Sunday, April 28, 2013


Mirinda:- As per the pointer in the marble plate, we are just a few meters away from the meeting point of Bay of Bengal, Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean in Kanyakumari. 

Arindam:- This meeting point of three seas is really a divine place. Look at the color of the water. Oh! My goodness! It is as if the Mother Nature is constantly mixing up the three different shades of blue color at this point to create ultimate beauty out of it. 

Mirinda:- There is an instruction in the magical wooden plate. ‘Swim towards the Vivekananda Sila (Vivekananda Rock). At the southern end of that Vivekananda Rock, there is a small tunnel. Swim through that tunnel to reach a place which is under the sea-bed of the meeting point of Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea in Kanyakumari. Don’t forget to collect the special spectacles from the walls of that tunnel.  The pearl lies inside the Rock Temple of Zero Gravity Zone.’

Maradon:- That means; we are now at the top of that rock temple. The rock temple is just under the sea-bed of this point. Let us start digging the sea-bed here.

Mirinda:- Don’t talk like a fool. It is not so easy to dig down a sea-bed deeply. Just follow the instruction. Come on; let us swim towards the Vivekananda Rock.


Arindam:- Everyone light up your respective hydro-electric torch. It is totally dark inside this tunnel.

Maradon:- Oh! Something has bitten me. Some creatures from that direction attacked me. Flash the torch lights towards that direction.

Mirinda:- Oh! No! It is a gang of Sea-Scorpions. We can’t fight with them. We just have to swim faster. If they all bite us together, we will surely have a very painful death inside this tunnel. 

Arindam:- Hey! Look! I have spotted the spectacles. Let me take all of them. Now, it is time to swim for our life till we get out of here.


Mirinda:- We are out of the tunnel now, but, where are we? We can see a roof here. We are feeling like floating in this water. We are unable to swim downwards here. We are unable to see the sky.

Arindam:- We are under the sea-bed of the meeting point of three seas. That’s why; we are unable to see the blue sky. This is a Zero Gravity Zone. That’s why; we are unable to swim downwards. But, where is the Rock Temple? We are not seeing any temple here.

Maradon:- What’s the use of these spectacles. Let us all wear the spectacles.

Arindam:- Ok! Let us wear the spectacles. Oh! Yeah! We can see the Rock Temple just a few meters downwards from here. Now, I understand the essence of these spectacles. 

Mirinda:- But, how to swim downwards? We are trying hard, but, we are still floating and our heads are getting banged on the sandy roof. 

Honda (Leader of the Helicopter fishes):- Generally, we have never seen any mermale or mermaid coming to visit this Rock Temple from a wrong direction. This is not only a Zero Gravity Zone but an Invisible Zone also for ordinary mermales and mermaids. An ordinary mermale or mermaid cannot see that Rock Temple without wearing those special spectacles. 

Maradon:- So, you mean, there is another shortcut route to reach this Rock Temple.

Honda:- Yeah! Of course! Actually, you are seeing the back-end of the Rock Temple from this side. Few kilometers away from this region, there is a dense forest, popularly known as Mandarin forest. 100 years back, there was a mermale who was a hermit. His name was Ramkrishna. He used to meditate in that Mandarin forest. One day, he dreamt that Goddess Kali told him to construct a rock temple by cutting down a hollow elevated plateau of Sea-bed at the meeting point of three seas. Ramkrishna told about his dream to all the other devotees of Goddess Kali. All of them started cutting down that elevated rocky plateau to construct a Rock Temple. When they cut the rocks further to create the back-end door of that Rock Temple, they discovered this Zero Gravity Zone followed by a tunnel full of Sea-Scorpions. Later on, it was discovered that the mermales who learned all the mantras and divine powers by performing meditation towards Goddess Kali were only able to swim in this Zero Gravity Zone and can see the Rock Temple with naked eyes. So, if you are a real tantric mermale, you can easily swim in this Zero Gravity Zone. But, as you are floating, so you are not a true devotee of Goddess Kali. Anyway, we, the helicopter fishes are also great devotees of Goddess Kali. That’s why; we also come here to spend our spiritual time. 

Arindam:- You can swim downwards in this Zero Gravity Zone. So, are you also having some divine powers?

Honda:- No, it is our body structure that helps us to swim in this zone. We have a special oar-fin at our forehead and a special elevated long tail-fin with two lateral oar-fins attached to it. Many human divers often used to call us as Helicopter Fishes. So, from then onwards, we also started calling ourselves as Helicopter Fishes. This is my brother, Hyundai and this is my sister, Hwuei. Just ride on us. We will take three of you to the Rock Temple.


Arindam:- Wow! What a temple it is indeed! There are rocky statues of 100 types of avatars of Goddess Kali inside this temple. Hats off to Ramkrishna and other devotees of Goddess Kali for constructing a temple like this. 

