Sunday, February 24, 2013


Tendula:- Mirinda, a saffron star fish is saying that it has a secret message only for you and it will give that message to you only. 

Mirinda:- Ok! I will go near that saffron star fish to get that secret message.


Siusa:- Mirinda, you are telling me to go out of Fort Gomrank? Why?

Mirinda:- Your son is seriously injured and getting medical treatment in Antarctica. Panduram and Dobla will kill us.

Siusa:- What!

Mirinda:- Oh! My dear mother-in-law, I will make you understand everything during our journey. Now, there is no time to talk. We just need to escape from here. Doctor Sthatolona, Priest Jubilion, Tendula will also go with us.

Siusa:- Avinash is still sleeping.

Mirinda:- Don’t worry; I will tie him up at my back and swim.


Panduram:- Where are they?

Dobla:- I have found out that they have gone. But where have they gone?

Panduram:- Never mind. Spread the news that Arindam is dead and before dying Arindam has told me to become the next king of Tabernia kingdom.


Doctor Sthatolona:- Where were you guys when that bloody Panduram threw the knife at Arindam?

Winston:- We were at that spot only. We were watching their fight but after every moment, we were also looking outside that secret fort to check out whether Vikrant and his warriors were coming towards that fort or not. Only Bombino was watching the fight very minutely.

Bombino:- When the fight was on, a belt got detached from Kakrasa’s body. A knife was tied in that belt. The knife fell on the seabed. The moment, Arindam pierced his sword in Kakrasa’s body; I saw Panduram going near Kakrasa and took up that knife from the seabed. Then, Panduram threw the knife at Arindam. After a few seconds, Panduram went near Arindam and took out the knife from Arindam’s body. Then, Panduram started shouting that Arindam is badly injured in the fight. Had I not kept strict vigilance on the fight, I would have also been fooled by Panduram.

Priest Jubilion:- Where is that knife?

Bombino:- After taking out that knife from Arindam’s body, Panduram threw it towards a nearby rock. Who cares about t hat knife? Panduram is a traitor and I am the best witness for that.

Doctor Sthatolona:- If I pierce a knife at your body, you will start bleeding. Blood will come out. After stitching and proper treatment, you will become fit again. But, Arindam’s body is totally paralyzed even after a good medication. That was not an ordinary knife. I am unable to cure Arindam. I am confessing that. 

Mirinda:- What are you saying, Doctor Sthatolona?

Siusa:- My son will remain paralyzed like that! Oh! No! It is so pathetic. Thank God! At least, Penguin Pingu stitched it.

Priest Jubilion:- Calm down! Only the wisest creature of this Sea World can do some wonders. He is a living legend of this Sea World. His name is Turtle Taraknath. He is already 250 years old. He may only live for another 50 years or so only. Tomorrow, we will take Arindam to the Temple Texaklovuang. Turtle Taraknath meditates at that temple only.


King Vikrant:- All the kingdoms of this Sea World are under us now except Tabernia kingdom. Again, a mermale of Jatikano community is ruling in that kingdom. His name is King Panduram. The assistant of the Union leader of Jatikano community has become the General of Tabernia kingdom. His name is General Dobla. Order us, dad. We need to conquer Tabernia kingdom.

Emperor Kakrasa:- No! Wait! It is the King Panduram who killed my biggest enemy. Greed for coming to power is such a dangerous thing that even a friend becomes an enemy. Both Panduram and Arindam were childhood friends, but, the power factor motivated Panduram to become a traitor. Let that fellow rule that Tabernia kingdom only. But, if King Panduram tries to conquer other kingdoms which are under our control, then kill him. It is as simple as that. 

General Mrityunjay:- Your Highness! My dad is completely fit now.

Emperor Kakrasa:- So! What! We are impressed with you. So, you will remain as General only. We have promoted your father at the post of a Minister. From now on, your father is Minister Monduka.

Minister Monduka:- Thanks a lot for giving me such a special post. Your Highness! As you are completely fit now, it is the ideal time to spread the news that you are still alive. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- What! Have you all told everyone that I am dead? 

Minister Monduka:- No, no, nothing like that. But, some mermales have already spread the rumours that you are seriously ill and may die anytime.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Oh! Those bloody mermales. Spread the news that I am fit and healthy. I am still alive.

Minister Monduka:- Sure! Your Highness!

Emperor Kakrasa:- Roberts, what are the positions of GSE, KSE and OSE?

