Sunday, September 30, 2012


Tendula:- Oh! My God! For the first time in my life, I killed a mermale.

Maradon:- It is just an act of self-defense. Don’t feel guilty about it.

Panduram:- Arindam, we have killed all those warriors of Kakrasa who tried to kill you in the name of medical treatment. Now, enter inside the Royal Palace of Tabernia like a true champion.

Arindam:- The body armor made of Shark’s skin is really a good body armor. Special thanks to Tendula and to you two also.


Monduka:- Your Highness! There is a bad news. One mermale has survived in the Swayambar Contest.

Kakrasa:- Oh! No! How is it possible? I want detailed information about that mermale and his family backgrounds.


General Damus:- Wow! God is gracious! Finally, we have got a groom for our beautiful Princess Mirinda. I request all the spectators out here to give a big round of applause for our champion mermale, Arindam. Arindam has won the Swayambar Contest. Congratulations, Princess Mirinda, at last, you have won the battle against Emperor Kakrasa.

Princess Mirinda:- Thanks a lot, General Uncle. This mermale is smart and handsome. I am feeling myself very lucky now. 

King Fola (whispering at his wife):- See! I told you earlier that my sixth sense was always telling me that someone is surely going to win this Swayambar Contest. My daughter, my little sweetheart will be very happy with that mermale.

Queen Lucy (in an angry mood):- Oh! You are such a nut! That mermale is not a prince of any kingdom. Look at Vikrant! Vikrant is the son of Emperor Kakrasa. Had you accepted the marriage proposal made by Vikrant for marrying your daughter two years back, then by now itself, we would have got some important posts in the cabinet ministry of Emperor Kakrasa.

King Fola:- Had Mirinda married Vikrant two years back, then by now, my daughter would have either killed Vikrant or committed suicide or both. You are always hungry about power and jewels. That’s a material life. It has no value at all. You married me to enjoy power and social status. You never loved me like a true lover. But, at least, I am proud of our daughter because she is not a selfish mermaid like you. 

Queen Lucy:- I am a selfish mermaid. Uuh! Just go to hell. Don’t forget that if that winner marries your daughter, then you will have to spend your remaining life as a prisoner of Kakrasa. 

King Fola:- I don’t care about it. When my daughter is happy, I am happy; no matter, where I am. I am not only a King of the Tabernia Kingdom, but a kind-hearted and caring father also. By the way; if I go to the Xolariv prison of Emperor Kakrasa, then you will become the Queen of Tabernia Kingdom. You must feel happy about it. Anyway, let me not waste any time. Let me start the proceedings of my daughter’s marriage. Hey, Damus, make the announcement of my daughter’s marriage.

General Damus:- As you wish, Your Highness! All the mermales and mermaids present here, please pay attention. Today, just after the sunset, we will have the marriage ceremony of our Princess Mirinda and Mermale Arindam. All the decorators, musicians and Hydro electricians are hereby requested to decorate the Royal Palace of Tabernia like a true Paradise of Love.

Kakrasa:- Wait! Our spies have got the information that the mermale Arindam belongs to Jatikano community. As per the traditional marriage rules of our species, a mermaid of Rajakya community cannot get married to a mermale of Jatikano community. 

King Fola:- Arindam, is it true that you belong to Jatikano community.

Arindam:- Yes, Your Highness! I belong to the Jatikano community. 

King Fola (whispering at General Damus):- Damus, I am confused now. As a very conservative mermale, I don’t want a mermale of Jatikano community to become my son-in-law but on the other hand, I don’t want to make my daughter’s married life a nightmare by making Vikrant as my son-in-law.

General Damus (whispering at King Fola):- Your Highness! Change is Constant! You have to accept this brutal truth. In this scenario, had I been in your place, I would have accepted the champion mermale as the future husband of Princess Mirinda. I just gave you my viewpoint. Ultimately, the decision is yours only.

