinda, remember one thing. You have to keep back the Platinum Biscuit, the Pearl and the Diamond at those places from where you took it, otherwise, the magical sword will remain powerless. It will be of no use then.
Arindam:- Ok! We will surely keep back all the three valuable items at their respective places, but, where are those items?
JishuRamAllah:- Here they are. Keep these three things inside your leather bag.  There is a secret tunnel beside the entrance of Cave Of Qoober (COQ). The tunnel goes downwards and then upwards after certain miles. The tunnel leads to the Strait of Gibraltar. I didn’t tell about this secret tunnel to Kakrasa, but, this time, I am doing a special favor to both of you. So, bye, bye to both of you! Hoping that you will never dare to enter inside the Bermuda Triangle! Best of luck for your mission!
Bombino:- Goodbye Arindam and Mirinda. Don’t worry; I will take a re-birth again as a mermale.
Arindam and Mirinda (with tears in their eyes):- Goodbye Bombino! May your soul rest in peace!
Arindam:- Now, we are out of Bermuda Triangle. This is the Strait of Gibraltar. Mirinda, now, you swim towards Cuba Coastal Waters to reach our base ground. I will come back after a week or so, after keeping all these three valuable things in their respective places.
Mirinda:- No, I will also go with you.
Arindam:- Ok! As you wish.
Mirinda:- Bombino is neither your friend nor was of mine, but, still, he sacrificed his life to save both of us.
Arindam:- Bombino was the leader of our Tomasi village. Now, I understand why our villagers elected him as a leader. Bombino was not at all a selfish mermale and always helped the villagers in the times of danger. He is the pride of our Tomasi village and I am feeling proud of him.
Priest Jubilion:- Hurrah! Both Arindam and Mirinda are back. They have the magical sword. Hurrah! God save Kakrasa now!

Episode: 22
Turtle Taraknath:- My duty ends here only as you have got the magical sword. Now, I will go back to my house, Temple Texaklovuang with my son.
Arindam:- Well, we are not telling you to fight in the warzone, but, you can surely stay with us.
Turtle Taraknath:- No, no, I also have other works to do. By the way, Mirinda, give me that marble plate and magical wooden plate.
Mirinda:- What will you do with it?
Turtle Tilak:- Actually, dad has created a small museum where he has kept all the strange things of the Sea World. Maybe, the mermales and mermaids of our next generation will admire that museum.
Arindam:- Oh! I See! We are yet to visit that small museum.
Turtle Taraknath:- That museum is open for you all anytime.
Mirinda:- Ok! Take this marble plate and the magical wooden plate.
Turtle Taraknath:- Thanks! Mirinda! Thank you to you all.  Best of Luck! Goodbye.
Arindam, Mirinda, Maradon, Dronankur, Tendula, Priest Jubilion and Doctor Sthatolona:- Good bye Turtle Taraknath and Turtle Tilak.
Turtle Tilak:- Bye Bye! Win the greatest war of the Sea World.
Arindam:- Dronankur, just inform all our trained fighters of Jatikano community to reunite. The night after tomorrow night, we will attack the Fort Gomrank of our Tabernia kingdom.
Dronankur:- Is it feasible to attack at night?
Arindam:- It will be a surprise attack. Rather, it is an unexpected attack. King Vikrant will be totally stunned.
Dronankur:- Ok! Done!
Tendula (whispering):- Our fighters are really doing well. They are targeting the guards outside the Fort Gomrank and that too very silently and after certain time gaps.
Maradon (whispering):- Hussh! Dronankur is giving the signal that all the security guards outside the four doors of Fort Gomrank have been killed. Now, we have to go inside the Fort Gomrank from the door adjacent to the Sea forest of Tabernia kingdom.
One of the warriors under King Vikrant:- Your Highness! Some unknown fighters have attacked Fort Gomrank. Already, more than half of our warriors have been killed. These fighters are very fast in swimming and they are attacking in small flanks. Each flank is having 7 fighters. 5 fighters are swimming in with swords and in the middle of those 5 fighters; there are 2 archers who are throwing multiple arrows in each shot.
King Vikrant:- Who are these unknown fighters? How come they are so well trained and so powerful than our warriors! Ok! Do one thing! You and some other warriors just accompany Queen Diana and Prince Viswajeet to Greenland. Make sure, that both of them should reach Greenland at any cost.
Another warrior of King Vikrant:- Surely! Your Highness! Queen Diana and Prince Viswajeet will surely reach Greenland safely.
Queen Diana (started shouting):- What the hell is happening out here?
King Vikrant:- There is no time to talk now. Just follow my orders. Go to Greenland with our son. Some of our warriors will accompany both of you. Viswajeet, take this sword. Don’t be shy to kill anyone in the way, if you have to.
Prince Viswajeet:- Ok! Dad! But, why are you sending me and my mom to Greenland?
King Vikrant:- Just stop asking questions. Go now.
Vikrant:- Kill those bloody fighters. Warriors! Show no mercy to them.
Arindam:- Aha! I think that there is not a single warrior alive in this Fort Gomrank to follow your orders.
Vikrant (totally stunned and stared at Arindam for a few seconds):- Oh! My God! Am I seeing a ghost or are you still alive? No, no, how can it be? You got killed by your own friend, Panduram.
Maradon (while laughing):- Oh! It was just a minor injury. We made Arindam to recover from that injury.
Mirinda:- I am also alive.
Vikrant:- You are alive, that I know. To get you only, I kidnapped your son, Avinash.
Arindam and Mirinda:- What! Where is Avinash?
Dronankur:- Relax! Arindam and Mirinda! Bombino also kidnapped Viswajeet. Ultimately, Kakrasa’s warriors released Avinash; and Bombino released Viswajeet. That incident was kept secret as per Turtle Taraknath’s orders. Priest Jubilion told us everything in details. I will tell you later about it in details. Avinash is safe now. We have kept him hidden in Bourdon village of Mukran kingdom.
