Sunday, February 10, 2013


Magician Mombaura:- I want fresh supply of Sea-Tobacco leaves every week. 

Winston:- Don’t worry; we will fulfill your demands. Now, just tell us how you will do it?

Magician Mombaura:- I can hypnotize blade-fishes and piranhas to attack the Biggendo prison, but, I have no plan at all.

Scientist Suleiman:- Your magical or hypnotizing powers will not help us by so much as the mermales of Pitrala community who are  guarding the inner cells of the Biggendo prison also have hypnotizing powers. 

Magician Mombaura:- So, what’s your plan? 

Scientist Suleiman:- We want them to chase us.


Maradon:- Why Scientist Suleiman is hiding behind the coral reef which is nearer to the main gate of Biggendo prison?

Arindam:- Hussh! We are waiting for his signal. The moment Suleiman signals us, we will shoot three arrows to target the boundary wall of the Biggendo prison. The sensors are installed on the walls to ring the alarm. Once the electric fishes of the Biggendo prison come out to attack us, Mombaura will instruct the blade-fishes and piranhas to attack the electric fishes.

Panduram:- All the piranhas and blade-fishes may die in the battle. 

Bombino:- Yeah! They will die. If the electric fishes don’t return back to the prison after a certain time, the four poisonous snakes will come out to monitor the situation. These snakes are very speedy in their movement. How to deal with them?

Arindam:- Under the guidance of Scientist Suleiman, we have made special nets to trap the four snakes. Once the snakes get trapped, it becomes easier for us to kill them. The nets have been installed in suitable places.

Dobla:- But, there are around 50 mermales of Pitrala community inside the prison. How to tackle them?

Bombino:- All the guard mermales may not come out of the main gate of the prison. Scientist Suleiman has installed two gadgets in front of the main gate to create an artificial hydroelectric field. All the mermales coming out of the main gate may die or get weak in that hydroelectrical field. 

Maradon:- Will that artificial hydroelectric field not going to affect the electric fishes and poisonous snakes?

Arindam:- The artificial electric field will have very little impact on the electric fishes and poisonous snakes, but, we the mermales may die if we swim through that type of an artificial hydroelectric field. Scientist Suleiman has given us the signal. Be ready with your bows and arrows. Now, attack.


Tendula:- The electric fishes are very hard to tackle. Almost all the blade-fishes have died. Piranhas are struggling to have their bites on those electric fishes. Oh! No! Those piranhas and blade-fishes have been hypnotized to death. Our plan has failed. Oh! No! Those electric fishes are now coming towards us.

Maradon:- Swim backwards now. They are chasing us. Swim for your life now.

Dobla:- Where is Magician Mombaura now? Can he hypnotize these electric fishes? 

Bombino:- Oh! Forget about Mombaura now. Mombaura is now sleeping in his den after enjoying those Sea-Tobacco leaves. 

Arindam:- Hey, we are swimming out of fear, right! But, where are the electric fishes? They are not chasing us anymore. We can’t see them now.

Panduram:- There they are! In one of the nets installed by Scientist Suleiman, all the electric fishes have got trapped. 

Arindam:- Fantastic! Attack them with the arrows. Don’t stop attacking them, till they die.

Scientist Suleiman:- Hey! Guys! Don’t take too much time to kill these electric fishes. Kill them before the four poisonous snakes reach here. 

Bombino:- Oh! No! Snakes are already approaching towards us.

Scientist Suleiman:- All of you wear your special masks. I will spray a special liquid into the water. This spray is a poisonous spray. It will kill both the electric fishes and snakes within 5 minutes. Then, we will apply our second plan.

Dobla:- Second plan?


Maradon:- Thank God! We are still alive. All the snakes and the electric fishes are dead. I am feeling tired now.

Dobla:- Go back then. We don’t want warriors in our squad who get tired too easily.

Scientist Suleiman:- Guys! We need to swim towards the back gate of the Biggendo prison.

Panduram:- Back gate? Strange planning!


