Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Voice of JishuRamAllah:- Heeeoaaahaaaa! Haa Haa Haa…Wake up! Arindam! Wake up! The soul of Mirinda is waiting to see you near the coastal waters of Minicoy Island which is nearer to Lakshadweep. Dolphin Debadasaa will guide you. Before disappearing, Dolphin Debadasaa will make a peculiar sound and may jump high above the water surface to bid goodbye to you.  Wake up! Arindam! Wake up! Heeeoaaahaaa! Haa Haa Haa….

Roopchand:- Wake up! Arindam! Wake up! It is already 9 AM of 10.06.2012. We have to attend the award ceremony of All India Marketing Research (AIMR) today. Wake up!

Arindam (woke up from his dreamy sleep and started uttering):- Mirinda! I want Mirinda!

Bishnudhar:- Mirinda! What’s that?

Kingshuk:- Aah! He is talking about the cold drinks, Mirinda. He is feeling very thirsty.

Arindam:- No, no, I am talking about Mermaid Mirinda.

Roopchand, Bishnudhar, Kingshuk and Subhrojyoti (in a surprise look):- Mermaid Mirinda!!!

Roopchand:- Oh! He is still in a hangover. Please pour a tub of cold water on his head. Please let him drink a juice made of tamarind. 

Arindam:- No, I was in the Sea World. In my dream, I saw that I got drowned in the Arabian Sea while bathing at the Pearl Beach of Goa.

Bishnudhar:- Oh! It is better if you don’t talk about last evening. Last evening, after drinking 2 pegs of Kajoo Feni, you were talking about your plan to have a bath in the beach waters, but, after drinking the 3rd peg of Kajoo Feni, it was total blackout for you. With the help of two life guards, we brought you inside Room No. 25 of this Vasco da Gama Hotel. 

Arindam:- But, I want to confirm something. I want to know whether I was really a mermale in my previous birth. Was I really an Emperor of the Sea World in my previous birth? Or was it just a bad dream?

Mr. Majhi (knocked the door of Room No.25 while passing by the balcony):- Hey boys! Be ready quickly! Within another 45 minutes or so, we have to be present at the Seminar Hall of Panaji Indoor Stadium. Ratul Totan, the renowned industrialist of India is the Chief Guest of today’s award ceremony of AIMR. He will present us the award of Best Branded Products of 2012.

Kingshuk:- We will all be ready, Sir! But, we can’t say about Arindam.

Mr. Majhi:- Hey Arindam! Remulus, the Manager of this Vasco da Gama hotel was telling me in the morning that yesterday, you drank too much Kajoo Feni. That’s not good! Being a marketing professional, I can understand that the sexy ambience of Goa always tempts everyone to drink some alcohols. But, being an employee of such a branded company like Metallikon Group of Industries, always drink branded alcohols. Instead of drinking those branded alcohols, you are drinking these cheap alcohols like Kajoo Feni. Anyway, I want to see you at the Seminar Hall on time. No excuses, please. I have to go there earlier because our boss, Julius John will also be present there.


Roopchand:- Hey! Where are you going?

Arindam:- I am going to the Pearl Beach to see Dolphin Debadasaa. I don’t know when I will be back. Tell Mr. Majhi, that I will not attend the award ceremony.

Bishnudhar:- You can skip the award ceremony, but, for that, be prepared to face the severe consequences.

Arindam:- That’s my problem. You leave it to me only.


Arindam (while walking at the Pearl Beach for around half an hour):- Wow! That’s the dolphin. Yes, a dolphin is jumping up and down in Arabian Sea. I need a boat. Aah! That’s a speed boat at the beach. Let me talk to that man who is sleeping on that speed boat.


Boatman Broacha:- What! Man! Generally, I party hard at night and sleep till 11 AM in the morning. It is now 9.30 AM only. You woke me up. What do you want, man?

Arindam:- I need to hire your speed boat to chase Dolphin Debadasa. 

Boatman Broacha:- What! Are you a drunkard or what? Why do you want to chase a dolphin?

Arindam:- To see the soul of my wife of previous birth.

Boatman Broacha:- Oh! Jesus! What sin have I committed that I am dealing with such a mad person!

Arindam:- 300 bucks for 1 hour and 200 bucks for subsequent extra 1 hour each. 

Boatman Broacha:- Though you are a mad person, but, I am also mad for money, you see! Give me 200 bucks in advance to start the speed boat.

Arindam:- Done! Here it is.


Ritika (Anchor of AIMR Conference in Goa):- Now, I would like to request respected Mr. Ratul Totan to present the award of Best Branded Products of 2012 to the Marketing Team of Metallikon Group of Industries. 


Mr.Majhi:- Thanks to AIMR for giving this valuable award to us. It will motivate our marketing team to come up with more branded products under Metallikon Group of Industries. I would like to thank to all our team members who really worked hard with dedication and sincerity throughout the year to improve the brand value of our products. Today, one of our teammates is not present here because he is having a viral fever. That’s why; we requested him to take some rest inside the hotel room. Let me introduce our team members to you all. He is Roopchand, he is Kingshuk, he is Bishnudhar, he is Subhrajyoti and I am the Marketing Head of Eastern Zone. Also, I would like to thank our boss, Mr. Julius John, who is sitting at the front row here. He has always motivated us and supported us like a big brother in odd situations. Thank you.