Arindam:- Thank God! Our son is safe. So, Vikrant, now, I am the King of this Tabernia kingdom as you have been dethroned by me.
Vikrant (while laughing out loudly):- Ha ha ha…You attacked our warriors at the midnight like cowards and now you are saying that I have been dethroned.
Arindam:- Everything is fair in love and war. Don’t forget that you also played a game on me to kill me in the Swayamvar competition.
Vikrant:- Yeah! I also believe or rather appreciate the fact that everything is fair in love and war. But, still, a King should win against another King in a Kingly fight. Beat me in the sword fight. It will be a one-to-one fight.
Mirinda (whispering):- He is inviting you for a sword fight, because he is very good in sword fighting. Don’t fall in that trap.
Arindam (whispering):- Let it be a trap. Maybe, he is very good in sword fighting, but, I also know that I am not a coward.
Maradon (whispering):- Arindam, why don’t you use the magical sword against him?
Arindam (whispering):- No, it will be a cheating. I don’t want to have any advantage in this sword fighting. I will use that magical sword only against Emperor Kakrasa.
Vikrant:- Ha ha ha…I think that you  are feeling little disturbed in my open challenge for a Kingly sword fight.
Arindam:- No! Not at all! But, I have a condition. In this sword fight, no one can kill anyone. Whosoever loses this sword fight will have to surrender automatically.
Vikrant:- It is a do or die battle. So, I completely ignore your conditions. If you are alive, you are the King of Tabernia kingdom. If I am alive, then I will remain as the King of Tabernia kingdom. So, now, let us start the fight instead of talking.
Maradon:- Oh! No! Arindam! You have injured your right hand. The battle is not over yet. Come on!
Tendula:- Don’t shout like that. Let Arindam concentrate on the sword fight.
Arindam (while fighting with the sword):- Now, this is cheating. You are unnecessarily targeting on my tail fin so that I cannot swim so fast and then you take the advantage. As per our sword-fighting tradition or rules, no one should attack anyone’s tail-fin with the sword.
Vikrant (while fighting with the sword):- Oh! You keep those rules with you. I just want to kill you at any cost.
Mirinda (out of excitement):- Yes! Vikrant’s sword went off from his hand. Now, Arindam, kill this bloody Vikrant.
Maradon, Dronankur and Tendula (shouting loudly):- Kill that bloody Vikrant. Kill him.
Vikrant (cried out of despair):- Yes, Arindam, kill me. I don’t deserve to remain as a King after losing the kingly sword battle against you.
Arindam (with a cheeky smile):- He he he…Yeah, you will surely die, Vikrant, but, in a slightly different way. Fighters, tie him up with the ropes made of Sea grasses.
Fighters of Jatikano community:- Yes! Your Highness!
Mirinda:- What are you going to do? Why are you keeping him alive? Kill this bloody Vikrant.
Arindam:- We will dedicate Vikrant to Goddess Mahamaya Mahakali. Just inform Priest Jubilion to start the proceedings. After the sunrise, we will start the program.
Priest Jubilion (in a very happy tone):- Villagers of Tomasi village. Today, we have two good news. Firstly, Arindam, the mermale of this Tomasi village is going to be crowned as the King of Tabernia kingdom at Fort Gomrank today only. Secondly, the son of Emperor Kakrasa is going to die today. This Vikrant is the son of that bloody Emperor Kakrasa who has killed so many mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community. Today, we will take a sweet revenge in this Mahamaya Mahakali Mandir of our Tomasi village. Arindam will chop off Vikrant’s head in front of Goddess Mahamaya Mahakali. Music please! Beat the drums, beat the trumpets and blow the pipes and flutes. Today is a day of glory and joy for us.
Villagers of Tomasi Village:- Hurrah! Our revenge cannot be so sweeter than this.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Now, I would like to request our respected Priest Jubilion to announce the good news.
Priest Jubilion:- I hereby announce Arindam as the King of Tabernia Kingdom by keeping all the mermales and mermaids of Tabernia Kingdom as witnesses. I would now request King Arindam to sit on the throne and share his valuable words to the mermales and mermaids of Tabernia kingdom.
All the mermales and mermaids of Tabernia kingdom (with a big applause):- Long live King Arindam. Long live Tabernia kingdom.
One angry mermale of Rajakya community (shouted with anger):- King Arindam, you are a communal king. Now, you will start killing all the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom as a sweet revenge.
Other mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community (started beating that mermale of Rajakya community while shouting):- Kill this bloody mermale. He is a supporter of Emperor Kakrasa. He is pointing fingers at our king. How dare he? Kill him now.
King Arindam (stood up from his throne and shouted):- Stop the fighting! Please stop fighting among yourselves. Please maintain silence. I have so many things to say to you. Today, you all have made me a King. That’s great! But, a King should be like a King also; otherwise, this throne has no value at all. Just now, one of the mermale of Rajakya community shouted out that I am a communal King. But, actually, I am not. Emperor Kakrasa and his warriors have killed so many mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community, but, that does not mean, that, I will also have to start killing the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community as a sweet revenge. If I do so, then, what’s the difference between me and Emperor Kakrasa? I have become a King to end cruelty, not to show cruelty. From now on, in this Tabernia kingdom, not a single mermale or mermaid will be classified on the basis of their community. I completely ban the Rajakya, Pitrala and Jatikano community in this kingdom. The identity of a mermale is that he is a mermale and he belongs to no community. The identity of a mermaid is that she is a mermaid and she belongs to no community. Always remain united as a mermale or mermaid of Tabernia kingdom. There will be no communal riots in this kingdom from now on.
All the mermales and mermaids of Tabernia kingdom (overjoyed):- Hurrah! Long live King Arindam. Long live Tabernia kingdom.