Roberts (Finance Minister of Emperor Kakrasa):- As the news of Arindam’s death got spread everywhere, our GSE and KSE have again started trading well like before. As Dronankur is missing from the Tabernia kingdom, all the trading of food commodities of Tabernia kingdom has automatically stopped. Therefore, there is hardly any chance that Tabernia Kingdom will give a good challenge to the economy of Greenland zone in the near future.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Good! That’s really a good news. King Vikrant, the kingdoms of Mukran, Oprestonia, Kylowga and Lingolia are completely under your control. Within 2 months, I don’t want to see any mermales of Jatikano community alive in these kingdoms. Just start killing the mermales of Jatikano community. Let the Sea World know about the cruelty of Emperor Kakrasa. We will deal with the mermales of Jatikano community of Tabernia kingdom after 2 months. Let King Panduram have a comfortable life for 2 months only. This is the reward from my side, as he killed my enemy, Arindam.


Turtle Taraknath:- Welcome to Temple Texaklovuang. Who is that paralyzed mermale? Let me see his right hand? Oh! Yeah! He is the one who is supposed to kill Emperor Kakrasa. Has he killed Emperor Kakrasa? 

Priest Jubilion:- Yes, he tried to kill, but, despite that hydroelectric shock, Kakrasa is still alive. Astrologer Aryan predicted 150 years ago that an avatar of Lord Pasupati will take birth in our Sea World to kill Emperor Kakrasa.

Turtle Taraknath:- Ha ha ha…Astrologer Aryan predicted about the birth of an avatar of Lord Pasupati, but  do you actually know the entire story?

Doctor Sthatolona:- What story?

Turtle Taraknath:- All of you, please relax. You have swum a long way to come here from Antarctica. Tilak; please bring some roseberries, plutonia fishes and jellybeans for our guests. 

Winston:- Please tell us the story.

Turtle Taraknath:- Yeah! Of course! Once upon a time, this Sea World used to get ruled by Sea Dinosaurs. Maybe, you are not aware of the concept of meteors or meteorites. Many meteors from the space fell on our planet Earth and that too on ocean waters to kill many Sea Dinosaurs. These whales and alligators are also an extended family of Sea Dinosaurs. 200 years back, the entire Sea World witnessed some Sea Dragons which are much smaller in size than Sea Dinosaurs. Those Sea Dragons started killing almost all types of creatures in this Sea World, because they were carnivorous animals. Even, the survival of mermales and mermaids were in stake. Kakrasa was then a little mermale when Domrudhar, the dangerous Sea Dragon of Indian Ocean killed Kakrasa’s father Kururajan. Kururajan was really a very good, calm and decent mermale king of Indian Ocean. Kururajan even ordered his warriors to kill all the Sea Dragons. Kururajan’s warriors managed to kill around 600 Sea Dragons secretly. Domrudhar’s father, Duryodhan was then the leader of Sea Dragons. Duryodhan ordered his son, Domrudhar to kill Kururajan. 

Mirinda:- Ok! We got it. Kakrasa’s father got killed. Then what? Don’t beat around the bushes. Come to the point straightaway.

Turtle Taraknath:- Relax! I am telling you everything. Out of rage, Kakrasa took a vow to take the revenge of his father’s death. But, how could he?  Kakrasa was a brave warrior but he wanted to have some extraordinary powers in him to kill all the Sea Dragons. My father, Turtle Trilochan used to meditate in the Pasupatinath Mandir of Bay of Bengal. The Mandir was at the point near Sagar Island where the River Ganga meets Bay of Bengal. Now, for security purposes, the Mandir has been shifted to a remote area near Sunderbans islands. On a Purnima Day, Kakrasa came to perform puja in Pasupatinath Mandir. There he was telling about his problems in front of the idol of Lord Pasupati. Turtle Trilochan became too emotional after hearing the problems of Kakrasa. Turtle Trilochan then suggested Kakrasa to go for a continuous meditation for 1111 days to get some gifted extraordinary powers from Lord Pasupati. Kakrasa started meditating near Bakkhali area of Bay of Bengal. Many crocodiles came to disturb during his meditation, but, no one was able to break his mediation. After 1111 days of his meditation, the ocean waters started becoming violent. The Sea Storms became very frequent. Lord Pasupati understood that Kakrasa succeeded in his meditation. Turtle Trilochan went to that area of meditation and requested Kakrasa to visit Pasupatinath Mandir. Kakrasa sat in front of the idol of Lord Pasupati in Pasupatinath Mandir. A divine voice came out from the idol of Pasupatinath Mandir. Lord Pasupati said, ‘Kakrasa, I am impressed. You really deserve extraordinary powers. You will not die unless you yourself have the desire to die. You will grow older only after 200 years of your age. You have to get married for 10 times. All your nine wives will die without giving birth to any baby. Your 10th wife will die after giving birth to a baby. Misuse of powers is a sin. If you show cruelty in this Sea World, then remember, I will give birth to an avatar of myself in this Sea World to kill you. That avatar will have his name written on his right hand in Hululu language. My blessings are always with you. Tathastu.’