Maradon:- But, we are totally misguided by this wooden plate. To reach this temple, there is a simple route through Mandarin forest, but, we were told to enter this temple from its backside, maybe, to get those spectacles from that tunnel.

Mirinda:- Don’t criticize this wooden plate. It is still guiding us well. Hey! Now, there is another instruction. ‘The pearl is inside the head of that statue of Goddess Kali who is holding her cut-off head on her right hand.’

Arindam:- What! The wooden plate is surely fooling us. I have seen all the avatars of Goddess Kali here. None of these statues are having a cut-off head. 

Mirinda:- I have already counted all the statues. There are 99 statues. One statue is missing. Maybe, it is an invisible statue. 

Maradon:- Oho! Why have we all have taken off our spectacles. Wear the spectacles again. Yeah! There it is. There is the statue of Goddess Kali who is holding her cut-off head at her right hand. 

Arindam:- Yeah! Inside the cut-off head, there is the pearl. So, we have got the pearl. Now, let us swim towards Mandarin forest. Then, from there, we will have to swim a long way to reach Argentina Coastal Sea Waters.


Turtle Taraknath:- Great to see three of you alive. Give me the pearl. I will keep it at a safe place. Now, where is the Diamond? 

Mirinda:- There is the instruction on wooden plate. ‘Kill the Anaconda Angelina at Amazon River and collect the Diamond from Brasilia cave.’

Arindam:- Oh! It will be a dangerous encounter. Till date, I have never fought against any Anaconda.

Turtle Tilak:- Oops! Anaconda Angelina! Oh! No! She is the most dangerous Anaconda of this Sea World. Even she has a record of killing so many Brazilian inhabitants brutally including humans also. You all will die. It is better to surrender in front of Emperor Kakrasa instead of dying in the encounter against Anaconda Angelina.

Maradon:- If we surrender in front of Emperor Kakrasa, he will also kill us. So, it is better to fight like fighters.

Arindam:- Yeah! Maradon! You have just uttered the words of my heart. Tomorrow, we will head towards Amazon River. In this mission, I want Maradon, Tendula and Dronankur to accompany me and Mirinda.

Turtle Taraknath:- Of course, you take them with you. But, remember one thing. Anacondas cannot swim faster after swallowing too much food. Anacondas always attack from the wrong and unexpected directions.

Mirinda:- We need to kill some monster-fishes of Atlantic Ocean which are tasty. This time, we need to use some hydroelectric harpoons.


Minister Monduka:- Your Highness! We have got a secret information that Mirinda’s son is getting trained under Dolphin Denson.We also came to know about that secret training zone.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Mirinda’s son, Avinash is not at all a threat for us.

King Vikrant:- Try to understand, dad. If we kidnap Avinash, then it will be easier for us to arrest Mirinda.


Dronankur:- This is the point where Amazon River meets the South Atlantic Ocean. I have asked other aquatic creatures of this region about Anaconda Angelina. The skin color of Anaconda Angelina is light brown with dark rounded black spots on its body. Angelina is the fastest swimmer among all other anacondas in this region. It is impossible to kill Angelina after entering into the waters of Amazon River. There is a special species of red-colored fishes in this Amazon River, known as Mayan fishes. These Mayan fishes can always sense the presence of any Anaconda within a few meters before any other creatures. Mayan fishes have strong smelling powers than other aquatic species in this region. So, we can take the help of these Mayan fishes to track out other small anacondas and start killing them. Unless, you start killing the relatives of Anaconda Angelina, she will never start searching for us at the South Atlantic Ocean. The moment she comes out of Amazon River to take the sweet revenge in South Atlantic Ocean, we will attack her from all ends. The Brasilia Cave is at least 5 kilometers interior from this point. Brasilia Cave is the den of Angelina Anaconda. So, we can start swimming towards that Brasilia Cave only after killing Anaconda Angelina in South Atlantic Ocean.

Arindam:- Wow! Your brain is so sharp. I will surely make you my Army General if I ever become the Emperor of this Sea World.

Mirinda:- Stop being a day-dreamer. It is still a long way. Concentrate on every mission step-by-step.


Dolphin Denson (panting for breathe and severely injured):- Doctor Sthatolona, there is a bad news.

Doctor Sthatolona:- What happened? You are severely injured. What’s the matter?

Dolphin Denson:- Kakrasa’s warriors have kidnapped Avinash. I am lucky enough to escape from there.

Priest Jubilion:- Oh! No! They will kill Avinash.

