Sunday, February 3, 2013


Maradon:- No, listen to me. You cannot go further from here. It is around 5 kilometers from here to reach our Tomasi village. From here on, you will find oils everywhere. You may reach Tomasi village by swimming, but there is a risk that you may die while swimming. The oxygen content of this sea water has reduced drastically due to that oil spill. 

Arindam:- Where are our villagers?

Tendula:- Many have died; many have fled and many of them got rescued. The rescue work was going on in the villages of Rajakya and Pitrala community only. Not a single warrior of Emperor Kakrasa came to rescue any mermale or mermaid from any of the villages of Jatikano community. 

Arindam:- What about my parents?

Panduram:- Don’t worry; they are still alive, but undergoing treatment under Doctor Sthatolona. We are really grateful to the leader of the Black Dogfish community, Blacky. Black Dogfishes have good smelling powers. The moment the oil started spilling from the oil pipes of Reliable Oil Company (ROC), Blacky and other Black Dogfishes started spreading the message to almost everyone that an oil spill has taken place. We were busy in our work. When we heard the message, we told everyone to leave the Tomasi village. For some mermales and mermaids, it was too late for them. Some mermales and mermaids did not prefer to leave their village, no matter what happens. To make situation worse, no one came to rescue our villagers. 

Mirinda:- Had we both not gone for a honeymoon, we could have also died in this natural disaster. Where is Bombino?

Tendula:- We have no idea about him. We knew that both of you will try to reach the Tomasi village after hearing the news. So, three of us have been waiting at this zone since yesterday.

Arindam:- I want to see my parents. Where are they?

Maradon:- Our villagers have been given shelter to Ramnagar, Suryaganj and Brenzon village of Oprestonia Kingdom. King Criston is helping the mermales and mermaids of our kingdom from all ends. Even King Criston has provided a lovely guest house to our King Fola, Queen Lucy and General Damus in the Oprestonia kingdom till the situation becomes stable in Tabernia kingdom. Doctor Sthatolona is doing treatment of your parents in Ramnagar village. Come on; let us go there.


General Monduka:- Your Highness! All the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community are protesting against you. They are complaining that our warriors have done some partiality towards the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community during the rescue work in Tabernia kingdom. Even a lawyer of COJA has filed a petition against you for doing partiality against the Jatikano community. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- I have done no partiality. If any of the warriors have done that type of partiality, then let them prove it in COJA with proper evidence. In any case, it was natural to give priority to rescue any mermale or mermaid of Rajakya or Pitrala community rather than rescuing any mermale or mermaid of Jatikano community. What is the name of that bloody lawyer?

General Monduka:- Her name is Lavanya. The problem is not with that lawyer Lavanya or COJA. Already, we are getting news that some riots have taken place between the mermales of Jatikano community and Pitrala community here and there.  Winston is the Union leader of all the unions of Jatikano community. Already some mermales of Jatikano community have partially destroyed one of your fortresses in Java Sea as a part of their protest. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- What is their demand? 

General Monduka:- They want compensation of 50 gold coins for each mermale and mermaid of Jatikano community who has lost their family members in the recent oil spill near Tabernia kingdom. Moreover, they are sticking with their age-old demand to include the mermales of Jatikano community in several administrative posts.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Impossible! We can provide only 10 Gold coins to each family of Jatikano community which has lost its family members, provided they succeed in proving in COJA that our warriors have done partiality during the rescue work in Tabernia kingdom. And tell those mermales of Jatikano community to stop dreaming about getting any administrative post in our government. If their protests become too violent, start killing them.

General Monduka:- Ok! Your Highness!


Scientist Suleiman:- Suddenly, you have become too rich. Strange! Prince Vikrant has given you so many gifts at one go. Why that bloody miser became a good donor? There must be some reasons behind it.

Scientist Shahjahan:- I have created special masks. These special masks are very useful to save the life of any mermale or mermaid during any oil spill. 

Scientist Suleiman:- Dad, don’t try to fool me. Last year only, you talked about your discovery on Laser Rays. Last week, I stole one of your special masks from your laboratory and went to that disastrous spot to investigate those oil pipes minutely. It was not a natural leakage of those oil pipes. Someone used Laser Rays.

