Sunday, October 7, 2012


Arindam:- Leave me here. The Royal Palace of Tabernia is just another 8 Kilometers from here.

Zwala:- Ok! Young mermale, as you wish.

Arindam:- By the way; why have you saved me from Kakrasa’s warriors? We are not friends.

Zwala:- Then, let us be friends because both of us have a common enemy, Kakrasa.

Arindam:- Kakrasa is not my enemy, but, yes, I am somewhat angry on him because his warriors tried to kill me. After marrying Mirinda, I will live happily ever after without even worrying about Emperor Kakrasa’s cruelty.

Zwala:- You are somewhat selfish in nature. If Kakrasa does any harm to your family members, then will you not take actions about it?

Arindam:- Well; that depends upon the extremity of that bad situation, if it ever arises down the line in the near future. Why Emperor Kakrasa is your enemy?

Zwala:- There was one time, when Kakrasa was too fond of hunting ferocious animals of the sea world. He hunted too many sharks and piranhas. He did not like their meats. Then he started hunting the big whales with the help of his warriors. He started liking the meat of whales. Moreover, the skins of the whales were used to create strong body armors, arm covers, etc. Our father, Zudas was the strongest whale of the sea world. Zudas protested against those massive killings of whales by Kakrasa and his warriors. Zudas united all other whales and attacked the Furnola Fort of Emperor Kakrasa. The Furnola Fort was damaged but Kakrasa managed to escape. Around 56 whales and 319 mermales died in that deadly war between whales and mermales. After that war, Kakrasa stopped attacking the whales and he requested Zudas to agree to a peace treaty.

Arindam:- Fine! That’s really good that Kakrasa has signed a peace treaty with the whales.

Zwala:- That peace treaty was just a trap. Kakrasa’s plan was to break the unity of the whales. After the peace treaty, all the whales went back to their own territory and became busy in their own affairs. Zudas also thought that there are no threats anymore in the sea world. Kakrasa started investing more time on science of sea world. Kakrasa gifted so many gold coins, diamonds and pearls to Scientist Shahjahan to develop an electrical harpoon to kill Zudas. Scientist Shahjahan is the first scientist who has been able to capture the electricity produced by sea currents and tidal waves in a transformer. Then some research and development went on to make a harpoon with a scientific model of the skeleton of an electric fish. After throwing that harpoon, if you press the remote control device with your finger, then that harpoon becomes an electric harpoon. Kakrasa killed our father, Zudas with that electric harpoon. After a few years, when my elder brother, Zumlu went to take the revenge on Kakrasa, he got convicted. Zumlu is now in the Biggendo prison of Kylowga Kingdom.

Arindam:- If Kakrasa can kill Zudas, then he can also kill Zumlu at anytime. Why is Zumlu still alive?

Zwala:- After the death of Zudas, all the other animals of the sea world including some mermales condemned the incident. All the animals of the sea world decided to have a centralized judiciary body to look after all the legal aspects. New Laws got amended. Many mermales took up the profession of lawyer. All the lawyers of the sea world constructed a centralized court. It is popularly known as the Court Of Judicial Authority (COJA). So, as per the rules of COJA, if Kakrasa kills any animal without any criminal charge, then he will lose the post of Emperor.

Arindam:- Ok! Now I understand. Oh! Our Sea World is so complex. Anyway, thanks for saving my life. I hope that you will surely succeed in releasing your elder brother from Kakrasa’s prison one day.

Zwala:- But, I still don’t understand why Winston informed me to protect you from Kakrasa’s warriors. Well; I will surely find the secret behind it. Go ahead, Arindam. You have to enter the Royal Palace of Tabernia before the sunset. If you ever need to give any information to me in future, then just utter your message in front of any saffron colored Star Fish. Saffron colored Star fishes are expert in transmitting messages through seismic ionic waves under the sea bed. The other saffron colored star fishes receive the messages from different parts of the sea world while staying too close to the sea bed. Best of luck, Arindam! Bye bye!

Arindam:- Bye! Bye! Zwala! See you again later.


Winston:- Spread the rumors that Arindam has died while plucking the Evol flower at Megunaz.

Dobla:- Spread the rumors! But, why should I? Under the Act No. 891Z of COJA laws, spreading rumors is also a type of offense.

Winston:- If you get the news that your biggest enemy is dead, will you order your warriors to start combing search operations to find out your biggest enemy.

Dobla:- Oh! I got it now. Surely, I will spread the rumors now.


General Monduka:- Your Highness! We are getting news from here and there that Arindam has already died.

Vikrant:- That’s really a great news! Only another half an hour left for the sunset.