Turtle Taraknath:- Maybe, it is a ploy to arrest Mirinda. If their motive was to kill Avinash, then they would have killed both Avinash and Dolphin Denson at that spot only. But, instead of doing that, they kidnapped Avinash and let Dolphin Denson to escape to spread the news of kidnapping. But, we will not let the news to spread further. Dolphin Denson, don’t tell anyone that Avinash has been kidnapped by Kakrasa’s warriors. I want Arindam and Mirinda to focus on their mission at any cost.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Nakala:- 20 fishing nets are ready. That’s great. We will go for fishing in this afternoon. You just need to put several fishes inside those nets and tie the nets with wires made of sea grasses, so that the fishes can never come out of those nets. Now, let me tell you the strategies. There are two types of Afrosundew plants. A green colored Afrosundew plant has a tongue at its stem but a red colored Afrosundew plant has tentacles at its roots. A green Afrosundew plant gulps any food but a red Afrosundew plant sucks blood from any animal after tying it completely with the help of several tentacles at its roots. Therefore, three of you have to swim near the sea-bed when you are nearer to the green Afrosundew plants. Swim at a much above height from the sea-bed when you are nearer to the red Afrosundew plants. Once you throw any fishing net full of fishes in front of any green Afrosundew plant, it will gulp it. We will get around 10 minutes to uproot that green Afrosundew plant. There is a big yellow flower at the stem of each red colored Afrosundew plant. You need to cut down that flower from the stem of that red Afrosundew plant with a sword. So, practice swimming up and down while moving forward with a decent speed. We will see you all after having a great fishing.


Nakala:- We will start swimming faster from this point. We are about to enter the Borabino jungle. It is a ‘do or die’ swimming. You are not supposed to stop anywhere in this jungle. Keep on swimming, no matter what happens. Arindam, you lead us. There are 3 green Afrosundew plants in a row. Just throw 3 fishing nets in front of those trees. Once they gulp the nets, all our penguins will start uprooting those trees with their beaks.

Arindam:- Ok! Done!

Arindam:- Mirinda! Swim at an upper level. The red Afrosundew plant is already swinging its tentacles near the Sea-bed. 

Mirinda:- Oh! Sorry! I forgot the strategy.

Dronankur:- Better don’t dare to forget it. It is a ‘do or die’ swimming. There are around 10 red Afrosundew plants in a row. Start cutting those yellow flowers with the swords.


Nakala:- No major casualties yet. Only some of our penguins have injured themselves slightly due to those thorns in the body of both types of Afrosundew plants. Our plan has clicked. Now, we have reached the Kilimanda hillock. Start searching for Platinum biscuit on that hillock.

Arindam:- You and Mirinda, stay at this point. I and Dronankur will search for that Platinum biscuit at the Kilimanda hillock.
Nakala and Mirinda:- Ok! 


Dronankur:- This hillock is not at all a small one. This Kilimanda hillock covers a lot of areas. We are not able to spot out anything on this hillock. Have you ever seen a Platinum biscuit? What is the color of Platinum?

Arindam:- Hussh! Dronankur, I have spotted that rectangular Platinum biscuit. There it is. But, something is moving below that Platinum biscuit. I can’t see clearly in this darkness. Come to this side. Yeah! See! This is the Platinum Biscuit. Yes! We have got it.

Dronankur:- Your Highness! That moving object is a giant crocodile. It is about to gulp you up. Swim for your life. Come on!

Arindam:- Oh! No! What a bloody creature! Nakala never told me about the presence of this giant crocodile here. Keep on swimming faster.


Nakala:- Look there! Both Arindam and Dronankur are coming towards us.

Arindam:- I have kept the Platinum biscuit inside this leather bag. I am throwing it to you, Mirinda. Catch the bag.

Mirinda:- Ok! Yeah! I have taken a nice catch. Oh! No! Dronankur has injured his right hand. Save Dronankur. That crocodile will kill him.

Arindam:- Don’t worry, Mirinda! I am expert in dealing with this type of creatures.


Nakala:- Thank God! You have killed that croczilla.

Arindam:- Yeah! Thanks for the compliments! Croczilla! Was that not a crocodile?

Nakala:- No, it was Croczilla, an another species of Sea-Dragon origin. These Croczillas are around 1.5 times larger than a crocodile. Their size is almost similar to a whale. There were several Croczillas in the Congo River. As the humans started killing these Croczillas to eat their meats, many Croczillas came out of Congo River to settle down at Atlantic Ocean. Maybe, he was one of them. But, I swear, I was not aware of the fact that a Croczilla is hiding on this Kilimanda hillock of Borabino jungle. 

Arindam:- Ok! Ok! Anyway, that Croczilla is dead. There is no point in thinking about it. By the way, we are having only 2 fishing nets left with us. Now, will we succeed in reaching South African coast from here? We have to pass across those Afrosundew plants again.

Mirinda:- All those Afrosundew plants are already dead. So, there are no risks anymore.

