Sunday, September 16, 2012


Priest Jubilion:- Good morning, Doctor Sthatolona. I am seeing you after a long time. I hope that everything is fine.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Yeah! Everything is fine. I have come to meet you to know about something.
Priest Jubilion:- Ok! Not an issue! But, you are carrying a little mermale on your lap. Who is he? What’s his name?
Doctor Sthatolona:- He is the son of a poor sea sweeper of Tabernia kingdom, Ptalone Protozona. His name is written on his right hand in Hululu language.
Priest Jubilion (Surprised and excited):- What! Is it that special mermale? Let me read what’s written on his right hand. His name is Arindam. This mermale will surely kill the Emperor Kakrasa one day.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Maybe or maybe not! But, you should not say anyone about the fact that the special mermale has taken birth in the Kingdom of Tabernia. By the way, I don’t have too much faith on astrology. To kill an emperor like Kakrasa, you need a courageous warrior.
Priest Jubilion:- You leave it to me. When this mermale will become a mermale of 5 years, he will be sent to Akalan, the reputed training center of Mukran kingdom.
Doctor Sthatolona:- No, it is not a feasible idea to send him to a training center. If any of the spies of Kakrasa came to know about him, they may try to kill him at Akalan itself. I suggest you to request one of the best trainers to train him privately in Tabernia kingdom itself.
Priest Jubilion:- Ok! As you wish!
Dolphin Darwin (One of the best trainers of the Sea World):- Hi, I am Darwin. What’s your name?
Arindam:- I am Arindam.
Dolphin Darwin:- Your parents told me that you became a mermale of 5 years old on the day before yesterday. From now on, I am your trainer. Actually, we, the Dolphins species are engaged in the profession of teaching and training only. My elder brother, Docomo runs the Akalan training center in the Mukran kingdom which is famous worldwide.
Arindam:- Oh! I am finding you very boring, Mr. Darwin. I must request my parents and Priest Jubilion to change the trainer.
Dolphin Darwin:- I have the teaching experience of more than 5 years or so. I have taught the little kids of almost all species in this sea world. Generally, all the kids become too restless at their initial period of learning. After some days or months, they start finding some interest in their training.  Anyway, enough of lectures; now, just follow me. I hope that you can swim faster at all levels of water.
Arindam:- Yeah! I am not so bad in swimming.
Dolphin Darwin:- That will not help you, dear. You have to become the fastest swimmer of this sea world. You don’t know your goals, but we know it. Anyway, just chase me down. Catch me if you can.
Arindam:- Ok! Here I go. Oops! You are very smart. You are swimming laterally and changing your levels too fast. You are swimming at the surface of the water and suddenly you are coming down towards the sea bed and swimming across the sea-weeds. Oh! It is very tough for me to chase you down. I am panting for breathe now.
Dolphin Darwin:- Stamina problem! Ha ha ha…Can you see those red colored mushrooms on the sea bed?
Arindam:- Yeah! I can.
Dolphin Darwin:- Uproot those mushrooms and eat it.
Arindam:- Oh! No! It is so bitter in taste.
Dolphin Darwin:- But, those mushrooms are like steroids. If you consume 5 grams of red mushrooms daily, then you can swim around 15 kilometers with your maximum swimming speed daily. Ok! Enough! You had a gala eating session! Now, you have to swim towards the surface of the sea water from this sea bed without using your hands. Wait; let me tie your hands with this thin stem of a sea plant.
Arindam:- My goodness! You can do almost everything with our mouth.
Dolphin Darwin:- That’s practice and nothing else. Now, start swimming upwards.
Arindam:- I am falling down every time on the sands of sea bed. It is impossible for me. How can you expect me to swim without using my hands?
Dolphin Darwin:- Oh! Come on! You are a mermale. Even the female gender of a mermale, i.e. a mermaid can swim like that. A fish is not having two hands like you but still it can swim well by using its tail fin.
Arindam:- Wrong! A fish also has other fins.
Dolphin Darwin:- Imagine that a fish has lost all his fins except the tail fin. Will that fish not be able to swim in water?