King Fola:- All the mermales and mermaids here; please be silent. I have an important announcement to make. Despite knowing about the fact that Arindam belongs to the Jatikano community, I have decided that Princess Mirinda will get married to Arindam only. I am ready to accept any punishment from Emperor Kakrasa regarding this matter. 

Kakrasa:- Well; it is easier said than done, King Fola. As Arindam is a mermale of Jatikano community, he has to pass another test. If he passes that test, then he can surely marry Princess Mirinda. 

King Fola:- Arindam, are you prepared to take another test or will you withdraw?

Arindam:- No, I will take the test.

Kakrasa:- Good! Just around 80 Kilometers from here to the north-western region, there is a place called Megunaz. You have to bring one Evol flower for Princess Mirinda if you really want to marry her.

Princess Mirinda:- What! I have strong objections to it. 

Kakrasa:- Sorry! Little Princess! The rule is rule. It is just another extra round of your Swayambar Contest. Had Markov been alive, there would have been a tie-breaker round with Arindam. Just regard it like that type of a round only. 

Princess Mirinda:- Ok! Emperor! Then, I also have one condition. If Arindam succeeds in bringing the Evol flower to me, then you cannot take my father as a prisoner of your Xolariv prison even if I get married to Arindam.

Kakrasa:- You are a very smart mermaid. Ok! I agree to these terms and conditions. 

Vikrant:- Arindam, you have to start your journey now only.

King Fola:- Arindam is already tired. I suggest that you order him to start his journey towards Megunaz tomorrow morning. Till then, Arindam will remain as a guest in our Royal Guest House.

Vikrant:- Ok! Not an issue! Arindam, remember another thing. We have arrested all your three friends. We will release them if and only if you return to Tabernia Kingdom with an Evol flower. 

Arindam:- Vikrant, one day, you and your father may have to pay heavily for your cruelty.

Kakrasa:- You don’t need to think about us, poor mermale. Let us make this round tougher. You are starting your journey tomorrow. You have to come back here with that Evol flower before the sunset of day after tomorrow. So, in total, you can hardly afford to have a rest of around 2 to 3 hours only. Keep on swimming, poor mermale. Best of luck!


Finnie (One of the childhood friends of Princess Mirinda):- Hi, I am Finnie. How are you feeling in this Royal Guest House of Tabernia.

Arindam:- Oh! Yeah! Absolutely fine! This is a nice guest house to live in. But, I have seen three of you in the front row of spectators’ seats during the Swayambar Contest. You are Finnie, but what’s the name of other two mermaids?

Susan (One of the childhood friends of Princess Mirinda):- I am Susan and she is Nancy.

Nancy (One of the childhood friends of Princess Mirinda):- Our Princess Mirinda wants to meet you in her private room. So, we have come to take you there, but, secretly. There are many spies of Emperor Kakrasa here and there. Come on! Don’t utter a single word now.


Princess Mirinda:- Hi, I am Mirinda.

Arindam:- Yeah! I know that. But, why have you called me in your private room now. It is midnight now. 

Princess Mirinda:- Take this locket and wear it on your neck.

Arindam:- What! What kind of a locket is this? The word, ‘Megunaz’ is written on the locket.

Princess Mirinda:- Exactly! There is also a special tiny ruby attached with the locket. It is a very special locket. Megunaz is a lovely place. It has a lovely scenic beauty. But, it is also a restricted place. You cannot go beyond a certain region in Megunaz. I went there once with my friends as a tourist. You are smart and brave. Best of luck to you! That’s all. You can go now.

Arindam:- I am still confused. Anyway, if I fail to pluck that Evol flower, there is no point in coming back here. I will straightaway go back home from there itself.

Princess Mirinda:- Provided if you fail. Go now. Good night.

Arindam:- Good night, Princess.


Dobla (Winston’s Assistant):- Sir, have you read the headlines of today’s newsleaves?