King Arindam:- But, be prepared for a deadly war. Don’t forget, that the deadly war is not over yet. Everyone will be given military training and everyone is permitted to participate in the war, though willingly, not forcefully. If I die in this bloody war, then, Mirinda will become the Queen of Tabernia Kingdom. She is already the Queen of this kingdom, but, in my absence, she will be the administrator of this kingdom. I know that being in a male dominated society, it is very hard for some of you to accept any mermaid as an administrator, but, that is my wish. After my death, she will govern this kingdom.
All the mermaids of Tabernia kingdom (shouting with joy):- Hurrah! We will always be with you, Queen Mirinda.
King Arindam:- After 3 days, Emperor Kakrasa may send some warriors to give the message that he wants to start a war. We have already sent the chopped head and the rest portion of Vikrant’s body to Greenland. Our Royal Meeting ends here for today.
Minister Monduka:- Control yourself! Your Highness! I know that there are no words to console you at this moment. But, I also understand the pain of a father who has lost his son.
Emperor Kakrasa (with tears in his eyes):- Those mermales of Jatikano community are not mermales but predators. What kind of a message is this in the Papyrus leaf? It is written here, ‘Dear Emperor Kakrasa, I am sending you a special gift as a representative of the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community. Please accept this precious gift.  Yours great enemy; King Arindam! ‘
Minister Monduka:- Your Highness! We never got any clue that Arindam is still alive.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Send a reply message to King Arindam that we want to start a war against his kingdom. Now, the water of the Sea World will become red. Within the next 2 days, I want to hear that the Tabernia Kingdom does not exist at all.

Episode: 23
Vladimir (New Leader of Jatikano community):- Your Highness! We have got secret information. On the night, when King Vikrant was attacked; Queen Diana and Prince Vikrant started their journey towards Greenland. But, due to depressions in North Atlantic Ocean for 1 week or so, Queen Diana and Prince Vikrant are hiding themselves inside a cave in Bay of Biscay.
Queen Mirinda:- That’s a good news, Vladimir. Dronankur, you must go to Bay of Biscay with some of our fighters to kill both Queen Diana and Prince Vikrant.
Dronankur:- Your Highness! Already, the Kakrasa’s warriors are marching towards our Tabernia kingdom. Our first priority should be to defend the Tabernia kingdom from their attacks.
King Arindam:- Yes! Dronankur is right.
Queen Mirinda:- Emperor Kakrasa has already ordered around 1500 warriors to march towards our Tabernia kingdom. In our Tabernia kingdom, there are around 400 fighters only. Sometimes, you need to lose small battles to win the big war. Order everyone to move out of Tabernia kingdom as early as possible. Already, our fighters have conquered Oprestonia and Kylowga kingdoms. We will form a combined force against Kakrasa’s warriors.
Maradon:- I think that our queen is right.
King Arindam:- Ok! I will order everyone to move out of Tabernia kingdom. By the way, Vladimir, you can proceed towards Bay of Biscay.
Vladimir:- I was eager to hear that order. Thank you.
Roland (New Army General of Emperor Kakrasa):- Your Highness! We marched through Tabernia kingdom and even marched inside Fort Gomrank. There was not a single mermale or mermaid. It was looking like an abandoned place. We have conquered Tabernia kingdom without any opposition at all.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! I am making you the King of Tabernia kingdom. Also, your assistant, Sasanka, will be the Army General of Tabernia kingdom.
Minister Monduka:- But, why did they surrendered so easily? They must be having some bigger plans.
Painter Paintal:- Your Highness! May I come inside the Royal Court?
Emperor Kakrasa:- Of course! How can I say no to a talented painter like you!
Painter Paintal:- I have some secret information.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! What are those?
Painter Paintal:- Actually, the mermales and the mermaids of Jatikano community spread the rumors that Queen Diana has committed suicide after killing her son as she was attacked by her enemies. But, actually, your grandson and daughter-in-law are both alive. They are stuck inside a cave in Bay of Biscay due to sea storms at a stretch for 3 days.
Emperor Kakrasa:- I need to send someone to rescue Diana and Vikrant.
Sasanka (Roland’s assistant):- Give me the permission to go to Bay of Biscay with our warriors.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! You are permitted to go.
Minister Monduka:- Painter Paintal, do you have any other secret information?
Painter Paintal:- King Arindam has got the magical sword to kill our Emperor Kakrasa. Emperor Kakrasa can only be killed with that magical sword. Turtle Taraknath has helped King Arindam to get that magical sword.
Prince Viswajeet:- Mom, I am too hungry. There is no sea storm outside this cave now. Can I go out of this cave to pluck some roseberries? I am too hungry.
Queen Diana:- I am hungry too! Ok! The sea has become more peaceful than before. Come on; let us go outside the cave and start swimming towards Greenland.
One of the Kakrasa’s warriors:- Look out here! This is the Blue Leather Hat.
Sasanka:- Last year only, our Emperor Kakrasa gifted this Blue Leather Hat to Prince Viswajeet on his birthday. Maybe, our Prince has lost this Hat in the Sea Storm. Search for both of them. They may be in this region only.
Another warrior of Emperor Kakrasa:- Look there! The fighters of Jatikano community are chasing someone. Their leader is shouting out something.
Vladimir:- Fighters! We have spotted Queen Diana and Prince Viswajeet. Kill both of them. Chase them.
Sasanka:- Oh! These bloody mermales of Jatikano community! Warriors! Let us teach them a lesson. I want to gift the dead body of that leader of Jatikano community to Emperor Kakrasa.
Emperor Kakrasa:- No! No! No! Turtle Taraknath! I am not interested in knowing about the positive things of that magical sword. I want to know the negative things of that magical sword. Every object in this world has a strong point and a weak point. I want to know the weak point of that magical sword. Otherwise, you know me very well. I am still the Emperor.
Turtle Taraknath:-  No! No! Please don’t kill my son, Tilak. Please! I am telling you the weak point of that magical sword. There is a shining scratch mark at the middle of that magical sword. If you target that scratch mark with your sword, then that magical sword will break into two pieces and King Arindam may never be able to kill you.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Oh! I am feeling quite happy now. But, remember, if you are telling a lie, then our warriors will surely kill your son, Turtle Tilak.