Arindam:- Yeah! It can swim but with too much labor.
Dolphin Darwin:- Exactly! I also want you to give some extra effort. Hard work always pays, dear.
Arindam:- Ok! Let me try again.
Dolphin Darwin:- Keep your head straight and keep yourself relaxed. Yeah! You are going great. Keep on paddling your tail fin in that same frequency level. Once you reach nearer to the surface of water, increase the frequency of paddling of your tail fin. That’s great! Yes! Now, you have made it. So, was it impossible?
Arindam:- Oh! I am feeling too hungry now. It was really a hard exercise for me today.
Dolphin Darwin:- Ha ha ha…Ok! Ok! Now, let me untie your hands. You can go now. See you on next week again. Keep on practicing the two types of swimming that I taught you today.
Siusa:- So, how was your training session, dear?
Arindam:- Too laborious, mom. My master kept me engaged in swimming. What food do we have in lunch?
Siusa:- Appelin Sea-weeds with sandy water termites and fresh pomula fishes. Your dad has also come after completing his first half duty.
Ptalone:- Hey, Arin, you are back from training. Siusa, serve the food. I am feeling very hungry now.
Arindam:- Dad, What duty do you do every day?
Ptalone:- I am a sea sweeper. My job is to keep the sea water clean and hygienic. Every day, I collect all the dirt of the sea water in a big net and then I dump all those dirt in the nearby sea beaches which always remains full of garbage. The humans collect those dumps every week to their garbage collection center to burn all those dirt. Not only have that; every week, I spray the Plouraquin medicine to keep the sea waters of Tabernia Kingdom free from various deadly germs and viruses.
Arindam:- Wow! Dad! You are really doing a great social job for the animals of the sea water.
Siusa:- Yeah! Indeed he is. Now, start eating the foods.
Arindam:- Master Darwin, today, I want to know something about this sea world. Enough of swimming practices.
Dolphin Darwin:- Ok! I appreciate the fact that knowledge is also a kind of a powerful tool though an intangible tool. So, what do you know about the kingdom where you live?
Arindam:- I live in Tabernia Kingdom. I just have that much idea only. My friends were saying that this sea world is a very big world as our planet Earth is having 3 parts of water and 1 part of land only.
Dolphin Darwin:- Ha ha ha…your friends are absolutely right. This sea world is really a big world comprising of 5 big kingdoms. The 5 kingdoms are Tabernia, Mukran, Oprestonia, Kylowga and Lingolia. There are three communities of your mermale society. They are Jatikano, Pitrala and Rajakya. Rajakya are the mermales of royal communities. All the mermaids of Rajakya community are either Queens or aristocrat mermaids. As per the traditional rules, a mermale of Rajakya community is always preferred for the post of a King. Pitrala are the warrior community. Their job is to die for their own kingdom in the battle.  All the other professions of the sea world are done by the Jatikano community.
Arindam:- So, that means, if a mermale is neither a King nor a warrior, then he belongs to Jatikano community.
Dolphin Darwin:- Exactly! I have heard from my ancestors that long time back, the Jatikano community protested against the Rajakya community to include them in the administrative posts or offices of the sea world, but, that protest went in vain. Many Jatikano mermales and mermaids got killed in that protest. Sea waters became red in color. Kakrasa, the Emperor of this sea world is ruling for around 25 years or so. All the other species of this sea world are not happy with Kakrasa. Even, we the Dolphins hate that cruel Emperor. But, we are helpless. Hey, don’t go near that bubble prison.
Arindam:- Bubble Prison! Oh! My God! What is this? The bubbles are rising up from the sea bed. It is looking like a big prison of the sea water with lots of bubbles at its iron walls.
Dolphin Darwin:- Kakrasa, though a mermale, is also a great pirate of the sea world. He stole many weapons and other valuable things from the ships that sunk under the sea water. These iron walls are made of rust free iron.
Arindam:- But, who all are there inside this prison?
