Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Scientist Shahjahan:- Masks? What type of masks do you want me to make?

Vikrant:- I want you to make some special masks which will help us to breathe oxygen even if the amount of oxygen reduces in the sea water. Not only have that, those masks should also have links with a container containing fresh oxygenated water. That container will be tied with our body.

Scientist Shahjahan:- What are you trying to do actually? I want 2 Gold Coins for making each special mask.

Vikrant:- Ok! Done! I am ordering you to make 2000 such masks within the next 30 days.

Scientist Shahjahan:- Ok! Your Highness! I am giving the assurance that your orders will be fulfilled within the deadline.


Tinku (Owner of Tinku Guest House at Hawaii):- Welcome to my guest house. Already, Bombino booked a special room for both of you in my guest house.

Arindam:- What is the name of this beautiful region?

Tinku:- It is Blue Moon Waters. This is one of the best romantic zones of our Sea World. You will understand the ultimate beauty of this place at night time only. 

Mirinda:- Tinku, we are too tired and hungry after a long swimming. 

Tinku:- Oh! Don’t worry; lunch is ready for you at the dining room of my guest house.


Vikrant:- There are lots of oil pipes installed on the sea-bed in and around our sea world. Basically, humans extract oils from our sea-bed. 

General Monduka: - Actually, what is your plan?

Vikrant:- Track down the oil pipes which are nearer to Tomasi village. 

General Monduka:- There are no oil pipes nearer to Tomasi village. But, yes, just at the southern border area of Tabernia kingdom, there are two big oil pipes of ROC (Reliable Oil Company).

Vikrant:- I want to do some minor damages to the surface of those oil pipes to create an artificial oil spill.

General Monduka:- What? You want a whispering death of the habitat of Tabernia Kingdom. Why?

Vikrant:- Sweet revenge! Nothing else! It will look like a natural accident. COJA can prove nothing against me, and on the other hand, both Arindam and Mirinda will die along with their family members.

General Monduka:- Your father is right. You are not at all fit to become an ideal successor of your father.

Vikrant:- Only the time will tell. You don’t need to comment on this regard. 

General Monduka:- I don’t have any sympathy towards Jatikano community. But, if this oil spill takes place, many mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community will also die. How can you be so cruel? Sorry! I am not with you in this mission.

Vikrant:- Have faith on me. I am assuring you that not a single mermale and mermaid of Rajakya and Pitrala community in Tabernia kingdom will die due to the oil spill. Next week only, Scientist Shahjahan will give us around 2000 special masks. Start the training of our warriors with those special masks. Just after the oil spill, these warriors need to act as a rescue team for the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community. 

General Monduka:- Then, it is okay! Is your father aware of this plan?

Vikrant:- No, he is not aware of it. My dad is a cruel emperor, but, still, sometimes, he abides by the true principles of a warrior. He always believes in fair challenges. 

General Monduka:- That’s why; he is an Emperor, not a coward like you.

Vikrant:- Just keep your mouth shut. Don’t forget that after his death, I am his successor. Better be careful.

General Monduka:- Experience always counts. You will understand the importance of a General like me at a later stage. Anyway, Prince Vikrant, how are you going to damage those oil pipes? Those are very strong. For your kind information, humans have installed several hidden cameras on the posts nearer to those oil pipes. More often than not, I have also seen humans visiting this place as divers with cameras attached on their forehead. 

Vikrant:- Can’t we leak those pipes with swords or harpoons?

General Monduka:- Impossible! You can try it out as much as you can.

Vikrant:- Only one mermale can help us in this regard.

General Monduka:- Who?

Vikrant:- Scientist Shahjahan.

General Monduka:- Oh! I see!


Mirinda:- Wow! It is such a romantic place, Arindam. The moonlit night! Look at the sea waters. It is surely a zone of Blue Moon Waters. I am feeling like staying in a paradise.

Arindam:- My goodness! You are dancing out of joy. I am enjoying your dance, sweetheart.

Tinku:- Arindam and Mirinda, what’s the point of dancing without music?

Arindam:- Hey, leave us alone! We are in honeymoon mood and you are monitoring us.

Tinku:- Oh! It is evening only. At midnight, I never monitor my guests. Wait! Let the music start. All the lovely musicians of Blue Moon Waters; please start the music for the newly married couple, Arindam and Mirinda.

Mirinda:- Whoa! Look there, Arindam! All the red crabs are clapping each other to produce a lovely sound. Golden fishes are blowing thin straws to produce sounds of flutes.

Arindam:- Keep on dancing, baby. Look at that corner. Between two big corals, these guys have kept a piano which has been built with the stems of Ocean Bamboo trees. All the little orange and blue fishes are hitting on that piano on a random basis to produce a lovely sound. 

Tinku:- My wife, Tanuja, is a very good singer. Just listen to her song.

Tanuja:- In a sweet night of Blue Moon, Romance will not end so soon. After enjoying the scenic beauty of this Blue Lagoon, you are bound to have a naughty mood for a lovely Honeymoon.

Mirinda:- Great! That’s a nice song! Hey, I can hear the sound of trumpets. 

Tinku:- Come on! Let us go towards the surface of the sea water. Humans are celebrating their last night of this year on the beaches of Hawaii islands. 


Arindam:- Humans are enjoying a lot. They are dancing with their partners. Barbeque is going on. Some are drinking alcohol, some are eating meats and some are dancing wildly. Wow! Humans enjoy those magical moments a lot.