Winston (Union Leader of all the Unions of Jatikano Community):- Kakarasa’s warriors have kept three innocent mermales of Jatikano Community in the Xolariv prison. Plucking an Evol flower is not an easy task. Moreover, to go to Megunaz from Tabernia Kingdom by the shortest route, one has to cross through our Oprestonia Kingdom. I want to have a glimpse of this brave mermale. 

Dobla:- Our King Criston belongs to a hybrid community. His mother was of Jatikano community and his father belonged to Pitrala community. Moreover, King Criston always demanded to keep our Oprestonia Kingdom outside the control of Emperor Kakrasa, though he failed against Emperor Kakrasa after so many protests. 

Winston:- Sometimes, I wonder, why I have kept you as my assistant. Don’t beat around the bushes. Just say directly what you want to say.

Dobla:- Only our Oprestonia Kingdom has a battalion of Blade-Fishes and Piranhas. This battalion is totally controlled by the Magician Mombaura, the magical mermale. We can easily break the Xolariv prison.

Winston:- Forget about breaking the Xolariv prison for the time being. Send someone to give the information to Zwala that if he protects that special mermale from any danger, then we may try to break the Biggendo prison of Kylowga Kingdom.


Vikrant:- Hardly, anyone goes to that restricted area of Megunaz. Till date, I have heard of only 3 mermales who have been able to come back alive after plucking those Evol flowers, but, none of them have been able to swim with that Evol flower for more than half an hour or so. But, we cannot take a chance in case of Arindam. That smart mermale is very tricky in nature. Install some of our warriors at the outer gateway of Lingolia Kingdom. After crossing Oprestonia Kingdom, it is Lingolia Kingdom and at the outskirts of Lingolia Kingdom, it is the Megunaz. Just beyond the Megunaz, it is the Kylowga Kingdom. Arindam is not a fool to come back through the Kylowga kingdom. He will come back through Lingolia Kingdom only as it is the shortest route. If possible, take the help of King Ragamoah’s warriors in Lingolia to kill Arindam, if he succeeds in returning back from Megunaz with that Evol flower. After killing him, throw his dead body at Megunaz itself. All the mermales should think that Arindam has died while plucking that Evol flower. 

General Monduka:- Don’t worry! Prince Vikrant. Arindam will not survive at any cost. 


Octopus Olympus (A Guard of the restricted area of Megunaz):- How dare you! Go back from here; else, we will kill you.

Arindam:- My goodness! I thought that you are just a colorful coral. You are expert in changing your colors. I must appreciate that.

Octopus Olympus:- Thanks for the compliments, but, we will not allow you to go beyond this point. Why have you come here?

Arindam:- I have come here to pluck an Evol flower.

Octopus Olivia (Wife of Octopus Olympus):- They are poisonous flowers. If you don’t know the art of plucking that flower, you will die. All these Evol plants control the temperature of the Sea World. If you pluck a single Evol flower, then there will be either an increase or decrease of 0.5 degree Celsius automatically. That’s why; our ancestors have been guarding this Evol flowers and we are also into this profession. The stems of Evol flowers secrete a special type of juice. If you collect those juices and keep it inside a fully covered conch-shell, then that conch shells look like a golden locket after a week. 

Arindam:- I am not interested in those fairy tales. Move back, else, I will kill you. Beware of my sword.

Octopus Olympus:- Ok! Mermale! Let us have a fight. 

Arindam:- Then, here I go! 

Octopus Olympus:- Oh! You failed to strike at my body. Now, it is my turn.

Octopus Olivia:- Stop it! I said stop fighting. Both of you stop fighting please.

Octopus Olympus:- Have you gone crazy, Olivia. It is our duty to protect the restricted area of Megunaz from any destroyers. We can even die for that. Look there, all the Octopuses are eagerly waiting to kill this mermale. If I order them, they will all attack this mermale. 

