Sunday, March 24, 2013


Mirinda:- Oh! It is very hard to swim here. We are swimming so hard for 1 hour. We have hardly managed to swim only 10 meters or so.

Bombino:- We are already feeling too tired. 

Dronankur:- I am still having a doubt about these undercurrents. Are these the natural undercurrents?

Euaaue (Leader of the Spider-fishes):- No, it is an artificial undercurrent created by Scientist Shahjahan.

Mirinda:- Who are you?

Euaaue:- I am Euaaue, the leader of spider-fishes of the Sea-World. Generally, the numbers of spider-fishes are very less in this sea world. After some years, we, the spider-fishes may become extinct. Look at our body structure. We look like starfishes though we have legs like spiders. That’s why; the human divers gave us the name, ‘Spider-Fish’.

Dronankur:- Anyway, we are not interested in your species and its evolution. Tell us the secret behind these undercurrents. 

Euaaue:- Since 500 years or so, Golden Bowl is guarded by the golden stripped Cobra snakes. Cobra snakes believe that it is their tradition and duty to guard and protect the Golden Bowl. Even a section of Cobra snakes regard that Golden Bowl as the Bowl of Maa Manasa, the Goddess of Snakes. Many creatures of this sea world invaded this place to snatch away the Golden Bowl. In many battles of guarding the Golden Bowl from the invaders, so many Cobra snakes died. Last year, Scientist Shahjahan came to know that inside the Swarnabhumi Cave, there are lots of golden jewels including the Golden Bowl. Scientist Shahjahan tried to snatch away the jewels with the help of some of the Kakrasa’s warriors. Cobra snakes killed all the warriors of Kakrasa and was about to kill Shahjahan. Shahjahan requested the Cobras to forgive him. Cobras forgave him on one condition. Scientist Shahjahan had to create this artificial undercurrent in this ridge of Timor Sea to get rid of the Cobra snakes. Corbett is the leader of the Cobra snakes. Don’t try to invade this area. You all will die. 

Bombino:- But, we have to get that Golden Bowl. If we don’t take this Golden Bowl to Turtle Taraknath, then he will not be able to make Arindam fit and healthy. Only Arindam can kill the cruel Emperor Kakrasa. 

Euaaue:- Astrologer Aryan predicted about an avatar.

Mirinda:- Yeah! Yeah! My hubby is that avatar. Now, don’t waste too much time. Can you help us?

Euaaue:- Ha ha ha…how can such a little spider-fish can help you? I am also against Emperor Kakrasa, so are those Cobra snakes. But, still, those Cobra snakes will not get out of their tradition so easily. Can you all see a small red colored point in the middle of that ridge?

Dronankur:- Yeah! We have spotted it. 

Euaaue:- You need to reach at that point by swimming at any cost. Pierce a sword or a knife on that red colored point to stop the undercurrent. The moment you remove the knife or the sword from that point, the undercurrent will start again. 

Mirinda:- How do you know all these things?

Euaaue:- Scientist Shahjahan came here twice to take some jewels from Swarnabhumi Cave as a maintenance fee for creating this artificial undercurrent system. I have never told this secret of stopping the undercurrent to anyone except you all. I hope that you will keep it as a secret.

Mirinda:- Sure, we will. Hey, Bombino and Dronankur; let us swim towards that red colored point. Hey, Euaaue, thanks for your help. 


Dronankur:- Mirinda, it is very tough. Oh! I am feeling as if I may die. 

Mirinda:- You are swimming well, Dronankur. Just a little bit. 

Bombino:- Instead of reaching that point, if we throw a knife by targeting that red colored point, we may succeed.

Mirinda:- Don’t talk like a fool. It is very tough to throw a knife at the target in this undercurrent. We are having one knife each.

Bombino:- Well; let me take that risk with my knife. Hey, Dronankur, just relax. Let me target that point with my knife.

Mirinda:- Oooh! You missed that red colored point by a whisker. You have wasted your knife. 

Bombino:- Hey, Queen Mirinda, will you please allow me to have a second try?

Dronankur:- I think that Bombino deserves a 2nd try.

Mirinda:- Ok! Take this knife. This is our last chance. Oh! You have to keep on swimming hard to stay at one place in this undercurrent. Come on, Bombino, throw the knife. 

Bombino:- Hussh! Let me throw the knife at a proper angle. Yes! We did it. See, the knife is at the target and the undercurrent has stopped. 

Mirinda:- Oh! Thank you so much, Bombino. We are really very tired of swimming. Let us rest a bit for 10 minutes or so and then we will enter the Swarnabhumi Cave.