Nakala:- Those Afrosundew plants are dead but temporarily. These green colored Afrosundew plants abide by the stem cutting growth. If you cut their stems today, then they will again start growing at the same spot after 3 months. The red colored Afrosundew plants have deep roots. You never know, when and how these deep roots under the Sea-bed will again reproduce some new Afrosundew plants. 

Dronankur:- Hmm…this Borabino jungle will always remain as a dangerous jungle of the Sea World. Maybe, that’s why; that Croczilla selected that Kilimanda hillock as his safest place to hide. My right hand is still bleeding. I need some help.

Nakala:- Don’t worry; some of our penguins are expert in stitching injuries with their beaks. Even we have some idea about good medicinal herbs in this region. Just relax! Within half an hour, your bleeding will stop and after applying those medicinal herbs on your wounds, you will get cured within 24 hours.


Arindam:-  It is time for us to leave the waters of Cape of Good Hope. We have really enjoyed this adventure. Without your help, we couldn’t have got this Platinum biscuit. Thanks to you and all the penguins of South Africa. We are going back to Antarctica again. From there on, again we will start our journey to collect the Pearl.

Nakala:- Ok! Hey! Wait! Give this special rock to Pingu. Tell her that a gift is a gift; it can never be taken back again. 

Arindam (whispering):- Is there any romantic relationship between you and Pingu? Just a guess!

Nakala (somewhat felt shy and whispered):- Ha ha ha…Had I met Pingu before my marriage, I would have surely made her my wife.

Arindam:- Oh! Yeah! I read your mind correctly. Give that special rock to me. I will surely deliver it to Pingu.

Mirinda:- Hey! What’s the matter! What discussion is going on between you and Nakala?

Arindam:- Nothing as such. Anyway, Bye Bye Nakala. Bye Bye to South African Penguins.

All South African Penguins:- Never say Goodbye! We hate the word, ‘Goodbye’. Better say, ‘See you all again very soon’.

Arindam, Mirinda and Dronankur:- See you all again very soon.


Crocodile Chintamani:- Yes! Your Highness! I am telling the truth. Some mermales and mermaids are planning to kill you. I don’t know who they are. But, they blackmailed me or rather fooled me to take a special key from Sunderbans delta.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Do one thing. Tell the description of all those mermales and mermaids in front of Painter Paintal. Paintal will make the sketches of those mermales and mermaids.

Crocodile Chintamani:- Ok!


Turtle Taraknath:- We are now shifting our basement to Argentina Coastal Sea Waters as a security measure. Good to hear that you have got the Platinum biscuit. This time, to get the Pearl, Maradon will accompany Arindam and Mirinda. Arindam, give me the Platinum biscuit. I will keep it in a very safe place.

Arindam:- Here it is, the Platinum Biscuit. Keep it at a very safe place. You are our custodian now. 

Turtle Taraknath:- So, where are you heading now to get that pearl? Is there any instruction on that magical wooden plate?

Arindam:- Mirinda, is there any instruction? Please check.

Mirinda:- Yeah! There is an instruction. ‘Go to Kanyakumari. In Kanyakumari, there is a region where the waters of Bay of Bengal, Indian Ocean and Arabian Sea meet each other. At that meeting point, you will get the pearl.’

Turtle Taraknath:- Ok! Start the journey towards Kanyakumari. Come back at Argentina Coastal Sea Waters after the mission. We will surely meet you there. Best of luck!

Arindam, Mirinda and Maradon:- Thank you.


Painter Paintal:- Your Highness! I have made all the sketches as per the description provided by Crocodile Chintamani. These are the sketches.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Mirinda is surely planning to do something. She may be forming a secret force to take the revenge against me. Tell Mirinda that I have not killed her hubby. Panduram killed her hubby. Rather, our warriors have killed Panduram. So, what is Mirinda trying to do?

King Vikrant:- Dad! Don’t order your warriors to kill her. Mirinda is a mermaid of Jatikano community, but, still I love her. I am still willing to marry that widow mermaid. Order your warriors to arrest that mermaid alive. I will marry her. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- What about my daughter-in-law, Diana? Will you give a divorce to her?

King Vikrant:- Dad, if you can marry for 10 times, then why can’t I marry for 2 times?

Emperor Kakrasa:- I married another mermaid only when my current wife has died. I have never had two wives simultaneously. Diana will never allow you to marry for 2nd time. She may file a divorce. Anyway, we will arrest Mirinda.

Monday, April 15, 2013


Mirinda:- We have got the secret information that you have the roadmap of Bermuda Triangle with you. We want that marble plate. We are on a mission to kill Emperor Kakrasa. We request you to give us that roadmap.

Snail Sonali:- Neither you are my relatives nor my friends. Emperor Kakrasa is neither my friend nor my enemy. Therefore, automatically, your request is not acceptable at all.

