Wednesday, February 20, 2013


King Okuta (King of Kylowga Kingdom):- At present, we are seeing an uprising of Jatikano community. For the first time, a mermale of Jatikano community has become the King of Tabernia kingdom.

King Vikrant (King of Mukran Kingdom):- I got Mukran kingdom as a dowry from my father-in-law, King Duriz (the former king of Mukran kingdom). But, I acquired the Tabernia kingdom on my own. They snatched that kingdom from me. We cannot tolerate the uprising of Jatikano community. We need to destroy the Tabernia kingdom.

King Okuta:- Not so fast, Vikrant. First, spare some time to understand the strengths and weaknesses of Tabernia kingdom. After proper analysis, we will formulate the proper strategies. All the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community of Kylowga kingdom are ready to have an alliance with the warriors of your Mukran kingdom.


General Damus:- Your Highness! Almost the entire portion of Fort Gomrank has got destroyed in that battle. We need to repair it again. 

King Arindam (King of Tabernia Kingdom):- Fort Gomrank will be rebuilt but at a distance of 80 kms from here. The new Fort Gomrank will be built in our Tomasi village with 5-tier security architecture. Outside the new Fort Gomrank, there will be boundary walls with a height of 20 meters. Those boundary walls will be popularly known as the ‘Big Barricades of Tabernia.’

Winston:- We have got the information that Kylowga kingdom has become the ally of Mukran kingdom. To become a strong kingdom, we need to strengthen our economy. Once our economy gets strengthened, we can form a huge battalion of soldiers with hi-tech weapons. 

Arindam:- Dronankur, we want you to open up your botany college again. Create great botanists. We want to excel in agriculture. Find out the markets, where there are high demands of foods. We will sell foods from our kingdom to earn gold coins. 

Bombino:- But, to do banking transactions, we have to take the help of SEWBA (Sea World Bank) only. 

Arindam:- We will form a domestic bank in our Tabernia kingdom by taking the prior permission from SEWBA through the legal procedures under COJA. Start tapping the big traders of GSE (Greenland Stock Exchange) and KSE (Kingsize Stock Exchange). We want to make the Oceania Stock Exchange (OSE) as the No.1 Stock Exchange of this Sea World. By the way, how is Zwala now?
Panduram:- His injuries were too severe. But, under the medical supervision of Doctor Sthatolona, he is out of danger now.


Dronankur:- Your Highness! In this month, we are having a surplus of 200 quintals roseberries, 300 quintals sea-poppies, 550 quintals mushrooms, 150 quintals vikoletty fruits and 400 quintals of Jagolina shrubs. 

Arindam:- What are you waiting for? Just export them.

Dronankur:- My humble suggestion is that we should first create a marketplace on food commodities in our Tabernia kingdom. Moreover, a separate department should be there to keep track of the trading on food commodities. Otherwise, there will be many financial slippages. 

Arindam:- Yeah! I appreciate your suggestion. Maradon is the new finance minister of our Tabernia kingdom. Let him decide on it.

Maradon:- I have no problem. There will be a marketplace for food commodities. I have chalked out the markets of the sea world, where there is huge demand for food commodities. We will have trades with the markets of Tasman Sea, Southern Sea and Chukeli Sea.


Roberts (Finance Minister of Emperor Kakrasa’s empire):- Your Highness! In this financial quarter, we are incurring a revenue loss of around 5 lakhs Rubbali. After a gap of 7 financial quarters, we are incurring such a huge loss. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- What’s the reason behind such a huge loss?

Roberts:- The emergence of Tabernia kingdom.

Emperor Kakrasa:- In the coming ‘Annual Summit of Kings’, invite that bloody fellow. This is the first time that a mermale of Jatikano community will visit the ‘Annual Summit of Kings’. General Monduka, please ensure that the coming ‘Annual Summit of Kings’ become the first and last summit for Arindam. 


Siusa:- Don’t feel so tensed, my son. You are feeling tensed like your father. Your father was also much tensed when I was about to give birth to you.

Arindam:- Oh! Mom! Just keep your mouth shut. The more you talk on those topics, the more tensed I feel.

Tendula:- Aila! Look there! Doctor Sthatolona is coming out of his operation theater. Aigo! Why is he looking so serious?

Dronankur:- Doctor Sthatolona, is everything ok?

Doctor Sthatolona:- Yeah! Yeah! Everything is fine. The operation was a very tedious one and somewhat complex too. The baby was not at all in a mood to come out of its mother’s womb.

Nurse Naina:- But, finally, the baby made an entry to our sea world. 

Priest Jubilion:- Oh! Doctor Sthatolona, you are such a dramatist. Your expression made us more tensed. 

Lucy:- Is it a baby mermale or a baby mermaid?

Nurse Naina:- It is a baby mermale.

Fola:- Oh! I was expecting a little baby mermaid. Anyway, how is our daughter now?

Doctor Sthatolona:- Absolutely fine. Wow! Maradon, you have already started distributing jellybeans as you have become an uncle. That’s great!


Arindam:- Hey! Mirinda! How are you?

Mirinda:- Feeling fine! Look at our sweet baby mermale. 

Arindam:- From today onwards, our son’s name is Avinash.


General Damus:- Emperor Kakrasa has sent an invitation to you to attend the ‘Annual Summit of Kings’ on the coming month at the Monarch Palace.

King Arindam:- Oh! It’s a great honour for me to attend that Summit.

Dronankur:- I think that it is better not to attend that Summit.

General Damus:- Yeah! Emperor Kakrasa may try to kill you on your way.