Ritika:- Thank you, Mr. Majhi, for coming here in Goa and accepting the award. Ladies and gentlemen, please give a big round of applause for the Metallikon Group of Industries! We will now move on to the next segment of this award ceremony.


Boatman Broacha:- What man! This dolphin is taking us towards Minicoy Island. 

Arindam:- Yeah! JishuRamAllah also told me about this Island.

Boatman Broacha:- Who is JishuRamAllah?

Arindam:- He is the God of Death of the Sea World.

Boatman Broacha:- Oh! Boy! I will also become mad if I stay with you for another half an hour. But, this dolphin is very sweet. I am having a desire to keep him as a pet, you see. What a sweet dolphin you are! Nice jumping displays! Good!

Arindam:- Slow down the speed of the Speed Boat here. We have reached near the coast of Minicoy Island. Anytime, this Dolphin will make a big jump and disappear in the ocean water. There he is! Look at that jump! Hear that loud sound! He will now disappear. Move the boat at that spot where the Dolphin Debadasa disappeared. I want to see the soul of Mermaid Mirinda.

Boatman Broacha (staring at Arindam with big eyes, then looked at himself and then started pinching Arindam’s skin):- Let me just touch you carefully. Let me pinch your skin. Are you a human being or a ghost? Are you alive? Am I in real world or in a dreamy world? 

Arindam (signaled Broacha to maintain silence):- Hussh! Look the ocean water of this region! The water color is changing from light blue to dark blue and now to purple color. Yes! There she is! Look there! Mirinda is staring at me while floating under the water surface.

Boatman Broacha (unable to see anything but got too scared):- Oh! My God! I am in a Ghost World. God save Broacha.

Arindam:- Oh! Broacha! You are senseless now on the speed boat. Let me stop the engine of the speed boat. Hey! Mirinda! How are you? Now, I have no doubt that I was a mermale in my previous birth.  But, how did you know that I will be in Goa?

Soul of Mermaid Mirinda (while floating under the ocean water):- JishuRamAllah told me about that. You got killed 25 years back by Roland. After your death, I was feeling very lonely. I wanted to commit suicide, but, my son, daughter-in-law and our grandson gave me so much love that I started living happily again. I died 6 months back. I have been roaming like this to die so that I can take a re-birth.

Arindam:- How did JishuRamAllah knew that I will be in Goa?

Soul of Mermaid Mirinda:- He is the God of Death of the Sea World. He knows everything. Maybe, in any next birth, we will be a married couple again. It is time for me to die, Arindam. Thanks for coming here. I wish to take a re-birth as a mermaid again. Goodbye Arindam.

Arindam:- I also wish to take a re-birth as a mermale in my next birth. Be happy in your next birth. Goodbye Mirinda. Oh! No! I have to drive the Speed Boat back to the Pearl Beach now as Broacha is still senseless.


Boatman Broacha (After gaining some sense after 30 minutes or so while on the speed boat at Pearl Beach):- Excuse me! Was I with a boy who was chasing a dolphin to see the soul of a mermaid?

Galvin (A life guard of Pearl Beach who was patrolling there):- Generally, how many big bottles of alcohol do you drink every day?

Boatman Broacha (in a very uncomfortable situation):- Oh! I think it was just a bad dream. Oh! God! Why do I drink so much?


Mr. Julius John (in an angry mood):- How dare you skip the award ceremony? How dare you defy our orders? I will put you under the scanner. I will set high targets for you. Even I will reduce 10% of the incentives that you get. This is my last warning, be careful. Be a professional and always learn to respect the corporate culture.

Arindam:- Sorry! Sir! I will never skip any award ceremony again.

Mr. Majhi:- Ok! Ok! Now, go back to your hotel room and don’t drink too much alcohol also.

Mr. Julius John:- Oh! These young generation boys! They are too alcoholic, I say. Arindam, remember one thing, drinking alcohol is also injurious to health. Don’t smoke cigarettes and don’t drink alcohols. Now, go to your room, you idiot!

Arindam:- Ok! Sir! Good night!


Roopchand:- Tomorrow afternoon, at 1 PM of 11.06.2012, we will board the flight from Goa airport to go back to Kolkata. The Conference will end at around 10 AM, followed by a lunch session. We have really enjoyed this mini tour of Goa. But, I still don’t understand the concept of Mermaid Mirinda. Arindam, can you please tell us about it in details?

Kingshuk:- Yeah! Yeah! Arindam! It is only 10.30 PM of 10.06.2012. We are not feeling sleepy also. Rather we are very excited to know about that mermaid. Please tell us about Mermaid Mirinda.

Bishnudhar:- In your previous birth, you were under the ocean water! Wow!

Subhrajyoti:- Aah! Don’t talk too much. Allow Arindam to start saying about Mermaid Mirinda in details.

Arindam:- I think that it is better to write a story on my previous birth. After reading that story, all of you will have a clear cut idea about my previous birth in the Sea World and also about “MERMAID MIRINDA”.


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