Kakrasa:- Ha ha ha…after half an hour, you will get married to Princess Mirinda. By the way, Monduka, are you sure about his death? Where is the dead body of that bloody mermale of Jatikano community? Order your warriors to find the dead body. Don’t confirm anybody’s death without seeing its dead body.

General Monduka:- As you wish; Your Highness!


General Hiuen (Army General of Kylowga Kingdom):- Your Highness! We have got the information that lawyer Lavanya (Chief Lawyer of COJA) has filed a petition at COJA regarding the arrest of three innocent mermales; Maradon, Tendula and Panduram.

King Okuta (King of Kylowga Kingdom):- Who are they?

General Hiuen:- They are the friends of mermale Arindam. The son of Kakrasa ordered Kakrasa’s warriors to arrest them without any criminal charge. These three mermales are now in the Xolariv prison.

King Okuta:- Oh! These characters are a part of that Swayambar Contest of King Fola’s daughter. I have read about the entire incident in today’s newsleaves. After all; it was the headlines today. All the mermales and mermaids of several reporting agencies of the sea world are covering up this incident.


Judge Jishu (Chief Judge of COJA):- Lavanya, I appreciate the fact that you are trying to save the life of three innocent mermales, but, don’t forget that you have filed a case against the son of Emperor Kakrasa. You may land in a great trouble in the near future.

Lawyer Lavanya (Chief Lawyer of COJA):- My Lord, I am a fearless mermaid and in this profession of lawyer, one needs to be courageous.

Judge Jishu:- But, don’t be too courageous. There are some lawyers under COJA itself who are expert in proving all lies into truths and many of them are too close to Emperor Karasa also. Anyway, I am sending a letter cum releasing order to the jailer of Xolariv prison. Copies of this letter will also be sent to King Fola and Emperor Kakrasa.


Vikrant (With joy and excitement):- Only 5 minutes left for the sunset. Arindam is yet to arrive. The countdown begins now. Tonight, there will be a great marriage party, the sea world has ever witnessed.

Kakrasa’s warriors and some spectators at the Royal Palace:- Hurrah!


King Fola:- I am smelling something fishy now. Why Vikrant is so overjoyed before the sunset? Is he too confident that Arindam will not return? Where from he is getting that confidence? Something must be fishy! Where is Mirinda?

General Damus:- Your Highness! She is having a prayer while sitting in front of the idol of Goddess Mindevi (Goddess of the Sea World).

King Fola:- Oh! Those bloody superstitions! What has Goddess Mindevi has to do in this regard! How many minutes left for the sunset?

General Damus:- Only 3 minutes!

Queen Lucy:- Oh! You two are looking so upset. One of our informers just gave me the news that the bloody mermale has just entered inside the 2nd gate of our Royal Palace. He will arrive here within a few seconds.

King Fola:- Ah! There he is! Yes! The Champion Mermale has arrived!

General Damus:- Look at Kakrasa and Vikrant. They are just stunned! Wait! Let me go and call Mirinda.


Vikrant (in an angry mood):- How is it possible? How? General Monduka, I am feeling like killing you now itself.

Kakrasa:- Monduka is of your uncle’s age, my dear son. Learn to give some respect to the elders. Somehow, I am getting the impression that you are utilizing my powers nowadays for wrong purposes. I have got a letter from the Chief Judge of COJA that you arrested Arindam’s friends unnecessarily. You told me earlier that Arindam’s friends killed some of our warriors.

Vikrant:- Yeah! I told you the truth.

Kakrasa:- Anyway, he is still alive. The war is not over yet. But, whatever you do, my son, don’t violate the laws. To remain in power, you need to abide by certain rules and regulations.


Queen Lucy:- Returning here was not the only criteria. Where is the Evol flower?

Arindam:- Oh! Yeah! Here it is! But, I will hand it over to Princess Mirinda only.

Princess Mirinda:- Yeah! I am eagerly waiting for this moment.

Arindam:- Wow! Nice to hear from you, Princess! I gift you the lovely yellow colored Evol flower and I would like to give you a lovely kiss on behalf of Octopus Olivia.

Princess Mirinda:- Not now, dear. You can have it later on.

Arindam:- Thanks for saving my life, Princess.

Princess Mirinda:- Thanks for coming here to participate in my Swayambar Contest. Don’t call me Princess Mirinda. Just call me Mirinda.

King Fola:- Good to see that both of you are communicating with each other so frankly. Frankness between couples makes the foundation of a healthy love relationship. My better half never ever understood the concept of frankness. So, Emperor Kakrasa, do you have any objection if I allow my daughter to get married with this mermale of Jatikano community.

Emperor Kakrasa:- Who am I to give objections! He is truly a champion. It is a bad luck for my son. But, it happens. I will find a better mermaid for my son. Start the marriage ceremony tonight. It should be a great marriage ceremony. Congratulations! Arindam!