Tendula:- Our new leader, Vladimir has died in the encounter against Sasanka. Though, Vladimir killed Sasanka before dying out of severe bleeding. But, no one knows whether Queen Diana and Prince Viswajeet are still alive or not as both of them have not reached Greenland yet.
King Arindam:- It hardly matters to us. Our focus is to kill Emperor Kakrasa only.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Turtle Taraknath has sent a secret papyrus leaf to me. It is clearly written in that papyrus leaf that Emperor Kakrasa kidnapped Turtle Tilak to know about the weak point of that magical sword from Turtle Taraknath. That’s why; Turtle Taraknath has requested to create another sword which should look like the magical sword. After 2 days, Turtle Taraknath may meet us secretly.
Queen Mirinda:- Magical sword also has a weak point! Anyway, Tendula, it is your job now to create a sword which is exactly identical to the magical sword.
Tendula:- Oh! Don’t worry about that. But, what about our plans to attack Greenland!
King Arindam:- Already, many mermales from other kingdoms have joined our forces. At present, we are having around 1300 fighters which are more or less enough to fight against Kakrasa’s warriors. Kakrasa has around 2000 warriors.  Even in the times of emergency, at least, 500 warriors always guard the Greenland kingdom. As the other 1500 warriors have been scattered here and there to kill our fighters, so, probably, it is the right time to attack Greenland with such a huge force that we have.
Queen Mirinda:- No, this strategy will not work. I have a plan. We will enter with full force from the back region of Greenland. We will march through Beaufort Sea. Then, we will deploy around 900 fighters in Hudson Bay. Another 600 fighters will hide at Baffin Bay to attack Greenland Fort at midnight.
King Arindam:- What’s the point in deploying 900 fighters in Hudson Bay.
Queen Mirinda:- When our fighters will attack Greenland Fort, automatically, a message will be sent to all the scattered warriors of Kakrasa to swim towards Greenland to fight a deadly war. When these 1500 warriors will try to enter Greenland, our 900 fighters in Hudson Bay will attack them. As a net result, we will get some time to fully corner Emperor Kakrasa inside the Greenland Fort itself.
Maradon and Tendula:- What a plan! Really, the mermaids are always smarter than we such mermales. You have proved it, Queen Mirinda.
King Arindam:- Tendula has already created an ordinary sword which looks exactly similar to that magical sword.
Turtle Taraknath:- Great! During a sword fight, intentionally go in a defensive mode with that ordinary sword. The moment, Emperor Kakrasa loses his stamina, start the sword fight with the magical sword. Remember, one thing; Emperor Kakrasa is still No.1 in sword fight. The best way to win against him is to defense, defense and defense first and then fully counter-attack at the end. Best of Luck!
King Arindam:- We have reached Baffin Bay now. We can see the Greenland Fort from here. Dronankur, you are in charge of these 300 fighters. 100 fighters will stay with me and Mirinda here. Tendula will lead 100 fighters from the right flank and Maradon will lead 100 fighters from the left flank. Maradon, in your army of fighters, the number of archers are more. So, guide them properly. It is easier to kill someone from a long distance. Ok! Now, attack. Best of luck!
Dronankur, Tendula, Maradon and other fighters:- Your Highness! We fight for pride and die with pride.
One of the warriors of Kakrasa:- Your Highness! The fighters of Jatikano community have attacked Greenland Fort.
Emperor Kakrasa (shouted out of anger and surprise):- What the hell are you saying! Kill them! Where is Minister Monduka? Tell him to come to the Royal Court immediately.
Painter Paintal (swimming inside the Royal Court and breathing loudly):- Minister Monduka is no more. Two poisonous arrows pierced his chest. Though, our warriors have managed to badly injure Maradon. Maradon ordered his archers to attack Minister Monduka.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Send a secret message to Roland. Tell him to come to Greenland with all our warriors immediately.
Another warrior of Kakrasa:- Already, we have transmitted the message with the help of Saffron colored Star fishes that Greenland fort has been attacked by the fighters of Jatikano community.

Episode: 24
King Arindam:- Dronankur is giving us the signal that our fighters have captured Greenland Fort from all sides. Now, it is time for us to proceed towards Greenland Fort. Maradon, please go to North Sea with some of our fighters to have some treatment of your wounds. Doctor Sthatolona is curing our wounded fighters in North Sea only.
Maradon:- Ok! Your Highness!
King Arindam:- Tendula and Dronankur, both of you swim towards Hudson Bay with all these fighters to tackle the other warriors of Kakrasa.
Tendula:- No, I will stay outside this Greenland Fort with our fighters. Dronankur may swim towards Hudson Bay with all his fighters.
King Arindam:- Ok! Not an issue. Now, let me enter inside the Greenland Fort.
Emperor Kakrasa (after seeing Arindam and Mirinda inside the Greenland Fort):- Aah! Finally, you have come here to kill me. Ha ha ha…I have heard that you have got a magical sword to kill me. Is it true?
King Arindam:- Indeed it is. Here it is.
Queen Mirinda:- Offer an open challenge to Emperor Kakrasa to fight against you.
Emperor Kakrasa:- No, no, Mirinda, don’t force him like that. Rather, I am offering an open challenge for the sword fight with me.
Roland:- Oh! No! All the fighters of Jatikano community were hiding in the Hudson Bay. Warriors! Kill all these fighters.
Dronankur:- Fighters! It is now or never. Cut down all these warriors into several pieces.
Turtle Tilak:- Suddenly, why the sea waters are having too high tidal waves?
Turtle Taraknath:- The two great mermales have started the sword fight. The sea waters will calm down if and only if one of those two mermales dies in the fight.