Dronankur:- What! No one can kill Kakrasa? Who is that avatar?

Bombino:- Oho! Now, I understand, why Emperor Kakrasa was telling about all these things to Arindam before the fight. Arindam is that avatar.

Mirinda:- How funny! If my hubby is that avatar, then why is Kakrasa still alive?

Turtle Tilak:- Oh! You all are so restless that you come to conclusion before knowing the entire story. Dad, please continue.

Turtle Taraknath:- Lord Pasupati also gifted Kakrasa a magical sword and a magical knife. Both these weapons are so powerful that if you pierce it even once to your enemy’s body, that enemy will become completely paralyzed. 

Maradon:- Our Arindam is paralyzed. That must be the magical knife of Kakrasa.

Turtle Taraknath:- Yes, indeed that was. Kakrasa started killing the Sea Dragons with those magical weapons. Domrudhar and Duryodhan killed Kakrasa many a times, but, Kakrasa remained alive. Due to these bravery acts, all the creatures of the Sea World started supporting Kakrasa. Slowly and steadily, Kakrasa managed to form a battalion of warriors to have a deadly war against Sea Dragons. All the Sea Dragons got killed. Kakrasa became the Emperor of the Sea World. But, too much power makes a creature’s psychology too selfish, too blind and too cruel. As the day passed, Emperor Kakrasa became as cruel as those extinct species of Sea Dragons. To end cruelty, Kakrasa came to power but he also started cruelty. That’s the theory of ‘Blindness of Power.’ 150 years back, Astrologer Aryan predicted publicly that an avatar of Lord Pasupati will take birth to kill Emperor Kakrasa. Kakrasa installed all his spies to ensure that the avatar of Lord Pasupati gets killed at its initial stage. 

Priest Jubilion:- We knew about that danger. That’s why; we kept everything secret about Arindam in his childhood days.

Turtle Taraknath:- Ok! Arindam must be very grateful to you and Doctor Sthatolona. Now, let me come to the question made by Mirinda a few while ago. Why Kakrasa is still alive? An avatar has taken birth to kill Kakrasa; that is fine. But, Astrologer Aryan did not tell anyone publicly that to kill Kakrasa, you need to make a special magical sword. 

Tendula:- How to make that special magical sword?

Turtle Taraknath:- I will guide you all. But before making that magical sword, we need to cure Arindam completely. To prepare a counter medicine of those magical weapons of Kakrasa, I need a Golden Bowl.

Everyone shouted in surprise:- Golden Bowl !

Turtle Taraknath:- Yes, Golden Bowl. There is a dangerous magnetic ridge in Timor Sea. A strange under-current exists in that zone. You have to swim upstream, that is against the direction of that under-current to reach Swarnabhumi Cave. Inside the cave, there is the Golden Bowl and there are lots of golden striped Cobra snakes. Beware of those snakes! You may have to fight against those snakes. I will give some special Tabeez to you all to remain alive even after getting poisonous bites from Cobras. So, who will volunteer in this Golden Bowl mission?

Winston:- I am ready for it.

Turtle Taraknath:- Mermaid Mirinda, have you got any locket from any Octopus of Megunaz?

Mirinda:- Yeah! But, how did you know?

Turtle Taraknath:- We, the turtles are the tantrics of this Sea World. We can see Past, Present and Future very easily. Where is that locket?

Mirinda:- It is in Arindam’s neck only.

Turtle Taraknath:- Take that locket out from his neck and wear it. This locket has a tiny ruby attached to it. This gemstone emits a light in times of danger to misguide your enemies. This locket is very helpful during your danger times. You must always be grateful to Olivia, the octopus of Megunaz. Start your journey tomorrow morning. Timor Sea is around 150 kilometers from here. Who will accompany Queen Mirinda in this mission?

Maradon:- You tell us about that.

Turtle Taraknath:- Bombino and Dronankur will accompany Queen Mirinda.  Best of luck to you, Queen Mirinda!

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