Sunday, September 9, 2012


Mr. Julius John (Executive Director of Metallikon Group of Industries):- This year, your team has really performed well. Our company is proud of you and your team members.

Mr. Mrityunjay Majhi (Marketing Head of Eastern Zone):- Thank you, Sir! Thanks a lot for the compliments.
Mr. John:- Our company has won 3 awards this year from AIMR (All India Marketing Research) Group; 1) Fastest growing company in Eastern India, 2) No.1 in brand value of its products and 3) No.1 company in terms of social advertizing. Other consolation awards are also there but they are not of so much importance.
Mr. Majhi:- Yeah! Consolation awards are not of so much importance to us. So, when is the award ceremony of AIMR?
Mr. John:- The award ceremony is on 10.06.2012. Actually, the conference of AIMR will be starting on 09.06.2012 and will end on 11.06.2012. It is a 3-day conference, out of which, the award ceremony day is on 10.06.2012 only. You and your team members have to attend that conference to accept those awards. Try to book the flight tickets of you and your team members as early as possible.
Mr. Majhi:- Flight tickets? The AIMR conference was conducted in Kolkata for two successive years in Peerless Inn and Sonar Bangla Hotel respectively. This time, where?
Mr. John:- In Goa. Don’t worry; our MD, I and all the Board Directors will also attend that conference. But, as you know; we, the top management people are only allowed in the company sponsored private plane.
Mr. Majhi:- Oh! Not a problem, Sir! No hard feelings. We are getting an opportunity to go to Goa to receive the awards. That’s more than enough for us.
Mr. John:- Our company will bear 80% of  the accommodation and transport expenses of you and your team members, provided all the expenses remain within the ceilings as per the prescribed guidelines of our company. Jus book the tickets and enjoy Goa for few days.
Mr. Majhi:- Thank you, Sir! I will book the flight tickets by tomorrow evening, Sir.
Kingshuk:- Hard work really pays! Look at our team. We are all the young guns of our company. I joined this company 2 years back without any prior experience. But, as an MBA guy, I am feeling too excited today as a part of this Metallikon Group of Companies.
Subhrojyoti:- Hmm…ok. That’s great. But, where are these guys?
Kingshuk:- You are talking about Roopchand, Bishnudhar and Arindam, naah! There they are!
Subhrojyoti:- No, Arindam is yet to reach here.
Mr. Majhi:- Oh! Why you guys are so late?
Roopchand:- There was a huge traffic jam near Teghoria, Sir.
Bishnudhar:- Yes, Sir. Roopchand is telling the truth.
Mr. Majhi:- Arindam is late again. How much time it really takes to reach Dumdum airport from South West Kolkata region?
Roopchand:- He is coming, Sir. There he is.
Arindam:- Generally, Indigo planes do not have hi-fi air hostesses. But, in this particular flight, I am seeing too many hot air hostesses. This is a Kolkata to Goa flight, that’s why!
Bishnudhar:- Who knows; maybe, these air hostesses have been imported from Kingfisher airlines. Kingfisher Company is in a great dilemma. That’s why; many air hostesses have resigned from Kingfisher and joined other flight companies.
Kingshuk:- Sir, both Arindam and Bishnudhar have fallen in love with the air hostesses of this plane.
Mr. Majhi:- Just tell them to control themselves because it is just a tip of an iceberg. In Goa, they will not find any girl who is not hot and beautiful.
Captain Rosy D’Souza (announcing while sitting inside the cockpit):- Dear passengers, our flight is going to take off. Please fasten your respective seat belts. Switch off your mobile phones and laptops for the time being. Have a nice journey. Thank you.
Swetlana (Air hostess of Indigo flight):- Please don’t keep your mobile phone in silent mode, Sir. Please switch if off completely. It is a safety measure, Sir.
Arindam:- Really…Subhro…you are an idiot. For getting a call from your girlfriend at your mobile handset, you were going to put our life at stake!
Swetlana:- It is not a good habit to pass comments on anyone’s personal life, Sir.
Arindam:- Ok! Ok! I will not pass any comments now, but later on.
Swetlana:- Thank you, Sir.
Kingshuk, Bishnudhar, Roopchand and Mr. Majhi:- Ha ha ha…our poor Arindam!
Pilot Ramen D’Costa (announcing while sitting at the cockpit):- Dear passengers, we are about to land at Goa airport within a while. Everyone is requested to be seated in your respective seats. Fasten your seat belts, if you have loosened it. We are expecting to have a safe landing. Thank you.
Raju (A cab driver of Goa):- Sir! You people want a cab, Sir. Cab! Cab!
Mr. Majhi:- How far is Vasco da Gama Hotel from this Goa airport?
Raju:- Not much, Sir! Just half an hour!
Mr. Majhi:-  We are 6 guys altogether with some luggage. Will we fit in one cab?
Raju:- No, Sir! You need to hire two cabs. Hey, Sivan, come here.
Sivan (another cab driver of Goa):- Sir, my cab is also ready.
Remulus (Manager of Vasco da Gama Hotel):- Oh! Sir! Those cab drivers have fooled you all. Actually, our hotel is just at a 10 minutes walking distance from the airport. The cab drivers took the other routes and kept on roaming here and there to get some extra bucks from you all. Anyway, everyone gets fooled for the first time in Goa. That’s the specialty of Goa.
Mr. Majhi:- Both the cabs took 100 bucks each from us. The Goan cabs are two times dearer than the Kolkatan cabs.