Tendula (while guarding outside Greenland Fort):- The sword fight between King Arindam and Emperor Kakrasa started around one hour back but it is still on.
Another fighter guarding outside the Greenland Fort:- If King Arindam loses against Emperor Kakrasa, then what will we do? Should we surrender?
Tendula:- The question does not arise at all, because our King Arindam has the magical sword.
Emperor Kakrasa (while feeling too tired):- Oh! You are basically a coward. You are totally in a defensive mood. Come on, attack me like a fighter. Show me your bravery.
Queen Mirinda (while watching the sword fight):- No, Arindam, don’t get influenced by his words. He is trying to tempt you to go for the attack.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Oh! I see! You are a servant of your wife. Whatever your wife says, you will do that. Ha ha ha…You poor mermale. I really feel pity on you. A servant of his own wife! Ha ha ha…
King Arindam (got angry and started attacking Emperor Kakrasa with the sword):- Ok! If you want to see my bravery, then let it be. Protect yourself from my sword, if you really can.
Roland:- These fighters are very well trained. They are not giving us any advantage while fighting. What’s that sound?
A warrior of Kakrasa:- That’s the voice of Emperor Kakrasa. He is laughing out loudly and saying something.
Emperor Kakrasa (with full excitement and joy):- Ha ha ha…Ha ha ha…Oh! You poor mermale of Jatikano community, your magical sword is broken now. Already, I got the information from Turtle Taraknath that the shining scratch mark on the magical sword is the weakest point of that sword. Now, nobody can kill me. I am still the Emperor.
King Arindam (with a cheeky smile):- Hold on, Emperor! The war is not over yet. Turtle Taraknath also told me to fight with an ordinary sword which looks identical to the original magical sword. Mirinda, give the original magical sword to me. Now, Kakrasa, are you too tired to break this original magical sword. Yes, you are tired! That was my strategy. I went on a defensive mode to let you lose your stamina. But, I am still having good stamina in me. Come on; let us have a real sword fight now.
Emperor Kakrasa (with a surprise look):- This is cheating. This is not a fair play.
King Arindam:- Everything is fair in a deadly war. Can you please tell me about an instance where you have won a battle or war with complete fair play policies. When you cheated on others in a battle, that’s fair, but, when someone cheats you in the battle, that’s unfair. We have talked so much, come on, kill me if you can. Prove yourself that you are really an Emperor.
Emperor Kakrasa:- Oh! You are now counter-attacking me very aggressively. Ok! As per my rules, offense is the best defense. I will also attack you.
King Arindam (surprised Kakrasa with a speedy movement and pierced the magical sword at Kakrasa’s chest):- Yeah! I have done it.
Emperor Kakrasa (felt about his upcoming death as the magical sword was pierced in his chest):- Lord Pasupati’s curse was right. Due to my cruelty, I am getting a punishment. I am going to die. God save the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community.
King Arindam (was fully excited when Kakrasa fell on the seabed and died):- Hurrah! The cruel Emperor Kakrasa is no more. All the saffron star fishes are requested to spread the message to the Sea World that Emperor Kakrasa is dead.
All the warriors of Kakrasa:- Our Emperor is dead. We have to surrender now, as per the code rules of the warriors of the sea world.
Roland:- No, no one will surrender. I have got the information that Queen Diana and Prince Viswajeet are alive and hiding in Mara Sea. We will meet them there. We will again reunite. Come on, let us leave this place.
Octopus Olivia:- Oh! Finally, an era of cruelty and terrorism has ended in this Sea World.
Sea Horse Rozario:- When Arindam was a little mermale, I offered him some roseberries. Today, that mermale has done a great job.
Turtle Taraknath:- Ah! It is a sense of great satisfaction to me to know that Emperor Kakrasa is no more.
Whales of the Sea World:- The mermale, Arindam has taken the sweet revenge. The souls of all our dead whales may rest in peace now. Long live King Arindam.
Doctor Sthatolone:- I failed to save the life of Maradon. He was too severely injured to get cured by me.
Priest Jubilion:- Dronankur fought till the last drop of his blood, but, Roland killed Dronankur brutally. Now, the time has come for you to become the Emperor of this Sea World.
Emperor Arindam (Delivering a speech after becoming the new Emperor of the Sea World):- I would have never become an Emperor of this Sea World without the sacrifice of so many mermales, mermaids and other aquatic creatures. Actually, I am not an Emperor. I am a servant of yours. I had no intention to become an Emperor, but, my job was to kill that cruel Kakrasa. I am happy and satisfied that the Sea World is free of cruelty now. Let peace and prosperity prevail in this Sea World. Be happy and keep others happy. Live and let others live. The capital of this Sea World will be shifted from Greenland to Tabernia. From now on, Fort Gomrank will be the Fort of Emperor. Come on; let us all create a peaceful Sea World which will be filled with love, peace, prosperity, respect and friendship. Let us all take an oath to treat all other aquatic creatures of this Sea World in equal respects. Thank you.
All the aquatic creatures present outside the Greenland Fort (started singing together):- ‘Oh! Our New Emperor, with due respect; love, peace and prosperity are what we expect; we hope that you perform all your duties well like an Emperor the Great.’
Emperor Arindam:- Oh! I feel really honored after hearing that song from you all. Thank you once again.
All the aquatic creatures outside the Greenland Fort:- Long Live Emperor Arindam. Our Sea World is proud of you.
Queen Diana:- If we stay here, then the fighters of Emperor Arindam may kill us. We need to go far away from this region to form a small empire of mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tasman Sea.
Roland:- Ok! As you wish! Your Highness!
Minister Tendula:- Your Highness! Day after tomorrow, you will complete your 25 years tenure as an Emperor of this Sea World.  All the mermales and mermaids of the Sea World are requesting you to go for a victory rally from Greenland Fort to Gomrank Fort like you did 25 years before after killing the cruel Emperor Kakrasa.
