Thursday, February 21, 2013


Turtle Taraknath:- The entire Sea World is very calm today. Generally, the oceanic waters don’t remain so calm.

Turtle Tilak:- Dad, before any sea storm, the ocean waters generally remain calm. Today, it is the 1st day of the Sea World War. It is deadlier than any sea storm.

Turtle Taraknath:- God save the Sea World.


Emperor Kakrasa:- Blow the horn-pipes to start the war.

General Monduka:- Yes, I have already ordered them to blow the horn-pipes.

Emperor Kakrasa (while signaling towards his warriors):- Akraman!


Arindam (while signaling his soldiers):- Prati Akraman! 


Arindam:- What kind of a rule is this? If it is a cloudy day, there will be no war. After the sunset, there will be no war.

General Damus:- It is the tradition of our Sea World. All the war should happen by keeping Suryadev (Sun God) as the divine witness. 

Arindam:- I want to change this tradition.

General Damus:- Then, probably you are not talking like a true warrior. Are you feeling insecure of losing this war? 

Arindam:- No, I am not. 

Winston:- Already, we are on the 16th day of this war. Emperor Kakrasa has lost around 400 warriors, 150 alligators, 30 sea-lions and 15 anacondas. But, we have lost around 700 soldiers, 140 whales and 225 sharks. Most of our soldiers that died in the war are from Lingolia kingdom. King Ragamoah is somewhat skeptical about this war now. He may become neutral. 

Arindam:- He can’t become a neutral king at the middle of a war. I may not do any harm to him, but, will Emperor Kakrasa spare him? Make King Ragamoah understand that as a King, he cannot run away from the warzone in the middle of a war.

Winston:- Yeah! I will make him understand about it.


Vikrant:- It seems that your arrow machines are of no use for us. The wheel-thorns are tackling those arrows very efficiently. You never told us that your son has gone against you. Your son surely deserves some special treatment.

Scientist Shahjahan:- No matter what happens, you promise me that you should not do any harm to my son. I am proud of my son. At least, my son is not as greedy as me. 

Vikrant:- Had you not been a very resourceful mermale for us, we would have killed you at this very moment. Don’t ever utter in front of me in future that you are proud of your son. For your son, our scientific advantages are getting nullified. Your son is always countering your inventions. If possible, make your son understand to stay away from this war.

Scientist Shahjahan:- Yeah! I will surely try to do that. Come on; let me tell you about my new gadgets. These gadgets are known as Secret Blasters. You keep these Secret Blasters hidden inside the sands of seabed or beneath the seaweeds of coral reefs. This is a remote control device on my hand. Once you press the remote button within a distance of 10 meters from the Secret Blasters, there will be an explosion. The explosion is big enough to kill at least 5 mermales at one shot. 


Scientist Suleiman:- I have installed artificial vibrators at the body of some whales. Whenever you see any anacondas or sea-lions coming nearer to whales, just press the remote control button. The strong vibrations produced by the artificial vibrators will slow down the speeds of anacondas and sea-lions. At that juncture, our soldiers will start the wheel-thorn machines.

Dobla:- Ok! That’s not bad. But, I think, our soldiers can handle those anacondas with the harpoons also at that juncture. 


Doctor Sthatolona:- It is a sad day for us. On this 25th day of the Sea World War, we have lost General Damus. We pay salute to that great martyr.

Fola:- Yeah! He was a great warrior. An explosion of the Secret Blaster took his life. The warrior was unaware of those modern weapons. 

Priest Jubilion:- We have to choose another General. Who will become the next General?

King Arindam:- Panduram will be the next General. 


General Panduram:- Can you create a device to track all the Secret Blasters?

Scientist Suleiman:- I need some time. But, the device may fail to detect all the Secret Blasters. But, at least, it can detect 8 out of 10 Secret Blasters.

General Panduram:- That will be beneficial for the time being. 


Emperor Kakrasa:- General Monduka is badly injured. Today was the 34th day of the Sea World War. The war is getting intensified day by day. It seems that the population of aquatic animals is much more than we expected. Those bloody soldiers of Jatikano community are giving a great fight against us. What a shame! Now, who will take the charge of a General as Monduka is severely injured.

King Vikrant:- I always wanted a fresh blood for that post. Mrityunjay, the son of Monduka is a very talented warrior. I had a talk with him. He has no hesitation to become the General on a temporary basis till Monduka recovers from his injuries. 


General Panduram:- Today is the 40th day of the Sea World War. Many warriors and soldiers are dying without any outcome. No one is winning and no one will win if we keep on fighting like this.

Bombino:- You must be having some plans. 

Dobla:- What is your plan? Tell us.

General Panduram:- Target the strengths of Emperor Kakrasa first.


Dobla:- Your brother Zumlu died due to an artificial Tsunami. Do you know the name of the scientist who was behind this incident?

Zwala:- Who? 

Dobla:- It was Scientist Shahjahan who killed not only your brother but many other whales by creating an artificial Tsunami.

Zwala:- Emperor Kakrasa ordered that scientist to make it happen.