Mirinda:- So, you don’t want to end the cruelty in this Sea World. You don’t want to bring peace and happiness in this Sea World. 

Snail Sonali:- What’s the guarantee that after the death of Emperor Kakrasa, there will be peace and happiness everywhere in this Sea World.

Mirinda:- After the death of Emperor Kakrasa, we will spread the message of love and peace in this Sea World. We will tell everyone that cruelty leads to bloodbath and destruction of this Sea World. Love will surely heal all wounds.

Snail Sonali:- You are still in your philosophical world, dear mermaid. Brutal reality is something else. Forget about the entire Sea World. Take this place only. In this Sea of Okhotsk, there are two species that are arch-rivals traditionally for centuries after centuries. One species is the Prawns and the other species is the Fighter Fishes. Every morning, when the Sun rises, a Prawn and a Fighter Fish had to fight in the wrestling ring of Changhou village. The fight never stops till one of the contenders die in that fighting. If in the fight, a prawn has won, then in the next day, this prawn has to fight with another fighter-fish. If a fighter-fish wins the next day, then in the day after the next day, this fighter-fish has to fight with another prawn. But, the tradition of fighting never stops. Every morning, after the wrestling, you will find that one species are crying out of grief and another species is celebrating the victory. Go and spread the message of love to these two species. Let me see whether you succeed in breaking their tradition of fighting or not.

Mirinda:- Ok! I will try my level best to stop this fighting tradition.

Snail Sonali:- This is your task. If you succeed in it, then I will give you the roadmap of Bermuda Triangle.


Dronankur:- Our training starts from today itself. Remember, it is our last chance to win against Emperor Kakrasa and his warriors. Learn whatever fighting skills you want to learn, but learn it with proper dedication. In a battle zone, you have to survive by showing your own fighting skills only. Don’t depend on others to help you.

Mermales of Mermaids of Jatikano community (Victims of the war in Tabernia kingdom):- Yeah! We will learn all types of fighting skills. It is now or never.


Winston:- Hey, Bombino, where are you going in this early morning?

Bombino:- I have a master plan. Magician Mombaura wake up in the early morning. He will again go to sleep in the late afternoon after eating those tobacco leaves. I need some help of that magician.

Winston:- His magical powers are not enough to kill Emperor Kakrasa. Anyway, still, you can take some help from him. I have no objection in it.


Smirnoff (leader of Prawns):- Ha ha ha…you are telling us to stop fighting with those bloody fighter-fishes. Impossible! Better you get lost from here.

Mirinda:- Ok.


Romanov (leader of fighter-fishes):- No, no, no, mermaid. It is just impossible. It is our age old tradition. My grandfather always believed that the species of Prawns will get extinct one day. We, the fighter-fishes are fighting hard to kill all the prawns in this Sea World. This is our tradition. Who the hell are you to request us to stop fighting? Get lost from here.

Mirinda:- Ok! 


Mirinda (in a dejected mood):- It is really very hard to convince the leaders of the two species to stop fighting among themselves. The concepts of love, peace and brotherhood have no value to them. Their hearts are made of rocks.

Arindam:- I think, we are wasting our time. Let us go back. Whatever battalion we have, let us fight against Kakrasa’s warriors with that only. Even if we die in the war, we will die like fighters only.

Tendula:- You don’t have patience in anything. Hasty decisions often lead to great troubles. So, please keep quiet. Mirinda, tell me frankly, is there no ray of hope? If you say, then I and Maradon may also try to convince the leaders of two species.

Goldie (Leader of Goldfishes):- If they do not understand the concept of brotherhood, then preach them the concept of motherhood.

Maradon:- Hey! Who are you? You are really a very cute fish.

Goldie:- I am Goldie, the leader of the Goldfishes. You guys have not seen any Goldfish or what. We are the most beautiful fish of this Sea World.

Arindam:- Sorry! I can’t agree to it. There are so many fishes which look much beautiful than you such Goldfishes. Anyway, come to the point. What are you trying to say?

Goldie:- Very simple! Just target the female prawns and female fighter-fishes who are mothers. I hope that being a female, Mermaid Mirinda has understood what I am actually trying to say.

Mirinda (with sparkling eyes and a cheeky smile):- Yeah! Goldie! I understand it. Thanks for such a nice idea.


A common male Prawn of Changhou village:- Leader Smirnoff, all the female prawns are not allowing the fight to take place in this morning. They are standing on the wrestling ring and shouting slogans, ‘Say no to bloody fights. Save our children. Save our species.’

Smirnoff:- How dare those female prawns do that? It is our tradition. The fight must go on. Throw those female prawns out of that wrestling ring. If possible, start killing them also. Start the fight as early as possible.