Bombino:- Hey! Look there! Already Mirinda has started the process to break open the back gate of the Biggendo prison. Be careful, Mirinda, an arrow is targeted towards you. 

Mirinda:- Oh! Thanks! 

Tendula:- Have you all gone crazy? We will fight against 50 mermales of Pitrala community with this strength only. 

Arindam:- No, Tendula. Just turn around. Winston is marching with his 30 soldiers and General Damus is leading around 40 warriors. It is more than enough to kill 50 mermales. 

General Damus:- Hey! Enough dialogues! Now, it is time to act. Warriors! Break open the gate.

Winston:- Attack!


Zumlu:- Aah! Finally! I am out of the Biggendo prison after a long wait. 

Zwala:- Good to see you, brother. 

Zumlu:- Now, I am dying to take the revenge. Kakrasa mercilessly killed our father, Zudas. I can’t forget that moment.

Zwala:- Don’t worry, brother. We will surely take our sweet revenge.


General Monduka:- Your Highness! Biggendo prison has been destroyed. Zumlu is free now. As per our secret information, Zumlu is planning to unite all the whales of the sea world. Zumlu has called for a meeting of whales in Bering Sea.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Hmm! Where is Vikrant now? 

General Monduka:- Your son is busy in his honeymoon period at Andaman Sea. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- We have to kill Zumlu and Zwala before they unite all the whales against our empire.

General Monduka:- Scientist Shahjahan was saying that he has got some nuclear rocks which can be used to cause artificial Tsunamis.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Great! Find out the location in the Bering Sea, where they are going to conduct the meeting. Request Scientist Shahjahan to come and meet me tomorrow.


Scientist Shahjahan:- Your Highness! I need 100 Gold Coins for it. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- Done! What else do you want?

Scientist Shahjahan:- A guest house in my name at Andaman Sea, where I can stay with my family members anytime for free.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Done! What else? 

Scientist Shahjahan:- As of now; this much is ok for me.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Now, tell me, how are you going to execute the plan?

Scientist Shahjahan:- See! As per the secret information from General Monduka, the whales are going to conduct a meeting in Solakushi of Bering Sea. The place where they are going to conduct the meeting is just at a distance of 1 Km from the Solakushi hillock. If I keep the 5 nuclear elements side by side with a specific circuit design with a proper wiring to supply hydroelectricity through the circuit, then those 5 nuclear elements will take around 18 to 20 hours to emit all their radioactive rays and explode one by one. Once the explosion takes place, it is bound to cause a very little drift in the tectonic plates of Pacific Ocean Zone. That very little drift is powerful enough to cause an artificial Tsunami. I cannot guarantee you that all the whales will die in the Tsunami or the nuclear explosion at Solakushi hillock. But, due to that Tsunami, strong waves around the Bering Sea will be powerful enough to move all the whales towards the Japanese Islands. Install all your warriors near the coastal waters of Japanese Islands. The moment they see any injured whale, they must kill them. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- Wow! Fantastic Idea! I will give you another 100 Gold Coins if the entire operation becomes successful. 


Zumlu:- All my brothers and sisters, we have assembled here today to declare a war against the cruel Emperor, Kakrasa. How many of you are against Emperor Kakrasa?

All the other whales:- All of us.

Zwala:- What sound is that? It sounds like an explosion? Oh! No! Everyone, just swim for your life! It is a Tsunami.


Doctor Sthatolona:- Look at the headlines of the Newsleaves today. The whales are almost at the verge of their extinction. Zumlu called for a meeting at Bering Sea. The Tsunami happened. What a bad luck for the whales! Though some whales were still able to withstand the Tsunami, but, the humans of Japanese Islands have killed some of the whales who were swimming along the coastal areas of Japanese Islands. 

Priest Jubilion:- How are you so sure that those whales have been killed by humans in the Japanese coastal area? Kakrasa’s warriors may also kill them. Before Emperor Kakrasa plays another trick, tell Arindam to conquer Tabernia Kingdom as early as possible. To become a King, you need to acquire some territories. A King always gets more support than just a warrior.

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