Octopus Olivia:- Look at this locket at the neck of this mermale. We gave this special locket to someone. Do you remember? Few years back, our son Octavian went out of this restricted area while playing with a shoal of fishes. A sword fish attacked our son as he was of a very small size at that time. A mermaid who was on a tour in Megunaz with some of her friends killed that Sword fish with her sword to save Octavian. For her bravery, we gifted to her a special locket. Do you remember?

Octopus Olympus:- Yes, how can I forget that? But, how come that special locket is at your neck, mermale?

Arindam:- Princess Mirinda gave me this locket. As per the new rules of the Swayambar Contest, if I can gift an Evol flower to the Princess Mirinda, then I will become eligible to marry her. 

Octopus Olivia:- Don’t worry; you will surely get an Evol flower. Let there be a little fluctuation in the temperature of Sea World. Wait! You don’t need to pluck an Evol flower. There is a technique to pluck it. If you pluck an Evol flower in a wrong technique, then its petals emit out a poisonous juice to kill you. Only the Octopus species is immune to that poisonous juice, though too much poisonous juice makes us senseless sometimes for 1 or 2 days. I will pluck it for you and then I will wrap it up with the special Boozol leaves. The poisonous juice remains active in the petals of an Evol flower for around 2 hours from the time of plucking it. The Boozol leaves secretes out a special juice after its plucking and it makes a neutralized chemical reaction with the poisonous juice of Evol flower to make the yellow colored Evol flower a very sweet and harmless flower. Just wait here for a while. 


Octopus Olivia:- Here is your Evol flower wrapped under Boozol leaves. I have tied the Boozol leaves with the special Srenity sea grasses. So, it is very hard to open it now. I suggest you not to open the wrap even out of extreme curiosity while swimming. If you do that, you may die. Open the wrap only after reaching your destination. By that time, Evol flower will become a romantic flower for you and your Princess Mirinda.

Octopus Olympus:- This is our sweet son, Octavian. Octavian, say hello to your mermale uncle.

Octopus Octavian:- Hello! Mermale Uncle!

Arindam:- I have a name dear. My name is Arindam.  Anyway, thanks to you all for giving a great co-operation to me. I would have liked to spend some more time with you all, but, I have to reach my destination before tomorrow’s sunset. 

Octopus Olympus:- Oh! Yeah! We understand that. No hard feelings, Arindam. Best of luck to you!

Octopus Olivia:- Arindam, if possible, please give a sweet kiss to Princess Mirinda on my behalf and tell her that Octavian will always be grateful to his sweet mermale aunty, Mirinda.

Arindam:- Sure! Sure! Surely, I will pass on these messages. Good bye! Guards of Megunaz!

Olympus and Olivia:- Good bye, dear.


General Monduka:- It is an order from our Emperor Kakrasa that your warrior should help our warriors to kill that mermale. 

General Greg (Army General of King Ragamoah):- Your Highness! You order us what to do. Generally, we are not in favor of killing innocent mermales.

King Ragamoah (King of Lingolia Kingdom):- Orders are Orders! I am not an Emperor, just a King. Follow the orders of Emperor Kakrasa for the time being. 

General Greg:- As you wish, Your Highness!

Arindam (talking to himself):- Oh! No! Kakrasa’s warriors are after me now. Oh! Mirinda! You gave me the locket but you failed to give me the information that Kakrasa’s warriors will try to kill me on my return journey. I am missing my childhood friends in this scenario. Oh! Come on! Arindam! There is no running away from it. Fight against those warriors. Kill them, though they are too many in numbers. Come on, you cruel warriors. Try to kill me and get killed in that process. Oh! They are expert in fighting too. I have already killed 7 of them. More to go; I hope. Come on!

Zwala (The younger brother of Whale Zumlu):- Are you having a very tough time, young mermale? I am Zwala.

Arindam:- Oh! Yeah! Oh! My God! Now, I have no chance to survive.