Scientist Shahjahan:- What do you mean? 

Scientist Suleiman:- The meaning is crystal clear, dad. In my childhood, you used to teach me that the misuse of science can give birth to several strong evil powers. And now, you yourself have become a slave in the hands of Prince Vikrant. You have become a greedy mermale.

Scientist Shahjahan:- Your mother died due to poverty. I never got a chance to become a rich mermale. Your step-mother and step-sisters want to live their life as rich mermaids. Who knows; one day, I may become the Emperor of this Sea World as I have the power of science. 

Scientist Suleiman:- My mother died because you were always too callous towards her. After your 2nd marriage, my mother became too depressed. You are a selfish mermale. You are a murderer. For that oil spill, so many mermales and mermaids have died. One day, God will surely give you a severe punishment for committing these types of sins. Don’t dare to dream about becoming an Emperor. From now on, I will use Science for the betterment of the mermaid society. Good luck to you, dad.


Lawyer Lavanya:- Day after tomorrow; there is a hearing at COJA. I need to produce some witnesses to prove that Emperor Kakrasa has done partiality towards the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community.

Dobla:- Don’t worry; our witnesses are ready for that.


Vikrant:- I am having a desire to see the dead body of Lawyer Lavanya.

General Monduka:- Relax! Prince! Your desire will surely be fulfilled by tomorrow morning.


Doctor Sthatolona:-  Your mother is more or less stable now. But, your father is still unwell. In the early morning, your father was doing his duty to clean up the sea water, but, he failed to understand that some oil was getting contaminated with sea water at that time. At present, he is suffering from a severe breathing problem. If he swims for around half a kilometer at a stretch, he will die. From now on, he cannot do any heavy work. Moreover, breathing in any type of polluted sea water may lead to asthma straightaway. Your dad’s breathing organ has now become too allergic for any type of impure sea water. That’s why; I suggest you to buy a special mask from Kakrasa’s warriors and let your father wear that mask almost every time.

Priest Jubilion:- There is no point in begging in front of Kakrasa’s warriors for a special mask. I have found three special masks lying on the sea-bed. Maybe, during the rescue operations, the Kakrasa’s warriors may have dropped some masks from their bags. Take these masks.

Arindam:- Thank you, Priest Jubilion.

Mirinda:- Look at the headlines of the Newsleaves today. In riots, around 54 mermales of Jatikano community have died. Not only have that, in the Flores Sea, Kakrasa’s warriors have killed around 23 mermales of Jatikano community. A case has been registered by the mermales of Jatikano community in COJA against Emperor Kakrasa. Tomorrow is the hearing day.


Judge Jishu:- We have waited for several hours, but, Lawyer Lavanya is yet to arrive at COJA. As per our rules, if the petitioner remains absent on the hearing day, then the case itself gets dismissed without any clauses or conditions. So, I hereby declare this case against Emperor Kakrasa, a dismissed case. 


Winston:- Where is that bloody lawyer? Oh! We are in back-foot now.

Dobla:- Where is she? Strange!


Emperor Kakrasa:- Good to hear that the case got dismissed. That lawyer Lavanya has done the right thing by backing out from this case. Give her 50 gold coins as a gift from my end. 

General Monduka:- As you wish; Your Highness!


King Fola:- These riots must stop. The Jatikano community is fighting against the Rajakya and Pitrala community. Why Jatikano community mermales be always neglected? They are also born as mermales like us. Moreover, I really condemn the orders by our Emperor Kakrasa to kill the protesters from Jatikano community.

Winston:- There is no point in condemning if you can’t help us.

King Fola:- How can I help you? All my soldiers are from Pitrala community. They also hate the mermales of Jatikano community.

Dobla:- But, at least, you can tell some of your soldiers to train us. We want to form our own battalion to fight against Emperor Kakrasa.

King Fola:- Better you ask about it to General Damus. Oh! General Damus is not from Jatikano community.

General Damus:- Your Highness! Let me make it very clear to you that I am just a mermale and I am proud to be a mermale. It hardly matters to me, whether I belong to Rajakya, Pitrala or Jatikano community. I only know one thing; that I am a warrior and my duty is to protect any mermale from any danger. If you order me, then I will surely train some mermales of Jatikano community to form their own battalion.