Mirinda:- We are also enjoying, darling. After a few seconds, we will enter into a new year. Can’t you hear those humans counting the countdowns? I want a lovely deep kiss from you at 12 AM of this New Year. The countdown begins. 10…9…8…7…6…5…4…3…2…1...Happy New Year, darling! Kiss me through! 

Tinku:- Aha! Tanuja, don’t watch them now. They are engaged in a wild deep kiss. 

Tanuja:- Have we become too old as a married couple to enjoy such moments?

Tinku:- Okk! Darling! Let me give you a long deep kiss right here, right now. Happy New Year!


Scientist Shahjahan:- The solution to your problem can be solved by using Laser Rays.

Vikrant:- Laser Rays? Ok! Whatever it maybe! I just want minor leakages on the oil pipes to create a massive oil spill in Tabernia Kingdom. 

Scientist Shahjahan:- Oils can spread in any direction. It can even spread to other kingdoms also. Anyway, that’s none of my business. I am just a professional scientist and you are my client. What will I get, if I help you with a device of Laser Rays?

Vikrant:- How many Gold Coins do you want? 

Scientist Shahjahan:- No, no, angry Prince! Not so easy to deal with the No.1 scientist of this sea world. Being a son of Emperor Kakrasa, you possess 9 fortresses, 6 palaces and 11 Special Territories under your name. I will help you in this regard provided you hand over 1 palace, 2 fortresses and 3 Special Territory under my name. I also have a desire to live like a King, though not an Emperor.

Vikrant:- Oh! I never had an idea that behind the mask of a scientist, there lays a greedy and selfish mermale.

Scientist Shahjahan:- Your Highness! Don’t you have a mirror in your palace? Are you not selfish and greedy? Are you not hungry for power? 

Vikrant:- Ok! Leave the topic! You will get what you want, provided my job gets done. It is a top secret mission. No one should know how the oil pipes got leaked.

Scientist Shahjahan:- Ha ha ha…I am a scientist. All my deals are like an irreversible chemical reaction. Everything will remain as a secret, even if you betray with me in future. 


Mirinda:- I am in a naughty mood now. I will keep on swimming here and there. Catch me if you can. 

Arindam:- Ok! I like to swim in these blue waters. Keep on swimming, I will chase you. If I can catch you within half a kilometer, then you have to give me 5 kisses.

Mirinda:- Ha ha ha…ok! I accept the condition. Now, chase me…Hey! What happened! What are you staring at? 

Arindam:- Look at that saffron colored star fish near the sea bed. It is vibrating.

Mirinda:- So? What? Maybe, this saffron colored fish is in a romantic mood. That’s why; it is dancing. Come on; let us play.

Arindam:- No! Mirinda! Some emergency messages are getting transmitted throughout the sea world. Let me go towards it.


Arindam:- Hello! Star Fish! Do you have any emergency news? I saw you vibrating. You are receiving messages and transmitting it through sea-bed.

A Saffron colored Star Fish of Blue Moon Waters Region:- The kingdom of Tabernia is badly affected due to oil spill of the oil pipes of Reliable Oil Company (ROC). Even a small region of Oprestonia and Mukran kingdoms are badly affected. We are already getting messages that around 80 mermales and 50 mermaids of Tabernia kingdom have died due to breathing problems. 

Arindam:- What! Oh! No! God save the Sea World. 

Mirinda:- Arindam, don’t be so upset! Nothing has happened to our Tomasi village. We need to return to our village as early as possible.


Emperor Kakrasa:- I have called for a special emergency meeting regarding the oil spill that happened near the Tabernia kingdom. At this point of time, we have to act as a single unit. I request all the Kings to help as much as you can to speed up the rescue work.

King Fola:- Your Highness! Many mermales and mermaids are missing. Tabernia Kingdom has become a kingdom of death. For some negligence and callous attitude by the humans, we the animals of the sea world are suffering a lot. 

King Criston:- We are with you, King Fola. Don’t hesitate to seek any kind of help from our Oprestonia Kingdom. 

Vikrant:- All of you just don’t need to worry too much about this situation. Already, we have sent our warriors who are acting as a rescue team with special masks. Even, we have ordered to make more such special masks to our Research & Development Department. By wearing those special masks, you can breathe oxygen freely, even if there is too much oil in water. All the masks have links with a backup container to provide you oxygen during emergency situation.

All the Kings at that Meeting:- Baah! Baah! That’s great! Good work, Vikrant. 

King Okuta:- Your Highness! Really, your son is doing a very noble job. I must appreciate that.

Vikrant:- Oh! Thanks for the compliments.

Emperor Kakrasa:- It is not a time to give appreciations or compliments to each other. Just act and save all the animals of this sea world that are in danger. 


Dobla:- We are getting information that the Kakrasa’s warriors are providing special masks to the mermales and mermaids of Rajakya and Pitrala community in the Tabernia kingdom. Kakrasa’s warriors are not helping the mermales and mermaids of Jatikano community. Why such partialities during a rescue work? Are we the mermales of Jatikano community having no value?

Winston:- Dobla, if your information is correct, then, we will go for a massive protest against Emperor Kakrasa. Spread this information to all the mermales of Jatikano community across the sea world. We need to conduct a meeting on this issue.