Dobla:- If you ever get a chance to kill Scientist Shahjahan, will you not take the sweet revenge of your brother’s death.

Zwala:- Yes, why not! But, he is Suleiman’s father.

Dobla:- Even Suleiman once said in front of us that he sometimes feel like killing his own father. 

Zwala:- But, how can I kill that Scientist Shahjahan. He never comes to fight in the war zone.

General Panduram:- Scientist Shahjahan lives in a palace of Yellow Sea with his 2nd wife and children. On the 46th day of the Sea World War, we want to hear the news that Scientist Shahjahan is dead along with his family members.

Zwala (somewhat felt uneasy):- But…

General Panduram:- There are no ifs and buts, Zwala. This is a bloody war. 


General Mrityunjay:- General Hiuen is dead. General Panduram has sent some of his soldiers to completely destroy the Furnola Fort of Kylowga kingdom. King Okuta is now taking shelter at Fort Neolov of Mukran kingdom. King Duriz and General Duke are really managing their warriors well. I think that it is not safe for Emperor Kakrasa to stay in this eastern zone of South American coastal line. It is better for Emperor Kakrasa to hide somewhere near the Greenland island.

Emperor Kakrasa:- I thought that you are a brave warrior. But, you are now talking like a coward. I am not going back to Greenland till I win this war. My warriors have already built a very strong fort for me at Scotia Sea. It is a very secure fort for me.

General Mrityunjay:- Then it’s ok. Your Highness! As per my observations, King Arindam’s soldiers are not so competent against our warriors. It is the soldiers of Oprestonia and Lingolia kingdoms which are giving a good challenge to our warriors. We have to target the Fort Yownell and Fort Kelonx first. If we can kill General Greg, General Dibakar, King Ragamoah and King Criston, then half the battle will be won.

Emperor Kakrasa:- You are talking like an immature mermale now. You are perhaps day-dreaming. It is not as easy as you think. 

General Mrityunjay:- Your Highness! Maybe, I am not so brave; maybe I am immature; but, I always like to execute hard tasks. Just give me permission to execute my plans. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- Your plans don’t abide by the traditional rule of the war. Our traditional rules say that we should always fight in the war-zone and that too at daytime of a sunny day.

General Mrityunjay:- Everything is fair in a bloody war. To bring enemy’s darkness, sometimes, you need to take the advantage of darkness.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! Go ahead.

King Vikrant:- Dad, King Duriz has come to give a good news.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Good news! We have won this Sea World War or what!

King Duriz:- No, no, Your Highness! Your daughter-in-law has given birth to a baby mermale just a few hours back.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Wow! It is good news indeed. Vikrant, arrange for a small party to celebrate this occasion. What will be the name of my grandson? 

King Vikrant:- Dad! You are his grandfather. You give a name.

Emperor Kakrasa:- My grandson’s name is Viswajeet. Fort Neolov is not safe for Diana and Viswajeet. King Duriz, make the arrangement to send my daughter-in-law and grandson to our Monarch Palace near Greenland Island. 


King Arindam:- Who the hell is this General Mrityunjay? He is becoming a threat for us. Lingolia kingdom is completely devastated. 

General Panduram:- Your Highness! We have good news. Scientist Shahjahan has died of an accident. He was experimenting with some nuclear elements in his laboratory in Yellow Sea. During the experiment, he died due to an explosion.

King Arindam:- Panduram, are you playing any game behind me? 

General Panduram:- What are you saying? I am your childhood friend. I can’t even think about playing games behind you. 

Emperor Kakrasa is playing the real game. In the dark nights, his warriors attacked Fort Yownell and Fort Kelonx. Their warriors are not abiding by the traditional rules of war of our Sea World. 

King Arindam:- If they are not abiding by the rules, then who are we to follow the rules. 

Dronankur:- As per the secret information, Emperor Kakrasa is staying at a newly built fort behind the Mitchasisokla hillock. The fort’s location is exactly in between the Mitchasisokla hillock and the Quioyou sea forest.

Maradon:- Our traders have told us about a secret and shortest route through Tasman Sea to reach to that place.

King Arindam:- No one should know about this secret operation. 


Alligator Abraham:- No! Wait! Don’t kill me. 

Scientist Suleiman:- On this 65th day of the Sea World War, I don’t want to miss this opportunity. You have killed so many soldiers. Yeah! My arrows are bang on target. You will die after a few minutes.

Alligator Abraham:- Zwala killed your father. You are such a fool. You are fighting for that king who is playing games behind you. You are such a fool despite being a scientist. Before dying, I have told you the brutal truth. Good bye.


Bombino:- Scientist Suleiman has somehow got the information that Zwala killed Scientist Shahjahan.

General Panduram:- What’s the guarantee that Zwala has kept it as a secret. Let Zwala die.


Whale Zwala:- Oh! You targeted so many wheel-thorns on my body. I am feeling too tired. I may die very soon. Why have you attacked me like that?

Scientist Suleiman:- Did King Arindam gave you the orders to kill my father?