Another common male Prawn of Changhou village:- Not so an easy task, Leader Smirnoff. Even the female fighter-fishes are shouting the same slogan while standing on the wrestling ring.

Smirnoff:- Oh! Now, I understand the game plan. Someone might have provoked the female prawns and female fighter-fishes. I need to have a meeting with Romanov.


Romanov:- That bloody mermaid has played all these tricks. We must attack that mermaid together to kill her.

Smirnoff:- Yeah! Of course, but, first, we need to stop this agitation. We never saw so many female prawns protesting like that. Generally, female prawns are very calm and obedient.

Romanov:- My wife is also not listening to me. She is giving threats to kill me. But, how can we stop our tradition of arch-rivalry. It is impossible.


Monamima (leader of female prawns cum wife of Smirnoff):- Within half an hour, if the agreement is not finalized, then we will start breaking this wrestling ring and we may even start killing all the male prawns.

Gilouwna (leader of female fighter-fishes cum eldest daughter of Romanov):- Yes, we also have the same viewpoint. We are with Monamima in this regard. Our female fighter-fishes have faced so many humiliations in the past. So many female fighter-fishes have lost their children in this bloody traditional fight. Enough is enough. We, the young generation female fighter-fishes don’t accept this bloody tradition of arch-rivalry. We want love, peace and happiness. I am requesting young unmarried female fighter-fishes and also the young female prawns to join this movement. Let us show this male dominated society, how powerful we, females are.


Smirnoff:- Your daughter is more dangerous than my wife. She even included the young females of both species in this agitation.

Romanov:- Already the bloody fight has started. So many male prawns and fighter-fishes have already died. Even many female prawns and fighter-fishes have died also. We have to stop the fighting. Let us accept the agreement of peace and non-violence.

Smirnoff:- What about our tradition of arch-rivalry?

Romanov:- When your family members will die in such clashes, then what will you do with those bloody traditions. Let us have a peace treaty. Let me declare it. Stop the fighting. Both of us are agreeing your terms and conditions. From now on, there will be no fighting between Prawns and Fighter-Fishes. But, arch-rivals may start fighting at anytime despite having such an agreement. So, I, as a leader of Fighter-Fishes have decided to migrate to some other region far away from this place with all the other fighter-fishes. Stop the agitation.

Female protestors of both species:- Hurrah! For the first time in the history of this Sea World, we have won by doing an agitation. Thanks to Mermaid Mirinda for teaching us the concepts of love, peace and motherhood. Long live Mirinda.


Snail Sonali:- Being a female, I am proud of your feminist attitude. I am really impressed on you, Mirinda. You have really succeeded in spreading the concept of love and peace. Those bloody fighting species have now understood the pain of a mother who loses her children. That’s a credit for you, Mirinda. Take this marble plate. But, getting this roadmap will only tell you about the route towards Bermuda Triangle. It is not so easy to enter Bermuda Triangle and it is not so easy to come out of Bermuda Triangle alive. There is an entry door of Bermuda Triangle. The door is an equilateral triangular door. On each of the three points of that triangular door, a small black colored bowl is attached to it. You have to put a Platinum biscuit on the top bowl, a diamond on the lower left bowl and a pearl on the lower right bowl. 

Mirinda:- Where will I get those?

Snail Sonali:- Relax! The wooden plate will guide you with instructions and this marble plate will locate where you are currently in that roadmap. See, the pointer in the marble plate is showing that you are in this point of the roadmap right now.

Mirinda:- But, the wooden plate is not giving the instructions. I don’t know where to go now.

Maradon:- Let us wait here till the next instruction gets flashed on that wooden plate.

Tendula:- Yeah! Let us wait.

Snail Sonali:- No, I know where you should go now. You have to go to Arafura Sea. Look at those green frogs. In extreme winter season, they start their migration towards southern hemisphere and hibernate there. Follow those green frogs. They are going to meet some other species of frogs in Arafura Sea only.


Minister Monduka:- Based on an article in the ‘Daily’ Newsleaves, communal riots are taking place here and there between the mermales of Rajakya and Pitrala community. In that article, a writer has written that the mermales of Rajakya community are utilizing the mermales of Pitrala community as slaves to win several wars and enjoying all the good facilities of the Sea World. There are no Kings in any kingdom, who are from Pitrala community. 

Emperor Kakrasa:- I want to know the name of the writer of that article. We will file a legal case against that writer in COJA for provoking the Rajakya and Pitrala community mermales in communal riots. When was that article published in the ‘Daily’ Newsleaves.

Minister Monduka:- Day before yesterday. The article was in the first leaf of the ‘Daily’ Newsleaves.