Zwala:- Don’t worry, dear. I am not here to kill you but to protect you from these bloody warriors of the cruel Emperor Kakrasa. Will you give me the permit to kill all these warriors?

Arindam:- Of course! Zwala. They are all yours. Instead of fighting, it will be better, if you take me out of here to a safe zone.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


Arindam:- No, no, dad! I am not in a mood to get married right now. Give me some time to settle down. I am planning to take the job of a guide for the tourists of our Tabernia kingdom.

Ptalone:- I am not saying no to it. Choose whatever profession you like to chose, but, it is my wish that you participate in the Swayambar Contest at the Royal Palace of Tabernia.

Arindam:- But, dad !

Ptalone:- My words are final in this regard. Either you participate or you don’t stay at our house.

Arindam:- Ok! Fine! But, don’t blame me, if I fail to win the contest. I know that I will not succeed in it.

Ptalone:- I have faith on the astrological predictions of Priest Jubilion. I am quite optimistic that you will win it. Maradon, Tendula and Panduram will accompany you in your journey towards the Royal Palace of Tabernia kingdom which is around 15 kilometers away from our house.

Arindam:- Ok! Not an issue! Tonight, we will start our journey.

Siusa:- Son, be careful while swimming at midnight.


Maradon (A childhood friend of Arindam):- We have already swum around 9 kilometers at a stretch. Come on! Let us pluck some sweet roseberries from these roseberry plants.

Tendula (A childhood friend of Arindam):- Oh! Yeah! Yeah!

Rozario (Sea Horse):- Wait! Just hang on! This is the territory of sea horses. No one can pluck any fruits, flowers or berries from any plants or sea weeds of our territory without taking prior permission from us. My name is Rozario. I am the Head Gardener of Sea-Plants of this Kingdom. If you pluck anything, I may arrest you all to give some punishment at the Royal Palace of Tabernia. I am a very loyal follower of our majesty, King Fola.

Panduram (A childhood friend of Arindam):- We are on our way to the Royal Palace of Tabernia only. Our friend Arindam is going to participate in the Swayambar Contest of the princess of Tabernia.

Rozario:- Ha ha ha…it is better to commit suicide rather than participating in it, because a loser of that Swayambar Contest never comes back alive.

Arindam:- What! What do you mean by that?

Rozario:- You will get to know about it once you enter inside the Royal Palace of Tabernia.

Tendula:- If we sense something like that, then we will not allow Arindam to participate in it. It is as simple as that. 

Maradon:- Ha ha ha…Yeah! We will just watch the contest and come back to our own village.

Panduram:- Rozario, we are feeling very hungry now. We need to eat something to get some energy to swim another 6 kilometers or so.

Rozario:- Don’t worry; I am a strict gardener but not so a cruel sea horse. Just wait here; I will give you a basket of roseberries of high quality. By eating those, you all will get energized.

Arindam:- Oh! That’s really a nice gesture from your side. Thank you.


General Damus (Army General of Tabernia Kingdom):- It is a great honor for us that for the third and the last time, we are going to conduct this Swayambar Contest for our Princess Mirinda. As you all know that 3 years ago, Vikrant, the one and only son of our Great Emperor, Kakrasa gave the marriage proposal to Princess Mirinda, but she declined that proposal. Emperor Kakrasa with a good gesture gave Princess Mirinda a chance to select her groom by organizing a Swayambar Contest each year. The maximum limit is of three Swayambar Contests. If Princess Mirinda gets no winner from the three Swayambar contests, then Princess Mirinda has to marry Vikrant. As per the agreement, if Princess Mirinda gets any mermale from the Swayambar Contest, then King Fola will remain as a lifetime prisoner of Emperor Kakrasa. Emperor Kakrasa and Prince Vikrant are our chief guests. All the spectators present here; please give a big round of applause to them.


Tendula:- Emperor Kakrasa is really a very cruel Emperor.