Whale Zwala:- No, it is not the King but the General. Hey! Suleiman, look out. Oh! General Panduram, why have you killed Scientist Suleiman from behind?

General Panduram:- Some secrets should remain as secrets, otherwise, there will be a huge misunderstanding between me and Arindam.

Whale Zwala:- I know that you are eying the throne of Tabernia kingdom. God will give you the punishment.

General Panduram (talking to himself as both Zwala and Suleiman already died):- Go to sleep big whale. Nice to see both of you dying and that too near the warzone. Everyone will think that the Kakrasa’s warriors have killed you both.


King Arindam:- Oh! There are so many small fishes inside this Quioyou forest.

Winston:- Be careful. These small fishes have a tendency to bite. If too many small fishes attack you, then, you may start bleeding. Avoid them and swim slowly along the corals. 


General Mrityunjay:- Yeah! Finally, we have killed King Criston, King Ragamoah, General Dibakar and General Greg. Oprestonia and Lingolia kingdom is ours now. 75th day of this Sea World War has been a lucky day for us. 

General Duke:- There is a bad news. The saffron colored star fishes have already started transmitting the messages that King Arindam and his soldiers have attacked the secret fort of Emperor Kakrasa.

King Vikrant:- Oh! My God! My father is in great dilemma. Come on; let us go there as early as possible.


Emperor Kakrasa:- Well done! King Arindam! Finally, you have got hold of me. I have heard that you are the avatar who has taken birth in this Sea World to kill me. I don’t believe in those things. It is just a myth as per my opinion.

King Arindam:- What are you saying? I could not get you.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Look at your right hand. Your name is written in Hululu language. 150 years back, Astrologer Aryan predicted in front of the Pasupati Temple of Bay of Bengal that a mermale will take birth in this Sea World to kill me. His name will be written on his right hand in Hululu language. Your parents have not told you the reason of your birth. Strange!

King Arindam:- I am not here to hear all these craps. I am here to kill you.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Wait! Wait! It is very easy for several mermales to kill one mermale. As your soldiers have killed all my warriors in this secret fort, I am alone now. If you are a real fighter, you should fight alone against me. Let me see whether you are a real fighter or not.

King Arindam:- Ok! I accept your challenge. Take out your sword and fight with me. All my soldiers are instructed to remain as good audiences only.

Dobla (whispering):- Oh! Our King is doing a blunder now.

General Panduram (whispering):- Who care about that! Just watch their fighting.


Bombino:- The fighting is on for around 20 minutes. No one is winning. Really, these two are great fighters. Oh!

Dronankur:- Hurrah! Arindam has pierced his special sword into the body of Emperor Kakrasa. That sword has hydroelectric current. Great! Emperor Kakrasa is dead.

General Panduram:- Look at our King! He is also badly injured. Oh! He is shivering.

Bombino:- I have seen you throwing a small poisonous knife towards Arindam. 

General Panduram:- Have you gone mad?

Bombino:- You are telling me to ignore what I have seen.

Maradon:- Hey! Bombino! What are you talking about? Panduram is not like that.

Winston:- We don’t have time analyze what has happened just now. Vikrant and his soldiers are on their way towards this secret fort. Let us head towards the Antarctica islands from this route. Come on; hurry up.


General Mrityunjay:- No! Don’t touch your father’s dead body. It is completely electrified.

King Vikrant:- Oh! No! My father is dead. We are late by a fraction of a second.

Emperor Kakrasa:- I am still alive, my son. The only thing is that my body is totally electrified now. Take me to Greenland by keeping me on a wooden log. My body will automatically get de-electrified after 24 hours.


Maradon:- Where is Dobla and Panduram?

Winston:- They must have taken some other routes intentionally. Bombino, is it true that Panduram threw a small poisonous knife at Arindam.

Bombino:- Yes, it is absolutely true. Emperor Kakrasa was unable to touch Arindam’s body with his sword. 

Dronankur:- The greed factor! Yeah! The greed for the power made those two mermales blind. Both Dobla and Panduram have turned traitors. When Bombino told me that General Panduram instructed Zwala to kill Suleiman, I was surprised.

Winston:- Arindam is shivering, though still alive. Let Arindam rest on that bed-type coral reef! Who can take out the poison from his body? 

Penguin Pingu:- Welcome to Antarctica, mermales. Don’t worry; you are in that land, where we such penguins are expert in any types of medications. We will take out the poison from that patient’s body. Take him to the nearby ice-berg.

Winston:- Wow! We are lucky enough! I am Winston and they are my friends.

Penguin Pingu:- We will have introductions later, Winston. The patient is in a shivering mode. Let us cure him first.

Winston:- Yeah! Sure! Maradon, send the message through the saffron colored star fishes to Mirinda that her hubby is still alive and getting medical treatment in Antarctica. Panduram and Dobla may try to kill Mirinda and Avinash. Tell her to come to Antarctica secretly with Avinash, Tendula, Priest Jubilion and Doctor Sthatolona.

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