Paramananda (Newly promoted Editor of ‘Daily’ Newsleaves):- Your Highness! No such article has been published in our ‘Daily’ newsleaves on that day. But, still, so many mermales and mermaids are saying that they have read such a provoking article in our ‘Daily’ newsleaves. I am totally stunned. You can check all the ‘Daily’ newsleaves in all our printing factories.

Emperor Kakrasa (in an angry mood):- So, you want to say that everyone read that article in their dreams. You want to say that someone has done some magic of hypnotization.

Paramananda:- Yes! Your Highness! The 2nd option is very much possible. You may become angry on me, but, earlier also; a magician has done the magic of hypnotization. 5 years back, I still remember, when I was just a junior reporter of this ‘Daily’ newsleaves company, I went to cover a news where a magician disappeared all the plastic notes and coins of Rubbali currency from the cash counters and safe vaults of all the branches of Sea World Bank (SEWBA). Later on, I took the interview of that magician. He told me that all the coins and plastic notes of Rubbali were there itself in the cash counters and safe vaults. The only thing he has done is the magic of hypnotization, where no one was able to see the plastic notes and coins in front of them, though it was lying in front of them. Similarly, a magician would have played the same trick here also. The article was not printed on the ‘Daily’ newsleaves, but, all the mermales and mermaids were hypnotized magically to see that article which was not even printed on the ‘Daily’ newsleaves.

Emperor Kakrasa:- What was the name of that magician whom you interviewed at that time?
Paramananda:- His name was somewhat Momba or Mumba. I can’t remember his exact name but he was a drug-addicted mermale. He can do anything for getting those tobacco leaves.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Oh! I know that magician very well. Thanks for your information. 


Jordanok (leader of Black Crabs):- What help do you want from me?

Rudy (leader of Red Crabs):- I want all the black crabs to attack a special mermale. Even, we the red crabs will attack that mermale. After all, you, the Black Crabs are powerful and deadlier than us. I want to kill that mermale.

Jordanok:- Why you want to kill a mermale?

Rudy:- That mermale has killed my childhood friend, Euaaue, the spider fish. It is just a sweet revenge.

Jordanok:- Don’t worry; we are with you.


King Vikrant:- So, you are going for honeymoon at a resort in Mara Sea. That’s great. Enjoy your honeymoon there.

General Mrityunjay:- Thank you. 

King Vikrant:- In the meantime, I will order our warriors to do some repair works in this Fort Gomrank of Tabernia kingdom. After coming back from your honeymoon, you have to live in this Fort Gomrank only. My father has a plan to give you promotion. You will be the next king of this Tabernia kingdom.


Bombino:- We have a secret information that General Mrityunjay is having his honeymoon time in Mara Sea. There is not so much tight security as they know that all the mermales of Jatikano community have almost died.

Winston:- We must respect this opportunity.


Minister Monduka (while crying):- Your Highness! Our enemies are still alive. We underestimated our enemies and look at the outcome of it. They have beheaded my son and daughter-in-law at Mara Sea. They died in their honeymoon period.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Control yourself, Monduka. I know that no consolation is enough for you at this moment, but a warrior should not cry.

Minister Monduka (somewhat in an angry tone):- Had you not cried if you have lost your son and daughter-in-law in that fashion.
Emperor Kakrasa (paused for a second and uttered while keeping his head low):- It is my fault, Monduka. I thought that our enemies are dead, but, they are alive and planning for a shadow battle at my back. I will not spare anyone.


Turtle Tilak:- Hey, you! What happened? Why are you all panting for breath? You are looking so tensed and dejected. What’s the matter!

One mermale of the Jatikano community battalion:- We were returning from Mara Sea. On our way, suddenly, so many black crabs and red crabs attacked Winston and took him away in some other region. We tried to save Winston, but, those crabs were so many in numbers and the attack was so sudden that it became too late for us. By the time, we killed so many crabs and let them swim away from us, Winston was no more. We buried his dead body in a graveyard of the Sea of Japan. 

Turtle Taraknath:- Oh! God! May his soul rest in peace! We have lost a mermale who had a good leadership quality.

Dronankur:- But, where is Bombino?

Another mermale of the Jatikano community battalion:- When we reached Philippines Sea, a saffron colored Star Fish was transmitting the message, ‘Bombino is wanted as Magician Mombaura confessed everything about the magic of hypnotization regarding that fake article in newsleaves. Emperor Kakrasa killed Magician Mombaura and is now searching for Bombino.’ After hearing this message, Bombino told us to return as he decided to take the other route to hide somewhere.

Dronankur:- What a fool, Bombino is? Where will Bombino hide alone? What an idiot!


Arindam:- We have reached Arafura Sea. Now, what? Hey! Look at that little black box on the sea-bed. There are so many knives in that box. We must take that box. 

Mirinda:- Ok! Take it. But, somehow, I know this place. 