Remulus:- Yeah! I agree to that. Anyway, Sir; Room No. 23, 24 and 25 has been allotted for you all. All the rooms are double bedded rooms.
Roopchand:- Are these the sea facing rooms?
Remulus:- Oh! Yeah! Of course, it is. These three rooms are in the 3rd floor. From the balcony of your rooms, you can enjoy the beauty of Pearl Beach. Pearl Beach is more beautiful and calm than the Calangute Beach, which is at a 5 Kilometers distance from here.
Kingshuk:- Oh! Today, the conference was so boring. Thank God! At least, we have impressed everyone by our business presentation. Majhi Sir is also very happy about it.
Bishnudhar:- Hey guys! What’s the time, now?
Roopchand:- It is now 4.05 PM of 09.06.2012. Why?
Bishnudhar:- I have a plan. We are feeling too hot in this summer season, right!
Subhrojyoti:- Yeah, right. So, are you planning to have a nice bath at the Pearl Beach before the sun sets in the west?
Arindam:- It is summer season. The Sun generally sets in the west at around 6.35 PM or so. It is not so a bad idea to have a bath at the Pearl Beach now. After having a nice time for around 30 minutes or so, we can also enjoy the dusky environment and the beauty of the sunset.
Bishnudhar:- Hey Guys! Look, what have I bought from a local shop near the Pearl Beach. Each nip bottles cost only 50 bucks. These are the bottles of Kaaju Feni.
Roopchand:- Wow! I have heard that the Kaaju Feni of Goa is very famous. These alcoholic drinks are prepared by fermenting the Kajoo Badams. Just make the pegs, man. Pour the drink in those plastic glasses.
Kingshuk:- Wait, wait, don’t drink it raw. Bishnudhar has also bought two bottles of Sprite cold drinks. Listen! Don’t drink it too fast. We will have two small pegs each and then have a bath at the beach water.
Arindam:- Oh! What a beautiful place this is? We are in paradise. Oh! What a sunset!
Subhrojyoti:- Arindam is out of control now. He drank three pegs and that too very fast.
Kingshuk:- Arindam, it is high tide now. Don’t go further. We will now go back to our hotel rooms. Come on!
Arindam:- Oh! Come on! What fun is there in life, if there is no adventure? Let me enjoy the sea waves of Arabian Sea.
Bishnudhar:- Arindam! Arindam! He is drowning, man. Come on, guys! Let us save him.
Roopchand:- Try to understand the situation. If we try to save him, we will also get drowned.
Kingshuk:- I will go and save him. I know better swimming than you guys.
Roopchand:- Oh! You all are out of control now. I badly need some life guards here. There must be some life guards in this Pearl Beach.
Sushil (Anchor of AIMR Conference in Goa):- Ladies and gentleman, we have lost one of our delegates of this conference yesterday. May his soul rest in peace! I request all of you to maintain a pin drop silence in the remembrance of his soul.
Ritika (Anchor of AIMR Conference in Goa):- Now, may I request Mr. Ratul Totan to present the award of Best Branded Products of 2012 to the Marketing team of Metallikon Group of Companies.  Mr. Mrityunjay Majhi and his team members are hereby requested to come on the stage to receive this award.
Mr. Majhi:- Thanks to AIMR for giving us this award. But, this is really a disappointing moment for us as we have lost one of our efficient team members of our marketing team. May his soul rest in peace! It is a lesson to be learned from this incident. Never ever go and bath in the sea waters if you are drunk. Even if you are not drunk, don’t take unnecessary risks in the sea waters. Even a good swimmer fails to swim well in the sea waters. Anyway, I am not in a mood to talk too much about this award. Thank you.
Kingshuk:- I feel myself lucky to be still alive. Thanks to those two life guards of the Pearl Beach.
Roopchand:- Had I called those two life guards a few minutes earlier, we wouldn’t have lost one of our team members.
Subhrojyoti:- What about the dead body?
Bishnudhar:- It has been already sent to Kolkata. Tomorrow, we will catch the flight to Kolkata.
Doctor Sthatolona (A reputed doctor of sea world):- Congratulations! Mr. Ptalone Protozona, your wife, Mrs. Siusa Protozona has given birth to a sweet baby mermale.
Ptalone:- Wow! That’s a great news, Doctor Sthatolona. Can I see my child and wife now?
Doctor Sthatolona:- Yeah! Of course, why not? But, wait a minute! Your baby mermale is somewhat different. A name is printed on his right hand and that too in Hululu language, not in our Sanguin language.
Ptalone:- It hardly matters to me, doctor.
Doctor Sthatolona:- You can take it lightly, not I. Few months back, Jubilion, the royal priest of Oceania Temple predicted that a mermale will take birth in the water kingdom of Tabernia who will rule the entire sea world one day by killing the Cruel Emperor, Kakrasa. Jubilion also predicted it that the mermale will have some special marks in his body.
Ptalone:- Oh! Now, do you think that my little son is that special mermale! Oh! Come on! I don’t believe in it.
Doctor Sthatolona:- But, still, I need to confirm it. After 1 month, I will take him to the Oceania Temple. Keep it a secret. Don’t let anyone know about those Hululu words printed on his right hand. Always keep his right hand covered with some clothes.
Ptalone:- Ok! Doctor, as you wish. Now, can I go inside?
Doctor Sthatolona:- Of course!
Siusa:- Look Ptalone! We have a new guest in our small family after a long wait. Sea Gods have listened to our prayers.

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