Emperor Arindam:- Ok! Surely! We will go for a victory rally to mark the 25th year of our rule in this Sea World. But, this time, I have some important announcements to make also.
Empress Mirinda:- What announcements!
Emperor Arindam:- Two years back, we gave a special statutory power to the Court Of Judicial Authority  (COJA) to amend new laws which will be above any government of any kingdom. Last year, COJA amended a new law that the Emperor of the Sea World should be elected by the aquatic creatures of the Sea World through a voting system. As per COJA, every aquatic animal of this Sea World deserves to execute its democratic rights after every 10 years. In these 25 years, many kingdoms have risen and many have fallen. At present, there are three big kingdoms in this Sea World. Our Tabernia is the most powerful and biggest kingdom. Bango is another kingdom which is becoming more powerful than before. King Jaladhar is really a good king. Surprisingly, the Austrazeal kingdom which is near the Australian coastal waters has managed to capture many small kingdoms. King Viswajeet is the King of Austrazeal kingdom. COJA has requested me personally to give the names of Kings or Princes who are capable of fighting the election for the post of Emperor. So, after 1 month or so, I have to resign from this post of Emperor to fight the election.
Minister Tendula:- Oh! If you contest in the election, everyone will vote you only. So, you will remain as the Emperor only.
Emperor Arindam:- Try to understand. I am getting old now. I will not contest in the election for the post of Emperor. Rather, my son, King Avinash will contest the election. King Avinash was crowned as King of Tabernia kingdom last year only. I am really impressed by the way he has administered this Tabernia kingdom. In every nook and corner of the Tabernia kingdom, he brought socio-economic development. Day after tomorrow, in the victory rally, my son will also accompany me. Declare publicly that King Avinash is going to contest the election for the post of Emperor and I am going to resign from the post of Emperor by next week only.
Empress Mirinda:- That’s a great strategy to hand over your power to your son, though, very tactfully. But, is our son capable of handling such a big responsibility?
Emperor Arindam:- Bad times and brutal reality will teach our son everything. I didn’t take birth as an Emperor, but, I learned all the skills to administer well as an Emperor from practical experiences only. Don’t worry; Avinash will not let us down.
Ex-Queen Diana:- Look at the newsleaves today. Have you read the headlines?
Ex-General Roland:- Yeah! But, King Avinash is also a good administrator. Moreover, all the aquatic animals of this Sea World will have a tendency to cast their votes to Avinash because he is the son of Arindam. King Jaladhar has no chance to become an Emperor because he has a very calm and introvert character and is too much focused with his Banga kingdom only in Bay of Bengal.
Ex-Queen Diana:- Exactly! Remove Avinash. Automatically, your step-son, King Viswajeet will be the Emperor.
Priest Jubilion:- Doctor Sthatolona, come quickly here. It’s an emergency! Someone has thrown a knife at Arindam’s neck while he was marching in the victory rally through Barents Sea.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Control yourself, Mirinda. It is really shocking to see a good-hearted Emperor like Arindam to get killed by someone. May God give a strict punishment to the killer of Arindam! Already, riots have started in different parts of the Sea World as the news of the death of Emperor got spread everywhere. COJA is trying hard to calm down everyone.  We have to bury the dead body of Arindam at Tomasi village.
Mermaid Mirinda (while weeping):- I also want to die now, but, I will not die till I take the sweet revenge. Tell all our fighters to search for that bloody killer.
Ex-General Roland:- I missed the target. Both Avinash and Arindam were at the same chariot sitting beside each other. I threw the knife at the right time, when King Avinash was standing at the chariot, but, somehow, Emperor Arindam stood up from his seat at his chariot at that juncture and the knife got struck at his neck. He started bleeding and I swam away speedily from that crowded area.
Ex-Queen Diana:- Somehow, you have to kill Avinash. Arindam was anyway about to resign from the post of Emperor. Kill Avinash at any cost.
Painter Prerana (Daughter of Painter Paintal):- As per the statements from some mermales of Barents Sea, I have made a sketch of the killer on a papyrus leaf. Here it is.
Mermaid Mirinda:- Who is he? I can’t recognize him.
Minister Tendula:- But, I can. This is the bloody Roland, the ex-General of Late Kakrasa. This bloody mermale killed Dronankur and now he killed Arindam.  At present, Roland stays in Austrazeal kingdom.
Mermaid Mirinda:- Attack Austrazeal kingdom.
King Avinash:- Mother, I have also got the information that after the death of Vikrant, his wife, Diana got married to Roland.
Mermaid Mirinda:- Let her be a widow for the 2nd time.
Priest Jubilion:- Our fighters have totally devastated the Austrazeal kingdom. We have also captivated both Diana and Roland. King Viswajeet has escaped somewhere.
Mermaid Mirinda:- Cut their bodies into several pieces and tie those pieces with ropes made of sea weeds. Then, hang those pieces at the Vordumloz Valley of our Sea World. All the sharks will enjoy those pieces of meats.
Minister Tendula:- Thanks for your cruel order, your highness! Nothing can be so sweeter than such a bold act of revenge.
Judge Jackson (Son of Judge Jishu):- After a fair election process conducted by COJA for the first time ever in the history of this Sea World, we hereby declare King Avinash as the next new Emperor of the Sea World for a tenure of 10 years till the next election is being held after 10 years. As King Viswajeet is absconding, so, his nomination got cancelled automatically. King Jaladhar was the only contender of King Avinash in this election. King Avinash defeated King Jaladhar by three lakhs fifty five thousand and ninety three votes. Please give a big round of applause for the new Emperor Avinash.
All the aquatic creatures present outside the COJA Fort:- Hip Hip Hurrah! Long Live Emperor Avinash! Administer this Sea world like your father did for 25 years.
Prince Abhroneel (son of Emperor Avinash):- Grandma! Today, everyone is going to attend the victory rally. Dad has completed 25 years of his administration. Will you not attend the victory rally, grandma?