King Fola:- Yeah! Yeah! Just go ahead and train them.

Winston:- Thanks a lot, King Fola.


General Monduka:- Your Highness! We have secret information that King Fola is helping the mermales of Jatikano community by giving military training to them. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- King Fola is still spending his time as a guest in Oprestonia kingdom. The condition of Tabernia Kingdom is becoming somewhat stable. Before, King Fola reaches his palace in Tabernia Kingdom, order our warriors to capture it. We want to see King Fola as a permanent refugee of Oprestonia Kingdom under King Criston. 

General Monduka:- So, you want to keep Tabernia Kingdom under your control. That sounds good.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Out of all the 5 Kingdoms of the Sea World, mermales of Oprestonia, Lingolia and Tabernia kingdoms have revolted from time to time. In these 3 kingdoms, the population percentage of Jatikano community is in majority. King Criston of Oprestonia Kingdom is a nice and coward mermale. So, he is not so harmful. King Fola of Tabernia Kingdom is a very clever mermale. He can play game on me anytime; like he is trying to play a game now. King Ragamoah of Lingolia Kingdom is still a thorn for me. All the deadly creatures of sea world reside in this Lingolia Kingdom. Moreover, Magician Mombaura hails from this kingdom only, though he has now settled in Oprestonia kingdom. Mombaura still manages to get support from the deadly creatures of Lingolia Kingdom. We supply free Sea-Tobacco leaves to Mombaura. That’s why; Mombaura never challenges me. It is very easy to control a drug-addicted magician. 

General Monduka:- What about the marriage proposal for your son from Mukran Kingdom. Princess Diana, the daughter of King Duriz wants to marry your son.

Emperor Kakrasa:- You are smart enough to understand my plan. We will surely accept that marriage proposal. Already, King Duriz has become too old to administer a kingdom. Vikrant will get married to Diana and will become the King of both Tabernia and Mukran kingdom. As my son will be controlling 2 out of 5 kingdoms, it will become a lot easier for me to take Lingolia and Oprestonia kingdom under my control slowly and steadily.

General Monduka:- Do you have faith on Kylowga Kingdom?

Emperor Kakrasa:- Kylowga Kingdom hardly has 10 to 15 families of Jatikano community. Basically, 90% of the population of Kylowga Kingdom is of Pitrala community. Mermales of that kingdom will rather fight for me till the last drop of their blood. As per the geographical location, Kylowga kingdom is the neighboring kingdom of both Mukran and Lingolia kingdom. That’s an added advantage for me. 


Queen Lucy:- Now, that bloody Kakrasa’s warriors have conquered our Tabernia kingdom. Oh! No! I can’t digest this news. 

King Fola:- It is better to digest it. I am totally helpless. My soldiers are of no match against Emperor Kakrasa’s warriors. 

General Damus:- Just order us! Your Highness! We are ready to fight against those warriors. 

King Fola:- It is of no use. I know that you will accept a defeat. Wait and watch! We have to chalk out a plan. 


Diana:- Finally, you have accepted my marriage proposal. Thanks for accepting it.

Vikrant:- The mermaid whom I loved has died in the recent oil spill in Tabernia kingdom. That’s why; you got the chance to get married to me.

Diana:- Oh! I am so lucky.


Arindam:- What? We cannot go back to our own village. What kind of nonsense is this? Emperor Kakrasa cannot act like an autocratic ruler. He is an Emperor.

Winston:- Ha ha ha..Show me an instance where Emperor Kakrasa has not acted like an autocratic ruler. I really feel sorry for King Fola. Had he not helped us with military training, he would have never lost his throne.

Arindam:- We badly need to declare a war.

Mirinda:- No, no, war is not a solution.

Winston:- Yes, I agree with Mirinda for the time being. First let us form a strong battalion. We are not fully prepared for a war. Let us see, if any legal steps can be taken or not.

Arindam:- Legal steps! Already, that lawyer is absconding out of fear. In COJA itself, majority of lawyers are in favor of Emperor Kakrasa.