Arindam:- Thanks a lot! Your Highness!

Emperor Kakrasa:- Your friends have been released from Xolariv prison. They will also join your marriage party tonight. So, just enjoy.

Arindam (flattering in a smart way):- Thanks! Emperor! You are such a nice Emperor of this sea world!


Vikrant:- You are the Emperor of this sea world! Shame on you! You lost to a mermale of Jatikano community. You could have easily ordered your warriors to kill Arindam in front of everyone and let me forcefully marry Princess Mirinda. You are a coward.

Emperor Kakrasa:- No, I am not a coward, but a real Emperor. Had I forced Mirinda to marry you or killed Arindam in front of everyone, then COJA would have ordered me to resign from this post of Emperor. I had to give some respect to my throne. Arindam have won all the levels of this Swayambar contest. So, he deserves to marry Mirinda. I have given words to King Fola two years back that if Mirinda gets any winner in a Swayambar contest, then she can get married to that winner. Now, I cannot take back my words. An Emperor cannot act like a traitor. If I do that, then all the Kings will go against me and I don’t want to do that kind of a blunder. Try to forget Mirinda as soon as possible. There are many mermaids who are more beautiful than Mirinda. If you want a Princess, then you can get married to the daughter of King Duriz of Mukran Kingdom. Her name is Princess Diana.

Vikrant:- Dad, I want to give information about the death of Alligator Ali and Alligator Alisha to their father, Alligator Abbas.

Emperor Kakrasa:- No, I don’t have any objection to it. But, don’t let anyone know that you have tried to provoke Alligator Abbas to take the revenge on Arindam. Otherwise, COJA is there to take action on you.

Vikrant:- Ha ha ha…Dad, I want to meet the mermaid Lavanya once. Where from she gets so much courage?


Priest Peter (Royal Priest of the Royal Palace of Tabernia):- Both of you have to take seven rounds around this Holy Bamboo Pole of Marriage. After completing the seven rounds, both of you will agree to become a married couple while hugging each other. After that ritual, I will put a permanent star mark on your foreheads. That permanent symbol will symbolize that both of you are already married. The symbol will remain on your foreheads for the lifetime. Now, take the seven rounds while holding each other’s hands.


Finnie:- Sorry! You mermales cannot see your friend now as he is busy in enjoying his 1st holy night of marriage with his wife.

Maradon:- Oh! No! We missed the marriage ceremony. The jailer of Xolariv prison could have released us a few minutes earlier.

Nancy:- Wow! At least, you people can tell us about your experiences inside the Xolariv prison. See! We never went to any prison till date.

Tendula:- Very bad experience. We will tell you later about it. Right now, we are feeling very hungry and tired.

Susan:- Yeah! I have sensed that much earlier. All of you follow us. We will give you some good foods and then a lovely guest house to rest.

Panduram:- Wow! Thanks! Thanks! Let’s go there.


Mirinda:- Olivia told you to give only one kiss on her behalf, but, you have already given several kisses to me.

Arindam:- That’s not my fault! That’s the fault of your beauty. Why are you so beautiful? Your beauty tempted me to give several kisses on your sweet cheek.

Mirinda:- Ha ha ha…You are very naughty and courageous too. I fell in love with you when you decided to go to Megunaz to pluck the Evol flower.

Arindam:- I can even give my life for you, dear.

Mirinda:- So, can I? Never ever think of leaving me. Wherever you go, I will follow you.

Arindam:- But, your mother told me something opposite to it. Your mother wants me to stay in this palace only. But, I need to go back to our poor Tomasi village.

Mirinda:- Don’t listen to my mother. Tomorrow, we will start our journey towards Tomasi village.

Arindam:- That’s great!


Priest Jubilion:- Look at the newsleaves today. The marriage of Mermale Arindam and Mermaid Mirinda is in the headlines today.

Doctor Sthatolone:- They must be coming towards Tomasi village. It is written in the newsleaves that Mirinda has agreed to stay with her husband wherever her husband decides to live together.

Bombino (Local leader or head of Tomasi Village):- Oh! They will come here. Our Tomasi village has some prestige. Wait; let me order all the mermales and mermaids of Tomasi village to decorate this village as a paradise.

Siusa:- Thanks a lot, Bombino! We are poor enough to decorate even our house also.

Bombino:- Don’t worry; I have some well designed sea grasses and corals in my house. After all; my wife used to work as a designer of Royal Palace of Tabernia few years back. Now, she has resigned, but, she has not forgotten the art of decorating anything. Ptalone and Siusa, you must feel proud of your son. Even we are feeling proud now.

Ptalone:- Thanks for the compliments! Bombino.


Alligator Abbas:- Take my words, General Monduka. Arindam will not be able to reach Tomasi village.


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