Mermaid Mirinda:- No, my grandson! I am very sick today. I am having a high fever. I am getting too old also. You go and enjoy the victory rally. I will rest here inside the Fort Gomrank.
Prince Abhroneel:- Ok! Grandma!
Turtle Tilak:- I need to go to Tabernia kingdom today.
Turtle Tilottama (wife of Turtle Tilak):- Why? What happened?
Turtle Tilak:- Read the headlines of newsleaves today.
Turtle Tilottama:- What’s there in it?
Turtle Titan (son of Turtle Tilak):- Maa, it is written here on the newsleaves that Mermaid Mirinda has expired yesterday.
Turtle Tilottama:- Oh! That’s a sad news.
Turtle Tilak:- I have seen that fighting mermaid in my young days. I am still an admirer of that brave mermaid. I need to go to Tabernia kingdom to pay the last tribute.
Turtle Tilottam:- Take these white colored Jalrajani flowers with you. May her soul rest in peace!
Doctor Stalin (Youngest son of Doctor Sthatolona):- I was doing her treatment. I used modern medications to cure her, but, her old age was not supporting her. Everyone has to die one day. Maybe, it was her day to bid goodbye to our Sea World.
Priest Jabarani (Daughter of Priest Jubilion):- Emperor Avinash is totally inconsolable. He is crying and saying that he lost his father when Emperor Arindam’s 25th year of administration was celebrated through a victory rally and now he lost his mother when he celebrated his 25th year of administration in the same fashion.
Turtle Tilak:- Tell Emperor Avinash to control himself. Death is the ultimate truth.
Mermaid Manikanchan (wife of Emperor Avinash):- Who are you?
Turtle Tilak:- I am the son of Turtle Taraknath. Probably, you don’t know me, but, Avinash knows me very well. 5 years back, before dying, my father, Turtle Taraknath told me one thing that Mirinda will die but her soul will not die until and unless Arindam sees her soul in his next birth. We don’t know, Arindam has taken a re-birth as a mermale or as some other creature, but, he has to see the soul of Mirinda to let her soul die for becoming eligible for the re-birth.

Episode: 25
Roopchand:- Wake up! Arindam! Wake up! It is already 9 AM of 10.06.2012. We have to attend the award ceremony of All India Marketing Research (AIMR) today. Wake up!
Arindam (woke up from his dreamy sleep and started uttering):- Mirinda! I want Mirinda!
Bishnudhar:- Mirinda! What’s that?
Kingshuk:- Aah! He is talking about the cold drinks, Mirinda. He is feeling very thirsty.
Arindam:- No, no, I am talking about Mermaid Mirinda.
Roopchand, Bishnudhar, Kingshuk and Subhrojyoti (in a surprise look):- Mermaid Mirinda!!!
Roopchand:- Oh! He is still in a hangover. Please pour a tub of cold water on his head. Please let him drink a juice made of tamarind.
Arindam:- No, I was in the Sea World. In my dream, I saw that I got drowned in the Arabian Sea while bathing at the Pearl Beach of Goa.
Bishnudhar:- Oh! It is better if you don’t talk about last evening. Last evening, after drinking 2 pegs of Kajoo Feni, you were talking about your plan to have a bath in the beach waters, but, after drinking the 3rd peg of Kajoo Feni, it was total blackout for you. With the help of two life guards, we brought you inside Room No. 25 of this Vasco da Gama Hotel.
Arindam:- But, I want to confirm something. I want to know whether I was really a mermale in my previous birth. Was I really an Emperor of the Sea World in my previous birth? Or was it just a bad dream?
Mr. Majhi (knocked the door of Room No.25 while passing by the balcony):- Hey boys! Be ready quickly! Within another 45 minutes or so, we have to be present at the Seminar Hall of Panaji Indoor Stadium. Ratul Totan, the renowned industrialist of India is the Chief Guest of today’s award ceremony of AIMR. He will present us the award of Best Branded Products of 2012.
Kingshuk:- We will all be ready, Sir! But, we can’t say about Arindam.
Mr. Majhi:- Hey Arindam! Remulus, the Manager of this Vasco da Gama hotel was telling me in the morning that yesterday, you drank too much Kajoo Feni. That’s not good! Being a marketing professional, I can understand that the sexy ambience of Goa always tempts everyone to drink some alcohols. But, being an employee of such a branded company like Metallikon Group of Industries, always drink branded alcohols. Instead of drinking those branded alcohols, you are drinking these cheap alcohols like Kajoo Feni. Anyway, I want to see you at the Seminar Hall on time. No excuses, please. I have to go there earlier because our boss, Julius John will also be present there.
Roopchand:- Hey! Where are you going?
Arindam:- I am going to the Pearl Beach to see Dolphin Debdas. I don’t know when I will be back. Tell Mr. Majhi, that I will not attend the award ceremony.
Bishnudhar:- You can skip the award ceremony, but, for that, be prepared to face the severe consequences.
Arindam:- That’s my problem. You leave it to me only.
Arindam (while walking at the Pearl Beach for around half an hour):- Wow! That’s the dolphin. Yes, a dolphin is jumping up and down in Arabian Sea. I need a boat. Aah! That’s a speed boat at the beach. Let me talk to that man who is sleeping on that speed boat.
Boatman Broacha:- What! Man! Generally, I party hard at night and sleep till 11 AM in the morning. It is now 9.30 AM only. You woke me up. What do you want, man?
Arindam:- I need to hire your speed boat to chase Dolphin Debdas.
Boatman Broacha:- What! Are you a drunkard or what? Why do you want to chase a dolphin?
Arindam:- To see the soul of my wife of previous birth.
Boatman Broacha:- Oh! Jesus! What sin have I committed that I am dealing with such a mad person!
Arindam:- 300 bucks for 1 hour and 200 bucks for subsequent extra 1 hour each.
Boatman Broacha:- Though you are a mad person, but, I am also mad for money, you see! Give me 200 bucks in advance to start the speed boat.