Panduram:- Kakrasa is very shrewd. It is his calculated strategy. He ensured it from all ends that no mermale can ever win the Swayambar Contest.

Maradon:- For two times, there has been no winner. I think that the history will repeat again here.

Arindam:- Hussh! Let us first listen to the announcements. Then we can talk hours after hours.


King Fola (King of Tabernia Kingdom):- I like to address to all the contestants of the 3rd Swayambar Contest of my daughter Mirinda. Welcome to the Royal Palace of Tabernia. I wish all the contestants a very good luck from the core of my heart, because I want a real warrior to become the life partner of my only daughter. Now, my better half, Queen Lucy will tell you about the rules of the contest.


Kakrasa (in a whispering tone):- How many contestants are there today?

Vikrant:- Only 11.

Kakrasa:- Oh! None of them will make it. You will get married to Mirinda.

Vikrant:- Yeah! I hope so.


Queen Lucy (Queen of Tabernia Kingdom):- In the 1st round, it is a not so a romantic race. You all need to swim through a zone of 1 kilometer where some warriors of Emperor Kakrasa will be hiding themselves and shooting poisonous arrows randomly at the contestants. If you survive after swimming for 1 kilometer, then you qualify for the 2nd round. In the 2nd round, you have to kill Alligator Ali to win the Swayambar Contest. In the 1st Swayambar Contest, not a single contestant survived in the 1st round. In the 2nd Swayambar Contest, one contestant got qualified for the 2nd round, but got killed by the Alligator Ali. The 1st round will start after a few moments. All the contestants are requested to take their position on the Starting Point.


Arindam:- My dad is a real fool. He didn’t know about all these things, otherwise, he would have never told me to participate in this deadly competition. I will not participate in it. Come on, let’s go back home.

Panduram:- Sea Horse was saying the right thing.

Maradon:- Look there! General Damus is announcing about something again.


General Damus:- Contestants, before going for the 1st round, don’t you like to have a glimpse of Princess Mermaid? Please give a big round of applause for Princess Mirinda. Princess Mirinda, please be seated on that seat, especially made for you.

Princess Mermaid:- Oh! Thanks! General Uncle!


Arindam:- Wow! What a beautiful mermaid she is! Look at her white dress! Look at her lovely shining tail fin. Long black hairs with beautiful eyes! Aah! Am I dreaming? I have never seen such a beautiful mermaid in my entire life.

Tendula:- That’s why; she is a princess, buddy. So many mermaids take care of her as beauticians and style designers. Our poor mermaids of our village are not so lucky enough to have such privilege to become too fashionable.

Arindam:- My dad has done the right thing to send me here. Thanks to dad! I will participate in this Swayambar Contest. I want to marry that beautiful mermaid. She is mine.

Maradon:- What! Have you gone crazy? Your dad is a crazy mermale and you are crazier than him also. We will tell your dad that you have lost the contest. Now, come on, let’s go back home. As your friends, we cannot allow you to die like that.

Arindam:- I don’t know about the 2nd round, but, I am very much confident that I will clear the 1st round because I am expert in swimming. Thanks to my master, Dolphin Darwin. Better, I suggest you people to make a nice sword for me or steal it from somewhere.

Panduram:- Ok! Guys! Let Arindam participate in the Contest. I have an idea. Just a few meters from this Royal Palace, there is a place where I have seen some Guin Corals while on our way here.

Maradon:- So! What?

Panduram:- If you kill any fish and keep it on any Guin Coral, then those Corals give the smell of human blood. My dad is a Shark Hunter. Many a times, I have seen my dad applying this strategy to attract the sharks and then killing the sharks with automated electrical harpoons.

Arindam:- Yeah! It is a good idea to distract the warriors of Kakrasa. Anyway, I am going to the Starting Point. Do whatever you feel like doing.

Maradon, Panduram and Tendula:- Best of luck to you, Arindam.

Arindam:- Thanks.