Dolphin Darwin:- All the great enemies of Kakrasa are kept captivated inside this prison. The name of this prison is Xolariv. Every kingdom has its own prison like this. This Xolariv is under Tabernia kingdom only. So, the water animals who have protested against Kakrasa from this Tabernia kingdom are inside this prison! I have heard that the No.1 dangerous enemy of Emperor Kakrasa is in the Biggendo prison of Kylowga kingdom. His name is Zumlu, the largest whale of the sea world.
Arindam:- How Kakrasa has managed to keep all these animals in a prison?
Dolphin Darwin:- All the inner cells of the prisons are electrified. If any prisoner tries to escape, then it suffers an electric shock. Moreover, each prison has four poisonous snakes as guards and there are electric fishes roaming all around the cells. Not only have that; all the mermales of Pitrala community who are in the administration of those prisons are magicians and have hypnotizing powers. Don’t touch the outer wall of that Xolariv prison. It has vibrating sensors attached to it. The moment you touch it, some electric fishes will come out of that prison to give you electrical shocks.
Arindam:- Oh! Master! You could have told it before. I have already touched the outer wall of the prison.
Dolphin Darwin:- Oops! You have done a blunder. Now, run for your life. Sit on my back. The electric fishes are running towards us.
Arindam:- Whoa! What a ride on your back! You are a champion in escaping from any danger. The way you swam through the deep sea weeds; just incredible. The electric fishes lost track of us. Nice swimming, master.
Dolphin Darwin:- It’s ok! It was just a part of your training, dear. Anyway, I hope that you have learned a lot today and you will never dare to go towards the Xolariv prison area. Actually, it was my fault. While talking with you, I didn’t get the clue that we entered into a deadly zone. See you next week, Bye! Bye! Don’t tell your parents about this incident, otherwise, my job of teaching will be at stake.
Arindam:- Ha ha ha…don’t worry, master. I have started to gain some interest in your training courses. See you later.
Arindam:- Dad! Is Kakrasa invincible?
Ptalone:- I don’t know but Kakrasa’s warriors killed my father in a protest rally against Kakrasa. Everyone is unhappy with Kakrasa but we are helpless.
Arindam:- Today, Mr. Darwin told me about the 5 kingdoms. Oho! I forgot to ask about the Kings.
Ptalone:-  King Fola is the King of Tabernia Kingdom. Duriz, Criston, Okuta, Ragamoah is the King of Mukran, Oprestonia, Kylowga, Lingolia Kingdom respectively! The King of all the Kings is known as an Emperor. Kakrasa is the Emperor. Tabernia and Mukran Kingdoms are in strategic alliance with each other. There are two major languages in this sea world. One is Hululu (language of royal class) and Sanguin (language of labor class).
Arindam:- Oh! Dad! Why there are so many classifications in our mermale society?
Ptalone:- Blame it on our human like brains. Look at our physical structure. We are half human, half fish. Because of our shrewd brain, we have brought classifications and racism in our mermale society.
Siusa:- You people can talk about those things for whole night, but, I am feeling hungry now. Dinner has been served. Come on, let us have our dinner.
Doctor Sthatolona:- Your son has now become a 10 years old mermale. As per the marriage rules of our mermale society, a mermale of 10 years old and a mermaid of 7 years old are eligible for marriage.
Ptalone:- But my son is yet to select a profession to make his living. He is not able to do sea-weed farming also.
Priest Jubilion:- Aha! Why a future king of Tabernia Kingdom will learn sea-weed farming? Look at the Sea Newsleaves (In the sea world, news are printed on big papyrus sea leaves) today. There is a news at the 3rd leaf of the Newsleaves that King Fola has arranged a Swayambar competition (Groom Selection contest) for his daughter. Whosoever wins that contest will get married to the Princess of Tabernia Kingdom.
Ptalone:- But, my son hails from a Jatikano community. Is he eligible for the Swayambar competition?
Doctor Sthatolona:- Nowhere it is written in the Newsleaves that a mermale of Jatikano community cannot participate.
Ptalone:- Ok! I will try to convince my son to participate in that contest.
Priest Jubilion:- You don’t have to try. You must send him to participate in that contest. As per my astrological knowledge, your son has an outright chance to beat all his competitors. But, still, astrology may fail sometimes. Best of luck to your son!

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