Arindam:- Done! Here it is.
Ritika (Anchor of AIMR Conference in Goa):- Now, I would like to request respected Mr. Ratul Totan to present the award of Best Branded Products of 2012 to the Marketing Team of Metallikon Group of Industries.
Mr.Majhi:- Thanks to AIMR for giving this valuable award to us. It will motivate our marketing team to come up with more branded products under Metallikon Group of Industries. I would like to thank to all our team members who really worked hard with dedication and sincerity throughout the year to improve the brand value of our products. Today, one of our teammates is not present here because he is having a viral fever. That’s why; we requested him to take some rest inside the hotel room. Let me introduce our team members to you all. He is Roopchand, he is Kingshuk, he is Bishnudhar, he is Subhrajyoti and I am the Marketing Head of Eastern Zone. Also, I would like to thank our boss, Mr. Julius John, who is sitting at the front row here. He has always motivated us and supported us like a big brother in odd situations. Thank you.
Ritika:- Thank you, Mr. Majhi, for coming here in Goa and accepting the award. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a big round of applause for the Metallikon Group of Industries! We will now move on to the next segment of this award ceremony.
Boatman Broacha:- What man! This dolphin is taking us towards Minicoy Island.
Arindam:- Yeah! JishuRamAllah also told me about this Island.
Boatman Broacha:- Who is JishuRamAllah?
Arindam:- He is the God of Death of the Sea World.
Boatman Broacha:- Oh! Boy! I will also become mad if I stay with you for another half an hour. But, this dolphin is very sweet. I am having a desire to keep him as a pet, you see. What a sweet dolphin you are! Nice jumping displays! Good!
Arindam:- Slow down the speed of the Speed Boat here. We have reached near the coast of Minicoy Island. Anytime, this Dolphin will make a big jump and disappear in the ocean water. There he is! Look at that jump! Hear that loud sound! He will now disappear. Move the boat at that spot where the Dolphin Debdas disappeared. I want to see the soul of Mermaid Mirinda.
Boatman Broacha (staring at Arindam with big eyes, then looked at himself and then started pinching Arindam’s skin):- Let me just touch you carefully. Let me pinch your skin. Are you a human being or a ghost? Are you alive? Am I in real world or in a dreamy world?
Arindam (signaled Broacha to maintain silence):- Hussh! Look the ocean water of this region! The water color is changing from light blue to dark blue and now to violet color. Yes! There she is! Look there! The soul of Mermaid Mirinda is staring at me while floating under the water surface.
Boatman Broacha (unable to see anything but got too scared):- Oh! My God! I am in a Ghost World. God save Broacha.
Arindam:- Oh! Broacha! You are senseless now on the speed boat. Let me stop the engine of the speed boat. Hey! Mirinda! How are you? Now, I have no doubt that I was a mermale in my previous birth.  But, how did you know that I will be in Goa?
Soul of Mermaid Mirinda (while floating under the ocean water):- JishuRamAllah told me about that. You got killed 25 years back by Roland. After your death, I was feeling very lonely. I wanted to commit suicide, but, my son, daughter-in-law and our grandson gave me so much love that I started living happily again. I died 6 months back. I have been roaming like this to die so that I can take a re-birth.
Arindam:- How did JishuRamAllah knew that I will be in Goa?
Soul of Mermaid Mirinda:- He is the God of Death of the Sea World. He knows everything. Maybe, in any next birth, we will be a married couple again. It is time for me to die, Arindam. Thanks for coming here. I wish to take a re-birth as a mermaid again. Goodbye Arindam.
Arindam:- I also wish to take a re-birth as a mermale in my next birth. Be happy in your next birth. Goodbye Mirinda. Oh! No! I have to drive the Speed Boat back to the Pearl Beach now as Broacha is still senseless.
Boatman Broacha (After gaining some sense after 30 minutes or so while on the speed boat at Pearl Beach):- Excuse me! Was I with a boy who was chasing a dolphin to see the soul of a mermaid?
Galvin (A life guard of Pearl Beach who was patrolling there):- Generally, how many big bottles of alcohol do you drink every day?
Boatman Broacha (in a very uncomfortable situation):- Oh! I think it was just a bad dream. Oh! God! Why do I drink so much?
Mr. Julius John (in an angry mood):- How dare you skip the award ceremony? How dare you defy our orders? I will put you under the scanner. I will set high targets for you. Even I will reduce 10% of the incentives that you get. This is my last warning, be careful. Be a professional and always learn to respect the corporate culture.
Arindam:- Sorry! Sir! I will never skip any award ceremony again.
Mr. Majhi:- Ok! Ok! Now, go back to your hotel room and don’t drink too much alcohol also.
Mr. Julius John:- Oh! These young generation boys! They are too alcoholic, I say. Arindam, remember one thing, drinking alcohol is also injurious to health. Don’t smoke cigarettes and don’t drink alcohols. Now, go to your room, you idiot!
Arindam:- Ok! Sir! Good night!
Roopchand:- Tomorrow afternoon, at 1 PM of 11.06.2012, we will board the flight from Goa airport to go back to Kolkata. The Conference will end at around 10 AM, followed by a lunch session. We have really enjoyed this mini tour of Goa. But, I still don’t understand the concept of Mermaid Mirinda. Arindam, can you please tell us about it in details?
Kingshuk:- Yeah! Yeah! Arindam! It is only 10.30 PM of 10.06.2012. We are not feeling sleepy also. Rather we are very excited to know about that mermaid. Please tell us about Mermaid Mirinda.
Bishnudhar:- In your previous birth, you were under the ocean water! Wow!
Subhrajyoti:- Aah! Don’t talk too much. Allow Arindam to start saying about Mermaid Mirinda in details.
Arindam:- I think that it is better to write a story on my previous birth. After reading that story, all of you will have a clear cut idea about my previous birth in the Sea World and also about “MERMAID MIRINDA”.


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