Maradon:- Mirinda, we are somewhat near to our basement only. After swimming 2 kilometers from here towards the south, we will reach Coral Sea. 


Turtle Taraknath:- Oh! You all have come back. Nice to see you all alive!

Tendula:- Is something wrong? I am sensing that something is wrong.

Turtle Tilak:- Yeah! Indeed it is. Winston is dead and Bombino is hiding somewhere. Anytime, Bombino can die also as Kakrasa’s warriors are searching for him everywhere.

Turtle Taraknath:- Even we all are not safe here. Kakrasa’s warriors may find us here also. We have to change our basement. We will go to Antarctica tomorrow. After every 15 days, we will change our locations as a security measure. 


Pingu (Leader of the Penguins in Antarctica):- Wow! Nice to see you healthy, Arindam. I stitched all your injuries. 

Arindam:- I will always be grateful to you, sweetheart. Mmmuaah. Thanks for saving my life.

Pingu:- Uhu! You don’t need to be so romantic with me. Mirinda may feel jealous on me. Taraknath was telling me about your next task. What is your next task? 

Arindam:- We need to get a Platinum biscuit in Gulf of Guinea. 

Pingu:- There is a dangerous jungle in the Sea Waters of Gulf of Guinea. In that jungle, there are carnivorous trees, popularly known as Afrosundew plants. In the western coast of South Africa, a different species of penguins exist. These penguins are somewhat different from us. Those African penguins are expert in uprooting those Afrosundew plants as they have faster swimming speeds than us. Wait! Take this special small rock from me. Go and meet Nakala. He will surely recognize this special small rock and never reject your requests. Nakala is the leader of all the African penguins and loves to swim in the waters of the Cape of Good Hope.


Emperor Kakrasa (Addressing a massive gathering at Kylowga kingdom):- There is no point in fighting among yourselves after reading that fake article. That article provoked you. We have killed that bloody magician. So, no more provoking acts now.

A protestor of Pitrala community:- But, it is a reality that not a mermale of Pitrala community is now the king of any kingdom in this Sea World.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Ok! I can understand your grievances. That’s why; we have planned to make some the Generals of our army who belong to Pitrala community as the Kings of some kingdoms. From today onwards, General Raghav will be the King of Lingolia Kingdom and General Xyon will be the King of Oprestonia Kingdom.

Protestors of Pitrala community:- Hurrah! Three cheers for Emperor Kakrasa. Long live Emperor Kakrasa.


Turtle Taraknath:- Hmm…Emperor Kakrasa is too expert in politics. He promoted two Generals as Kings. Now, the mermales and mermaids of Pitrala community are very happy. So, the Bombino’s operation failed here. But, where is that fool hiding? Anyway, this time, Dronankur will accompany Arindam and Mirinda, because I want Tendula and Maradon to concentrate on making some good body armors and swords respectively.

Dronankur:- Ok! I have no problem. But, make sure, that our battalion keeps on doing the military training with same enthusiasm, focus and motivation.

Turtle Taraknath:- Sure! 


Nakala (Leader of African penguins):- I gifted this special small rock to Pingu when I and my wife, Nembula went for honeymoon in Antarctica. Both of us were too impressed with the hospitality of Pingu and her associates. So, tell me, how can I help you?

Mirinda:- There is a Platinum biscuit at the top of Kilimanda hillock in Borabino jungle at the Sea Waters of Gulf of Guinea.

Nakala:- Yeah! We know about that hillock and jungle, but, we are not aware of that Platinum biscuit.

Arindam:- We were also unaware. This magical wooden plate is giving us all those information. 

Nakala:- So, you want us to help you out in getting that Platinum biscuit?

Dronankur:- Yeah! Exactly!

Nakala:- Has Pingu told you all about the Afrosundew plants? 

Mirinda:- Yeah! She has told us about it.

Nakala:- Those carnivorous plants have a sticky tongue. You have to swim in a lightning speed in that jungle. I have a plan. Can you guys sew some strong fishing nets? Not much, only 20 small fishing nets will be enough. The nets should be such that it can hold at least 20 small fishes in each net. When an Afrosundew plant gulps any food, it gives a gap of at least 10 minutes to gulp another food. So, if an Afrosundew plant has gulped something, then make sure that for the next 10 minutes, you are safe in front of that carnivorous plant.  Start sewing the nets. I will provide you the sewing needles. Don’t worry about small fishes. We are expert in fishing.


Arindam:- It is not so an easy task to sew fishing nets, you see!

Mirinda:- If you don’t know how to sew fishing nets, say it that you don’t know. I and Dronankur have already sewed 4 fishing nets each and you have completed sewing only one fishing net and that too with so much labor. Reduce the gap of each rectangular cell of the fishing nets as we are going to catch small fishes. By tomorrow, we will have 20 fishing nets.