Arindam:- If you fear about your death, then you are not fit to remain as a King. Death is the ultimate truth. It will come one day. So, why fear about death unnecessarily.

General Damus:- Your Highness! Sometimes, it is a wise thing to give some respect to the fear factor of death for the sake of your own kingdom. You are not scared to die, but, if you die at this juncture, then all our revolution will go in vain. Sometimes, you have to retreat in a battle to win a big war.

Dronankur:- Yeah! I agree to General Damus.

Winston:- In my opinion, it will be a good ploy to ignore that invitation. It will have a dual benefit. Firstly, Emperor Kakrasa will feel humiliated. Secondly, out of humiliation, Kakrasa may take some wrong steps. 

Arindam:- Ok! Done!


Emperor Kakrasa:- How dare that bloody fellow ignore my invitation? The King of Tabernia has to die. I am the Emperor of this sea world.

King Vikrant:- I am also against King Arindam. 

King Kylowga:- Yeah! We need to teach a lesson to the present King of Tabernia Kingdom.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! We will start a war against Tabernia Kingdom. King Criston and King Ragamoah; both of you also have to be a part of this war.

King Criston:- Your Highness! Tabernia kingdom is such a good neighboring kingdom of our Oprestonia kingdom. We have good relations with that kingdom. We don’t want to wage a war against Tabernia. Anyway, still, I need some time to think about participating in the war.

King Ragamoah:- Yeah! I also need some time to think about it.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! I am giving you 7 days time.


Winston:- Emperor Kakrasa has declared a war. Oprestonia and Lingolia are with Tabernia. 

King Arindam:- Your ploy has worked, Winston. We wanted a war but not so soon also.

Winston:- Don’t worry, we are all prepared. 

King Arindam:- We want to have a meeting with King Criston and King Ragamoah.


Scientist Suleiman:- I have got the information that my father has prepared an automatic archery machine. That machine keeps on throwing 5 arrows at a time towards the target.

King Arindam:- Oh! Come on! You are also a scientist. What have you prepared to counter your father’s inventions?

Scientist Suleiman:- I have created a special weapon known as wheel-thorns. These little wheels have poisonous thorns attached with it. You keep 10 wheel-thorns serially in a horizontal manner in the wheel-thrower machine. Just press the red button of the wheel-thrower machine. The wheel-thorns will keep on revolving while moving forward. These wheel-thorns are speedier than those arrows.

King Arindam:- Only the time will tell, how much effective these wheel-thorns are. I want you to make an electric sword for me. Whenever I press the button at the bottom end of the sword, it should emit hydroelectric current. 

Scientist Suleiman:- Ok! It will be done.


Dolphin Docomo (The No.1 trainer of the sea world):- Generally, we, the dolphins don’t have a good relation with these sharks. So, I want to you to hypnotize these sharks in such a manner that they never feel hungry for blood for next 30 days or so. 

Magician Mombaura:- Ok! I will hypnotize them to make them a vegetarian species temporarily for around 30 days, but for that, I need a stock of Sea-Tobacco leaves for 60 days at my den.

Rozario (Sea Horse):- Don’t worry; magician, we have already delivered those Sea-Tobacco leaves at your den. Just hypnotize those sharks and go back to your den to enjoy Sea-Tobacco leaves.


Dolphin Darwin:- My brother has completed the training of sharks. The sharks have learnt how to move during any war.

King Arindam:- Oh! Master! Thanks for your support.

Dolphin Darwin:- Ehe! Don’t be so emotional. The war has not started yet. Be strong like a rock. You are one of my best students. I have trained you well. You also learned all the things sincerely. That’s why; you are a King now. Now, another major training is pending. Emperor Kakrasa and his warriors are taking training to ride on alligators. Alligator Abraham is giving training to them. That’s why; our suggestion is that all your soldiers including you should ride on sharks.  Docomo and I will train you all. 


Zwala:- All the whales; be prepared for the war. Tell all the other whales to reach near the coast of Western Australian Island by day after tomorrow. Just after 7 days, we will have a war against Emperor Kakrasa’s warriors. This is the first ever War of the Sea World. Create your own history with bravery. We want to take revenge of our leader’s death. We fight for Zudas.

All the whales:- We fight for Zudas! Go to hell, Kakrasa.


Fola:- Alligators, Sea-Lions, Anacondas are with Emperor Kakrasa. You have only whales and sharks with you. Both Sea-Lions and Anacondas are very speedy in nature. Though, having whales on your side is also not so bad. Best of luck for the war!

King Arindam:- Yeah! Thanks! I don’t want to think about advantage or disadvantage. War is a war. Whosoever fights well, wins the war.

Fola:- No, I can’t agree to it. Many a times, I have seen that whosoever fought well accepted defeat at the last. It is not about fighting well; it is about having the last laugh. Target to have the last laugh at any cost, no matter, how badly you fight.


King Vikrant:- Have you told all the alligators , anacondas and sea-lions to assemble near the eastern coast of South America day after tomorrow. We will have the war at the sea-zone between Africa and Antarctica. They will head from Australian coast. We will head from South American coast.


Arindam:- If I die in the war, you will not commit suicide. Promise me about that. 

Mirinda:- Promises are made to be broken. So, I will not make any promise. 

Arindam:- If I die, if this Tabernia kingdom gets destroyed, then hide yourself and our son in such a place, where Emperor Kakrasa cannot search both of you. A King’s son should also become a King.

Mirinda:- Only the time will tell. All our good wishes are with you. Nothing will happen to you.

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