Dronankur:- Wait! Analyze the positions of all Cobras while hiding behind this ridge. The leader of the Cobra snakes is at the entrance of the Swarnabhumi Cave. All the other snakes are having their positions on different sea plants. 

Bombino:- There are at least 100 cobra snakes in this region. It will be a foolish act to start fighting with them. We will die within 5 minutes. In my childhood, my grandma used to tell lots of stories. In one of the stories she told, a mermaid hypnotized all the Cobra snakes by fancy ballad dancing. So, Queen Mirinda, you have to do the fancy ballad dancing. You may die but you have to take the risk. While dancing, don’t forget to use that locket tactfully. That ruby gemstone emits a light.

Mirinda:- But, Turtle Taraknath gave us Tabeez. We may not die after getting the poisonous bites of those snakes. 

Bombino:- When we have brains, then why should we fight like fools.

Dronankur:- Yeah! I agree with Bombino. 

Mirinda:- Ok! Let me start the fancy ballad dancing.


Dronankur:- That’s great! All the Cobras are busy in watching the dance of Mirinda. Come on; let us enter inside the Swarnabhumi Cave. 

Bombino:- Wow! What a cave! I never ever dreamt in my wildest dream about such a beautiful cave. 

Dronankur:- Control your greed, Bombino. Don’t touch any other jewels. There is the Golden Bowl at the center of the Cave. The Golden Bowl is kept at the tip of a rock which is emitting out fire. Is it a magical fire? How can there be flames of fire inside this ocean water?

Bombino:- Beneath that rock, there must be some natural gas. That gas is helping to create those flames of fire. The ocean water is having no impact on that fire. Oh! The Golden Bowl is hot due to that fire. We have to remove the Golden Bowl from that rock by using our swords. Yeah! The Golden Bowl has fallen on the seabed. Give some time to cool down that hot Golden Bowl.

Dronankur:- Ok! Lift that Golden Bowl now. Start swimming out of this Swarnabhumi Cave. 

Cobra Corbett:- Wow! What a plan! We are fools but not so fool enough, you see. Keep that Golden Bowl back on that rock; otherwise, we will kill this beautiful mermaid.

Bombino (whispering):- Let us fight with the sword while swimming forward towards that red colored point. Once we take out the knife from that red colored point, the undercurrent will start. It is very easy to swim downstream and we swim faster to escape from these Cobra snakes.

Dronankur (whispering):- Nice plan. 

Cobra Corbett:- Both of you are still whispering. Oh! You are attacking with your swords. All the Cobras, attack them.

Bombino:- Oh! No! The bites of the Cobra snakes are so painful. I am still alive. Hey, Mirinda and Dronankur, the Tabeez is working well. We are still alive. Start swimming faster towards that point.


Turtle Taraknath:- Nice job done. Three of you have done a great job. 

Mirinda:- But, our body is paining. Those snakes are so dangerous and their bites are so painful. 

Turtle Taraknath:- We have to return this Golden Bowl within 3 days, otherwise, those Cobra snakes may start attacking all the mermales and mermaids out of anger. We must not hurt their traditions. We will return it back, once our job is done. By tomorrow, you all will be fit as I have given you proper medicines to vomit all the poisons in your body within 3 hours. 

Bombino:- Oh! No! We have to vomit.

Doctor Sthatolona:- Yeah! Unless you vomit, you will die. 

Turtle Taraknath:- Ha ha ha…Well, Dronankur, day after tomorrow, I want you to provide me Sretyuik leaves, Fretulkon fruits and Gelotona sea weeds. We need to make a mixture out of it. The name of that mixture is Zoltongo. We will pour the Zoltonga mixture on the Golden Bowl. The Golden surface of the Golden Bowl secretes out a special chemical, Tixonara while coming in contact with Zoltonga mixture. Both Tixonara and Zoltonga react with each other in a chemical reaction to form the medicine of Jeevandhara.

Dronankur:- But, these Sretyuik leaves, Fretulkon fruits and Gelotona sea weeds are highly poisonous. Not a single creature of this sea world eats these things. 

Turtle Taraknath:- You need poisons to tackle other poisons. Anyway, take complete rest tonight.


Panduram:- Order all the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community of other kingdoms to come and take shelter in our Tabernia kingdom. 

General Dobla:- Yeah! I have already made an order regarding this. I think that it is time to start killing all the mermales and mermaids of Pitrala and Rajakya community in Tabernia kingdom.

Panduram:- Emperor Kakrasa is playing a good game. Try hard to kill General Mrityunjay to give some shock to Kakrasa.

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