Panduram:- How many small fishes have you killed, Tendula?

Tendula:- Well, 14 small fishes. I have tasted one of them. Oh! Such a bitter taste! All sea fishes are not so delicious.

Maradon:- I have plucked almost all the Guin Corals from the seabed. Give me those dead fishes one by one.

Panduram:- Take these Holka Thorns. Pierce the body of those dead fishes to take out the blood and then stick the fishes on those corals with those thorns only.

Maradon:- Ok! You people start swimming to the spot and locate a feasible location, where we can install these Guin Corals.


Queen Lucy:- 7 out of 11 contestants have qualified for the 2nd round. That’s a record!  We will have our 2nd round tomorrow where you have to fight either with Alligator Ali or Alligator Alisha. As the contestants are more, so we have made two panels. In Panel -1, it is Alligator Ali and in Panel-2, it is Ali’s younger sister, Alligator Alisha. We request all the 7 contestants to stay at the dormitories of our Royal Palace with your respective guardians or friends. See you all tomorrow again.


Vikrant:- How is it possible? Dad, your warriors cannot even kill 11 contestants. Shame on your warriors!

Kakrasa:- I have talked with General Monduka (Warrior Head cum Army General under Emperor Kakrasa) regarding this matter. It was unfortunate that some sharks attacked our warriors. All the sharks have been killed. Our 5 warriors died in the encounter against the sharks. By the time, our warriors killed all the sharks; the 1st round of the Swayambar Contest was almost over. Still, our warriors managed to kill 4 contestants in that circumstance. Don’t worry; not a single contestant will be able to win against Alligator Ali and Alligator Alisha.

Vikrant:- Don’t underestimate the mermales. Alligators may fail also. If any mermale win against any alligator, then let him be killed by our warriors at a secret place. When the spectators will ask about the winner of the contest, then we will say that due to severe injuries in his body, he succumbed to death.

Kakrasa:- That’s a nice idea. We will surely execute it. Relax and start dreaming about your honeymoon with Princess Mirinda.


Arindam:- Really, I am grateful to God that I have got you such friends in my life. Thanks for saving my life.

Maradon:- Ok! Ok! Don’t get so carried away. We are not so good mermales.

Panduram:- Ha ha ha…Look at me. I have stolen one of the best swords. A warrior of Kakrasa died of the shark attack. I picked up his sword. Do you know how my dad always sharpens the harpoons? Look at those blue colored flowers! These are known as Briton flowers. Inside the petals of these flowers, there are Briton juices. Rub the petals of Briton on the sword from top to bottom to sharpen the sword.

Arindam:- Ok! Ok! Keep this sword hidden under the seabed here. We will come here before the 2nd round to take the sword from here. Now, come on, let us go back to our dormitories at the Royal Palace of Tabernia, otherwise, the warriors of Kakrasa may doubt us. By the way, what the hell is Tendula doing inside the dormitory?

Maradon:- He collected the skin of a dead shark. He is sewing body armor for you with that shark’s skin. After all; his father is a tailor. So, Tendula knows how to sew up everything.

Arindam:- Oh! What a fool! Tendula is a fool. An Alligator’s teeth can even bite through the Shark’s skin.

Panduram:- We are not scared of Alligators but Kakrasa’s warriors.

Arindam:- Ok! Got it! Tendula is a very smart mermale. That’s great!


Queen Lucy:- Out of 4 contestants in Panel-1, the 4th contestant was able to win against Alligator Ali. Markov, the mermale killed Alligator Ali. Markov is badly injured now. Markov is going through some medical treatments. Now, in the Panel-2, out of 3 contestants, the 3rd contestant, Arindam was able to kill the Alligator Alisha. Arindam, the mermale is also badly injured and the warriors of Kakrasa are taking him for some medical treatment. In the meanwhile, we have got the news that Markov has died due to severe injuries on his body. We have to wait and see whether Arindam will survive in the medical treatment or not.