Tendula:- Winston, near the coral reefs of Minicoy Islands, a dead body of a mermaid has been found. Dobla is uncontrollable now as he has lost his beloved mermaid. 

Winston:- Whose dead body has been found? Come on! Speak out!

Tendula:- Lawyer Lavanya is not absconding. She has been killed the day before the hearing day by the Kakrasa’s warriors.

Winston:- I need to meet Dobla as early as possible. Come on; follow me, if you want to.


Dobla:- I warned her many times that don’t go against Emperor Kakrasa in such a fashion. She got no support from the other lawyers of COJA. I have lost my partner. We were about to get married, but, alas, I lost her. I will take the revenge. I will kill Emperor Kakrasa with my own hands. 

Winston:- Dobla, control yourself. The entire Jatikano community has lost a fighting mermaid. Her souls will rest in peace only when we will be able to take the revenge by killing Emperor Kakrasa. 

Arindam:- Will you still not declare a war?

Winston:- No, it is not the right time.


Doctor Sthatolona:- I have tried my level best. Your father also tried his level best to survive. But, oils won the battle. Your father has expired just a few minutes back. At this juncture, you have to be very strong mentally. 

Arindam:- That’s destiny and nothing else. I have only to blame that natural disaster. 

Priest Jubilion:- Ptalone Protozona is no more with us. Oh! God! Let his soul rest in peace.

Doctor Sthatolona:- Siusa is so shocked that she is not talking with anyone at all. Mirinda, you need to take care of your mother-in-law.

Mirinda:- Yes, surely, I will.

Bombino:- I have lost my wife, Shakira during that natural disaster. I don’t know, how many more will die. Still, around 123 mermales and 57 mermaids are undergoing medical treatment. 

Scientist Suleiman:- Do you really think that the oil spill was a natural disaster?

Arindam:- Sorry! Who are you? 

Scientist Suleiman:- I will reveal my identity and other information. Arrange a meeting, please.


King Fola:- So, it was an artificially created disaster to kill us. How can we have faith on you, Suleiman? After all; your father works for Vikrant, the son of Emperor Kakrasa.

Scientist Suleiman:- Had I been a bad and selfish mermale, I wouldn’t have risked my life to come here and meet you all. There are spies of Emperor Kakrasa almost everywhere.

Arindam:- Instead of doubting on Suleiman, I think that it is time to declare a full-fledged war against Kakrasa. We want to take revenge. Both Kakrasa and Vikrant must die. 

Bombino:- I will chop off Vikrant’s head. 

Dobla:- I will kill Vikrant’s wife in front of Vikrant. 


General Monduka:- Prince Vikrant, there is a sad news for you. Both Arindam and Mirinda were on a secret honeymoon when the oil spill happened. Both of them are still alive.

Vikrant:- No! No! No! It can’t be. How can they be still alive? Our spies gave us the information that both of them were in Tomasi village only at that time. 

General Monduka:- Those two spies have also died in the oil spill. So, there is no scope for you to give any further punishment to those two spies. We have also got the information that the mermales of Jatikano community have already formed a military battalion and they are on the verge of declaring a war. They have termed their war as the WAR OF REVENGE.

Vikrant:- If their war is the WAR OF REVENGE, then we will also declare a war which will be termed as WAR OF PRESTIGE, GLORY and PRIDE. After 3 days, I will be crowned as the King of Tabernia and Mukran kingdom. I will surely enjoy the first war as a King.


Dobla:- Who will be our leader in the war against Emperor Kakrasa and King Vikrant?

Bombino:- Winston can lead it.

Ex-King Fola:- No, in my opinion, we need a leader, who is brave enough to lead so many brave-hearted mermales and mermaids. I have more faith on my son-in-law.

Maradon:- We have no problem, if Arindam becomes our leader.

Winston:- It was always in my plan to see this brave-hearted mermale as a leader. That’s why; I requested Zwala to save him.

Arindam:- What? You sent Zwala to rescue me. Oh! I am really grateful to you. 

Winston:- Don’t be grateful to me. It is give and take policy. Be our leader and lead us to victory. Our first step will be to free Zumlu from the Biggendo prison of Kylowga Kingdom. To succeed in it, we badly need the support of Magician Mombaura.

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